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19/04/2020 Percona Open Source Advance


Percona Open Source Advance

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A Tailored Migration Solution for Companies

Moving from Proprietary Software to Open Source
Percona Open Source Advance (POSA) is a consulting-led solution which assesses your existing
proprietary database architecture and helps you migrate to the most suitable free open source
software available.

Many companies are unhappy with their existing proprietary software and software vendors:

Customers are locked-in to their vendor

Support costs are often extortionate with few available alternatives
Annual license fees can be very expensive
There is a lack of exibility as companies cannot embrace new systems or cloud-opportunities
(other than those provided by their vendor)

POSA helps you move away from proprietary software and allows you to explore a new world of open
source software alternatives.

In your journey to open source, we will be a trusted and unbiased advisor, working closely with you
throughout the entire migration process. We will conduct a thorough review of your existing systems
and requirements to ensure a smooth and trouble-free migration, with minimal pain and impact on your

Please download our new solution brief (/resources/solution-brief/percona-open-source-advance) to

nd out how you can free yourself from vendor lock-in and realize substantial annual cost savings. 2/4
19/04/2020 Percona Open Source Advance

Percona has extensive experience advising companies on the best way to con gure, manage, and run
their databases. Contact us to discuss how you can stay at the forefront of technology innovation, and
bene t from the ef ciencies and opportunities that open source software brings.

How Percona Can Help

Percona's experts can maximize your database performance with our open source database support
(/services/support), highly-rated training (/training), managed services (/services/managed-services)
or consulting (/services/consulting) professional services. For more information on our database
services, contact us at +1-888-316-9775 (USA) (tel:+1-888-316-9775), +44 203 608 6727 (Europe)
(tel:+44 203 608 6727) or have us reach out to you:

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