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Philosophy 100: Test 1 Study Guide

The Socratic Method - Questions to gain information

- Figure out someone’s stance on things

Thrasymachos - Sophist
- Positive law (negative)
- Political Realism
- “Justice is nothing but the advantage of the

The Principal of Charity - Hole in argument to patch it up

- Makes it stronger before making a counter
- Dialogue to learn

Rulers 1. Money
2. Honor
3. Penalty (“Is to be ruled by a worse man, if one is
not oneself willing to rule)

- Doctors
- Captain
- Political ruler

Perfect Injustice - “Makes the unjust man most happy, and makes
those who are wronged and will not be unjust
most miserable”

Appearance vs Reality - Theme throughout Republic I

- “As it seems by this reasoning, the good one will
be a friend, and the bad one will be an enemy”
Art - Techne
- “Seek & provide the advantage for each, and that
is why it exist”
- “Perfect as possible”
- Power
- Command
- Weaker subjects

Soul - Greek: “Physche”

- Study of Mind

Justice - Righteousness
- Found in the testimony
Philosophy 100: Test 1 Study Guide

Work - Function

Just man work - Not to injure anyone

Unjust man work - Injure

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