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12 Signs & their Significations

Firstly a few things to note about signs.

(I) There are 3 types of signs by Flexibility- Movable, Fixed & Dual.

Movable signs � Aries, Cancer, Libra & Capricorn { these represent Activity,
Movement, Adaptibility, Change, Quickness, Reform, Independence, Moving on,
Flexibility, Dissatisfaction (leading to rapid change0}

Fixed signs � Taurus, Leo, Scorpio & Aquarius { these represent Steadiness,
Rigidity, Headstrong nature, Fixed, Slow but steady, Accumulation, Steady/ Calm,
Resolute, Determined, My way or highway sort of nature, Loving to remain in one
place/ job for a long time, Fixed opinions on spirituality/ religion, Persistent)

Dual signs � Gemini, Virgo, Saggitarius, Pisces [ these represent a mix of both the
above and hence their �dual� nature, Learning oriented, Pedantic, Philosophical,
Inclined to reading/ writing, Inclined to communicate/ preach/ teach, Open to
ideas/ learning, Multitasking, Exploring different options all the time}

(II) There are 4 types of signs by element � Fire, Earth, Wind, Water

Fire signs � Aries, Leo, Saggitarius { Energy, Passion, Aggression, Decisiveness,

Leadership, Dominance, Frank, Outspoken, Extrovertness, Brilliance, Anger, Hot
temprament, Fast Metabloic rate, Active, Pioneering, Separating, Spontaneous,
Inspiring, Self centered, Motivated, Visionary, Enthusiastic, Lovers of activity
and movement/ exploration, My way or highway traits, Impatient, Impulsive}

Earth signs � Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn { Practical, Methodical, Analytical, Slow

and steady, Perservering, Rising to top slowly but surely, Patient, Building/
Accumulating, Practical, Realistic, Down to earth nature, Lover of reality as
opposed to fiction/ imagination, Fact oriented, Sluggish, Resilient, Keen business
skills, Knows real materialistic value of things, Good in details, Good Planners,
Good Managers/ CEOs/ Directors, Dependable/ trustworthy}

Air signs � Gemini, Libra, Aquarius { Quick thinking, Intellectual, Abstract

thought, Communicative, Eager to learn, Good writers/ orators/ spokesmen, Quick in
physical movement, Love Travel & exploration, Journey more important than
destination nature, Great social skills, Great friends, Pleasant, Philosophical
attitude, Sponge like nature for knowledge, Flexible nature, Harmony loving, Beauty

Water signs � Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces { Emotional, Intuitive, Sensitive, Learning,

Passionate, Collectors/ hoarders � collect memories/ articles, Hard to detach,
Nurturing/ caring, Motherly attitude, Forgiving, Imaginative, Introvert nature,
Secretive, Psychic, Dreamy, Lesser physical energy, Detached from practical facts-
go on intuition as opposed to facts, Natural meditation skills if developed,
Tendency to gain weight}

Now there are multiple other ways to categorize signs. But pause here a bit. Now I
am going to post the list of sign rulership by planets, which I posted earlier too.
Here is a good exercise to start making these things intuitive. You know the planet
significations, you know the sign characteristics. BLEND them in your mind. Thats
what each rashi signifies. A good exercise to do.

here is an example � Mars rules Aries and Scorpio (but from above you know Aries is
a Fire sign and movable whereas Scorpio is Water & Fixed). So what is Mars?

You know that too from the planet significations. It is Energy, aggression,
passion, competitive nature, ambition, acitivty etc. So in Aries it will manifest
as Quick thinking, Brilliant, pioneering, extrovert, outwardly aggresive, frank,
outspoken, quick moving and thinking etc. But Scorpio is a watery sign which is
introvert and emotional. So here the aggressive energy of Mars will take the form
of passive aggresive! They will have all that energy Internalized to give them
strong determination, unyielding and very passionate with strong likes/ dislikes.
Unlike Aries, they are not outwardly aggresive, but will not forget and forgive
easily and keep grudges/ jealousies easily. If they learn to control their internal
energy, can be constructive and pentrating like no other giving them deep charisma
and control of their senses)

(III) Sign characteristics as per Gender of sign

All Odd signs are Male � Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Saggitarius, Aquarius

All Even signs are Female � Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces

The Male signs will tend be to more Extrovert, Pushy, Aggresive, Communicative,
Destructive when negative, Assertive, Dominating

The Female signs will tend to be more Calm, Intuitive, Nurturing, Protective,
Quiet, Introverted, Gentle and Emotional

Besides coloring the depositing planets with the above shades, these demarcations
also come in handy much later on when determining gender of children/ siblings etc.

(IV) �Guna� (inherent nature) of Raajsik, Saatvik & Taamsik

This is a deeper topic but to briefly touch it now-

Saatvik signs � Cancer, Leo, Saggitarius & Pisces � These are related to Higher
spiritual thinking and behavior, Seeking out higher wisdom and truth, Meditating,
Focussing, Worshipping God or Nature, Universality and Altruism in Thoughts and
actions, Pure, Learned/ Wise, etc. [Houses ruled by Sun, Moon & Jupiter]

Raajsik signs � Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, Libra- These are related to Action and
adventure, Passions/ desires, Energy, Seeking power/ Money / Fame, Ambitious and
Materialistic (vs. spiritual) [Houses ruled by Mercury & Venus]

Taamsik signs � Aries, Scorpio, Capricorn and Aquarius � These are related to
Pleasing the senses, Seeking lower order gratification of senses in form of
intoxicants/ drugs/ Heavy food, Seeking pleasure in Carnal desires, Also when
negative Tantric or lower order deity worship and Satanic practices, Loving occult
and misusing power, Cruel in nature, Ignorant, etc. [Houses ruled by Mars & Saturn]

(V) Some other Misc. Significations

� Violent Signs � Aries, Scopio & Capricorn [These signs ruled by Mars & Saturn
tend to be destructive and Taamsik in nature and when afflicted in a horoscope will
manifest violent characteristics

� Barren Signs � In terms of female fertility (for conception) Aries, Gemini, Leo,
Virgo are considered Barren (not be fruitful for conception).

� Fruitful Signs � For conception are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces (the water element

� Shirshodaya Signs � Rising head first � Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio,
Aquarius � Planets in these signs will tend to give results in the First half of
their �Dashas� (dont worry about dashas or planetary periods for now. Its a
predictive tool for later)
� Prishtodaya Signs � Rising with Back � Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Saggitarius,
Capricorn � Planets in these signs will tend to give results in the Second half of
their dashas

� Ubhyodaya Signs � Rising both side � Pisces � Planets in this sign tend to give
results in the Middle half of their dashas

There are many other ways to characterize signs. For now, these are enough to know.
With a knowledge of planet characteristics and sign characteristics, a student can
now begin to form simple equations in their minds which determine the overall
nature of Signs.

Aries � Active, Pioneering, Bold, Independent, Charismatic, Entrepreneurial,

Inspirational, Impatient/ restless, Good at starting new initiatives/ projects but
bad at sustaining energy in long projects, Aggressive, Dominant, Leadership skills,
Outspoken, Bold/ fearless, Loves movement, Loves Speed and fast paced activity,
Frank and direct- holds no punches, Confident, Always serving self-interests,
Selfish to some extent.

Taurus � Loyal, Sensual, Slow and steady, Down to earth, Stable, Practical,
Determined, Perseverant, Reliable/ faithful, Loves wining/ dining/ fine arts,
Romantic but discreetly, Easy going, Diplomatic, Secretive, Passionate, Loves
material possessions, Conservative, Dedicated to home and relationships, Loyal to
loved ones, Mostly calm and extremely agitated when pestered too much, Stubborn/

Gemini � Communicative, Intellectual, Think/ talk/ walk fast, Pedantic nature,

Loves learning, Good writing/ reading skills, Clever, Versatile, Able to multitask,
Can have different personalities under different conditions, Argumentative and
oration skills, Adaptable/ flexible, Witty/ humorous, Good in information related
fields, Loves change and diversity in day to day life

Cancer � Emotional, Intuitive, Protective, Motherly, Nurturing, Good memory, Saves

memories/ objects, Sympathetic, Caring, Loves travelling as long as a stable home
to come back to, Loves home life/ finds security in home environment, Hospitable,
Timid mostly but aggressive if loved ones threatened in any manner, Good business
instinct, Ability to learn strong, Honest and Impressionable.

Leo � Leadership abilities, Royal, Noble, Proud, Wanting attention, Cat when loved
and a Lion when ignored, Outspoken, Extroverted, Frank, Honest, Intense, Brilliant,
Innovative, Stubborn, Independent, Confident, Ambitious, Dynamic, Loves to be
complimented, Helpful to friend and family, Protective or fatherly, Fearless &
Energetic, Pushy in an aggressive way.

Virgo � Analytical, Quantitative, Intelligent, Research oriented, Practical, Down

to earth, Lover of hygiene, Lover of order, Perfectionist, Anal retentive, Critical
of problems/ people, Good trade/ business instinct, Good Mathematics, instinct,
Orderly and Methodical, Economical and prudent, Efficient, Always working, Always
analyzing, Worrying tendency, Hard working.

Libra � Pleasant, Balanced, Co-operative, Perfect, Social, Friendly, Loves justice,

Loves harmony, Creative, Lover of arts/ music/ beauty/ literature, Loves social
settings, Charming, Smiling, Diplomatic, Good judgment of both people and
situations, Quick thinker, Extravagant, Loves luxuries, Adaptable, Popular and
liked in friends and people, Good people dealing skills, Good organization skills,
Pushy in a pleasant way.
Scorpio � Secretive, Passionate, Intense, Focused, Determined, Obsessive,
Unyielding, Strong likes & dislikes, Outwardly calm with inner turmoil, Strong
emotions, Complex imagination, Moody, Temperamental, Does not forget or forgive
easily, Cunning, Good skills to remain hidden � e.g. detectives, spies, etc.,
Selfish, Psychic, Penetrating, Can cling to Jealousy and Revengeful feelings,
Charismatic, Magnetic, Self-made, Stubborn

Sagittarius � Outspoken, Bold, Optimistic, Idealistic, Loves travel, Spiritual or

religious, Strong faith, Determined, Pushy to some extent, Jovial, Business like
behavior, Just, Humane, Friendly, Loves making friends, Promises more than ability
to deliver, Ambitious, Expansive, Outspoken, Blunt in speech to a fault, Cheerful,
Loves to preach and teach, Internal tendency to fields of Law. Medicine, Teaching
and Religion.

Capricorn � Practical, Intelligent, Down to earth, Serious, Reserved, Orthodox,

Likes to travel, Perseverant, Rising to the top slowly but surely, Keen business
skills, Managerial ability, Organizational skills, Thoughtful, Patient, Tolerant of
others but Conservative, Hardworking, Self-made, Not easily trusting others.

Aquarius � Abstract thinker, Deep thinker, Socially conscious, Serious like

Capricorn but more communicative, Stubborn, Rigid in thinking, Unlike Capricorn �
does not like moving and changing situations, Scientific and research minded,
Intellectual, Inventive, Thinking ahead of time, Creative, Great in making friends,
Highly Altruistic, Unselfish, Rebellious, Loves to Preach change (but themselves
reserved to some extent), Great self-control

Pisces � Emotional, Sensitive, Impressionable, Kind, Giving and forgiving, Dreamy,

Romantic, Likes music/ arts, Detached to reality, Somewhat weak in physical and
mental activity, Easily trusts others, Moody and temperamental, Spiritual,
Meditative, Likes being alone, Reflective, Forgetful nature, Charitable, Tendency
to Psychic visions and dreams, Inspirational, Softly magnetic and friendly, Happy
go lucky, Liberal, Lacking confidence, Lacking determination to some extent,
Intuitive, Indecisive.

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