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1The most beautiful building in my town is the CATHEDRAL

(the Duomo). It is in the centre of Milan, piazza del Duomo

2Nobody knows who it was DESIGNED by, but people think it

was an architect from northern Europe. construction began in 1386,
but the building was not COMPLETED for another 500 years

3 It is one of the largest cathedrals in the world and it has 135 spires
and 3,400 statues. On top of the Duomo there is gold STATUE of the
Madonna which watches over the city. The statue is called the
“Madonnina”, or the little Madonna. although it is four metres tall.
4 inside the duomo it is quite dark. There are beautiful big WINDOWS
and a lot of intresting statues and monuments. In the chapel of St Fina
there are some wonderful frescoes by Ghirlanda

a. Read the description and complete it with words from the box 5 One of the best things you can do in Milan is to go up to the ROOF
of the Duomo. The VIEW is fantastic- on a clear day you can see the
Cathedral completed designed roof steps statue view windows Italian Alps. You can get the lift, or if you are feeling energetic you can
walk up the 250 STEPS

6 It is free to go in, but you must dress apropriately

b. Match the questions with paragraphs 1 – 6

Is there a view from the building? 5

Describe the building outside 3

Describe the building inside 4
How much does it cost to go in? 6
what is the most beautiful building in your town? where is it? 1
who was it designed by? when was it built? 2
C. find one spelling mistake in each paragraph and correct it
• In the paragraph # 2 peopel,
Correction of paragraph: Nobody knows who it was designed by but PEOPLE think it was an architect from northern Europe . construction began in
1386, but the building was not completed for another 500 years
• In the paragraph # 3 althought,
Correction of paragraph: The statue is called the “Madonnina”, or the little Madonna. ALTHOUGH it is four metres
tall • In the paragraph # 4 beautiful,
Correction of paragraph: There are beatiful big windows and a lot of intresting statues and monuments.
• In the paragraph # 5 clear,
Correction of paragraph: The view is fantastic- on a clear day you can see the Italian Alps.
• In the paragraph # 6 apropriately
Correction of paragraph: It is free to go in, but you must dress appropriately
write a description of a building in your town. answer the questions in b in the rigth order

Description of a building in your town

1. In my city the most beautiful building is Atrio, it is in the International Center of Bogotá, better known for its architectural and technical conditions.
2. This building was designed by architects Richard Rogers and Giancarlo Mazzanti.
3. It is one of the largest buildings in the world with 14,000 m²
4. The design includes aspects such as luminosity in the area at different times of the day and year, as well as ventilation, to incorporate them into the
lanning of buildings, in order to generate the least impact on the environment and reduce costs.
5. From the ceiling, where the vertical gardens become curtains with hanging vegetation, you experience the feeling of being in direct contact with
6. It is not required to enter the building to enjoy the vertical Garden since it is on the outside of the building

• Is there a view from the building? = 5

• Describe the building outside = 3
• Describe the building inside = 4
• How much does it cost to go in? = 6
• what is the most beautiful building in your town? where is it? = 1
• who was it designed by? when was it built? =2

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