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Submitted to

Sir Asad

Submitted by

Alia Atta



Roll No.

41th BS 2nd

A gesture is a form of non-verbal
communication or non-vocal communication in which
visible bodily actions communicate particular messages,
either in place of, or in conjunction with, speech. Gestures
include movement of the hands, face, or other parts of
the body. Gestures differ from physical non-verbal
communication that does not communicate specific
messages, such as purely expressive displays, proxemics,
or displays of joint attention.[1] Gestures allow individuals
to communicate a variety of feelings and thoughts, from
contempt and hostility to approval and affection, often
together with body language in addition to words when
they speak. Gesticulation and speech work independently
of each other, but join to provide emphasis and meaning.
Gesture processing takes place in areas of the brain such
as Broca's and Wernicke's areas, which are used
by speech and sign language.[2] In fact, language is
thought by some scholars to have evolved in Homo
sapiens from an earlier system consisting of manual
gestures.[3] The theory that language evolved from manual
gestures, termed Gestural Theory, dates back to the work
of 18th-century philosopher and priest Abbé de Condillac,
and has been revived by contemporary anthropologist
Gordon W. Hewes, in 1973, as part of a discussion on
the origin of language
Typology (categories)
Humans have the ability to communicate through
language, but they can also express through gestures. In
particular, gestures can be transmitted through
movements of body parts, face, and body
expressions.[22] Researchers Goldin Meadow and Brentari
D. conducted research in 2015 and concluded that
communicating through sign language is no different from
spoken language.[23]

Communicative vs. informative

The first way to distinguish between categories of gesture
is to differentiate between communicative gesture and
informative gesture. While most gestures can be defined
as possibly happening during the course of spoken
utterances, the informative-communicative dichotomy
focuses on intentional of meaning and communication in
co-speech gesture.[22]

Informative (Passive Gestures)

Informative gestures are passive gestures that provide
information about the speaker as a person and not about
what the speaker is trying to communicate.Some
movements are not purely considered gestures, however
a person could perform these adapters in such way like
scratching, adjusting clothing, and tapping.[24]
These gestures can occur during speech, but they may
also occur independently of communication, as they are
not a part of active communication. While informative
gestures may communicate information about the person
speaking (e.g. itchy, uncomfortable, etc.), this
communication is not engaged with any language being
produced by the person gesturing.[22]

Communicative (Active Gestures)

Communicative gestures are gestures that are produced
intentionally and meaningfully by a person as a way of
intensifying or modifying speech produced in the vocal
tract (or with the hands in the case of sign languages),
even though a speaker may not be actively aware that
they are producing communicative gestures.[22] For
instance, on the picture above of Uncle Sam, he is
pointing and sending a non-verbal form of gesture by
implying he wants you to join the U.S. Army. This is a form
of symbolic gesture, usually used in the absence of

Body Language Relating to

Body language is a form of non-verbal communication that
allows visual cues that transmit messages without
speaking. Gestures are movement that are made with the
body: arms, hands, facial, etc.[25] Authors Barbara Pease
and Allan Pease, of the "The Definitive Book of Body
Language" concluded that everyone does a shoulder
shrug, a gesture signifying that the person is not
comprehending what they are supposed to be
understanding. Also, that showing the palms of both hands
to show a person is not hiding anything, and raising the
eyebrows to indicate a greeting.[26]
Finger gestures are commonly used in a variety of ways,
from point at something to indicate that you want to show
a person something to indicating a thumbs up to show
everything is good.[27]
Also, in most cultures nodding your head signifies "Yes",
which the book "The Definitive Book of Body Language"
describes as submissive gesture to representing the
conversation is going the direction of the person speaking.
Interesting, the book explains that people who are born
deaf can show a form of submissive gesture to signify

Manual vs. non-manual

communicative gestures
Within the realm of communicative gestures, the first
distinction to be made is between gestures made with the
hands and arms, and gestures made with other parts of
the body. Examples of Non-manual gestures may include
head nodding and shaking, shoulder shrugging, and facial
expression, among others. Non-manual gestures are
attested in languages all around the world, but have not
been the primary focus of most research regarding co-
speech gesture.
Manual gestures
A gesture that is a form of communication in which
bodily actions communicate particular messages.
Manual gestures are most commonly broken down
into four distinct categories: Symbolic
(Emblematic), Deictic (Indexical), Motor (Beat), and
Lexical (Iconic)[19] It is important to note that manual
gesture in the sense of communicative co-speech
gesture does not include the gesture-signs of Sign
Languages, even though sign language is
communicative and primarily produced using the
hands, because the gestures in Sign Language are
not used to intensify or modify the speech produced
by the vocal tract, rather they communicate fully
productive language through a method alternative to
the vocal tract.

Symbolic (emblematic)
The most familiar are the so-called emblems or quotable
gestures. These are conventional, culture-specific
gestures that can be used as replacement for words, such
as the handwave used in the US for "hello" and "goodbye".
A single emblematic gesture can have a very different
significance in different cultural contexts, ranging from
complimentary to highly offensive.[28] The page List of
gestures discusses emblematic gestures made with one
hand, two hands, hand and other body parts, and body
and facial gestures.
Symbolic gestures can occur either concurrently or
independently of vocal speech. Symbolic gestures are
iconic gestures that are widely recognized, fixed, and have
conventionalized meanings.[19]

Deictic (indexical)
Deictic gestures can occur simultaneously with vocal
speech or in place of it. Deictic gestures are gestures that
consist of indicative or pointing motions. These gestures
often work in the same way as demonstrative words and
pronouns like "this" or "that".[19]
Deictic gestures can refer to concrete or intangible objects
or people.
Motor (beat)
Motor or beat gestures usually consist of short, repetitive,
rhythmic movements that are closely tied with prosody in
verbal speech. Unlike symbolic and deictic gestures, beat
gestures cannot occur independently of verbal speech and
convey no semantic information. For example, some
people wave their hands as they speak to emphasize a
certain word or phrase.
These gestures are closely coordinated with speech. The
so-called beat gestures are used in conjunction with
speech and keep time with the rhythm of speech to
emphasize certain words or phrases.[29] These types of
gestures are integrally connected to speech and thought

Lexical (iconic)
Other spontaneous gestures used during speech
production known as iconic gestures are more full of
content, and may echo, or elaborate, the meaning of the
co-occurring speech. They depict aspects of spatial
images, actions, people, or objects.[31] For example, a
gesture that depicts the act of throwing may be
synchronous with the utterance, "He threw the ball right
into the window."[30] Such gestures that are used along
with speech tend to be universal.[32] For example, one
describing that he/she is feeling cold due to a lack of
proper clothing and/or a cold weather can accompany
his/her verbal description with a visual one. This can be
achieved through various gestures such as by
demonstrating a shiver and/or by rubbing the hands
together. In such cases, the language or verbal description
of the person does not necessarily need to be understood
as someone could at least take a hint at what's being
communicated through the observation and interpretation
of body language which serves as a gesture equivalent in
meaning to what's being said through communicative
Social significance
Gesturing is probably universal; there has been no report
of a community that does not gesture. Gestures are a
crucial part of everyday conversation such as chatting,
describing a route, negotiating prices on a market; they
are ubiquitous.[35] Gestures are learned embodied cultural
practices that can function as a way to
interpret ethnic, gender, and sexual identity.
Gestures, commonly referred to as "body language," play
an important role in industry. Proper body language
etiquette in business dealings can be crucial for success.
However, gestures can have different meanings according
to the country in which they are expressed. In an age of
global business, diplomatic cultural sensitivity has become
a necessity. Gestures that we take as innocent may be
seen by someone else as deeply insulting.[35]
The following gestures are examples of proper etiquette
with respect to different countries’ customs on salutations:
• In the United States, "a firm handshake, accompanied
by direct eye contact, is the standard greeting. Direct
eye contact in both social and business situations is
very important."[36]
• In the People's Republic of China, "the Western custom
of shaking a person's hand upon introduction has
become widespread throughout the country. However,
oftentimes a nod of the head or a slight bow will suffice."
• In Japan, "the act of presenting business cards is very
important. When presenting, one holds the business
card with both hands, grasping it between the thumbs
and forefingers. The presentation is to be accompanied
by a slight bow. The print on the card should point
towards the person to which one is giving the card."
• In Germany, "it is impolite to shake someone's hand
with your other hand in your pocket. This is seen as a
sign of disrespect".
• In France, "a light, quick handshake is common. To
offer a strong, pumping handshake would be considered
uncultured. When one enters a room, be sure to greet
each person present. A woman in France will offer her
hand first."[37]

In Hinduism and Buddhism, a mudra (Sanskrit, literally

"seal") is a symbolic gesture made with the hand or
fingers. Each mudra has a specific meaning, playing a
central role in Hindu and Buddhist iconography.
A common religious gesture include crossing oneself in a
number of Christian religions as a sign of respect, typically
by kneeling before a sacred object in many.[38] Gestures
play a central role in religious or spiritual rituals such as
the Christian sign of the cross.
Gestures are also a means to initiate a mating ritual. This
may include elaborate dances and other movements.
Gestures play a major role in many aspects of human life.
Gesturing is probably universal; there has been no report
of a community that does not gesture. Gestures are a
crucial part of everyday conversation such as chatting,
describing a route, negotiating prices on a market; they
are ubiquitous.[32]
Additionally, when people use gestures, there is a certain
shared background knowledge. Different cultures use
similar gestures when talking about a specific action such
as how we gesture the idea of drinking out of a cup.[38]
When an individual makes a gesture, another person can
understand because of recognition of the
Gestures have been documented in the arts such as in
Greek vase paintings, Indian Miniatures or European
An example, Vitarka Vicara, the gesture of discussion and
transmission of Buddhist teaching. It is done by joining the
tips of the thumb and the index together, while keeping the
other fingers straight.

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