Precision Farming Decision Making Worksheet

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Precision farming decision making worksheet

For each type of decision you enter in the first column, describe the information needed in the second column
and the benefits of using a map in the third column.

Decision Information Needed

Data or information that we must
know in the provision of fertilizers for
large areas with a precision farming
system is the nutrient content of the
soil, and the nutritional needs of
plants. Side or part on a large areas has
different nutrient content, for that in
running a precision farming system it
Fertilizer application is necessary to know the nutrient
content in the areas, when the nutrient
content in the land we already know,
we can find information about the
nutritional needs of plants , which is
adapted to areas conditions.
How can precision farming technology help make a better decision?
Because precision farming using the sistematik technology, it is have the good plans for to run the system. For
example , before we are give output fertilizer we must to make the fertilizer map, for that we can give output fertil
with the right composition as needed
g worksheet
on needed in the second column

Precision farming is the management of
agriculture that uses maping methods to run
the system. The advantage of using nutrient
maping on our fields can be to adjust
fertilizer output to plants, so that the nutrient
content in the soil is neither excessive nor
deficient. with this, the environment on the
fields can be maintained.
ve the good plans for to run the system. For
ilizer map, for that we can give output fertilizer

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