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Drug Study Format

Name:___________________________________ Date:
Generic Name: acetaminophen Nursing Responsibilities
Action Rationale
Brand Name: ofirmev 1. Pverify doctors order. To ensure that this is the drug of choice for the patient

Dose/ Route/Frequency: 650 mg I.V q4 hrs. 2. Consider the 10 rights of drug To prevent medical error in drug
administration. administration.
3. Explain the purpose of the drug. To gain cooperation and promote
Mechanism of Action: Produce analgesia by compliance.
inhibiting prostaglandin and other 5. Ensure that the patient receive To increase the effectiveness of the
substances that sensitize pain receptors. full course of the drug. drug.
Drug may relieve fever through central
action in the hypothalamic heat-regulating
Physiologic classification: Analgesics 6. Advise patient to avoid alcohol To prevent risk of liver damage.

Pharmacologic Classification: Para-

aminophenol derivatives 8. Advise patient notify health car if To prevent risk of infection.
rash occur
Desired Effect: to relieve the pain. 9. Advise patient to avoid using To prevent toxicity.
another OTC product.
10. Monitor vital signs. To obtain baseline data.
Indication/s: mild pain or fever; mild to
moderate pain; moderate to severe pain 12. Ensure patient to keep bed To ensure safety.
with opioid analgesics; fever. rest.
Contraindication/s: hypersensitivity to 13. Document and monitor closely For legal purposes.
drug; patient with severe hepatic the relief.
impairment or sever active liver disease.
Caution use in patients with anemia or cardiac,

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pulmonary, renal, or hepatic disease

Side Effects: nausea, stomach pain, loss of appetite, itching, rash, headache, dark urine, clay-colored
stools, or jaundice .

Adverse Effects: Agitation, anxiety, fatigue, insomnia, pyrexia, HTN, hypotension, peripheral
edema, periorbital edema, tachycardia, constipation, oliguria,
hypoalbuminemia, hypophosphatemia, wheezing, infusion-site pain, extremity
pain, muscle spasm, pulmonary edema, stridor, hypoglycemia, abnormal
breath sound, dyspnea, hypoxia, pleural effusion, atelectasis.

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