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Have you wonder why we always the need to wear bra? We women always wear a bra, but the longer
you wear them, it’s kind of irritating, especially in the heat; it will give you boob sweat, chaffing, and
fabric discoloration. And you have the feel to take the bra off, and when you do, it does whatever it
wishes, to swinging jingling, and most importantly BREATH.

There is a day for Bras, it is called “National No Bra Day” is this originally originated on July 9, but it
moved on October 13 because of the National Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

What is National No Bra Day? National No Bra Day can be tracked to Toronto, Canada, when a Plastic
Surgeon named Dr. Mitchell Brown decides to create BRA Day (Breast Reconstruction Awareness). The
day is to educate patients about mastectomy surgeries.

People who want to take part in observing this day can also post on social media using hashtag:
#NationalNoBraDay or even just #NoBraDay to promote awareness of breast cancer symptoms and to
encourage gender equality. Some social media users also encourage women to post pictures of
themselves not wearing bra. But for the women who doesn’t want to post and the likes of wearing a bra
are chosen to wear a color purple clothes to observe this day.

In 2012 Lina Esco introduced the phrase “Free the Nipple”, she said that being topless is what we had to
do to start a real dialogue about equality, this is not about being topless, this is about equality, it’s about
having that choice. (Time Magazine 2014)

There is a history of women ditching bras where it takes back in 1960 and 70s where it was called “bra
burning”, the trope of feminists burning their bra together. When women tossed anti-feminist items
into a trash can that was set on fire, women filled space that was known as the freedom trash can, with
various items like high heels, false eyelashes, women’s magazine and BRAS.

This movement actually encourage to donate money or time to the various agencies that are either
looking for a cure for breasts cancer or helping empower women after they have had a breast cancer.

National No Bra Day is a great day for women to leave their bras back at home, wear purple and help
spread the word about breast cancer, raising awareness about breast cancer to help raise more money
for charities and to encourage more women to get mammograms will results is less women dying from
this diseases

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