Factors Affecting Water

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Journal of Ecological Engineering

Volume 18, Issue 4, July 2017, pages 110–117

DOI: 10.12911/22998993/74288 Research Article


Artur Jachimowski1

Department of Technology and Ecology of Products, Faculty of Commodity Science, Cracow University of
Economics, Rakowicka 27, 31-510 Kraków, Poland, e-mail: artur.jachimowski@uek.krakow.pl

Received: 2017.05.03 ABSTRACT

Accepted: 2017.05.31 An effect of factors determining water quality in the water supply network in Kraków
Published: 2017.07.01 is assessed. The data collected over a four-year research period included quality pa-
rameters of water taken from the water distribution system in the period between
1 January 2011 and 31 December 2014. In the analysis the supply zones of four
municipal water treatment plants in Krakow were considered. The selection of 29
water sampling points within the supply area allowed comparing water quality with
respect to operational and technological aspects. Factor analysis enabled 4 compo-
nents explaining correlations between tap water quality variables to be distinguished.
It follows from the research performed that the obtained factors applied to 77% of
overall water variability. The highest share was assigned to factor 1 that explained
32% of the chemical composition of water under consideration and was correlated
with calcium, conductance, nitrates (V), magnesium and to a moderate extent with
∑ THM (with negative sign).

Keywords: factor analysis, secondary contamination of water, water supply network,

water quality

INTRODUCTION ter stability during the transmission from water

treatment plant to customer [Łomotowski 2007,
In water distribution systems both physico- Kowal and Świderska-Bróż 2009].
chemical and microbiological indices can change. Water is considered as chemically stable when
There are a lot of factors that have an effect on it does not cause the precipitation of deposits,
secondary contamination of water that can be mainly calcium carbonate (CaCO3) [Świderska-
supplied to consumers. The type and intensity of Bróż and Wolska 2006, Biłozor et al. 2010]. The
processes occurring within water supply systems main indicators of contamination for chemically
decide on the form of contamination (suspended, unstable water in the water distribution system
colloidal or dissolved). However, the type of con- are total iron and related turbidity, colour and the
centration of contaminants penetrating into water use of free chlorine [Świderska-Bróż i Wolska
depend on the amount and chemical composition 2005]. However, biologically stable water does
of deposits in a water supply system, the number not support microbial growth. This is connected
and kind of microorganisms living in biofilms, with the lack of organic and inorganic nutrients
microbial metabolic pathways, biochemical pro- enabling microbial growth [Świderska-Bróż
cesses and stability of flowing water [Kowal and 2003, Świderska-Bróż and Wolska 2006, Kowal
Świderska-Bróż 2009, Pierścieniak 2009]. and Świderska-Bróż 2009, Biłozor et al. 2010].
Chemical and microbiological stability of wa- Secondary bacterial growth in the water sup-
ter in distribution systems is affected by the raw ply system imposes high doses of disinfection
water quality [Jachimowski 2016] and reliability agents to be used to inhibit microbial growth. This
of treatment processes. Therefore, the main prob- is why the kind and concentration of disinfectant
lem of all water supply systems is the loss of wa- used depend on the number of microorganisms

Journal of Ecological Engineering Vol. 18(4), 2017

and their resistance to a specified agent, pipe- inhibit the diffusion of Fe(II) from the sediment
line material and deposits that use disinfectant into tap water [Weber 2010].
[Kowal, Świderska-Bróż 2009]. Water supply The quality of the treated water depends, to a
tubing is an ideal habitat both for heterotrophic large extent, on factors related to technical con-
and autotrophic bacteria. However, the develop- dition and the age of the water supply network
ment of biofilm depends on the quality of water [Gamrot et. al. 2001, Bergel 2012]. Pipe age that
flowing through the pipe network. The presence decides on failure rate is of special importance.
of assimilable organic carbon in water is a factor A long period of use significantly accelerates the
limiting the growth of heterotrophic microorgan- wear of pipe materials [Bergel et. al. 2013]. This
isms [Łomotowski 2007]. increases the risk of water supply system failure
During the transmission of water in water sup- [Tchórzowska-Cieślak 2010, Kwietniewski 2011,
ply networks a deterioration of its taste and odour Rak and Tchórzowska-Cieślak 2013]. Hydraulic
and increased colour and turbidity indices are of- conditions in the water supply network (flow ve-
ten observed. There is also a risk of an increase locity, water pressure and too long water age as
in the number of indicator bacteria. In addition, well as water supply outages have an important
in water disinfected with chlorine or chlorine di- effect on the quality of water delivered to con-
oxide the amount of disinfection by-products in- sumers [Świderska-Bróż and Wolska 2006].
creases. Also, iron and manganese concentrations One of the factors causing the deterioration of
increase and water pH, hardness and alkalinity water supplied to customers is corrosion process-
change [Łomotowski 2007, Bergel et al. 2013]. es in outdoor and indoor water pipes. Corrosion
The aim of this paper is to determine an effect is enhanced by the presence of aggressive car-
of some factors on water quality in the distribution bon dioxide in water that deteriorates the passive
system of the Water Treatment Plants at the Munic- films (oxide coatings). Corrosion rate is affected
ipal Water Supply and Sewerage Plant in Kraków. not only by water pipeline materials but also by
Application of factor analysis to identify the physicochemical composition of water. The effect
origin of chemical composition of water intend- of corrosion is the deterioration of water supply
ed for human consumption is presented. This is network materials and enrichment of water deliv-
a complex problem as water production is based ered to customers with dissolved forms of met-
als. Therefore, the quality of water delivered to
on 4 water treatment plants (Raba, Rudawa,
consumers depends primarily on processes that
Dłubnia and Bielany) that use surface waters as
occur in the water distribution system. The water
a source of drinking water, except for one deep
corrosivity index plays an important role in these
water intake. The analysis made in the years 2011
processes [Januszewska et al. 2011].
to 2014 pertained to selected physicochemical
Biofilms may be formed on the inner walls
parameters determined in selected points of the
of water supply pipelines. They may increase
water supply network.
the risk of microbiological contamination of wa-
ter. As follows from the research carried out, the
strongest water quality changes related to corro-
SECONDARY CONTAMINATION OF sion and biofilms will occur in indoor water sup-
WATER IN DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM ply systems of small diameter pipes.
In the water disinfection process chlorine wa-
The cause of deteriorating water quality may ter or chlorine dioxide solutions are used. Some
be sediments which build up on the inside of water supply plants use sodium hypochlorite.
pipelines. The research performed has shown that The process of disinfectant decay in water in-
iron sediments may occur inside water supply volves two stages. The first stage occurs directly
pipelines at iron concentration of 0.05 mg·dm-3. after the disinfectant is put into water and lasts
This leads to an increase in iron concentration from a few minutes to several hours depending
despite of good water chemical composition on water composition and temperature. The rate
when pumping water into the network. This is of disinfectant decay is affected by its relations
caused by picking off sediments due to changes with organic and mineral compounds susceptible
in water flow direction or rate in water distribu- to oxidation [Łomotowski 2007]. At the second
tion network and iron penetration into water by stage the rate of chlorine decay in water is charac-
its dissolution. It has been demonstrated that in terized by a first-order reaction (first-order kinet-
the latter case an appropriate oxygenation can ics) [Haas and Karra 1984, Kiéné and Lévi 1998].

Journal of Ecological Engineering Vol. 18(4), 2017

The key task of collective water supply sys- RESEARCH METHODOLOGY

tems is to provide inhabitants with healthy water
[Act of 7 June 2001]. However, this objective is The object of this study was to perform statis-
not always achieved. This is observed in deterio- tical analysis of laboratory water test results in the
rating water quality in distribution systems for distribution network in Kraków. The determina-
many years. There are various causes of second- tion of tap water physicochemical parameters was
ary contamination of water delivered to custom- carried out in the years 2011 – 2014. Test samples
ers. They may occur individually or coexist and were taken at a specified point of the network on
interact, thus deteriorating the quality of water average every three months every year (Table 2).
transferred in distribution systems. The thor- The mean values were computed from the results
ough analysis allowed identification of the cru- obtained over an 8-year period. The results of de-
cial factors involved. When classifying them the termination were made available from the Cen-
full range of causes of secondary contamination tral Laboratory of the MPWiK S.A. of Kraków
in the network was considered and the factors of [Central Laboratory MPWiK S.A. 2015], and
especially strong influence on water quality (ac- selected indices were determined according to
the research method register [Central Laboratory
cording to its severity) were highlighted [Kwiet-
MPWIK S.A. 2013].
niewski et. al. 2012]. When considering the above
The samples of treated water for laboratory
assumptions the following division has been pro-
testing were taken at points located in various
posed, as presented in Table 1.
Kraków districts. There were primarily public
The factors listed above do not always affect
facilities such as schools, kindergartens, shops,
individually the quality of water transferred in the
petrol stations and offices.
network. A single factor may often cause chang- The basic statistical parameters, i.e. mean,
es in water quality in various areas of influence minimum and maximum values, standard devia-
[Kwietniewski et. al. 2012]. tion and coefficient of variation were calculated
However, Bergel and other researchers di- for selected tap water quality parameters.
vide the factors affecting tap water quality into To identify processes deciding on the chem-
two categories: external and internal ones. The istry of water taken and treated by the ZUW fac-
external ones include water contamination during tor analysis, principal component method was
failures and its resolving, expanding the pipelines used. This technique allows the variability of all
and operation and repairs. The inner ones include water parameters under examination to be anal-
sediment accumulation in pipes, sediment loosen- ysed simultaneously, and various sources of tap
ing, pipe corrosion, chemical reactions in water, water contamination to be extracted as factors.
microbial growth on pipe walls and biological Another possibility is to determine the percentage
contamination (the so called biofilm) [Świderska- share of theses sources in forming water chemi-
Bróż and Wolska 2007, Bergel et. al. 2009]. cal composition [Modelska and Burzyński 2007].

Table 1. Factors causing secondary contamination in water supply networks

Factor classes Examples of factors
• Effectiveness of water treatment processes in water supply systems
• Disinfection by-products
Water-related factors
• Lack of water biostability and consequential microbial growth
• Lack of water biostability and resulting corrosivity and sediment accumulation
• Water flow velocity
Factors connected with hydraulic conditions
• Water ceasing to flow and stagnation in the network
in the network
• Pressure variations
• Pipe age
• Presence of sediments
Operational factors • Incrustation in pipelines
• Network failure rate
• Operational negligence
Factors related to pipe material and
• Types of pipe material, sealing and protective coatings
• Network spatial layout
Factors related to network structure
• Fire fighting requirements
Source: based on [Kwietniewski et. al. 2012]

Journal of Ecological Engineering Vol. 18(4), 2017

Table 2. Water sampling points in the municipal water supply network in Kraków in the years 2011–2014
Item Sampling point Supply area Item Sampling point Supply area
ul. Kutrzeby 4 – NZOZ Kraków
1 ul. Zarzecze 106 – fire department 16
Południe (Central Laboratory)
ul. Kosiarzy 1 –
ds. Sosnowa 8 – Sera and
2 17 MPWiK – Sewage Treatment
Vaccines Manufacturing Company
Rynek Podgórski 1 – Kraków ZUW Raba
3 ul. Stawowa 179 – school ZUW Rudawa 18
City Council
ul. Tokarskiego 1 ul. Komandosów 1 – SM
4 19
– DS “Akropol” (dormitory) Podwawelska
ul. Nałkowskiego 1 – health care ul. Stoczniowców 7
5 20
centre – health care centre
6 ul. Łokietka 177 – Energoprzem 21 ul. Kantorowicka 77 – bakery
ul. Poronińska 7 – Samorządowe os. Złotej Jesieni 1 – WSS im.
7 22
Przedszkole nr 145 L. Rydygiera
ul. Chałubińskiego 21 – sklep ZUWDłubnia
8 23 os. Górali 5 – Dom Kultury
ogólnospożywczy „Olimp”
ul. Stojałowskiego 1 – petrol
9 24 os. Na Skarpie 8 – szkoła
10 ul. Cechowa 57 – school 25 ul. Mirowska 278 – RZGW
ul. Babińskiego 29 – Krakowski ZUW Raba
11 26 ul. Astronautów 5 – sklep
Szpital Neuropsychiatryczny
ul. Spółdzielców 3, Spółdzielnia ul. Kamedulska 70 – health
12 27
Mieszkaniowa na Kozłówce, care centre ZUW Bielany
ul. Bieżanowska Tyniec, ul. Bolesława
13 28
40 – kindergarten Śmiałego 7
14 ul. Brożka 3 – M.P.K.
29 Las Wolski – ZOO
15 ul. Gronostajowa 3 – kampus UJ

The principal component analysis was used also above parameters the most important factors re-
to examine the water produced by 4 water treat- sponsible for water quality changes in the distri-
ment plants (Raba, Rudawa, Dłubnia and Biela- bution system are presented in (Fig. 1). It follows
ny) that employ a highly advanced treatment from the correlation matrix of factor loadings that
technology [Adamczyk and Jachimowski 2014]. the examined waters from Rudawa, Dobczyce
This is why only these parameters that had suf- Reservoir, Dłubnia and Sanka differ in the num-
ficient representations and showed diversification ber and share of extracted factors (Table 3).
were used.

Table 3. Rotated component matrix – tap water

1 2 3 4
The most important cause of secondary Conductivity 0.955
contamination of water introduced into the dis- Calcium 0.949
Nitrates 0.896
tribution network from the treatment plant is
Magnesium 0.825
the lack of its biological and chemical stability. ∑THM -0.746
However, there are conditions enhancing bac- Turbidity 0.939
terial growth and sedimentation dissolution in Colour 0.888
stable drinking water. Iron 0.877
The following physicochemical indices were Sodium 0.826
determined in tap water: free chlorine, colour, tur- TOC 0.805
bidity, pH, conductivity, iron, aluminium, sodium, Aluminium -0.756
ammonium ion, potassium, magnesium, calcium, Free chlorine 0.790
Ammonium ion 0.714
∑ chlorates(V) and chlorates(III), fluorides, chlo-
rides, nitrates(III), nitrates(V), phosphates(V), contribution in 32 20 16 9
sulphates(VI), copper, total organic carbon variability
(TOC), ∑THM (total trihalomethanes). For the Source: own research based on the MPWiK results

Journal of Ecological Engineering Vol. 18(4), 2017

Fig. 1. Plot of factor loadings for tap waters in the years 2011–2014
Source: own research based on the MPWiK results

The analysis of waters coming from 4 main cause water to turn a reddish brown colour and
supply areas of the city of Kraków enabled 4 fac- give water an unpleasant taste and odour and
tors that explain 77% of its chemical composition stimulates bacterial growth. In addition, the pres-
to be isolated. Based on factor loadings of water ence of iron compounds in drinking water causes
withdrawn at specified points of the water sup- turbidity that enhances microbial growth.
ply network factor 1 that explains 32% of water Factor 3 representing 16% of variability is
chemical composition was isolated. During the strongly correlated with sodium, total organic
analysis it was highly correlated with the follow- carbon and aluminium (minus sign). This indi-
ing indices: calcium, conductivity, nitrates(V), cates that the use of aluminium coagulants pro-
magnesium and moderately with ∑THM (with motes removal of organic substances from water
negative sign). These indices have the largest of lower sodium ion concentrations.
contribution in multi-feature differentiation of tap For Factor 4 that explains 9% of water chemi-
water quality. The values of factor loadings indi- cal composition, there is a strong relationship
cate that water that contained a relatively large with free chlorine and a moderate with ammo-
amount of nitrates(V) had both higher conductiv- nium nitrogen. The content of ammonium ni-
ity and total hardness (sum of Ca2+ and Mg2+ions). trogen is an important factor from the chlorine
However, soft waters of the lowest conductivity disinfection efficiency, as it forms chloramines
among all examined samples had a relatively high in reaction with chlorine.
concentration of disinfection by-products, i.e. The principal component analysis carried
∑THM. These waters were produced at the ZUW out forms a general assessment model for water
Raba where gaseous chlorine is used. quality in the water supply system of the city of
Factor 2 that explains 20% variability of Kraków. This consists in determining quite new
chemical composition is characterised by a strong variables (principal components) to explain chem-
correlation with turbidity, colour and iron. This ical composition variations for the examined wa-
indicates that the number of colour units in- ter. Each of isolated factors has been represented
creased with increasing iron concentration. Iron as a linear combination of the original variables.

Journal of Ecological Engineering Vol. 18(4), 2017

AN ASSESSMENT OF WATER QUALITY IN means of analysed physicochemical indices in the

A WATER SUPPLY NETWORK period under investigation meet the requirements
of national [Regulation of the Minister of Health
The water quality indices at selected points of 13 November 2015] and European standards
of the water supply network that correspond [EU Directive 98/83/EC of 3 November 1998].
to a specified plant were evaluated. Moni- It follows from the conducted research that the
toring covered the period between 2011 and water produced at the ZUW Raba was of the best
2014. The values of microbiological and physico- quality – the lowest values of physicochemical
chemical parameters were compared with guide- indices compared to those of other plants [Adam-
lines contained in the Regulation of the Minister czyk and Jachimowski 2012].
of Health on quality requirements for water in- The maximum values of tap water quality in-
tended for human consumption [Regulation of the dices are presented in Table 4.
Minister of Health of 13 November 2015]. In water intended for consumption the values
When assessing the quality of water tak- of microbiological indices , i.e. group of coliform
en into the water supply network of the city of bacteria, Escherichia coli, Enterococcus and Clos-
Kraków it should be concluded that monthly tridium perfringens should be 0 cfu in 100 ml of

Table 4. An assessment of water quality in the municipal water supply network in Kraków in the years
Number of
Index Unit TLV Max Location of exceedings
Coliform bacteria cfu/ml 0 0 0 No
Escherichia coli cfu/ml 0 0 0 No
Enterococcus (Enterococcus
cfu/ml 0 0 0 No
Clostridium perfringens
cfu/ml 0 0 0 No
(including spores)
Tokarskiego 1, Cechowa
Total number of microorganisms 57,Gronostajowa 3, Kutrzeby 4,
cfu/ml 100 370 5
at 22°C after 72h Kosiarzy 1, Bolesława Śmiałego 7,
Las Wolski – ZOO
Babińskiego 29, Kamedulska 70,
Free chlorine mg∙dm-3 0.3 0.5 3
Las Wolski – ZOO
Colour mgPt∙dm-3 15 16 1 Mirowska 278
Cechowa 57, Mirowska 278,
Turbidity NTU 1 2.9 6
Kamedulska 70
Odour acceptable No
Taste acceptable No
pH 9.5 8.11 0 No
Specific conductivity at 25°C µS∙cm-1 2500 765 0 No
Kutrzeby 4, Mirowska 278,
Iron mg∙dm-3 0.2 0.49 7
Las Wolski – ZOO
Aluminium mg∙dm-3 0.2 0.117 0 No
Sodium mg∙dm-3 200 42.6 0 No
Ammonia mg∙dm-3 0.5 0.39 0 No
Potassium mg∙dm-3 5.9 No
Magnesium mg∙dm-3 125 18 0 No
Calcium mg∙dm-3 135 No
Σ chlorates and chlorites mg∙dm-3 0.7 0.66 0 No
Fluorides mg∙dm-3 1.5 0.29 0 No
Chlorides mg∙dm-3 250 78 0 No
Nitrates (III) mg∙dm-3 0.5 0.2 0 No
Nitrates (V) mg∙dm-3 50 26.2 0 No
Phosphates (V) mg∙dm-3 0.84 No
Sulphates (VI) mg∙dm-3 250 109 0 No
Copper mg∙dm-3 2 0.02 0 No
TOC mg∙dm-3 5 4.57 0 No
Σ THM µg∙dm-3 100 48.6 0 No
Source: own research based on the MPWiK results

Journal of Ecological Engineering Vol. 18(4), 2017

examined water. The related requirements stipu- was found 8 times: one at Kutrzeby 4 (31 Au-
lated in the regulation were met. The total num- gust 2011 – 0.303 mg∙dm-3), 5 times at Mirows-
ber of microorganisms at 22°C  after  72h should ka 278 (1 March 2011 – 0.490 mg∙dm-3; 7 June
not exceed 100 cfu per 100 ml of water. These re- 2011 – 0.382 mg∙dm-3; 13 February 2012 – 0.479
quirements have not been met at eight points of the mg∙dm-3; 9 May 2012 – 0.204 mg∙dm-3; 22 April
water supply network, namely: Tokarskiego 1 (22 2014 – 0.308 mg∙dm-3) and twice at Las Wols-
July 2014 – 130 cfu/ml), Cechowa 57 (3 October ki – ZOO (9 May 2012 – 0.219 mg∙dm-3; 16 Janu-
2012 – 134 cfu/ml), Gronostajowa 3 (17 June 2014 ary 2013 – 0.228 mg∙dm-3).
– 104 cfu/ml), Kutrzeby 4 (31 August 2011 – 370 Other parameter, namely aluminium, sodium,
cfu/100 ml), Kosiarzy 1 (31 August 2011 – 110 ammonium nitrogen, potassium, magnesium, cal-
cfu/100 ml), Stoczniowców 7 (19 August 2014 cium, Σ chlorates(V) and chlorates(III), fluorides,
– 180 cfu/ml), Tyniec – Bolesława Śmiałego 7 chlorides, nitrates(III), nitrates(V), sulphates(VI),
(24 April 2013 – 112 cfu/100 ml) and Las Wol- copper, TOC and ΣTHM did not exceed permis-
ski – ZOO (24 April 2013 – 121 cfu100 ml). sible values stipulated in standards.
If water is contains chlorine compounds ex-
ceeding the applicable standard, free chlorine
should be kept at a level of 0.3 mg∙dm-3. The max-
imum permissible chlorine concentration in wa-
ter was exceeded at: Babińskiego St. 29 (4 April 1. A plurality of factors determining drinking
2012 – 0.50 mg∙dm-3), Kamedulska 70 (1 March water quality causes that the quality is a func-
2011 – 0.44 mg∙dm-3) and Las Wolski – ZOO (13 tion of many parameters that have a different
February 2012 – 0.38 mg∙dm-3).
and variable contribution in the final microbio-
Water colour should be acceptable for con-
logical and physicochemical composition. The
sumers and show no abnormal changes. Accord-
factors associated with water, hydraulic condi-
ing to the regulation of the Minister of Health
tions in the network, pipe material and sealing
of 2007, the permissible value was set at 15
and network structure play an important role.
mgPt∙dm-3. This limit has been exceeded only
2. Factor analysis enabled 4 components explain-
once – on 7 June 2011 at Mirowska St. 278 and
ing a relationship between tap water quality
was 16 mgPt∙dm-3.
indices to be distinguished. The obtained fac-
According to legal regulations drinking wa-
tors applied to 78% of total water variability.
ter turbidity must be acceptable for consumers,
The highest share was assigned to factor 1 that
and should show no abnormal changes and not
exceed 1 NTU. This limit was exceeded once explained in 32% the chemical composition of
in water withdrawn at Cechowa 57 (31 July water under consideration and was correlated
2012 – 1.1 NTU), 5 times at Mirowska 278 with calcium, conductance, nitrates(V), mag-
(1 March 2011 – 1.5 NTU; 7 June 2011 – 2.9 NTU; nesium and to a moderate extent with ∑ THM
13 February 2012 – 1.5 NTU; 9 May 2012 – 1.2 (with negative sign).
NTU; 22 April 2014 – 2 NTU) and twice at Ka- 3. Within the ZUW Dłubnia drinking water sup-
medulska 70 (7 June 2011 – 1.26 NTU; 22 April ply area an increase of ∑THM concentration
2014 – 1.5 NTU). with increasing distance from the plant was ob-
Odour and taste of water intended for con- served. It follows from the analysis carried out
sumption by humans were acceptable for con- that water disinfection by-products (∑ THM)
sumers and did not exceed permissible standards. did not exceed permissible limits.
The examined water had pH ranging from 6.5 4. An increase in iron concentration at specified
to 9.5, i.e. compliant with the quality requirements. points of the network may indicate corrosion
The highest pH of 8.11 was recorded in water tak- of pipelines.
en at Stoczniowców St. on 19 November 2014. 5. Secondary contamination of water in the water
According to standards, conductiv- supply system occurred most often at the ZUW
ity of clean water should be lower than Bielany supply area at the following locations:
2500 μS∙cm-1. At sampling points this parameter Mirowska 278, Kamedulska 70 and ZOO – Las
did not exceed permissible values. The highest Wolski. This water was of poorest quality, but
conductivity of 765 μSm∙dm-3 was observed on 3 in any case still remained healthy. It follows
April 2012 at Tokarskiego St. 1. from the conducted research that the pipe ma-
Iron concentration should be kept at a level of terial has a stronger effect on water quality than
0.2 mg∙dm-3. An increased content of this element the distance from the water treatment plant.

Journal of Ecological Engineering Vol. 18(4), 2017

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