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Museo de la memoria:

The children’s of dictatorship

Gabriel Bories & Sofía Cifuentes.

14 de Abril 2016.

Universidad Alberto Hurtado

Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades
Course: Idioma Sec 1
Teacher: Carlos Videla
In Chile the economic sitation, and social situation in the Salvador Allende’s government is
unbearable the inflation was high and so many people didn’t have work, because of this the
military factions made a military coup whose leader was Augusto Pinochet against the
constitutional government of Salvador Allende.
In 11th of September Augusto Pinochet takes the command of the country and this is the
beginning of the most terrible dictatorship in the history with thousands of people arrested,
disappear, killed, raped, only for thinking differently (politics) with many humans rights
violations made by CNI and DINA no matter sex m ages or social class.
Too many years later (2010) in the government of Michelle Bachelet was inaugurated the Museo
de la Memoria y los derechos humanos (MDL) with the objective of show all the human rights
violations and the story of the dictatorship. The museum was made for this will not happen
But, some many time we forget that the children’s also was a victim of this.
The dictatorship has no limits almost 2200 children’s where victims of punishments , tortures
,prison, 75 disappears ,26 dead by soldiers and 700 orphans
The Children rights where approved in 1959 by the United Nations in these rights the most
important are 8

1. The right to identity.

2. Family
3. Freedom
4. Education
5. Protection in times of war
6. Special treatment in case of deprivation of liberty
7 Right of a safe life and healthy
8. Protection against forced work

We can identify with many things saw in the museum that this rights are raped
In this report we took about the children in the dictatorship and their expressions that we saw in
the Museo as draws, through oral and written testimonies, audiovisual press material, objects,
photographs, letters, stories, documentaries, artistic expressions and various materials that allow
us to learn about the repression
In the museum the children’s have a special room for this expressions now in this report we took
about this art expressions in especially draws and letters that we describe

As we said this illustrates how the children’s express his emotions and feelings about the
dictatorship as we know many people was killed and many families are disabled and many kids
stayed without his parents victims of political violence. Sometimes the kids were removed from
their houses with families and later the children’s were tortured until that their parents talk about
political things
In other moments the army only takes the parents of this children’s and later never come back
again but this is terrible because this children grow up without any parents and later this could
bring to much pain and sadness. Now here are some letters written by Cristina

We can read the innocence of a girl that lost his father and she miss him. This shows a very
important thing: the desperation. This is the reason because this girl wrote the letter to his father
and that she said in this letter, this is the right to know all the truth when she grow up and make
evidence as live a lot of children.
.This letters can be found in the section “the pain of the children’s” and in this section another
letter that call our attention was a letter write by Ninoska Enriquez (9 years old)
She was arrested with her grandfather’s Bernardo Araya (member of PC) and Maria Olga Flores
with her brother Vladimir. She was drugged and bound to look the torture of her grandfathers
Years later she send a sad letter to Lucia Hiriart and she answers coldly in no more of 4 lines the
reasons why this 2 people(grandfathers of Ninoska) was arrested and torturer.
Things like this show the roll like play Lucia Hiriart as first lady and the might that Lucia makes
together Pinochet no matter the letter from a girl
She took about the same of other letters:
The disappearance of the family

Draws and others

Also the kids like express his emotions drawing and in the museum this is the most important
thing in the children’s room is the wall with a giant draw but there was also a book with many
little draws (but we can’t take a photo) there kids doesn’t have more than 12 years old and across
the draws they express the political reality of Chile they show the military repression in the poor
sectors in the town and something that is repeated, as the army take friend families in there
sector where this children’s live all of this are impressed in this draws.
Others children’s express the insurrection and violence in the streets this show that this kids
knows about cruel things that happen as leader Augusto Pinochet and his wife Lucia Hiriart
Other face of the dictatorship was some kids body’s founds years later(2000) , this is the case of
Carlos Fariña Oyarce (13 years old) he was killed with his family specially his mother in La
Pincoya, this photography and his story shows me that the dictatorship has no limits.
This new was published and the newspaper is part of museum
Closing with this we understood that this is a terrible part of the history of Chile specially for
many children’s that forgot families, lost his freedom and express across many ways the
ingenuity of them thanks to this the history it builds

Picture of museum

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