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‫ﺑﺴﻢ ﷲ اﻟﺮﺣﻤﻦ اﻟﺮﺣﯿﻢ‬


(CE 370)

Development of Interaction Diagrams


CE 370 (RC Design- I) : Dr. Nadeem A. Siddiqui May 28, 2017


 Objectives of the present lecture

 Introduction
 Interaction Equation
 Interaction Diagrams
 Interaction Diagrams for Reinforced Concrete Columns
 Derivation of Computation Method for Interaction Diagrams
 Interaction diagrams for Circular Columns
 Problems
 Further reading

CE 370 (RC Design- I) : Dr. Nadeem A. Siddiqui May 28, 2017

Objectives of the Present lecture

 To illustrate how to draw interaction diagrams

for RC columns.

CE 370 (RC Design- I) : Dr. Nadeem A. Siddiqui May 28, 2017

Interaction Equation
• Almost all compression members in
concrete structures are subjected to
moments in addition to axial loads.

• For such a column, failure would occur in

compression when the maximum stresses
reached fcu, as given by

P My P My
  f cu   1
A I f cu A f cu I

A, I  area and moment of inertia of the cross section

y  distance from the centoidal axis to the most highly
compressed surface (surface A - A),  ve to the right
P  axial load, positive in compression
M  moment, positive as shown in the figure

CE 370 (RC Design- I) : Dr. Nadeem A. Siddiqui May 28, 2017

Interaction Equation (contd.)

P My
 1
f cu A f cu I
The maximum axial load the column can support occurs when
M  0  P  Pmax  f cu A

Similarly, the maximum moment that can be supported occurs when

f cu I
P  0  M  M max 
Substituti ng Pmax and M max gives
 1
f cu A f cu I
y This equation is known as an Interaction Equation,
P M because it shows the interaction of, or relationship
  1 between P and M at failure.
Pmax M max

CE 370 (RC Design- I) : Dr. Nadeem A. Siddiqui May 28, 2017

Interaction Diagram
(For an elastic material fcu = -ftu)

For a Compressive load P, governed by f cu , and clockwise
moment M the interaction equation is
  1  A plot of this equation is the line AB.
Pmax M max

For a compressive load P, governed by f cu , and counter - clockwise

moment M the interaction equation is
  1  A plot of this equation is the line AD.
Pmax M max

For a tensile load P, governed by f tu , and clockwise

moment M the interaction equation is Above figure is referred to as an
P M interaction diagram.
  1  A plot of this equation is the line BC.
Pmax M max A point inside the diagram, such as E,
represents a combination of P and M that
For a tensile load P, governed by f tu , and counter - clockwise will not cause to failure.
moment M the interaction equation is Combinations of P and M falling on the line
or outside the line, such as point F, will
  1  A plot of this equation is the line CD. equal or exceed the resistance of the section
Pmax M max and hence will cause failure.

CE 370 (RC Design- I) : Dr. Nadeem A. Siddiqui May 28, 2017

P-M Interaction diagram for RC Columns

 For reinforced concrete with nonlinear stress-

strain curves and where tension strength is
provided by steel only, the P-M interaction
curves have the form shown in the figures.
 There are two curves:
 (1): Nominal curve Pn - Mn
 (2): Design curve Pn - Mn
 A safe design is inside or on the border of the
shaded design curve.
 The distance between the two curves is
variable depending on the strength reduction
factor. The two curves are closer in the tension-
control zone
 The horizontal line limit corresponds to the
code maximum design compression force

CE 370 (RC Design- I) : Dr. Nadeem A. Siddiqui May 28, 2017

Importance of Interaction diagram
for RC Columns

 P-M interaction curves are very important for column analysis and
design which is much more complex than in beams.
 For many load combinations, beam design requires designing for the
largest moment.
 For columns, it is in general never obvious which combination
controls design.
 In the figure, point 2 is unsafe although it has smaller values of both
axial force and bending moment as compared to point 1, which is
 Column design requires checking that all load combination points lie
inside (or on the border) of the safe design curve.
 For a given constant axial force P, critical design is governed by the
largest value of the moment M. Smaller moments are always safe.
 However, for a given constant moment M, critical design is not
obvious. Smaller or greater axial forces may be unsafe.

CE 370 (RC Design- I) : Dr. Nadeem A. Siddiqui May 28, 2017

Development of Interaction Diagrams for RC

• Although it is possible to derive

family of equations to evaluate the
strength of RC columns subjected to
combined bending and axial loads,
these equations are difficult to use.
• It is due to this reason, interaction
diagrams for RC columns are
generally computed by assuming a
series of strain distributions, each
corresponding to a particular point of
the interaction diagram, and
computing the corresponding values
of Pn and Mn.
• Once enough such points have been
computed, the results are plotted as
an interaction diagram.

CE 370 (RC Design- I) : Dr. Nadeem A. Siddiqui May 28, 2017

Development of Interaction Diagrams for RC

 Assume that the maximum compressive strain at one of the two faces of the
column is 0.003
 Maintain the compressive strain at 0.003 and consider a series of strains on the
extreme steel layer (or opposite face)
 Calculate Pn and Mn for each of the strain series considered by Statics
 Plot the Pn , Mn pairs

 cu  0.003  cu  0.003  cu  0.003  cu  0.003

c c

d1 d1 ch d1 d1

 s1  s1  s1   y  s1  0.005

Pure axial load Zero tension on one face Balanced point Tension control limit
CE 370 (RC Design- I) : Dr. Nadeem A. Siddiqui May 28, 2017
Balanced, Tension and Compression
Controlled Columns

Compression controlled Balanced column Tension controlled

column Compression side strain column
Compression side strain =0.003 Compression side
=0.003 Strain in extreme strain =0.003
Strain in extreme tension tension steel = εy Strain in extreme
steel < εy tension steel > εy

 cu  0.003  cu  0.003  cu  0.003

c c c
d1 d1 d1

 s1   y  s1   y  s1  0.005
Compression controlled Balanced column Tension controlled column
CE 370 (RC Design- I) : Dr. Nadeem A. Siddiqui May 28, 2017
Depth of neutral axis : b
 cu  0.003
 cu
c  d1
 cu   s1 c
Depth of stress block : d1 d1
a  1c
As1  s1
Strain in extreme layer of steel :
c  d1 t
 s1   cu Column section Strain distributi on
Stress in extreme layer of 420 grade steel :
 420 MPa
f s1  smaller of  5 For f c'  30 MPa : 1  0.85
 E s1  2  10   s1
For f c'  30 MPa : 1  0.85  0.008( f c'  30)  0.65
Force of compression in concrete :
Cc  0.85 f c' ab
CE 370 (RC Design- I) : Dr. Nadeem A. Siddiqui May 28, 2017
Derivation of Computation Method for Interaction
The column is known to have a strain of -0.003 on its compression edge and a strain of
Z*єy on its extreme steel layer. Determine the equations for Pn and Mn that cause this
strain distribution using strain compatibility and mechanics.

CE 370 (RC Design- I) : Dr. Nadeem A. Siddiqui May 28, 2017

 s1  Z y (if Z  1,  s1   y : Balanced condition)
By similar triangles :
 0.003 
c d
 0.003  Z  1
 y 

Strain and stress in the i th layer of steel

 c  di 
 si   0.003  f si   si Es but - f y  f si  f y
 c 

Compressive force in the concrete Cc

Cc  0.85 f c' ab 
Forces in each layer of reinforcement Fsi
Fsi  f si Asi if a  d i ;
 
Fsi  f si  0.85 f c' Asi if a  d i

CE 370 (RC Design- I) : Dr. Nadeem A. Siddiqui May 28, 2017

 n
  Fy  0   Pn  Cc   Fsi  0 Mn
i 1 O
 Pn  Cc   Fsi
i 1
Fs1 Fs2 Fs3 Cc Fs4
h a a
h a h  
CCW (  ) M O  0   M n  Cc      Fsi   d i   0 2 2 2
 2 2  i 1  2  h
 d4
h a n h  2
 M n  Cc      Fsi   d i  d4
 2 2  i 1  2  h/2

Note : M n is computed assuming gross (concrete) cross setion is symmetric

and centroid of the gross section is located at h/ 2; if the gross cross section
is not symmetrical, h/2 will be replaced by yt . Here yt is the distance from
the extreme compression fiber to the centroid of the gross section.
 a n
M n  Cc  yt     Fsi  yt  d i 
 2  i 1

CE 370 (RC Design- I) : Dr. Nadeem A. Siddiqui 15 May 28, 2017

Nominal and Design interaction Diagrams

Strength reduction factors φ must be multiplied to theoretical or nominal

curves to obtain the design curve.

CE 370 (RC Design- I) : Dr. Nadeem A. Siddiqui May 28, 2017

Strength reduction factors  for transition region

Calculate the strength reduction factors φ for transition region

as per the diagram

CE 370 (RC Design- I) : Dr. Nadeem A. Siddiqui May 28, 2017

Maximum Permissible Column Load in the
Interaction Diagram

The maximum permissible column loads can not be more than that
specified in Equations 10-1 and 10-2.

SBC Provisions

CE 370 (RC Design- I) : Dr. Nadeem A. Siddiqui May 28, 2017


For the column shown in the figure, use a strain compatibility solution to
compute the following five points on the interaction diagram.
a. Point 1: Pure Axial load or Pure Compression
b. Point 2: Zero tension on one face
c. Point 3: Balanced point
d. Point 4: Tension control limit
e. Point 5: Pure tension
Plot the interaction diagram using above five points.
Use f c'  35 MPa and f y  420 MPa
8-28 bars
10 ties

450 mm

450 mm
CE 370 (RC Design- I) : Dr. Nadeem A. Siddiqui May 28, 2017
20 8-28 bars
Ag  hb  450  450  202500 mm 10 ties
Ast  8 Ab  8  616  4928 mm 2 d2

For f c'  30 MPa : 1  0.85  0.008( f c'  30)  0.65 d1

As2 450 mm
 1  0.85  0.008(35  30)  0.81
db 28
d1  h  cover - d s   450  40  10   386 mm 450 mm
2 2
h 450
d2    225 mm
2 2
d 28
d 3  cover  d s  b  40  10   64 mm
2 2

As1  3 Ab  3  616  1848 mm 2

As 2  2 Ab  2  616  1232 mm 2
As 3  3 Ab  3  616  1848 mm 2

CE 370 (RC Design- I) : Dr. Nadeem A. Siddiqui May 28, 2017

Point 1: Pure Axial Load

Pn  0.85 f c' Ag  Ast   f y Ast  0.85  35202500  4928  420  4928  7947527 N
 Pn  7947.5 kN
 cu  0.003
Since the column is tied column and compression controlled,   0.65

Pn  0.65  7947.5  5165.9 kN

Pn ,max  0.80  Pn  0.80  0.65  7947.5  4132.7 kN
 s1
M n  0.65  0  0 kN.m
Pure axial load

CE 370 (RC Design- I) : Dr. Nadeem A. Siddiqui May 28, 2017

d1  386 mm As1  1848 mm 2
d 2  225 mm As 2  1232 mm 2
Point 2: Zero tension on one face d 3  64 mm
As 3  1848 mm 2

c  h  450 mm; a  1c  0.81 450  364.5 mm

Cc  0.85 f c' ab  0.85  35  364.5  450  4879743.8 N  4879.7 kN

c  d1 450  386
 s1   cu   0.003  0.00043
c 450
 420 MPa
f s1  smaller of  5
 E s1  2  10  0.00043  86 MPa  cu  0.003
Since a  d1 ; Fs1  f s1 As1  86  1848  158928 N  159 kN

c  d2 450  225 d1 ch

 s2   cu   0.003  0.00150
c 450
 420 MPa  s1
f s 2  smaller of  5
 s2  2  10  0.00150  300 MPa Zero tension on one face

Since a  d 2 ;  
Fs 2  f s 2  0.85 f c' As 2  (300  0.85  35) 1232  332948 N  332.9 kN
CE 370 (RC Design- I) : Dr. Nadeem A. Siddiqui 22 May 28, 2017
c  d3 450  64
 s3   cu   0.003  0.00257
c 450
 420 MPa
f s 3  smaller of  5
 s3  2  10  0.00257  514 MPa
Since a  d 3 ;  
Fs 3  f s 3  0.85 f c' As 3  (420  0.85  35)  1848  721182 N  721.2 kN
Pn  Cc   Fsi  4879.7  (159  332.9  721.2)  6092.8 kN
i 1

h a n h 
M n  Cc      Fsi   d i  
 2 2  i 1  2 
 450 364.5   450   450 
 M n  4879.7      159    386   332.9    225  
 2 2   2   2 
h  450 mm
 450  a  364.5 mm
721.2    64   299121.4
 2  Cc  4879.7 kN
 M n  299.1 kN.m Fs1  159 kN
Fs 2  332.9 kN
Since  s1 is in compressio n, the section is compressio n controlled , and   0.65 Fs 3  721.2 kN
d1  386 mm
Pn  0.65  6092.8  3960.3 kN d 2  225 mm
M n  0.65  299.1  194.4 kN.m d 3  64 mm

CE 370 (RC Design- I) : Dr. Nadeem A. Siddiqui 23 May 28, 2017

d1  386 mm As1  1848 mm 2
d 2  225 mm As 2  1232 mm 2
Point 3: Balanced Point d 3  64 mm As 3  1848 mm 2
 cu 0.003
c d1   386  227.1 mm; a  1c  0.81 227.1  183.9 mm
 cu   s1 0.003  (0.0021)
 cu  0.003
Cc  0.85 f c ab  0.85  35  183.9  450  2461961 N  2462 kN
c  d1 227.1  386 c
 s1   cu   0.003  0.0021
c 227.1 d1
 420 MPa
f s1  smaller of  5
 E s1  2  10  (0.0021)  420 MPa  s1   y

Since a  d1 ; Fs1  f s1 As1  (420)  1848  776160 N  776.2 kN Balanced point

c  d2 227.1  225
 s2   cu   0.003  0.00003
c 227.1
 420 MPa
f s 2  smaller of  5
 E s 2  2  10  0.00003  6 MPa

Since a  d 2 ; Fs 2  f s 2 As 2  6  1232  7392 N  7.4 kN

CE 370 (RC Design- I) : Dr. Nadeem A. Siddiqui 24 May 28, 2017
d1  386 mm
c  d3 227.1  64 d 2  225 mm
 s3   cu   0.003  0.0022
c 227.1 d 3  64 mm

 420 MPa
f s 3  smaller of  5
 s3  2  10  0.0022  440 MPa
Since a  d 3 ; Fs 3  ( f s 3  0.85 f c' ) As 3  (420  0.85  35) 1848  721182 N  721.2 kN
Pn  Cc   Fsi  2462  (776.2  7.4  721.2)  2414.4 kN
i 1

h a n h  h  450 mm
M n  Cc      Fsi   d i   a  183.9 mm
 2 2  i 1  2  Cc  2462 kN
 450 183.9   450   450  Fs1  776.2 kN
 M n  2462      (776.2)    386   7.4    225  
 2 2   2   2  Fs 2  7.4 kN
Fs 3  721.2 kN
 450 
721.2    64   568650.5 d1  386 mm
 2  d 2  225 mm
 M n  568.7 kN.m d 3  64 mm

Since  s1  0.0021   y , the section is compression controlled , and   0.65

Pn  0.65  2414.4  1569.4 kN
M n  0.65  568.7  369.7 kN.m
CE 370 (RC Design- I) : Dr. Nadeem A. Siddiqui 25 May 28, 2017
d1  386 mm As1  1848 mm 2
d 2  225 mm As 2  1232 mm 2
Point 4: Tension control limit d 3  64 mm As 3  1848 mm 2
 cu 0.003
c d1   386  144.8 mm; a  1c  0.81144.8  117.3 mm
 cu   s1 0.003  (0.005)
 cu  0.003
Cc  0.85 f c ab  0.85  35 117.3  450  1570353N  1570.4 kN
c  d1 144.8  386 c
 s1   cu   0.003  0.0050
c 144.8 d1
 420 MPa
f s1  smaller of  5
 E s1  2  10  (0.0050)  1000 MPa  s1  0.005

Since a  d1 ; Fs1  f s1 As1  (420)  1848  776160 N  776.2 kN Tension control limit

c  d2 144.8  225
 s2   cu   0.003  0.00166
c 144.8
 420 MPa
f s 2  smaller of  5
 s2  2  10  (0.00166)  332 MPa

Since a  d 2 ; Fs 2  f s 2 As 2  ( 332)  1232  409024 N  409 kN

CE 370 (RC Design- I) : Dr. Nadeem A. Siddiqui 26 May 28, 2017
d1  386 mm
c  d3 144.8  64 d 2  225 mm
 s3   cu   0.003  0.0017
c 144.8 d 3  64 mm

 420 MPa
f s 3  smaller of  5
 s3  2  10  0.0017  340 MPa
Since a  d 3 ; Fs 3  ( f s 3  0.85 f c' ) As 3  (340  0.85  35)  1848  573342 N  573.3 kN
Pn  Cc   Fsi  1570.4  (776.2  409  573.3)  958.5 kN
i 1

h a n h  h  450 mm
M n  Cc      Fsi   d i   a  117.3 mm
 2 2  i 1  2  Cc  1570.4 kN
 450 117.3   450   450  Fs1  776.2 kN
 M n  1570.4      (776.2)    386   (409)    225  
 2 2   2   2  Fs 2  409 kN
Fs 3  573.3 kN
 450 
573.3    64   478505 d1  386 mm
 2  d 2  225 mm
 M n  478.5 kN.m d 3  64 mm

Since  s1  0.005, the section is tension controlled , and   0.9

Pn  0.9  958.5  862.7 kN
M n  0.9  478.5  430.7 kN.m
CE 370 (RC Design- I) : Dr. Nadeem A. Siddiqui 27 May 28, 2017
Point 5: Pure Tension

Pn   f y Ast  420  4928  2069760 N  2069.8 kN

Mn  0
Since the section is in pure tension, it is tension controlled,   0.9
Pn  0.9  (2069.8)  1862.82 kN
M n  0.9  0  0 kN.m
Point Pn (kN) Pn (kN) M n (kNm) M n (kNm)
1 (Pure axial load) 7947.5 5165.9 0 0
2 ( Zero tension on one face) 6092.8 3960.3 299.1 194.4
3 (Balanced point) 2414.4 1569.4 568.7 369.7
4 (Tension control limit) 958.5 862.7 478.5 430.7
5 (Pure tension)  2069.8  1862.8 0 0

CE 370 (RC Design- I) : Dr. Nadeem A. Siddiqui May 28, 2017

Interaction Diagram

CE 370 (RC Design- I) : Dr. Nadeem A. Siddiqui May 28, 2017

Interaction diagrams for Circular Columns
(A simplified approach)
 Pn and Mn values were obtained for rectangular tied
columns. The same theory could be used for circular
columns using Charles Whitney’s method.
 In Whitney’s method, the area of the equivalent
column is made equal to the area of the actual
circular column.
 And its depth in the direction of bending is 0.80 times
the outside diameter of the real column.
 One half the steel is assumed to be placed on one side
of the equivalent column and one half-on the other.
 The distance between these two areas of steel is
assumed to equal two-thirds of the diameter (Ds)of
circle passing through the center of the bars in the
real column.
 Once the equivalent column is established, the
calculations for Pn and Mn are made for rectangular

CE 370 (RC Design- I) : Dr. Nadeem A. Siddiqui May 28, 2017


 It is easily possible to prevent a balanced condition

in beams by requiring that tensile steel strains be
kept well above yield strain εy(=fy/Es)
 For columns it is not possible to prevent balanced
or sudden compression failures.
 For every column there is a balanced loading
situation where an ultimate load Pbn placed at an
eccentricity eb will produce a moment Mbn, at
which time the balanced strains will
simultaneously be reached.
CE 370 (RC Design- I) : Dr. Nadeem A. Siddiqui May 28, 2017
Further Reading

Read more about the interaction diagrams from:

1. Reinforced concrete, Mechanics and Design by James
K. Wight and James G. Macgregor, Sixth Edition,
Pearson Prentice Hall, USA.
2. Design of Reinforced Concrete by Jack C. McCormac
and Russell H. Brown, Eighth Edition, John Wiley &

CE 370 (RC Design- I) : Dr. Nadeem A. Siddiqui May 28, 2017

Thank You

CE 370 (RC Design- I) : Dr. Nadeem A. Siddiqui May 28, 2017

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