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Exploring the Relationship between the Pressure Load of Caregivers and the

Behavior of People with Dementia

Chang-Franw Lee1, Cheng-Chang Liu1, Tung Chang2, Kuang-Hua Hsueh3, Jing-Jing Liao4
Graduate School of Design, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology (YunTech), Yunlin 64002, Taiwan, ROC
Doctoral Program, Graduate School of Engineering Science and Technology, YunTech, Yunlin 64002, Taiwan, ROC
Department of Safety, Health, and Environmental Engineering, Chung Hwa University of Medical Technology,
71703 Taiwan, ROC
Department of Business Administration, TransWorld University, Yunlin 64002, Taiwan, ROC

Abstract thousand after 25 years, being every three out of 100 people.
Dementia is not only a health care issue worldwide, but also in
The purpose of this study was to explore the correlation Taiwan’s families and communities.
between dementia “patient’s behavior (severity and Dementia care in Taiwan is similar to that of other Asian
frequency)”, “social support service”, and “caregiver’s stress countries. Most dementia patients are cared for in their family
load”. This study collected information from visiting patients or in a relative’s house. Over 70% of dementia patients were
and their caregivers from a special outpatient clinic for taken care of by a single caregiver, or by a spouse (Pote &
dementia in a medical center in southern Taiwan from Wright, 2018; C.-L. Wang, Shyu, Wang, & Lu, 2017). An
November 2013 to May 2015. During the period, a total of 279 inadequate social care system, slow response to requests for
groups and 558 questionnaires were distributed and returned. assistance, and the low birth rate leads to the burden of care
The average age of the respondents was 53.1 years old, and the being placed on the aging caregivers taking care of their elderly
females accounted for 61.3%. Their education level was mostly relatives.
at junior college/university graduation. The patients were Modes of care and local customs differ significantly between
mostly their parents and the average age of the patients was Eastern and Western societies (Zhang, Clarke, & Rhynas,
77.73 years old. The period of tending patients is longer than 3 2019). In Western societies, elders will spend their remaining
years. The results of the study showed that there was a years in a nursing home, although there is an effort to have the
significant positive correlation between “patient’s behavior” elderly “age in place” (live at home with assistance from
and “caregiver’s stress load”. “social support service” was nurses’ aides) until the patient dies. In Eastern society, the
significantly negatively correlated with “caregiver’s stress caregivers would incur negative moral judgements from others
load”. Regarding the future long-term care (LTC) policies, the if they were to send their elderly relatives to a nursing home
service plans and implementations should include local (Butcher, Holkup, Park, & Maas, 2001). Home is the
Taiwanese cultural customs. Home health care services should environment most familiar to patients giving them a sense of
be considered as the priority. The crucial elements in the social comfort and consistency not usually available in an institution
welfare services include the patients’ behaviors, time durations, (nursing home). However, caring for dementia patients at home
numbers of caregivers, and their financial status. These is an extremely demanding, and often exhausting responsibility
elements should be evaluated when the major caregivers take (Chan, Wong, Kwok, & Ho, 2017). One of the common
care of or visit their families. behavioral symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease is that wandering.
patients easily become disoriented to place and time, and
Key words: dementia caregiver, patient’s behavior, social frequently attempt to escape the confines of their home, getting
support service, caregiver’s stress load lost in the process. This was the major mental health stressor
for caregivers, fearing the loss or disappearance of their
Introduction patient/relative (Andrén & Elmståhl, 2007; Pearlin, Mullan,
Semple, & Skaff, 1990).
According to a study by the World Health Organization According to the Taiwan Association of Family Caregivers
(WHO), someone in the world develops dementia every three (2014), there were a total of 900,000 family caregivers in
seconds. There were an estimated 47.5 million people Taiwan. The caregivers would feel stressful directly or
worldwide living with dementia in 2015, and this number is indirectly in the care process, and the stress was related to the
believed to be close to 50 million in 2017. The cost of the caregivers background, patients’ disability, and stress
medical care is over US$800 billion per year (Antonovsky & resources (like knowledge of disease, level or work stress,
Kats, 1967). financial issues, conflicts on different roles, self-evaluation,
In 2011, the Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW) and social network support) (Pearlin et al., 1990).
designated Taiwan Alzheimer’s Disease Association (TADA) The goal of this study is to clarify the issues faced by the
to study the dementia epidemiology (TADA, 2011). The caregivers and to provide a reference in the development of
estimated dementia patents are over 260 thousand according to long term service law, and the 10 year long-term policy 2.0
the Ministry of Interior (MOI) demography in September, 2016. implementation. This study could provide the basis for
The dementia patents aged over 65 were 243,430, out of every practical treatments utilized by the experienced workers who
100 people was a dementia patient, and this developed into 670 understand the cultural background of the home caregivers in
long-term dementia families. as research subjects in the Dementia Special Outpatient
Department in a southern Taiwan medical center. This study
Method used purposive sampling to collect questionnaires. The study
was conducted from November 2013 to May 2015. A total of
A. Research content 558 questionnaires were issued with a recovery rate of 100%.
This research was for the purpose of investigating the
dementia behaviors (severity and frequency), level of social D. Data analysis
care system, and the stress levels on the caregivers (providers). This study used SPSS 25 version for windows software for
The researchers collected demographic information including statistical analysis, descriptive statistical analysis to explore the
personal data, occupational history, and family background. personal attributes of the study, and T-test (T-test), one-way
There are three variables being considered in this study.(1) ANOVA and chi-square Verification, testing demographic
“patient’s behavior”, (2) “social support service”, (3) characteristics. Regression analysis were used to explore the
“Caregiver’s stress load” related variability. correlation between “patient’s behavior”, “social support
The questionnaire for this study consists of four parts: 1. service” and “caregiver’s stress load” from individual attributes
Demographic characteristics of respondents (caregivers and (gender, age, education level).
patients); 2. The “patient’s behavior” were divided into two
aspects “severity (S)” and “frequency (F)”; 3. The “social Results
support service” factors of the caregiver were divided into four
aspects: “wheezing service level demand”, “information level A. Research content
demand”, “psychological level demand” and “economic level Among the samples recovered in this study, the basic
demand”; 4. “caregiver’s stress load” were divided into information of the main caregivers was female (62.7%). Most
“physiological and psychological burden”, “family relationship of the relationship with patients is parents (47.0%), the average
load“, “elderly relationship load“, “social life load” and age is 53.1 years old, and senior high school level (34.8%),
“economic load” such as five aspects most of the marital status is married (81.0%). The age of
caregivers is the highest (36.62%) from 50 to 59 years old. The
B. Research tools most common type of dementia was early dementia (29.0%).
(1) Validity test of the questionnaire In the patient's basic data, the gender of the patients was the
The validity of the research tool in this study is based on most female (60.6%), the average age of the patients was 77.73
content validity (expert validity). Experts and scholars related years old, the minimum was 49 years old, and the largest was
to the research field are invited to assist in the evaluation of the 101 years old. Among them, 25.4% are aged between 80 and 84.
importance, appropriateness and clarity of the questionnaire The proportion of relationship between patients and
topic for the five-component scale. The order is very applicable respondents was parent (47.0%), spouse (39.1%), and spouse's
(5 points), very applicable (4 points), applicable (3 points), not parents (12.2%). The number of years of education was 1-6
applicable (2 points), should be deleted (1 point). The years (45.52%), and the patients were mostly diagnosed with
researchers obtained a scored average 4.7 points from the three AD Alzheimer's disease (82.4%). The severity of the disease
expert reviewers. The questions that were over standard (0.5 was mild (43.4%).
points) were modified in phases, and the researchers also The patients received the most care for more than 3 years
removed the inappropriate questions. (52.16%), most of the caregivers lived with the patients
(75.3%), and the main burdens for patients were mostly
patients and spouses (patients) (31.9%).

LOAD” (N=279)
patient’s patient’s social
category behavior behavior support
stress load
severity(S) frequency(F) service
behavior 1 .999 ** 0.093 .319 **
Fig. 1 Research structure of the relationship between the stress patient’s
loading on caregiver versus the behavior of dementia patients behavior .999 ** 1 0.092 .317 **
(2) Reliability verification of the questionnaire social
In this study, Cronbach’s α measures the internal consistency support 0.093 0.092 1 -.118 *
between the subscales. The Cronbach’s α of the scales of this caregiver’s
study were all above 0.7, achieving an internal consistency. .319 ** .317 ** -.118 * 1
stress load

C. Research object and process In the relationship between “patient’s behavior” severity(S),
Using both a survey method and a cross sectional study, the the “patient’s behavior” frequency(F) and “caregiver’s stress
researchers sampled the dementia patients and their caregivers load”, it was found that there was a significant relationship
between “patient’s behavior” and “caregiver’s stress load” In terms of “social support service”, respondents have job
(r=0.319 and 0.317, p<0.01)(Table 1). categories that crowd out other roles, or squeeze their own time
The independent variables such as “patient’s behavior” schedules. In “patient’s behavior” severity and frequency of the
severity, “patient’s behavior” frequency, basic data of facets, the family caregivers tend to mention patients
caregivers, and “social support service” are placed in the “Delusion”, “Anxiety”, “Weird behavior” and feel the pressure
regression analysis model to analyze the ability of the to take care of the load.
independent variable to influence the “caregiver’s stress load”. Coupled with economic pressures, care difficulties and
Based on regression analysis results, this study found that worries, there is a new challenge every day. It is definitely not
variables predictive function, in “Someone assisted in caring just “Patients are just sick”. The result shows a clear
for patients” (p=0.001<0.001) and ”Someone can tell me the understanding of patients behavior, social support service,
way to take care of dementia patients” (p<0.05), showing a caregiver stressors, and caregiver stress loads. For future
statistically significant positive correlation to indicate research, it is possible to further examine how the primary
caregiver in ”Someone assisted in caring for patients” and caregiver balances the disease severity, behavior and care
“Someone can tell me the way to take care of dementia stressors in the face of different care stress burdens. Assuming
patients” will reduce cared pressure load. that economy and time already have a significant burden of care,
The “patient relations”, “Someone assists in errands and the caregiver chooses what orders to have in his or her patient
shopping.”, “Someone can accompany me.” (**p<0.01), behavior, family motivation, or intrinsic care attitude (Arai and
presents significant negative correlation. When caregiver’s Zarit, 2014).
relationship with the patient is not relatives, nobody helps As for the designers and practitioners, they would be able to
errands shopping and accompany the time to take care, then its focus more attention on the interactions, family relationships,
load pressure becomes higher. Overall regression model has and social needs of both the caregivers and dementia patients.
28.10% explanatory power. Caregivers could help to improve their patients’ physical health
and improve their behaviors. Designers and practitioners could
Discussion and Suggestions assist family caregivers in evaluating the social service systems
and levels of stress. If these two factors could be modified, the
In the overall analysis of the basic information more than stress level of the home caregivers could be reduced.
half of the caregivers were female, married, had a high school With regard to formulating policies, the needs of the
education, and full time jobs. More than 47% of the caregivers caregivers could be different based on the level of stress and
were daughters of the dementia patients. Their average age was family situation. Policies should adhere closely to the needs of
53.1 years with an age range of 50-59, 47% of the patients were the individual families. With regard to the aging caregivers in
caregivers’ parents, and 60.6% of the patients were female. The Taiwan, the researchers found challenges in their finances and
age range for the dementia patients was from 80-84 (more than physical strength. More community rehabilitation facilities
25.4%). The research results showed most married females in would be needed including, but not limited to, daycare, elderly
Taiwan were willing to leave their jobs in order to take care of employees counseling, and home recovery. The government
their parents. Research also showed a high rate of females will would need to provide more social care services: home
help their siblings in caring for dementia patients. cleaning, bathing, meal delivery, respite care, community
More than half of the caregivers had been taking care of assistance, job guarantees, and a cost of living allowance.
these patients for over three years (52.16%). The medical Medical agencies could provide services that lower the
expenses were paid by the patients themselves or their families caregivers’ stress; educating caregivers’ in the care of dementia
(including spouses, 31.9%). Up to 24.0% of the expenses were patients; mental health education; and by increasing the
paid for by the dementia patients’ sons, daughters and their availability of such resources.
families. Taiwan has implemented the LTC 2.0 in 2017 to provide
The caregivers showed a lower stress level in these welfare services for family caregivers with eight major services
situations: “People who assist caring for the patients” and (e.g. psychological counseling, support groups, care technical
“People who advise the methods on caring patients”. When the guidance, etc.). However, the public is still unfamiliar with
caregivers gave long-term care to the dementia patients, their these services, and the caregiver services implemented through
roles in work, family, and society were negatively impacted. the long-term care delivery system (e.g. the community's
The caregivers’ stress levels could be lowered if outside overall care system, long-lived ABC) have not yet been linked
agencies were involved in supporting the caregivers, thereby horizontally. Therefore, government-related family caregiver
allowing more time for rest. policies should be more flexible so that family caregivers can
This study looked at three major variables: patients’ have opportunities to allocate relevant resources. In addition,
behaviors, social care system, and the stress levels on the children or major caregivers of dementia need a friendly policy
caregivers. The researchers also considered the caregivers’ and environment provided by the workplace, so that they can
feedback as a factor in the aforementioned three measures. protect their rights and interests when they are in critical health.
In terms of “patient’s behavior”, the caregiver believes that
the average score of the facet is higher in the “frequency”; in Acknowledgement
the “social support service”, the average score of the facet of
the “psychological level demand” is higher; in the “caregiver’s Thanks to all the subjects for their tireless interviews, and
stress load”, the average of the “social life load” facet the score thanks to the Survey Research Data Archive for providing this
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