Estimating The Severity of Shaft Vibrations Within Fluid Film Journal Bearings

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Estimating the Severity of Shaft

Vibrations Within Fluid Film

J. D. McHugh
Journal Bearings
General Electric Company,
Schenectady, N.Y. 12345 Proximity probes are being widely used in turbomachinery to measure the am-
plitude of shaft vibrations within fluid film bearings. There has been, however, little
information available for judging the degree of severity of such vibrations. The
present paper provides an analysis which correlates shaft vibration amplitude with
some basic bearing parameters—allowable dynamic load on the bearing, its size,
geometry, and operating conditions. Curves are provided for several bearing
geometries which can be used for a rational estimate of allowable shaft vibration

Introduction Discussion of Analysis Assumptions and Limitations

Proximity probes are being widely used to measure the The basic assumptions are 1) dynamic bearing load is the
amplitude of shaft vibrations within the fluid-film journal significant measure of vibration severity, 2) the bearing fluid
bearings commonly used in turbomachinery. The severity of film dynamic behavior can be adequately represented by a set
such shaft vibrations is frequently judged by arbitrary of eight linearized spring and damping coefficients, 3) the
vibration charts or formulas of unknown origin. The purpose journal center orbit is an ellipse (or circle) relative to the
of the present paper is to present an alternative, rational bearing housing, and 4) the orbital frequency is synchronous
method for estimating shaft vibration severity. It is based on with shaft rotational speed. Figure 6 pictures a shaft elliptical
the premise that shaft vibration severity can be judged by the orbit.
level of dynamic bearing load created by shaft motion. The It is a common practice to choose the bearing locations for
coupling between shaft motion and force is provided by the making vibration measurements on machinery. The American
linearized spring and damping coefficients of the bearing fluid

Approach to Analysis
It is presumed that the shaft center locus (orbit) within the
bearing is an ellipse of known dimensions and orientation
with respect to the steady load vector. The time-dependent
displacements of the shaft center in the two coordinate
directions can be related to the elliptical orbit parameters.
Bearing dynamic force in each coordinate direction is
determined from shaft displacements, velocities, and bearing
coefficients. The instantaneous individual force components
are combined to give the maximum dynamic radial force. The
resulting equations are expressed in a nondimensional form.
Fig. 1
For the particular case when the major and minor axes of
the ellipse are equal, the shaft orbit is a circle. The number of
parameters in the equations is reduced. For a given bearing ELLIPTICAL
geometry, a single curve can then be plotted of an amplitude PRELOAD RATIO 8 - f
parameter (a measure of vibrational load severity) versus ECCENTRICITY RATIO « - - |
bearing eccentricity ratio. Curves are presented for several
bearing designs widely used in turbomachinery and pictured
in Figs. 1-5.

Contributed by the Lubrication Division and presented at the ASME/ASLE

Lubrication Conference, Washington, D.C., October 5-7, 1982, of THE
Lubrication Division, March 3, 1982. Paper No. 82-Lub-l. Fig. 2

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Fig. 3



Fig. 5
elliptical journal orbit with a frequency equal to that of the
shaft rotational speed. This theoretical behavior has been
Fig. 4
well-substantiated by practical observations. In a relatively
small number of cases involving rotor instabilities, a much
more complex shaft motion exists than the assumed elliptical
Petroleum Institute (API) [1], for example, states the radial orbit. Hence the analysis does not cover the case of rotor
proximity probes should be mounted within 75 mm (3 in.) of instability.
the bearing. It is a widely accepted, implicit assumption that
The curves (Figs. 8-12) of amplitude parameter versus
bearing dynamic load is a good measure of vibration severity.
bearing eccentricity ratio consider the particular case when the
If the bearings are located at shaft nodal points, however, elliptical shaft orbit is circular. Thus they should be regarded
this assumption is no longer valid. Similarly, in some cases as limit cases. Nevertheless, it is believed that this simplified
structural resonances may be excited even though bearing approach is useful for estimating the severity of vibrations,
dynamic forces are very low. These situations are clearly showing trends and permitting comparisons among different
excluded from the present analysis. bearing types.
Current rotor dynamics technology makes widespread use
of the linearized bearing coefficients. The curves of the
present paper are based on published data [2] and [3]. Elliptical Shaft Orbit Equations
Theoretically, the linearized bearing coefficients are restricted The coordinate axes x,y chosen are shown in Fig. 6. The x
to infinitesimally small perturbations about a steady-state axis coincides with the static load vector. The origin of the
position. Practically, however, the coefficients are believed coordinate axes coincides with the center of the ellipse.
useful at shaft amplitudes up to perhaps 40 percent of the Physically, the origin corresponds to the unperturbed position
bearing clearance [4]. Figure 7 is a schematic illustration of of the shaft center in the absence of any dynamic loads. The
these bearing coefficients. axes x' ,y' are rotated by an amount a and coincide with the
The response of a rotor to unbalance forces produces an minor and major axes of the ellipse. Rotation of the shaft is


a,b = major and minor axes of shaft elliptical G,H amplitudes of cos 2a>t, sin 2oit terms
orbit, Fig. 6 k value of dimensionless shaft amplitude
A, B,C,D = amplitude of cosine and sine com- parameter at a given eccentricity ratio
ponents of rotor force in x and y Kxx,Kyy,KyX,KXy = direct and crosS"COupled spring coef-
directions, respectively ficients for the fluid film
&xx >"yy >"yx *"xy = direct and cross-coupled damping L bearing axial length
coefficients Ps static, average bearing pressure =
C — film bearing radial clearance, defined as W/(DSL)
difference in radius between bearing alternating dynamic bearing pressure =
lobe and shaft, Figs. 1-5 (Fr)M,x/(DsL)
Ds = shaft diameter = 2R W static force on bearing
Fx,Fy = amplitude of dynamic unbalance rotor r amplitude of circular whirl when a = b
force transmitted to bearing at any of Fig. 6
instant of time in the x,y coordinate t = elapsed time, defining position of shaft
direction center, Fig. 6
Fr radial unbalance force transmitted to x,y coordinate directions as determined by
bearing at any instant static load vector W, Fig. 6

Journal of Lubrication Technology JULY 1983, V o l . 1 0 5 / 3 0 7

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Fig. 8



" 0.15


Fig. 6


0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Fig. 9

assumed counterclockwise from the positive (downward) x
The position of the shaft center at time / is indicated in Fig.
6. It is convenient to describe the shaft center position in
terms of the parametric equations of the ellipse. Thus, when
the shaft has turned an amount (wO degrees, the projections
of the shaft center position along the x' ,y' axes are given by
x' =a cos(wt-a) (1)
y'=b sin(co/ — a) (2)
where a, b are the major and minor axes of the ellipse, as
shown on Fig. 6. Transferring to the x,y coordinates axes, the
Fig. 7 expressions for x,y may be written as:

Nomenclature (cont.)

x',y' = coordinate directions as determined by A0,B0,C0,Do = particular case for above coefficients
axes of ellipse, Fig. 6 for circular whirl
X M a x ,y M a x = maximum shaft displacement in x,y Kxx,Ky),,Kyx,KXy = dimensionless direct and cross-coupled
coordinate directions, respectively stiffness coefficients for the fluid film
a = angular displacement of coordinate axes c
x, x ' . F i g . 6 xx=Kxx~- eic.
co = shaft rotational frequency W
*,,$,, = phase angles of shaft center motion Bxx,Byy,ByX,BXy = dimensionless direct and cross-coupled
determining x,y amplitudes at any damping coefficients for the fluid film
instant of time c
*v.^j. = phase angles determining x,y com- Bxx = uBxx~,etc.
ponents of dynamic force
7 = phase angle determining time or shaft
angular position when the bearing 8 = preload ratio-(Figs. 1-5)
radial force is maximized
x,y = differentiation with respect to time
A,B,C,D = dimensionless coefficients e = eccentricity ratio-(Figs. 1-5)

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"o 0.15 r

507. PRELOAD 8
PAD ARC 5 6 '
000 _J I I
olr 0.1 0.2 0.3
Fig. 10 Fig. 12
FOR THREE LOBE BEARING, L/D-0.5, I.O C = YMax(-KyySm fyy + UByyCOS ^y)
^ M a x ( ^ - C 0 S $x + wByxSm $x)
D = y M a x ( ^ c o s $y + uByi,s,m *>,) +
^MaxC^.i-sin $ v —oxB^cos $ r )
tan •$rx = (17)
tan SKy = (18)

0.0 O.Z 0.4 0.6 0.8 I.O

Peak Dynamic Radial Load Transmitted to Bearing
The dynamic loads in the x,y coordinate directions at any
X=XMaxCos(wt-$x) (3) instant of time (or shaft angular position = wi) are given by
y=YMaxsm{ut-<ty) (4) equations (11) and (12). The radial load Fr is the vector sum
of the forces ,FX, Fy, i.e.,
Fr=(Fx2+F/)v' (19)
•XMax = (tf 2 cos 2 a + 6 2 sin 2 a)' /! (5)
Substituting forFA., Fy yields:
{a — b)smacosa
tan <PV = = =— (6) Fr = [(A2+B2)cos2{ut-yx) + (C2+D2)sm2(<J>t-yy)]'/' (20)
a cos ct + b sin a
Making use of trigonometric identities, it can be shown that
^Max =(a 2 sin 2 a + & 2 cos 2 a) l/! (7) equation (20) may be expressed as:
(b-a)s'macosa Fr= — [A2 +B2 + C2 +D2+(G1+H2):Acos(2a>t-y)]'A (21)
tan $ „ = a sin
r-52 a + b cos^a
r— (8)
Dynamic Forces Transmitted to Bearing in x,y G=(A2+B2)cos 2 Vx-(C2+D2)cos 2 ^y (22)
Directions 2 2 2 2
H= (A +B )sin 2 * x - (C +£> )sin 2 % (23)
As described in reference [2], for example, the relationship and
between bearing dynamic force and shaft motion is given by
the expression (for the x and y coordinate directions). tan y= - (24)
Fx = Kxxx+Bxxx+Kxyy+Bxyy (9)
From equation (21) it will be seen that the radial force F,
Fy = Kyyy+Byyy+Kyxx+Byxx (10) reaches a maximum when
The dynamic forces in the two coordinate directions may be cos(2o)/ —7)= 1
expressed as:
The maximum radial force F r M a x is then given by:
Fx = (A2+B2)v'cos(wt-yx) (11)
V 2'[A
. 2+B2+C2+D2 + {G2+H2)V']''
Fy = (C2+D2)Vlsm{wt-yy) (12) Pri (25)
where Making further use of trigonometric identities, and
A = XMax(Kxxcos <i>x + coBxxsm $x) + equations (22) and (23), it may be shown that
^ M a x ( - ^ W s m $y + <*>Bxy COS <by) G2 + H2 = {A2 + B2)2 + (C 2 + D2)2
B = XMax(Kxxsm <i>x-uBxxcos $ x ) + -2(A2-B2)(D2-C2) + SABCD (26)
J W ( ^ c o s *j,+w5,,sin * , ) and substituting in equation (25)

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VZF?r ={A2+B2 + C2+D2 + [(A2+B2)2 V2(F r ) Max c
Max * (A 2 + B2 + C2 + D2 + [(A2 + B2)2
2 2 2
+ (C + D ) - 2(A -B )(D 2 2 2 2
- C ) + 8ABCD] Vl
} Vl
(27) Wa cos 2 a
+ (C 2 +D2)-2(A2 -B2)([D2 -C2) + SABCD]'A J v> (33)
The previous equation therefore relates the maximum
radial force transmitted from the rotor to the bearing as a It will be seen that the right-hand side of equation^ (33)
function of a number of constants A, B, C, D. These con- depends solely on the dimensionless constants A, B, C, D.
stants are determined by the bearing dynamic coefficients, the These constants are a function of three factors, i.e.,
ellipse parameters and the speed as given by equations (5)-(8) 1) The dimensionless spring and damping coefficients.
and(13)-(16). These coefficients are a function of bearing geometry
and operating conditions; for a given bearing at a known
eccentricity ratio, the coefficients are fixed values.
Dimensionless Equations for Peak Dynamic Radial 2) The aspect ratio of the elliptical orbit formed by the
Load With Elliptical Shaft Orbit journal center, i.e., the ratio alb of major to minor axes
of the ellipse.
The eight fluid film bearing dynamic coefficients are
3) The orientation angle a of the shaft major axis with
frequently expressed as dimensionless values in the literature,
respect to the vertical load vector.
The left-hand side of equation (33) is a dimensionless
K.... = Kyy Kyy-Kyy w quantity which contains the maximum bearing dynamic force
i.X XX yy -fV.Max. the static force Won the bearing, the bearing clearance
c, the ellipse orientation angle a and the major ellipse orbit
B.xx = uBxx -— Byy = ijjByy — CtC. axis a. For a fixed value of the right-hand side of equation
(33), if the angle a and the static load W are known and the
where W = total static load on the bearing maximum dynamic load FrMax is specified, the ratio ale is
c = bearing radial clearance (the difference be- then fixed. That is, the maximum vibrational amplitude a for
tween the journal radius and the radius of a bearing with clearance c can be specified.
curvature of the bearing liner, sometimes
referred to as the "ground" clearance).
The bars over the quantities indicate that they are
Dimensionless Equations for Peak Dynamic Radial
dimensionless. Returning to equations (13)-(16) and using the
expressions for X U M , F Max from equations (5) and (7) and for Load With Circular Shaft Orbit
$ x , * y from equations (6), (8), and the dimensionless spring For the case of the elliptical shaft orbit, the constants A, B,
and damping coefficients, we obtain: C, D of equation (33) may have an infinite number of values
Ac . / b T \ for a given eccentricity ratio. Although the dimensionless
— j - =KXX[\+ — tan2 a) spring and damping coefficients are fixed by the eccentricity
Wa cos2 a \ a /
ratio, different variables of ellipse attitude a and aspect ratio
may be arbitrarily assigned in computing these constants A,
+ [Bxy (tan2a + — ~) + (Bxx+Kxy)(l j t a n a (28) B, etc. Hence a plot of equation (33) would require selected
parameters of alb and a.
Be . / b \ To reduce the number of such plots and present a simple
w„ „„ 2 = (Kxx - Bxy) 11 - — ) tana - Bxx method for estimating allowable shaft motion, assume that
Wa cos^a \ a /
the shaft orbit is circular. In this case, the ratio alb = 1 and a
= 0. Hence the constants A, B, C, D, from equations
( l + — tan 2 a) + Kxy Ttan 2 a + — ) (29) (28)-(31), to be used in equation (33) become:

Cc Ao=Kxx + Bxy (34)

- - {Kyy + B.
Wa cos 2 a • ) ( > - T ) tana BQ= ~BXX+Kxy (35)
CO = Byy + Kyx (36)
-Byy ( t a n 2 a + —j+Kyx(l+ — tan2aj (30)
DO = Kyy — ByX (37)
where the subscript 0 indicates the particular case of a circular
= Kyy f t a n 2 a + — j -Byx N + — tan2aj orbit.
Wa cos 2 a When alb = 1 and a = 0°, the left-hand side of equation
(33) is reduced to
(Kyx-Byy){\- tana
Again, for simplicity, let the left-hand sides of equations
(3D J2(Fr)Umc _ V2(/v) Max c
Wa cos2 a Wr (3s)

(28)-(31) be represented by the dimensionless constants A, B,

C, D where where r = radial amplitude of the circular shaft orbit. The
-A Ac Be static and dynamic bearing forces may be written as projected
A= — bearing pressures. Equation (33) may then be rearranged to
Wa cos2^-a ,B Wa cos 2 a ' the form:
Cc Dc V2
C= =- ,D-- (32)
Wa cos 2 a Wa cos2 a (£)(T> f(A0,B0,C0,D0)
Substituting in equation (27) from equation (32), a where/(,4o. A,» C 0 , D0) is a function of the constants, A, B,
dimensionless expression for maximum transmitted force may C, D for a circular orbit (equations (34)-(37)), as given by the
be formed, i.e., right-hand side of equation (33).

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Allowable Shaft Amplitude Parameter Versus Bearing divided by bearing length x diameter) was up to about 5000
Eccentricity Ratio psi for the mean and 8000 psi for the alternating value (double
Equation (33) has been calculated and plotted for several Results were shown as "fatigued" or "not fatigued" in a
bearing types pictured in Figs. 1-5 as a function of bearing plot of test loads—double amplitude versus mean level.
eccentricity ratio. The spring and damping coefficients used Considerable scatter exits in this plot. Nevertheless, the
to calculate A0, etc. were obtained from references [2, 3]. boundary between "fatigued" and "not fatigued" specimens
Results are shown for four bearing types at length/diameter is approximately a horizontal line. This indicates that the
ratios of 0.5 and 1 in Figs. 8-11. The bearing types are the two allowable alternating load is not significantly affected by the
axial groove; elliptical; three lobe; and the offset cylindrical. mean level.
The latter three types have preload ratios of 0.5. Figure 12 The smallest double amplitude alternating load which
presents the results for a 5 pad, tilt-pad bearing (loaded on caused a fatigue failure exceeded 1000 psi. The mean load at
pivot). Data for Fig. 12 were obtained from reference [3]. this condition was about 2000 psi. The rest of the test data,
The vertical axes of these plots is a dimensionless allowable however, showed no fatigue failures resulting from alter-
shaft amplitude parameter. If the ratio of Pd/Ps is known or nating loads at 2000 psi, i.e., ±1000psi.
specified for a given eccentricity ratio, these curves will permit The authors of reference [7] had only a modest degree of
a simple estimate of allowable shaft vibration (as a fraction of success in explaining the experimental results of reference [8].
bearing clearance) so as not to exceed the allowable dynamic Finite element studies were carried out to calculate the stresses
pressure load on the bearing. in the babbitt for six cases within the range of the ex-
For example, consider the case when the static and dynamic perimental conditions. The calculated stresses were compared
pressures are equal for any operating eccentricity ratio. The to babbitt fatigue strength criteria and finally to the ex-
amplitude parameter then becomes simply the ratio of shaft perimental fatigue results. Half the analytical predictions of
orbital radius to bearing clearance which will produce a whether or not fatigue would occur agreed with the data.
dynamic bearing load equal to its static value. If such a One of the important conclusions reached, however, was
criteria is applied, a review of the bearing plots shows that that variations in the hydrodynamic pressure correlated with
rather low shaft vibration amplitudes would exist at ec- the experimental trend. Such variations in pressure will be
centricity ratios of 0.1 or less. produced by shaft center orbits. Thus there is some
It is unlikely, however, that one would choose a constant reasonable grounds to expect that the limiting shaft dynamic
ratio of dynamic to static bearing pressures in determining load Pd will be independent of the mean bearing load Ps.
allowable shaft vibration amplitude. It is more probable that To make use of the curves of Figs. 8 through 12 it is
a limiting dynamic load would be set over the entire possible necessary to provide some estimate of allowable dynamic
bearing operating range. Low values of bearing eccentricity pressure Pd, however imperfect the basis. The minimum
ratio are often the result of low bearing static pressures. If, dynamic load which produced fatigue in the tests of reference
for example, the allowable dynamic load is 400 psi (2.75 M [8] was about +550 psi ( ± 3 . 8 M Pa). The test rig value may
Pa) and the static load is 80 psi (0.55 M Pa), the allowable be too optimistic for application to typical turbomachinery
shaft amplitude ratio r/c is five times (400/80) the amplitude bearings. Such bearings are likely to be larger, have a greater
parameter for the given operating eccentricity ratio. babbitt thickness, and be more subject to misalignment than
However, if a low amplitude parameter is indicated the test rig bearings.
together with a high static pressure relative to the allowable In the absence of specific test data or experience for the
dynamic value, then only a small vibrational amplitude is allowable dynamic load Pd, a more conservative value in the
permissible. In such a case, it may be difficult to distinguish range of ±400 to ±450 psi (±2.75 to ±3.1 M Pa) is
between acceptable and unacceptable dynamic loads from suggested for use with these curves.
shaft vibration measurements.
Estimating Vibration Severity
Estimating Maximum Allowable Dynamic Pressure on
Bearing The severity of shaft vibration may be estimated from
equation (33) for a known, elliptical shaft orbit. This requires
It is clear that the maximum alternating load Pd allowed on specific values for the bearing coefficients, the static load on
the bearing is an extremely important parameter in setting the bearing and its clearance. The dynamic load on the
shaft vibration limits. Unfortunately, at the present state of bearing may then be computed and compared with its
the art, it is not possible to provide a precise, universal value dynamic load capacity. An operating dynamic load which
of Pd for all sizes and types of fluid film bearings. equals or exceeds the fatigue capacity should be used as a
Some of the factors which are known to influence stresses machine trip level vibration limit.
in the babbitt (and which ultimately cause fatigue) are: the Existing vibration charts often distinguish several zones of
thickness and composition of the bearing babbitt; the rigidity severity, ranging from trip level vibrations to those evaluated
of the base metal structure to which the babbitt is bonded; as indicating very smooth operation. A useful guide from
circumferential and tangential temperature gradients; the vibration experience is that each doubling of vibration levels
hydrodynamic pressure distribution in the bearing liner represents a significant change in the rotor condition. Thus,
(which is itself a function of bearing geometry, speed, one may establish zone boundaries for shaft vibration in
clearances, oil properties) and the combination of steady and which the alarm is one-half the trip level; smooth is one-
alternating loads imposed on the bearing. These factors are fourth trip and very smooth, one-eighth the trip level. This
discussed in the literature such as in references [5-8]. same guide to vibration severity zones can be applied to the
Reference [7] presents the results of an analytical attempt to present analysis. Rather than using an arbitrary assumption
correlate some of these variables with the experimental results for a trip level vibration, the present analysis is based on a
of tests performed by reference [8]. Those tests were carried rational assessment of bearing dynamic load. Thus bearing
out on bearings with a tin-based babbitt liner, 10 mils thick. type, size, clearance and operating conditions all are taken
The bearing diameter was 2.8 in., length 1.28 in., and into consideration in determining the vibration trip level.
diametral clearance 3.3 mils. Tests were carried out under The curves of Figs. 8-12 consider the particular case when
various combinations of mean and alternating loads for up to the elliptical orbit is circular. Given the operating eccentricity
107 cycles at 1800 rpm. The applied load (defined as force ratio and static bearing load, the whirl clearance ratio to cause

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bearing fatigue may be predicted. Zone boundaries of Summary and Conclusions
vibration severity may be calculated, as described earlier.
Two practical bounds should be applied. As an upper Equations are developed relating the bearing dynamic load,
bound for a trip level, the shaft vibration should not exceed 30 the size and shape of the shaft orbit, and the spring and
percent of the bearing lobe clearance. (It should be noted that damping characteristics of a fluid film bearing. For the case
the lobe clearance is greater than the assembled clearance for when the shaft orbit is circular, the equations are simplified.
geometrically pre-loaded bearings). As a lower bound, shaft For a given bearing geometry, a dimensionless curve can then
vibration levels much less than 1 mil (25 /xm) pip should not be plotted of a vibrational amplitude parameter versus
be expected for commercially acceptable machinery. bearing eccentricity ratio. This plot can be applied to
geometrically similar bearings of different sizes. The
An upper bound on shaft amplitude ratio is necessary to
allowable shaft vibration amplitude can be calculated from
keep within the theoretical limitations of the analysis, which
the dimensionless amplitude parameter if the bearing
postulates shaft perturbations about a steady-state point. The
clearance, steady load, and acceptable dynamic load are
lower bound of 1 mil (25 itm) pip recognizes the fact that
known. Curves are provided for several bearing geometries.
smaller values of shaft vibration are difficult to measure
accurately. If the trip level shaft vibration is 2 mils (50 iim), If geometrically similar bearings are operated at identical
one should not expect even a very smooth operating rotor to eccentricity ratios, the allowable shaft vibration (for the same
exhibit shaft vibrations as low as 0.25 mils (6 /xm). Such a limiting dynamic pressure) will be proportional to bearing
value is comparable to the surface roundness and mechanical size. Larger vibration amplitudes are allowable for larger
run-out values attainable on the proximity probe target. It machines.
will occur at shaft speeds approaching zero and thus does not The significance of a given vibration level on bearing
represent vibration. dynamic load (for a given journal size) depends upon the type
of bearing and its operating eccentricity ratio. Under certain
From the viewpoint of the field engineer, a simple method
conditions, the shaft amplitude level may be too low to
for judging vibration severity is very desirable, when there is
distinguish reliably between acceptable and unacceptable
little data or experience to draw upon. An estimate may be
dynamic loads. In such cases the seismic probe mounted on
made as follows. The curves of Figs. 8-11 show an average
the bearing housing is likely to be a better choice for a
peak amplitude parameter of 0.13. If the typical ratio of static
vibration sensor than the proximity probe.
to maximum dynamic pressure is in the range of 0.4 to 0.5, the
allowable whirl amplitude ratio is about 0.3. That is, a References
journal amplitude about 30 percent of the bearing lobe 1 American Petroleum Institute Standard 670, "Non-Contacting Vibration
clearance should represent a trip level for the machine. and Axial Position Monitoring System," lsted., June 1976, p. 10.
Bearing clearances will vary dependent upon the designer's 2 Lund, J. W., and Thomsen, K. K., "A Calculation Method and Data for
the Dynamic Coefficients of Oil Lubricated Journal Bearings," ASME Spec.
objective with respect to operating film thickness and rotor PubL, Topics in Fluid Film Bearing and Rotor Bearing System Design and
stability. For cylindrical bearings (Fig. 1) representative lobe Optimization, 1978.
clearances are about 0.0015 times the journal diameter. 3 Glienicke, J., Han, D. C , and Leonhard, M., "Practical Determination
Preloaded bearings (Figs. 2-5), however, frequently have and Use of Bearing Dynamic Coefficients," Tribology International, Vol. 13,
No. 6, Dec. 1980, pp. 297-309.
larger lobe clearances, about 0.003 times the journal 4 Lund, J. W., "Analytical Methods in Rotor-Bearing Dynamics,"
diameter. Tribology International, Vol. 13, No. 5, Oct. 1980, pp. 233-236.
For a "rule of thumb" estimate of vibration severity, 5 Lang, O. R., "Surface Fatigue of Plain Bearings," Wear, Vol. 43, 1977,
assume an overall lobe clearance 0.0025 of the journal pp. 25-30.
6 Ibrahim, M., and McCallion, H., "Stresses in Oil Lubricated Bearings,"
diameter. Apply the 30 percent factor for trip level vibration. Proc. Inst. Mech. Engrs., Vol. 184, Part 1, No. 3, 1969-1970.
Thus, a trip level, peak to peak shaft vibration will be 0.00075 7 Martin, F. A., Garner, D. R., and Adams, D. R., "Hydrodynamic Aspects
times the journal diameter. of Fatigue in Plain Journal Bearings," ASME Paper 80C2/LUB-19, presented
Such a rule-of-thumb, however, should be applied with at Century 2 ASME-ASLE International Lubrication Conference, San Fran-
cisco, Calif., Aug. 18-21, 1980.
caution. It is not an adequate substitute for a detailed 8 Gyde, H., "Fatigue Fractures in Babbitt Lined Journal Bearings," thesis,
evaluation of the specific bearing type, size, steady load and 1969, Laboratory of Internal Combustion Engines, Technical Univ. of Den-
operating eccentricity ratio. mark, Copenhagen.

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