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Reinforced Concrete- II (CE 470)

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Handout #5

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CE 470 (RC - II) : Dr. Nadeem A. Siddiqui 1 December 27, 2014

Minimum thickness in one-way construction

 SBC 304 provides a set of minimum thicknesses for

beams and one way slabs to be used unless actual
deflection calculations indicate that lesser
thicknesses are permissible.
 If deflections are computed for members of lesser
thicknesses than those given in SBC 304, and are
found to be satisfactory, it is not necessary to abide
by the thickness rules.

CE 470 (RC - II) : Dr. Nadeem A. Siddiqui December 27, 2014

Minimum thickness in one-way construction (Contd.)

CE 470 (RC - II) : Dr. Nadeem A. Siddiqui December 27, 2014

Maximum deflections

 If the designer chooses not to meet the minimum

thicknesses given in the Table 9.5 (a), he must
compute deflections.
 If this is done, the values determined may not exceed
the values specified in Table 9.5 (b) given in the next

CE 470 (RC - II) : Dr. Nadeem A. Siddiqui December 27, 2014

CE 470 (RC - II) : Dr. Nadeem A. Siddiqui 5 December 27, 2014
Minimum thickness in Two-way construction
(Depth limitations for Slabs without Interior Beams)

 For a slab without interior beams spanning

between its supports and with a ratio of its long
span to short span not greater than 2.0, minimum
thickness can be taken from Table 9.5(c) in the
 The values selected from the table, however, must
not be less than the following values (SBC
1. Slabs without drop panels = 120 mm
2. Thickness (of those slabs with drop panels)
outside the panels = 100 mm

CE 470 (RC - II) : Dr. Nadeem A. Siddiqui December 27, 2014


ln = the clear span in the long direction, measured face to face, of the
columns (for slabs without beams)
CE 470 (RC - II) : Dr. Nadeem A. Siddiqui December 27, 2014
Minimum thickness in Two-way construction
(Depth limitations for Slabs with Interior Beams)

 To determine the minimum thickness of slabs with

beams spanning between their supports on all
sides, the equations of the next slides can be used.
In these equations:
 ln = the clear span in the long direction, measured
face to face of beams
 β = the ratio of the long to the short clear span
 αfm = the average value of the ratios of beam-to-
slab stiffness on all sides of a panel.

CE 470 (RC - II) : Dr. Nadeem A. Siddiqui December 27, 2014

Minimum thicknesses of slabs
with interior beams
αfm =the average value of the ratios of beam-to-slab stiffness on all sides of a panel.

1. For  fm  0.2, the minimum thicknesses are obtained as they were for slabs
without interior beams spanning between their supports.
2. For 0.2   fm  2.0, the thickness shall not be less than 120 mm or
 fy 
ln  0.8  
h  1500 
36  5 ( fm  0.2)
3. For  fm  2.0, the thickness shall not be less than 90 mm or
 fy 
ln  0.8   ln and fy are in mm and
h  1500 
MPa, respectively.
36  9 
CE 470 (RC - II) : Dr. Nadeem A. Siddiqui December 27, 2014
Instantaneous or short term Deflections

 Instantaneous ( or short term) deflections for

reinforced concrete members can be calculated
with the usual deflection expressions.
 Loads used in these expressions are unfactored
 For most practical purposes it is sufficiently
accurate to calculate the centre line deflection of a
member as though it is simply supported and to
subtract from that value the deflection caused by
the average of the negative moments at the member

CE 470 (RC - II) : Dr. Nadeem A. Siddiqui December 27, 2014

CE 470 (RC - II) : Dr. Nadeem A. Siddiqui 11 December 27, 2014
CE 470 (RC - II) : Dr. Nadeem A. Siddiqui 12 December 27, 2014

 Immediate deflection shall be computed with the modulus of elasticity Ec for

concrete and with the effective moment of inertia as follows, but not greater
than Ig.

Effective moment of inertia :

M 
 M 

I e   cr  I g  1   cr   I cr
 Ma    M a  

M a  Maximum moment in member at stage deflection is calculated

I g  Moment of inertia of gross concrete section about centroidal axis (neglecting reinforcement)

I cr  Moment of inertia of cracked section transformed to concrete

fr I g
M cr  Cracking Moment 
yt  distance from centroidal axis of gross section, neglecting reinforcement, to extreme fiber in tension
f r  Modulus of rupture of concrete (MPa)  0.7 f c'
Ec  Modulus of elasticity of concrete (MPa)  4700 f c'
CE 470 (RC - II) : Dr. Nadeem A. Siddiqui December 27, 2014
Steps followed in the calculation of Moment of
Inertia of cracked section transformed to concrete

1. Locate the neutral axis:

 Assume it is located a distance x from the compression surface of the
 Equate the first moment of the compression area of the beam cross
section about the neutral axis to the first moment of the tensile area
about the neutral axis.
 Solve the resulting quadratic equation by completing the squares or by
using the quadratic formula.
2. Calculate the moment of inertia of the transformed section.

CE 471: Dr. Nadeem A. Siddiqui 27-Dec-14

Long term deflections

 Long-term or sustained loads cause significant

increase in short term deflections due to shrinkage
and creep. The factors affecting long term deflection
 Humidity
 Temperature
 Curing conditions
 Compression steel content
 Ratio of stress to strength
 Age of the concrete at the time of loading

CE 470 (RC - II) : Dr. Nadeem A. Siddiqui December 27, 2014

Effect of age of concrete (at the time of loading) on

 If concrete is loaded at an early age, its long-term

deflections will be greatly increased.
 The creep strain after about 5 years (after which
creep is negligible)may be as high as 4 or 5 times the
initial strain when loads were first applied 7 to 10
days after the concrete was placed, while the ratio
may only be 2 or 3 when the loads were first applied
3 or 4 months after concrete placement.

CE 470 (RC - II) : Dr. Nadeem A. Siddiqui December 27, 2014

Calculation of long-term deflection
δLT  δL  λ δD  λt δSL
 A '
λ ;  '
 s
 compression steel ratio
1  50  '
  Time factor
δD  Short term dead load deflection
δSL  Short term sustained live load deflection
λ  Long term multiplier at infinite duration
λt  Long term multiplier for the duration of the sustained live load
Note :  ' is to be computed at midspan for simple beam and continuous
spans and at the supports for cantilevers.

CE 470 (RC - II) : Dr. Nadeem A. Siddiqui December 27, 2014

Time Factor () (SBC Section

Duration of Sustained Time-dependent

Load Factor 
5 years or more 2.0
12 months 1.4
6 months 1.2
3 months 1.0

CE 470 (RC - II) : Dr. Nadeem A. Siddiqui December 27, 2014

Permissible Crack Width
(ACI Committee 224)

Member Subjected To Permissible Crack

Width (mm)

Dry air 0.41

Moist air, soil 0.30
De-icing chemicals 0.18
Seawater and seawater spray 0.15
Use in water retaining 0.10

CE 470 (RC - II) : Dr. Nadeem A. Siddiqui December 27, 2014

Gergely-Lutz Equation

w  0.0113 h f s 3 dc A
w  the estimated cracking width in thousands of mms
 h  ratio of the distance to the neutral axis from the extreme tension
concrete fiber to the distance from the neutral axis to the centroid
of the tensile steel (values to be determined by the Working - stress method)
f s  steel stress, in MPa at service loads (designer is permitted to use 0.6 f y
for normal structures)
d c  the cover of the outermost bar measured from the extreme tension fiber to the
center of the closest bar or wire. (For bundled bars d c is measured to the c.g.
of the bundles)
A  the effective tension area of concrete around the main reinforcing (having the
same centroid as the reinforcing) divided by the number of bars.
CE 470 (RC - II) : Dr. Nadeem A. Siddiqui 20 December 27, 2014
Gergely-Lutz Equation (Contd.)

w  0.0113 h f s 3 dc A
Note :
 h  1.20 for beams
 1.35 for thin one - way slabs.
If more and smaller bars are used to provide the necessary area, the value of
A will be smaller, as will the estimated crack widths.

Should all the bars in a particular group not be the same size, their number (for
use in the equation) should be considered to equal the total reinforcing stee area
actually provided in the group divided by the area of the largest bar size used.

CE 470 (RC - II) : Dr. Nadeem A. Siddiqui December 27, 2014

SBC 304 Provisions Concerning Cracks

 The center-to-center spacing of the reinforcing closest to a

tension surface should not be greater than the value
computed with the following expression:
95000  252 
s  2.5cc  300  (" " refers " but not greater t han" )
fs  fs 
In this expression f s is the computed tensile stress at working load.
It may be calculated by dividing the unfactored bending moment by
the beam' s internal moment arm (i.e. f s  n ) or it may simply
2 2
be taken equal to f y (i.e. f s  f y ).
3 3
Note: Above SBC 304 provision is not exactly same as ACI 318.

CE 470 (RC - II) : Dr. Nadeem A. Siddiqui December 27, 2014

Good Luck!

CE 470 (RC - II) : Dr. Nadeem A. Siddiqui 23 December 27, 2014

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