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The palettes used in LABVIEW are as follows – signal waveform, for loop, waveform chart, indicators,
addition, division, multiplication palettes build array.


A Fourier series is an expansion of a periodic function in terms of an infinite sum of sines and cosines.
Fourier series make use of the orthogonality relationships of the sine and cosine functions. The computation
and study of Fourier series is known as harmonic analysis and is extremely useful as a way to break up
an arbitrary periodic function into a set of simple terms that can be plugged in,

Using the method for a generalized Fourier series, the usual Fourier series involving sines and cosines is
obtained by taking Since these functions form a complete orthogonal
system over , the Fourier series of a function is given by

and n=1, 2, 3, .... Note that the coefficient of the constant term a0 has been written in a special form
compared to the general form for a generalized Fourier series in order to preserve symmetry with the
definitions of an and bn.

Gibbs Phenomenon : when a square wave was inputted ” Wiggles” around the discontinuity appeared and
even if the number of fourier component reaches infinity wiggles never disappeared. These discontinuity
points refered as gibbs phenomenon

Hence near a point when a signal have jump discontinuity the partial sum Sn of a fourier series exhibits a
substatntial overshoot near these endpoints and increase in n will never demolish the amplitude of the
overshoot, although the increasing n the overshoot occour over a smaller and smaller interval
 Plotting the first
component and
input signal

 Plotting the first

two component
and input signal

 Plotting the
first three
and input

 Plotting the first

four component
and input signal

 Plotting the first

five component
and input signal
 Plotting the
first six
and input

Hence, we successfully find out the fourier series coefficient for this
symmetrical square wave plotted the partial sum of 1,2,3,4,5,6 components
and demonstrate the Gibbs Phenomenon

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