MPU HOM Assignment

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Of all the ancient arts, Traditional Chinese Medicine is the only discipline that

has been kept relatively intact during its evolution from ancient times to the present.

After thousands of years, people still find it relevant and useful in clinical practice.

Therefore, the study of its origin and development has great significance for the

academic world in general rather than just for the discipline itself. Likewise, to fully

understand the system of Traditional Chinese Medicine, we have to first understand

Chinese culture and its roots in Chinese philosophical ideas and values. One of the

most significant culture beliefs that influence Traditional Chinese Medicine in its

development is the seasonal changes.

Unlike other ancient civilization like Mesopotamia, ancient Chinese people

believed that diseases were caused by seasonal variation. The Rites of Zhou states that

the internal disorders are obviously related to seasonal changes. ‘Head disorders

usually occur in spring, itching and scabies in summer, malaria and chills in autumn

and coughing in winter.’ According to Traditional Chinese Medicine beliefs, the

season changes will disturb the harmony frequency of the surrounding with the energy

frequency of the body or “qi” Therefore, it caused the blockage of “qi” in the body.

In ancient Hwang Ho civilization, “qi” was the highest philosophical category

and is essential for grasping the fundamental questions of ontology as they were

understood in ancient time. Qi is a syncretic concept that contains multiple level of

meaning. In The Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic, “qi” is the source of life and has its

essential nature. It also represents the functional activities of the body. In Traditional

Chinese Medicine “qi” is both substance and function. For example it includes the

functions of yang qi, defensive qi, the qi and functions of five zang-organs, and the qi

and function of six fu-organs, as well as the qi and function of acupuncture channels.
Belief in seasonal changes play an important role in acupuncture treatment.

Acupuncture was originated from primitive humans’ practice of pressing the tender

spots on their bodies with stone, which is known as bian stone. Huang Di’s invention

of acupuncture and Fu Xi’s creation of the therapeutic therapy with stone needles are

the ancient legends regarding the origin of acupuncture. Later, bone needles, ceramic

needles, and bamboo needles were developed. Metal needles began to be used in the

Shang Dynasty (16th – 11th century B.C.) with the introduction and application of iron

casting. There were nine kinds of metallic needles being developed at that time with

different shapes and usage as recorded in the book Miraculous Pivot. Acupuncture is

a unique and effective Chinese therapy. It was widely used as one of the major

therapies employed by physicians before Qin and Han dynasties

(211 B.C. – 220 A.D.), but acupuncture started to decline when Revolution of 1911

ended the rule of the Qing Dynasty. It should be a good turn with the introduction of

Western medicine to China, however the colonist used it as medium for aggression.

They claimed: “Western medicine is vanguard of Christianity and Christianity is the

forerunner promoting the sale of goods.” With such a purpose, they defamed

acupuncture as medical torture, and even depreciated Traditional Chinese Medicine.

They also called the acupuncture needle a deadly needle.

Fortunately, traditional Chinese medicine was able to spread among the folk

people in this situation with the efforts of some acupuncturists due to the great need of

Chinese people for medical care. Cheng Dan’an is one of the acupuncturists who

made a particular contribution. He made efforts in relating the theory of acupuncture

with modern science and technology in order to inherit the traditional acupuncture.

Consequently, acupuncture gained its new life in 1899 and the most remarkable

moment for the development of acupuncture was an acupuncture clinic was opened in
the International Peace Hospital because this was the first time that acupuncture

entered into a comprehensive hospital.

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