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Application of Grflt12s (Excel-Ver.

) programs:
1994 Northridge Simulation using the Wald Model (1996)

Aug. 4, 2006

0. References
a. The source data of the 1994 Northridge earthquake model
We used the source data of Wald and Heaton (Strong Motion) to reproduce the strong motion
at the Lucerne Valley Station.
b. Simulation results using this program
2006JEES-paper.pdf (in Japanese)
c. Theories of this program for the fling step. for Green’s function.

1. Input Data
a. Rock Site Model: grflt12sx1r-in.csv (Data contains 4 stations, U55, U56, SCS7, and SSU)
b. Sediment Site Model: grflt12sx1s-in.csv (Data contains 10 stations, NHL, SCSe, SYL, RRS,
SVA, VNY, U03, SHR, TAR, and U53)
See Figure 1 for the fault model of 1994 Northridge earthquake and the observation stations

(a) the observation stations and fault plane (b) final slip distribution

Figure 2: The fault model of 1994 Northridge earthquake and the observation stations
2. Run Programs
a. Compile and run phs3sQx.f to obtain phase velocities of surface waves.

Enter grflt12s1r-in.csv for the rock

model, or grflt12sx1s-in. csv for the
sediment model.

Enter 0, if you don’t check secular

function and eigen vectors of surface
Enter 0.01 or smaller number.
Generally the smaller number gives
the more accurate results.
Enter 200 or larger number.
Generally the larger number gives the
more accurate results.
Enter 1000 or larger number.
Generally the larger number gives the
more accurate results.

To plot phase and group velocities of the Love and Rayleigh waves, use the output csv files,
Ldisper.csv and Rdisper.csv, respectively. You can also plot the medium response of the Love
and Rayleigh waves, use the output csv files, Lmedres.csv and Rmedres.csv, respectively. See
Figure 2, for examples for Love wave.
Dispersion Curves of Love Wave (Up to Mode 5) 2.50E-07 Medium Response of Love Wave (Up to Mode 5)


4000 C 0 2.00E-07
Phase and Group Velocities (m/s)

U 0
3500 C 1
Medium Response

U 1 1.50E-07
C 2
M 0
2500 U 2
M 1
C 3
2000 1.00E-07 M 2
U 3
M 3
1500 C 4
M 4
U 4
1000 5.00E-08 M 5
C 5
U 5

0 0.00E+00
0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5
frequencies (Hz) frequency (Hz)

Figure 2: the dispersion curves (left) and the medium response (right) of the Love wave
b. Compile and run grflt12sx1.f to obtain strong motions in the frequency domain.
See Figure 3 for the coordinate system and fault parameters.

Enter grflt12s1r-in.csv for the rock

model, or grflt12sx1s-in. csv for the
sediment model.

Enter 0, when you calculate the

static Green’s functions.

Enter 0, when you do not check the

wave number integration data.
Enter 0, when you calculate the
dynamic Green’s functions.

Enter 0, for regular use.

Enter 0, when you do not check the

wave number integration data.

Enter 0, for regular use.

X (North)
Free Surface
Strike Angle Y (Observation Station)

Y (East) Strike Direction

Green’s Function
Z (Down) Ns(Nd-1)+1

Slip Direction NsNd

Width (W)
Rake Angle Ns(Nd-1)
Rupture Velocity
2Ns+1 (Vr) X (Source Point)

1 Hypocenter Rupture Front 3Ns
3 4
Fault Origin 5
Dip Angle
Length (L) Ns-1
Strike Direction

Figure 3: Coordinate system and fault parameters

c. Compile and run grfftspx.f to obtain strong motions in the time domain.

Enter 1, when you plot waves in the

X, Y, and Z coordinate system
Choose an observation station
number (In this case, Enter 1)

Enter 1, when you change signs of

amplitude. Otherwise, enter 0.

Enter 1, when you change the sign

of the amplitude. Otherwise, enter
0. In this case, the sign of the Z
component is changed (UP is plus).
Enter 0 to plot velocities, or 1 to plot acceleration.

Enter 1 to use the band pass filter. Otherwise 0.

Enter the four corner frequencies of the
trapezoidal band pass filter. In this case, a high
cut filter tapering from 1.0 Hz to 1.6 Hz is used.

Enter 1, when you use a shorter delta time (dt). Otherwise

enter 0. In this case, dt becomes 0.16 s from 0.32 s.
Enter 1, when you use a shorter delta time (dt). Otherwise
enter 0. In this case, dt becomes 0.08 s from 0.16 s.
Enter 1, when you use a shorter delta time (dt). Otherwise
enter 0. In this case, dt becomes 0.04 s from 0.08 s.
Enter 1, when you use a shorter delta time (dt). Otherwise
enter 0. In this case, dt becomes 0.02 s from 0.04 s.
In this case, dt is 0.02 s.
Enter 1, when you change the unit of m to that
of cm. Otherwise enters 0.

The Fourier amplitude data are stored in amp.csv, and the waveform data are stored in wave.csv.
3. Simulated Results
As examples, Figures 4 and 5 show the velocities at U55 and U56, respectively, using
grflt12sx1r.csv (see Figure 1).

20 U55
15 X(NS)
velocties (cm/s)


0 5 10 15 20 25 30


-15 time (s)

Figure 4. The simulated velocities at U55.

60 U56
20 Y(EW)
velocties (cm/s)

0 5 10 15 20 25 30




-100 time (s)

Figure 5. The simulated velocities at U56.

4. Comparison of Simulation Results with the Observations
We compare simulated and observed strong motions, as shown Figures 6 (rock sites) and 7
(sediment sites), The observed records downloaded from PEER Strong Motion Database
( All the data are high-cut filtered tapering from 1.0 Hz
to 1.6 Hz, and all the horizontal data are rotated in the fault normal (N32E) and parallel (N58W)
direction (see Figure 1).
40 U55 (UD) 40 U55 (Fault Normal) 40 U55 (Fault Parallel)

simulation (UD) simulation (FN) simulation (FP)

30 30 observation (FN) 30 observation (FP)
observation (UD)

20 20 20

velocity (cm/s)
velocities (cm/s)
velocities (cm/s)

10 10 10

0 0 0
0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30
-10 -10 -10
time (s) time (s) time (s)

-20 -20 -20

-30 U56 (UD) 80
-30 U56 (Fault Normal) -30
80 U56 (Fault Parallel)

60 60 60
-40 -40
40 40 40

20 20 20
velocity (cm/s)
velocities (cm/s)
velocities (cm/s)

0 0 0
0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30
-20 -20 -20

-40 -40 -40

time (s) time (s)
-60 -60 -60 time (s)
-80 -80 -80

-100 -100 -100

30 SSU (UD) (UD)
simulation 30 simulation
(Fault Normal) 30 simulation (FP)
-120 -120 observation (FN) -120 SSU (Fault Parallel)
observation (UD) simulation (FN) observation (FP)
simulation (UD)
observation (FN) simulation (FP)
observation (UD)
20 20 20 observation (FP)
velocity (cm/s)

10 10 10
velocities (cm/s)
velocities (cm/s)

0 0 0
0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30

-10 time (s) -10 time (s) -10

time (s)

-20 -20 -20

-30 -30 -30

Figure 7. Comparison of velocities at the rock sites between the simulations and the observations.
100 NHL (UD) 100 NHL (Fault Normal) 100 NHL (Fault Parallel)
simulation (UD) simulation (FN) simulation (FP)
80 observation (UD) 80 observation (FN) 80 observation (FP)
60 60 60
40 40 40
velocities (cm/s)

velocities (cm/s)

velocity (cm/s)
20 20 20
0 0 0
0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30
-20 -20 0 10 20 30
time (s) time (s)
-40 -40 time (s)
-60 -60 -60
-80 -80 -80
-100 -100 -100
100 SCS (UD) 80 SCS (Fault Normal) 100 SYL (Fault Parallel)
simulation (UD) simulation (FN) simulation (FP)
80 observation (UD) 60 observation (FN) 80 observation (FP)
60 40 60

40 20 40
velocities (cm/s)

velocities (cm/s)

velocity (cm/s)
20 0 20
0 10 20 30 0
0 -20
0 10 20 30
0 10 20 30 -20
-20 time (s) -40 time (s)
time (s)
-40 -60
-60 -80
-80 -100 -100
100 SYL (UD) 80 SYL (Fault Normal) 100 SYL (Fault Parallel)
simulation (UD) simulation (FN) simulation (FP)
80 observation (UD) observation (FN)
60 80 observation (FP)
40 60
velocities (cm/s)

velocities (cm/s) velocities (cm/s)

velocity (cm/s)

20 100 RRS (Fault Normal)

0 20
simulation (FN)
0 10 observation
20 (FN)30 0
0 10 20 30 -20
-20 50 0 10 20 30
time (s) -40 time (s)
-40 time (s)
-60 -600
-80 -80 0 10 20 30
-100 -50
-100 -100
time (s)
Figure 8. Comparison of velocities at the sediment sites between the simulations and the observations.

100 RRS (UD) 100 RRS (Fault Parallel)
simulation (UD) simulation (FP)
observation (UD) observation (FP)
50 50
velocities (cm/s)

velocity (cm/s)
0 0
0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30

-50 -50
time (s) time (s)

-100 -100

-150 -150

40 SVA (UD) 40 SVA (Fault Normal) 40 SVA (Fault Parallel)

30 30 30

20 20 20

10 10 10
velocities (cm/s)

velocities (cm/s)

velocity (cm/s)
0 0 0
0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30
-10 -10 -10

-20 -20 -20

time (s) time (s) time (s)
-30 -30 -30

-40 -40 -40

-50 -50 -50

simulation (UD) simulation (FN) simulation (FP)
observation (UD) observation (FN) -60 observation (FP)
-60 -60
40 VNY (UD) 40 VNY (Fault Normal) 40 VNY (Fault Parallel)
simulation (UD) simulation (FN) simulation (FP)
30 observation (UD) 30 observation (FN) 30 observation (FP)

20 20 20
velocities (cm/s)

velocities (cm/s)

velocity (cm/s)

10 10

60 U03 (UD) 600 U03 (Fault Normal) 060 U03 (Fault Parallel)
0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30
-10 -10 -10
time (s) time (s)
40 40 40 time (s)
-20 -20 -20
20 20 20
velocities (cm/s)
velocities (cm/s)

velocity (cm/s)

-30 -30

-400 -40
0 -40 0
0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30

-20 Figure -20 of velocities at the time

time8.(s)Comparison (s) sites (continued)
sediment -20 time (s)

-40 -40 -40

simulation (UD) simulation (FN)
observation (UD) simulation (FP)
observation (FN)
-60 -60 -60 observation (FP)
40 SHR (UD) 40 SHR (Fault Normal) 40 SHR (Fault Parallel)

30 30 30

20 20 20
velocities (cm/s)

velocities (cm/s)

velocity (cm/s)
10 10 10

0 0 0
0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30
-10 -10 -10
time (s) time (s) time (s)
-20 -20 -20

-30 -30 -30

simulation (UD) simulation (FN)
observation (UD) simulation (FP)
-40 observation (FN) -40 observation (FP)
60 TAR (UD) 60 TAR (Fault Normal) 60 TAR (Fault Parallel)
simulation (UD) simulation (FN) simulation (FP)
40 observation (UD) observation (FN) observation (FP)
40 40

velocities (cm/s)

20 20
velocities (cm/s)

velocity (cm/s)

0 0
0 10 20 30
0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30
60 U53 (UD) 60 U53 (Fault Normal) 60 U53 (Fault Parallel)
-20 time (s) time (s)
-20 simulation (FN) -20 simulation
simulation (UD)
observation (UD) observation (FN) observation (FP)
40 40 40
-40 -40
20 20 20
velocities (cm/s)
velocities (cm/s)

velocity (cm/s)

-60 -60
0 0 0
0 10
8. Comparison
of velocities
0 10
at the20sediment
sites (continued)
0 10 20 30

-20 time (s) -20 time (s) -20 time (s)

-40 -40 -40

Figure 8. Comparison of velocities at the sediment sites (continued)

-60 -60 -60

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