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Safety Briefing Wordings

1. Welcome to Gammara Hotel makassar

Selamat datang di Gammara Hotel Makassar
2. On behalf of the management, we would like to thank you for your trust in
organizing your precious event in our hotel
Atas nama manajemen, kami mengucapkan terima kasih atas kepercayaan
penyelenggaraan acara anda di hotel kami
3. As a standard of the services at Gammara Hotel Makassar, we would like to
present our Safety Briefing before the event begins
Sebagai standard dari pelayanan di Gammara Hotel Makassar, kami ingin
menyampaikan Safety Briefing sebelum acara dimulai
4. Dear Valued Guests, we would like to inform you that every rooms in our hotel
are completed with safety equipment that will be used in case of emergency
situation such as Fire, Earthquake, etc.
Setiap ruangan di Gammara Hotel Makassar telah dilengkapi dengan alat
keamanan yang akan digunakan apabila terjadi hal – hal yang tidak diinginkan
seperti kebakaran, gempa bumi, dll.
5. The safety equipment provided are, Smoke Detectors that installed on the
ceiling of every rooms, to detect the area of fire
Alat – alat tersebut adalah Pendeteksi Asap, yang terletak di plafon setiap ruangan,
untuk mendeteksi tempat terjadinya api
6. Water sprinkler, which also located on the ceiling of every rooms, will
extinguish the fire by sprinkling waters
Water Sprinkler yang letaknya juga di plafon setiap ruangan, berfungsi untuk
memadamkan api dengan pancaran air
7. Each floor is well equipped with Fire Hydrant and Fire Extinguisher
Setiap lantai dilengkapi dengan Fire Hydrant dan Fire Extinguisher
8. Gammara Hotel Makassar is also equipped with an Emergency Response Team,
that consists of Fire Fighting and Rescue Team, Evacuation Team, First Aid
Team, and Administration Team
Gammara Hotel Makassar juga dilengkapi dengan Emergency Response Team,
yang terdiri dari Tim Pemadam Kebakaran and Tim Penolong, Tim Penyelamat,
Tim Pertolongan Pertama, dan Tim Administrasi
9. In case of an emergency situation, please remain calm and do not panic
Apabila terjadi situasi Darurat, mohon tetap tenang dan jangan panik
10. Proceed towards the Emergency Exit / Exit Door immediately and follow the
instruction from our Emergency Response Team
Bergeraklah menuju Pintu Keluar Darurat dan ikuti petunjuk dari Tim Tanggap
Darurat Kami
11. In case of an emergency situation, please remain calm and do not use the
Apabila terjadi keadaan Darurat, mohon tetap tenang dan tidak menggunakan Lift
12. Immediately move towards to the provided assembly points, which located in
front of the hotel area, beside our Welcome Banner Center
Segeralah berkumpul di Titik Kumpul Darurat yang telah disediakan, yang terletak
di depan area hotel, disamping area spanduk selamat datang
13. If the electricity shut down suddenly, we will immediately switch the power to
Apabila terjadi pemadaman listrik secara tiba – tiba, kami akan segera
mengalihkan tenaga listrik ke Genset dalam waktu yang singkat
14. Thank you for your attention, and we are pleased to welcome you again in the
Terima kasih atas perhatian anda, dan sampai jumpa

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