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International Journal of Food Microbiology 74 (2002) 57 – 64

The enumeration and identification of acetic acid bacteria from

South African red wine fermentations
W.J. Du Toit a, M.G. Lambrechts a,b,*
Department of Viticulture and Oenology, University of Stellenbosch, Z.A.-7600, Stellenbosch, South Africa
Institute for Wine Biotechnology, University of Stellenbosch, Z.A.-7600, Stellenbosch, South Africa
Received 29 May 2001; received in revised form 15 August 2001; accepted 6 October 2001


Acetic acid bacteria are microorganisms that can profoundly influence the quality of wine. Surprisingly, little research has
been done on these microorganisms in the winemaking field. The object of this study was to investigate the occurrence of acetic
acid bacteria in South African red wine fermentations and to identify the dominant species occurring. Acetic acid bacteria were
isolated and enumerated from small-scale and commercial red must fermentations in 1998 and 1999, respectively. The initial
occurrence of acetic acid bacteria in the must was shown to vary with cell numbers ranging from 106 – 107 to 104 – 105 cfu/ml for
the 1998 and 1999 musts, respectively. The acetic acid bacteria decreased to 102 – 103 cfu/ml in musts having a low pH ( V 3.6),
whereas in some musts having a high pH (  3.7), the cell numbers increased during fermentation. During the process of cold
soaking, the cell numbers of acetic acid bacteria also increased until inoculation with commercial wine yeast. Gluconobacter
oxydans dominated in the fresh must and Acetobacter pasteurianus and A. liquefaciens during fermentation. This study showed
that A. liquefaciens and A. hansenii were present in significant numbers, which has not been reported before. D 2002 Elsevier
Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Acetic acid bacteria; Red wine fermentations; pH

1. Introduction al., 1984a). This species prefers a sugary rich environ-

ment and usually dies off during alcoholic fermenta-
Acetic acid bacteria are divided into the genera tions. Acetobacter species prefer ethanol as carbon
Gluconobacter, Acetobacter and Frateuria (Holt et source (De Ley et al., 1984) and usually dominate
al., 1994). Of these, Gluconobacter oxydans, Aceto- during the later stages of fermentation and in wine
bacter aceti, A. pasteurianus, A. liquefaciens and A. (Drysdale and Fleet, 1985; Joyeux et al., 1984a).
hansenii are normally associated with grapes and wine. Acetic acid bacteria, although able to produce high
The main species observed on unspoiled grapes and amounts of acetic acid from ethanol, have not been of
must is G. oxydans (Blackwood et al., 1969; Joyeux et a major winemaking concern because of their require-
ment of oxygen for growth. The anaerobic conditions
* that generally prevail in wine and the presence of free
Corresponding author. Distell, Adam Tas Road, P.O. Box 46,
Stellenbosch 7600, South Africa. Tel.: +27-21-809-7322; fax: +27-
sulfur dioxide are usually considered to be an ade-
21-886-5414. quate means of avoiding acetic acid bacterial spoilage.
E-mail address: ( M.G. Lambrechts). Therefore, surprisingly little research has been done

0168-1605/02/$ - see front matter D 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 1 6 8 - 1 6 0 5 ( 0 1 ) 0 0 7 1 5 - 2
58 W.J. Du Toit, M.G. Lambrechts / International Journal of Food Microbiology 74 (2002) 57–64

on the role of acetic acid bacteria in the winemaking 2.2. Isolation and identification of acetic acid bacteria
process. However, in recent years, the ability of acetic
acid bacteria to affect wine quality has been the Acetic acid bacteria were isolated by plating 100 ml
subject of renewed interest. Joyeux et al. (1984a) of a dilution series of juice or fermenting juice onto
have shown that acetic acid bacteria are able to GYC medium [glucose (5% m/v), yeast extract (1%
survive and even grow during the winemaking proc- m/v), CaCO3 (3% m/v) and agar (2% m/v)] and
ess. Furthermore, acetic acid bacteria can produce Mannitol medium [mannitol (2.5% m/v), yeast extract
other compounds, apart from acetic acid, that can (1% m/v) and agar (1.5% m/v)]. Growth of yeast and
influence wine quality (Drysdale and Fleet, 1989a). lactic acid bacteria (which normally exhibit weak
The objectives of this study were to investigate growth on these types of media) were eliminated by
the occurrence of acetic acid bacteria in different adding 50 mg/l pimaricin (Delvocid, Gist-Brocades)
South African red wine fermentations and to iden- and 50 mg/l nisin, respectively, to the media. Each
tify the dominant acetic acid bacteria strains. This dilution was plated out in triplicate and the plates
study forms part of a research program to determine incubated at 30 C for 6 days. Representative colonies
the origin of volatile acidity in South African red were isolated and Gram staining and catalase tests
wines. were performed on each colony. Representative Gram
( ) rods and catalase (+) colonies were stored on
GYC slants at 4 C and transferred monthly or kept at
2. Materials and methods 80 C in 40% glycerol until identification.
One hundred and fifteen acetic acid bacterial iso-
2.1. Fermentations monitored lates were identified up to species level with the
following biochemical and physiological tests: the
Acetic acid bacteria were isolated and enumerated ability to overoxidize ethanol, growth on sodium ace-
from red wine fermentations during the 1998 and tate, ketogenesis of glycerol, growth on dulcitol and
1999 harvesting seasons. During the 1998 season, six production of a brown pigment on GYC medium
small-scale fermentations of Cabernet Sauvignon (Drysdale and Fleet, 1988). Thirty-three of these iso-
grapes were monitored. These fermentations consisted lates, chosen randomly, were also identified using
of 110-kg grapes each and were conducted in dupli- numerical analysis of whole cell proteins by SDS-
cate at 15, 22 and 30 C. At each fermentation PAGE (Pot et al., 1994). These 33 strains were grown
temperature, the grapes were divided into two batches on GYC agar for 70 h at 30 C. Cell-free extracts were
prior to yeast inoculation and only one half of the prepared by washing the bacteria from the GYC agar
grapes were sulfured (50 mg/kg). The different musts with NaPBS buffer [consisting of 0.115% (m/v) Na2H-
were fermented on the skins until 0 B. The occur- PO4.12H2O, 0.023% (m/v) NaH2PO4.2H2O and 0.8%
rence of acetic acid bacteria was determined in the (m/v) NaCl, pH 7.3]. The bacteria were then centri-
must at 22, 18, 12, 6 and 0 B during the fermenta- fuged for 10 min at 10 000 rpm, the supernatant was
tion. discarded, the pellet was washed twice with 30 ml
During the 1999 harvesting season, bacteria were NaPBS buffer, and finally, 70 mg of the bacteria was
sampled from fermenting red musts at six commercial placed in an eppendorf tube to which 1.26 ml of
wine cellars in the Stellenbosch, Paarl, Franschhoek Sample Treatment Buffer [0.75% (m/v) Tris, C2H6OS
and Durbanville areas. Sampling was done prior to (5% (v/v), pH 6.8], without sodium dodecyl sulphate
yeast inoculation, during the fermentation (between (SDS), was added. The samples were vortexed and
10 and 14 B) and at the end of fermentation (bet- 0.14 ml of SDS [20% (m/v)] was added and vortexed.
ween 0 and 5 B). Two of the cellars applied the The mixture was then heated to 95 C for 10 min,
technique of cold soaking prior to yeast inoculation. cooled and centrifuged at 10 000 rpm for 5 min. The
During cold soaking, which is a type of skin macer- supernatant, which contained the extracted proteins,
ation, the must and skins were kept together between was removed and stored at 80 C. The denatured
15 and 18 C for 3 days. Five samples were taken fraction was used for SDS-PAGE analysis. Registra-
from these musts. tion of the protein electropherograms, normalization of
W.J. Du Toit, M.G. Lambrechts / International Journal of Food Microbiology 74 (2002) 57–64 59

Table 1
Composition of musts used to monitor the evolution of acetic acid bacteria during red wine fermentations
Year and area Cultivar Sugar concentration (B)a Titratable acidity (g/l) pH SO2 dosage (mg/kg)b
1998 Stellenbosch (US) Cabernet Sauvignon 22.0 4.9 3.76 50
1999 Stellenbosch (SI) Pinotage 24.3 5.7 3.50 50
Stellenbosch (SII) Merlot 24.6 6.8 3.41 50
Stellenbosch (SIII) Merlot 25.2 5.4 3.75 40
Paarl (PI) Cabernet franc 24.0 4.0 3.75 30
Franschhoek (FI) Merlot 25.2 5.8 3.71 40
Durbanville (DI) Merlot 23.4 6.2 3.40 50
B: Degree Balling where 1 B = 10 g/l sugar.
Amount added at crushing.

the densitometric traces, grouping of strains by the at the higher fermentation temperatures. The number
Pearson product moment correlation coefficient (r) and of acetic acid bacteria decreased from 106 –107 cfu/ml
UPGMA cluster analysis were performed (Pot et al., prior to yeast inoculation to 103 – 104 and 102 – 103
1994) using the Gelcompar version 4 software. cfu/ml in the middle and at the end of the fermenta-
tion, respectively.
During the 1999 harvesting season, fermenting
3. Results musts from six commercial cellars were monitored
for the occurrence and growth of acetic acid bacteria.
3.1. Occurrence of acetic acid bacteria in red wine The area, cultivar and general composition of the
fermentations musts are shown in Table 1. In Fig. 1, the occurrence
of these bacteria during fermentation is shown. It is
During the 1998 season, the growth of acetic acid clear that the acetic acid bacteria numbers decreased
bacteria was followed in Cabernet Sauvignon must. drastically from the beginning to the middle of fer-
The composition of the must is shown in Table 1. The mentation in the low pH musts (pH < 3.6), but this did
numbers of acetic acid bacteria as well as the domi- not happen in the higher pH musts (pH < 3.7). In the
nant species during fermentation at the different tem- two high pH musts, the acetic acid bacteria numbers
peratures are given in Table 2. The addition of sulfur were slightly lower or even higher at the end of fer-
dioxide influenced the acetic acid bacteria, especially mentation. In the low pH musts, these numbers were,

Table 2
Levels (cfu/ml) and species of acetic acid bacteria in Cabernet Sauvignon must fermented at 15, 22 and 30 C during 1998
Fermentation 30 (C) 22 (C) 15 (C)
stage (B) SO2 + SO2 SO2 + SO2 SO2 + SO2
6 6 6 6 7
22 3.4  10 , 1.2  10 , 8.5  10 , 1.6  10 , 1.6  10 , 1.4  106,
G. oxydans G. oxydans G. oxydans G. oxydans G. oxydans G. oxydans
18 1.2  106, 3.2  103, 3.2  106, 1.6  106, 1.4  106, 1.1  106,
G. oxydans G. oxydans G. oxydans G. oxydans G. oxydans G. oxydans
12 6.0  103, 4.4  103, 2.0  104, 7  103, 3.1  104, 3.0  104,
A. aceti; A. pasteurianus A. pasteurianus; A. pasteurianus A. aceti A. pasteurianus
6.0  103, 1.1  104,
A. liquefaciens A. aceti
6 1.0  103, 1.4  103, 3.6  103, 9.3  103, 7.0  103, 3.3  104,
A. pasteurianus A. pasteurianus A. pasteurianus A. pasteurianus A. pasteurianus A. pasteurianus
0 1.9  102, 3.6  103, 3.2  102, 1.0  103, 1.3  103, 4.2  103,
A. pasteurianus A. pasteurianus A. pasteurianus A. pasteurianus A. pasteurianus A. pasteurianus
60 W.J. Du Toit, M.G. Lambrechts / International Journal of Food Microbiology 74 (2002) 57–64

The growth of acetic acid bacteria in musts that

underwent cold soaking prior to yeast inoculation is
shown in Fig. 2. Both these winemakers incubated the
must between 15 and 18 C during cold soaking and
both added 40 to 50 mg/kg SO2 just after the grapes
were crushed. During cold soaking, the population of
acetic acid bacteria increased in the SIII must from
103 to almost 105 cfu/ml. After yeast inoculation, the
bacteria quickly died off during fermentation, with a
slight increase in cell numbers occurring at the end of
fermentation. In the SI must, the acetic acid bacteria
numbers remained almost the same during skin mac-
eration and followed the same pattern as that of the
SIII must during fermentation.

3.2. Identification of the isolated acetic acid bacteria

All Gram-negative, catalase-positive rods were pre-

Fig. 1. Growth of acetic acid bacteria in different commercial red liminarily identified as acetic acid bacteria according to
wine fermentations during the 1999 harvesting season. The pH the biochemical and physiological tests described in
values of the different musts are included.
the Materials and methods. The percentage of the 115
acetic acid bacterial strains belonging to G. oxydans, A.
however, between 102 and 103 cfu/ml lower than in pasteurianus, A. hansenii, A. aceti and A. liquefaciens
the beginning of fermentation. G. oxydans dominated is indicated in Table 4. The identification of 33 of the
again in the freshly pressed must, except in the FI above acetic acid bacteria was confirmed by the whole
fermentation where only A. pasteurianus was detected cell protein gel electrophoresis. A dendrogram of the
(Table 3). During the course of fermentation, A. clustering of the identified species is shown in Fig. 3.
pasteurianus and A. liquefaciens dominated, with A.
aceti and A. hansenii occurring irregularly and at
lower cell numbers.

Table 3
Occurrence of acetic acid bacterial species in commercial red wine
fermentations during the 1999 harvesting season
Area Fermentation stage
Beginning Middle End
SI G. oxydans A. pasteurianus A. pasteurianus
SII G. oxydans, G. oxydans, A. liquefaciens,
A. liquefaciens A. liquefaciens, A. hansenii
A. aceti
SIII G. oxydans A. pasteurianus, A. pasteurianus
A. liquefaciens
PI G. oxydans, A. pasteurianus A. pasteurianus
A. pasteurianus
FI A. pasteurianus A. pasteurianus, A. pasteurianus,
A. liquefaciens A. liquefaciens,
A. hansenii Fig. 2. Effect of cold soaking and yeast inoculation on acetic acid
DI G. oxydans A. liquefaciens A. liquefaciens bacterial growth. The grape must were incubated at between 15 and
Strains indicated in bold dominated at that stage of the fermentation. 18 C during the time of maceration.
W.J. Du Toit, M.G. Lambrechts / International Journal of Food Microbiology 74 (2002) 57–64 61

Table 4
Biochemical and physiological tests used for the identification of acetic acid bacterial isolates
Biochemical/ Number of isolates Protein cluster
physiological test giving a (+) result I. II. III. IV. V.
for this test A. hansenii A. liquefaciens A. pasteurianus A. aceti G. oxydans
Percent of isolates 4 12 57 6 21
identified as strain
EtOH oxidation 84 + + + +
Growth on sodium acetate 80 + + + +
Ketogenises from glycerol 48 + + + +
Growth on dulcitol 5 +
Production of brown pigment 14 +

Five clusters with the SDS-PAGE numerical analysis produced a brown pigment on GYC medium and
of whole cell proteins were obtained. Cluster I, belong- Cluster III (A. pasteurianus) was ketogenesis-negative.
ing to A. hansenii, also grew on dulcitol as carbon These are tests used to identify these two species,
source. This is one of the tests described in Drysdale respectively. These two clusters contained by far the
and Fleet (1988) to distinguish this Acetobacter strain most numerous species. Cluster IV belonged to A. aceti
from others. Cluster II, belonging to A. liquefaciens, and Cluster V to G. oxydans, the latter being unable to

Fig. 3. Dendrogram showing the clustering analysis of acetic acid bacteria based on protein patterns of the red wine isolates and reference strains
of Gluconobacter and Acetobacter spp. Grouping was performed by the unweighted average pair-group method. Reference strains were
obtained from the Deutsche Sammlung von Mikroorganismen, Braunschweig, Germany.
62 W.J. Du Toit, M.G. Lambrechts / International Journal of Food Microbiology 74 (2002) 57–64

overoxidize ethanol and grow on sodium acetate. been added, A. pasteurianus dominated and this strain
These acetic acid bacteria are grouped into five, i.e. also dominated towards the end of the fermentation.
G. oxydans, A. pasteurianus, A. liquefaciens, A. han- This could be due to the fact that the A. aceti and A.
senii and A. aceti well-defined clusters at r  0.68, liquefaciens strains that occurred in these fermenta-
which were related to each other at r  0.58. A large tions were more SO2-sensitive than the A. pasteuria-
variation in strains is observed within each cluster if nus strain. Although the SO2 should not have had any
one considers the low r value of 0.68. effect on the bacteria at this stage of fermentation due
to acetaldehyde binding it, the initial population of A.
aceti and A. liquefaciens before fermentation com-
4. Discussion menced might have been affected more by the SO2
than was the case with A. pasteurianus. The domi-
Acetic acid bacteria had long been believed to play nance of A. pasteurianus towards the end of fermen-
little, if any, role during winemaking operations due to tation might also be due to the higher ethanol
their aerobic nature (Drysdale and Fleet, 1988). Wine- tolerance of this strain (De Ley et al., 1984).
making in general is an anaerobic process and the During the 1999 season, the bacterial counts were
growth and survival of these bacteria under this and lower than in the 1998 fermentations. This difference
other unfavourable conditions like high ethanol con- in acetic acid bacteria counts was also observed in base
centrations, low pH and high SO2 concentrations wines for brandy distillation in a study undertaken at
seems unlikely. Some studies have, however, shown the Institute for Wine Biotechnology during these two
that acetic acid bacteria can survive during fermenta- seasons (unpublished data). G. oxydans dominated in
tion and the following operations in the winemaking most of the fresh musts, but an A. pasteurianus strain
process, such as malolactic fermentation and during was found to dominate the FI must. It has not been
maturation of the wine (Joyeux et al., 1984a; Drysdale reported before that an Acetobacter strain can domi-
and Fleet, 1985). Acetic acid bacteria had been shown nate in a fresh, unspoilt must. The more ethanol-
to contribute significantly to volatile acidity in must tolerant Acetobacter strains dominated again the G.
and wine, and the production of acetic acid by these oxydans strains during fermentation. As in the 1998
bacteria may thus also contribute to sluggish or stuck season, A. pasteurianus dominated in some of the
fermentations (Joyeux et al., 1984b; Drysdale and fermentations, with A. liquefaciens dominating others.
Fleet, 1989b). This is a different scenario from that observed in
French and Australian wineries where A. aceti and A.
4.1. Occurrence of acetic acid bacteria pasteurianus seemed to dominate (Joyeux et al.,
1984a; Drysdale and Fleet, 1985).
Acetic acid bacteria occurred at high numbers on The growth of acetic acid bacteria during fermen-
grapes and the freshly pressed must in 1998. These tation also correlated with the initial pH of the must. In
numbers are higher than those expected from healthy the low pH musts, the decrease in acetic acid bacterial
grapes, but spoiled grapes can easily harbour these counts was more pronounced than in the high pH must
counts. The only species isolated at this stage was G. (refer to Table 1). At a lower pH value, more of the free
oxydans, which normally occurs on unspoiled grapes SO2 exists in the molecular form, which is the active
(Splittstoesser and Churney, 1992; Sponholz, 1993). toxic form towards bacteria. Furthermore, ethanol
The survival of this strain during the early stages of toxicity is known to increase at a lower pH (Dupuy
fermentation can only be explained by its low ethanol and Maugenet, 1963). In one of the high pH musts, FI,
tolerance (De Ley et al., 1984). The higher toxicity of the acetic acid bacterial counts were even higher at the
SO2 at 30 C could be explained by the bacteria being end of the fermentation than at the beginning, indicat-
metabolically more active at this temperature, thus ing that acetic acid bacteria can grow during the
accumulating and metabolizing the SO2 faster. In the alcoholic fermentation. The production of ethanol by
middle of the fermentation, A. aceti and A. liquefa- the yeast has been shown to stimulate the growth of
ciens occurred, especially in the fermentations con- some Acetobacter strains that prefer ethanol over
taining no SO2. In the fermentations where SO2 had glucose as a carbon source (Swings and De Ley,
W.J. Du Toit, M.G. Lambrechts / International Journal of Food Microbiology 74 (2002) 57–64 63

1981). This also raises the question if these bacteria are lated and this is in accordance with Sievers et al.
as aerobic as thought before, seeing that they are able (1994). The results of 16S RNA sequencing showed
to survive until the end of alcoholic fermentation. that A. hansenii and A. liquefaciens were on the same
Acetic acid bacteria have been shown to be able to phylogenetic level and this is also indicated by our
use quinones instead of oxygen as electron acceptors protein results (Sievers et al., 1994). Some of the acetic
(Adlercreutz and Mattiasson, 1984). The growth of acid bacteria isolated from the same fermenting musts
acetic acid bacteria in the different commercial fer- also showed a high correlation (r  0.86) on the basis
mentations also confirms the advantages of having a of whole-cell protein fingerprinting.
must with a low pH and the addition of SO2 to the must In conclusion, this study clearly indicated that
prior to alcoholic fermentation. However, in the SIII acetic acid bacteria can survive and even grow in
fermentation, which had a high pH, the acetic acid grape must during the alcoholic fermentation and that
bacterial numbers also decreased drastically after yeast the pH and molecular SO2 concentration of must and
inoculation (Fig. 2). The sensitivity of acetic acid wine are important factors influencing this ability.
bacteria to pH, SO2 and ethanol is therefore also Furthermore, winemaking practices such as cold soak-
strain-dependent. The survival of these bacteria after ing will also influence the survival or growth of acetic
alcoholic fermentation should, however, be investi- acid bacteria. A low pH and sufficient SO2 concen-
gated further. The survival of high numbers of acetic trations should, however, help to prevent the un-
acid bacteria after alcoholic fermentation might affect wanted growth of acetic acid bacteria. G. oxydans
wine quality, since many of these bacteria are being dominated in the fresh must, with Acetobacter spe-
‘‘brought over’’ from the fermentation to the following cies, especially A. pasteurianus and A. liquefaciens,
winemaking processes (Fugelsang, 1997). occurring later during alcoholic fermentation. It thus
During the process of cold soaking, the growth of seems as if the South African scenario for the occur-
acetic acid bacteria can also occur as has been proven rence of these bacteria differs from that of other wine
by this study. During this process, the advantages of producing countries. The survival and occurrence of
having a must with a low pH and high SO2 concen- acetic acid bacteria in must and wine had been studied
tration have also been proven. The maintenance of a before, but this is the first study we know of that
low temperature alone might, thus, not be sufficient to investigated the growth of these bacteria in different
control the unwanted growth of these microorganisms. fermentations during different harvesting seasons.
Similar results were obtained by Drysdale and Fleet Clearly, more research is needed on this group of
(1989b). Joyeux et al. (1984a) concluded that a sto- microorganisms, which can profoundly influence the
rage temperature of 10 to 15 C could be beneficial in quality of grape juice and wine.
stopping acetic acid bacteria from growing in wine.
The addition of sufficient SO2 and the lowering of the
maceration temperature and pH with acid additions Acknowledgements
should, thus, be considered when the winemaker
wants to apply skin maceration prior to inoculation. The authors would like to thank the following
people for the intellectual and technical support: Prof.
4.2. Identification of acetic acid bacteria I.S. Pretorius, Dr. M. du Toit, Prof. L.M.T. Dicks, L.P.
Ellis, M. Gey Van Pittius, J. Bayly and C. Font-Sala.
There was in general a good correlation between the
biochemical and physiological tests and the SDS-
PAGE numerical analysis of whole cell proteins. The References
two strains SI8 and SI18 clustered with A. pasteurianus
and were ketogenesis-negative on glycerol, but were, Adlercreutz, P., Mattiasson, B., 1984. Oxygen supply to immobi-
however, also unable to overoxidize ethanol. Holt et al. lized cells: 4. Use of p-benzoquinone as an oxygen substitute.
Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 20, 296 – 302.
(1994) also found that certain A. pasteurianus strains Blackwood, A.-C., Guimberteau, G., Penaud, E., 1969. Sur les bac-
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