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Clothing and Personality

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Clothing and Personality

A person's character is not determined by the type of clothes they wear. Clothes are not a

representation of who a person is or what they represent. Therefore, judging a person by their

sense of fashion is inadequate as it can lead to misrepresentation. Clothes either serve the

purpose of covering our bodies, cultural or religious importance, or a fashion trend. The essay

highlights why people should not be judged by the type of clothes they wear without knowing

their reasons for doing it. People's choice of clothing is not an accurate reflection of who they are

and what they represent.

A person's personality is a complex issue that emerges from their behavior and

characteristics. Through this analogy, it points to the reasons why a smartly dressed person may

not have the right discipline or good behavior. An indecently dressed individual can have more

compassion and empathy than a person which the latest fashion clothes. These examples point to

the reasons why we are not supposed to judge others on face value without having in-depth

knowledge about them. More so, I would not like a person to judge me because they saw me

wearing a pair of shorts and a black t-shirt on the weekend because I am more than the clothes I


Some of the clothes we wear serve a purpose, and we have a reason for donning them.

According to Mustafa (1993), Muslim women wear the hijab because it covers their head, neck,

and throat. The Hindus wear the sari because it serves a religious and cultural purpose. The

Japanese wear the kimono because it is a piece of clothing that they have a cultural connection

with despite the changing times. The Irish wear the kilt as part of national pride. These clothes,

among others, showcase that they serve a purpose, and they are not used to describe the character

and personality of the wearers.


The choice of wearing certain clothes despite the freedom we have in the modern world

shows how evolution has changed our way of thinking. While some clothes serve a cultural or

religious purpose, others are worn for fun or for the need to belong. In such situations, we cannot

use what a person is wearing to define them or profile their characters and behaviors. However,

we can determine the region where they come from, their racial or cultural background. When

this happens, it can lead to prejudice and stereotyping others, which is immoral and unethical.

Some people may wear clothes from different cultural backgrounds because they want to support

a certain cause or to feel liberated. I have seen non-Irish men wear the kilt on Saint Patrick's Day,

and they have never been to Ireland.

In conclusion, people's personalities go beyond the type of clothes they wear. In the

modern world, weddings, funerals, interviews, among other social and formal functions, have

their code of dressing whose objective is to serve the purpose of the event. There are no

incidences that prove that the clothes people wear describe the type of people they are or who

they are assumed to be. People have continued to wear clothes as an influence of their tastes and

preferences. These are the reasons why the world enjoys multiculturalism as every group of

people have their different ways of living. Therefore, as we meet and interact with people, we

should not judge them without direct knowledge about their backgrounds. Human rights and

freedoms should be expanded to incorporate the protection of religious and cultural clothes to

avoid discrimination and racism.



Mustafa, N. (1993, June 29). My Body is My Own Business. The Globe and Mail, p. A26.

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