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The Role of Human Activities in Past

Environmental Change
F. Oldfield
University of Liverpool, PO Box 147, Liverpool L69 3BX, United Kingdom

J.A. Dearing
Department of Geography, University of Liverpool, PO Box 147, Liverpool L69 3BX, United Kingdom

7.1 Introduction

A crucial task for modern environmental science is 1). Although this distinction is not entirely
to document and understand the ways in which unambiguous, it implies that, in contrast to elevated
human impacts on the earth system interact with atmospheric concentrations of CO 2 and CH4
other processes of global change. Such understand- (Chapter 2), and their potentially systemic effects
ing is an essential prerequisite for establishing the on global climate, most of the impacts discussed in
consequences of further population growth and this chapter achieve global significance by either
increased economic activity, with all their implica- the widespread nature of their effects or their
tions in terms of higher demands on energy, water cumulative magnitude. A familiar example is the
and a wide range of resources, both renewable and eutrophication of freshwater ecosystems.
non-renewable. Most of the research in this field
Table 1. Types of global environmental changes. Modified from
draws on a combination of methodologies, for ex- Turner et al. (1990).
ample remote sensing, environmental monitoring,
experiments, large scale observation programs and
modeling, all of which rely on a relatively short Type Characteristic Examples
time span of empirical knowledge - usually a few
years or decades at most. The purpose of the present Direct impact on a) Industrial and land use
global system emissions of greenhouse
chapter is not simply to consider past human im- gases
pacts on the environment on longer time-scales but
to explore the extent to which the longer time per- b) Stratospheric ozone-
depleting gases
spective contributes to an enhanced view of poten-
tial future changes and impacts.
c) Land cover induced
Writings that highlight the potentially damaging changes in surface albedo
effects of human activities on the environment have
grown exponentially during the last decades, but
Impact through a) Groundwater pollution
have only relatively recently gained both a quanti- Cumulative
worlwide distri- and depletion
tative dimension and a historical perspective. We bution of change
now realise that the time-span of human impact on b) Species deple-
tion/genetic alteration
the environment, at least at the regional level,
ranges over millennia and not merely the last two
centuries of industrialisation. The story of past Impact through a) Deforestation
human impacts, their interactions with climate vari- magnitude of
b) Toxic pollutants
ability and the human consequences of these inter- c) Soil depletion on
actions thus forms part of the essential context agriculture lands
within which to evaluate present day trends and
likely future consequences.
Much of the history of human impact on
environmental systems discussed here is concerned 7.2 Natural and human-induced
with those aspects of global change that are, in processes of environmental change
terms of the distinctions made by Turner et al.
(1990) ‘cumulative’ rather than ‘systemic’ (Table For many ecosystems, hydrological regimes and
144 Oldfield and Dearing

biospheric processes, the problem of disentangling An important issue is the potential vulnerability of
human from natural influences is dauntingly com- human populations to human-climate interactions.
plex. There are still strongly divergent views re- Since, in reality, the effects of climate change on
garding the extent to which human actions have human societies are mediated by cultural factors,
influenced environmental systems in the past. The human activities may serve to amplify or moderate
dilemma of interpretation arises largely from the the impact of natural variability. The record of such
inescapable fact that most of the environmental interactions in the past contributes to our under-
archives upon which reconstructions are based standing of them and may well contain important
respond to both kinds of influence, especially in information on, for example, the relationship be-
areas where human impacts have a long history. tween rates of change or persistence of stress on the
The most convincing insights have come from one hand and human adaptability on the other. It is
studies where deduction has been possible through unrealistic to ignore the interactive nature of the
retrospective research – as Deevey so neatly puts it: relationship between environmental change and
‘coaxing history to conduct experiments’ (Deevey human societies just as it is inappropriate to con-
1967). ceptualize it as a simple one way causative linkage
Regional as well as global insights are important in either direction.
for understanding processes, for addressing con-
temporary problems at the human landscape scale
and for contributing to future impact assessment. 7.3 Past human impacts on the
Global generalizations that overlook strong spatial atmosphere
diversity may be of only limited value. Among the
most urgent regional needs are more high resolution 7.3.1 Greenhouse gases
records of climate variability and human impact
from tropical regions where suitable environmental Doubts no longer surround the conclusion that fossil
archives are scarce and much less critical research fuel combustion over the last 200 years, and espe-
has been accomplished. The lack of such informa- cially during the last decades of the twentieth cen-
tion often seriously compromises interpretation of tury, is the main process responsible for elevating
contemporary ecological patterns, current trends atmospheric CO2 concentrations to levels that
and future implications (Fairhead and Leach 1998). greatly exceed any recorded during the last 420 kyr
Seeking to establish the relative significance of (Chapter 2, Section 2.3). Forest clearance and in-
natural and human drivers of past environmental creased biomass burning have made a significant
changes is clearly important, but it is perhaps even additional contribution to this process, though these
more important to increase our understanding of the have not yet been fully quantified and remain the
interactions between human and natural influences, focus of ongoing research (see e.g. Foley et al.
especially in those situations where their effects are 1996). Increases in atmospheric methane concen-
mutually reinforcing or where their combined im- trations have also been rapid and dramatic over the
pact is to drive systems over critical thresholds into last few decades (Chapter 2, Figure 2.6). There can
modes of non-linear change. In this regard, the be little doubt that human activities underlie this
paleo-record is of considerable, though so far un- trend, through expanding agriculture, especially
der-exploited, value. Even where such interactions paddy cultivation (Neue and Sass 1994) and grow-
can be modeled using data derived from experi- ing livestock populations (Prather et al. 1995). In-
ments and observations, the validity of the models deed, ascription of increasing atmospheric methane
generated requires testing on timescales over which concentrations in the polar ice cores from the sec-
much of the essential evidence comes from paleo- ond half of the Holocene to tropical rather than high
environmental research based on proxy records. latitude sources (Chapter 2, Section 2.5) opens up
Proxy evidence for past human-environmental in- the possibility that the effects of paddy cultivation
teractions makes it possible to extend the record by on atmospheric composition may considerably
providing reconstructions over longer time-spans. predate the last two centuries.
For quantitative interpretation however, proxies The nature of these trends in past greenhouse gas
require rigorous calibration against independent concentrations in the atmosphere and their conse-
data derived both from present day observations and quences for the functioning of the earth system are
short term instrumental and documentary time- major themes in chapters 2 and 4 and are not con-
series. sidered further here.
Role of Human Activity 145

7.3.2 Trace metals, other industrial con- compounds, for example polyaromatic hydrocar-
taminants and radioisotopes bons (PAH’s) (Hites 1981) and organochlorine
products (Wania and Mackay 1993), and the post
Discernible widespread impacts of human activities 1970s trend towards reduced discharge limits,
on atmospheric chemistry begin with the early days greater control and improved treatment. Following
of extensive metal smelting (Nriagu 1996). Al- the first clear evidence for damage to ecosystems
though there are indications of these impacts from (e.g. Odén 1968), many contaminant emissions
the Bronze Age onwards, they become much peaked in the 1970s and ‘80s. The record in envi-
stronger during the time of the Greek and Roman ronmental archives has confirmed the trend towards
Empires for which there are clear signs of enhanced an amelioration of air quality in many parts of the
atmospheric concentrations of lead, copper and world (Nriagu 1990, Boutron et al. 1991, Candelone
other trace metals in ice cores from Greenland et al. 1995, Schwikowski et al. 1999). Nevertheless,
(Hong et al. 1994) and in European lake sediments even in the richer developed countries, air quality
(Renberg et al. 1994) and peats (Shotyk et al. 1996, problems persist (e.g. Blais 1998). Elsewhere, fac-
1998, Martínez-Cortizas et al. 1999) (Figure 7.1). tors such as the legacy of previous political regimes,
Elegant lead isotope studies even permit ascription continuing dependence on fossil fuel as the main
to particular sources (Rosman et al. 1993, 2000, energy source, proliferation of vehicles, population
Renberg et al. 2001) and are able to show that at- growth and ongoing industrial development often
mospheric concentrations of ‘pollution’ lead peak in combine and lead to a continued build-up in atmos-
Greenland and throughout Europe between 100BC pheric pollution to the level where concern is in-
and AD200. From early Medieval times onwards, creasing at both regional and global levels.
metal burdens increase. Enhanced loadings to re- Significant radioactive contamination of the at-
mote areas prior to the mid-19th century are re- mosphere on a global scale began with the fall-out
corded, but it is generally only close to industrial or from post-war nuclear weapons testing from 1953
urban sources that evidence for strong contamina- onwards. Once more, paleoarchives preserve a vital
tion is apparent (Brimblecombe 1987). record of the spatial patterns and temporal changes
Within the period of widespread industrial and in atmospheric deposition resulting from weapons
urban development over the last century and a half, testing, nuclear power accidents such as the Cher-
evidence for atmospheric contamination became nobyl incident and discharges from nuclear instal-
ubiquitous. Spatial patterns have changed, mirroring lations (Figure 7.2). Not only do paleorecords com-
not only the process of industrial expansion but also plement and extend direct measurements, especially
trends in resource use as well as in production, where these have been sparse, poorly organized,
abatement and dispersal technologies. Evidence for inconsistent or completely absent, they also serve as
these changes comes from both documentary indicators of the subsequent behaviour and long
sources (e.g. Brimblecombe 1987) and paleo- term fate of radioactive species in the environment.
archives such as lake sediments (e.g. Edgington and This is especially important in the case of relatively
Robbins 1976, Galloway and Likens 1979, Rippey long lived radioisotopes such as 137Cs (30 year half-
et al. 1982, Kober et al. 1999), ice cores (Rosman et life) and several isotopes of plutonium and ameri-
al. 2000) and ombrotrophic (precipitation- cium. These same radioisotopes serve both as dat-
dependent) peatlands (Aaby et al. 1979, Norton ing markers and as process tracers in studies of
1985, Clymo et al. 1990) all of which contain his- recent human impact on ecosystems (Walling and
torical records of contamination by a wide range of Quine 1990, Oldfield et al. 1993).
compounds. Deciphering the record depends both
on analysis of the growing range of industrially 7.4 Paleoperspectives on acidification,
generated products, including distinctive particu- eutrophication and the ecological
lates (Wik and Renberg 1991, Rose 1994) and on status of lakes, coastal waters and
the development of dating techniques applicable to
the period of industrialisation (Appleby et al. 1991,
Appleby and Oldfield 1992). In developed econo- Just as environmental archives contribute records of
mies, recent turning points detectable in the paleo- past atmospheric contamination, many also allow us
record are the rapid increase in power generation to identify the impact of contamination on ecosys-
beginning in the late 1950’s, the increased genera- tems Nowhere has this been more clearly demon-
tion of often environmentally persistent organic strated than in the documented effects of industrial
146 Oldfield and Dearing


1.5 90 1.18
206 E Pb EF
Pb / 207Pb
Pb / 1.4
80 206
Pb / 207Pb 1.17


Pb / 207Pb
1.2 1.16

m gg-1 dry sediment

Pollution lead


30 50

20 1.14
10 Pollution Pb
0 30 1.13
3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 1860 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000
30 Leaded gasolines
B 30 F
20 gasolines

Particle concentration (qDu * 103)


15 Germanics
Romans revolution
10 Iron Age Medieval Discovery SCP
Phoenicians period of America 20

C Modern Period
500 (2nd and 3rd Hg
Hg (ng g-1)

400 Islamic Period revolutions)
(1st Hg metallurgical
300 revolutions)
Celtic Roman Christian 5
200 Period
Period (?) Period
100 IAS

0 0
3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 1860 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000
Pb crustal enrichment factor Pb concentration (pg/g)

300 G
Magnetic accumulation rates 10-6 Aa-1

1 'Hard' IRM Core 6

'Hard' IRM Core 8

4 100
0 0
3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 1860 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000
year BC year AD

Fig. 7.1. Sedimentary histories of trace metal and industrially generated particulate deposition.
A. Pollution lead concentrations and 206Pb/207Pb ratios as recorded in Koltjärn, a small lake in S Sweden (Renberg et al. 1994; 2000).
B. The total lead concentration record from Penido Vello, a peat profile in N Spain (Martinez-Cortizas et al. 1997) set against a series
of historical events and cultural stages from 3000 BP onwards.
C. The total (solid line) and natural (dashed line) mercury (Hg) concentration record at the same site as B set against cultural and
technological changes (Martinez-Cortizas et al. 1999).
D. Total lead concentrations and crustal enrichment values from Greenland ice for the period 3000 to 500BP.
E. A short-term record of total lead deposition and lead stable isotope ratios from La Tourbière des Genevez, an ombrotrophic (pre-
cipitation-dependent) peat bog in Switzerland (Weiss et al. 1999). EF = the Pb Enrichment Factor. The 20th century pattern is com-
parable to that at Koltjärn, Fig. A.
F. Indicators of industrially generated atmospheric particulate deposition as recorded in the sediments of a small lake in NW Scotland,
very remote from industrial sources (Rose et al. 1994). The inorganic ash spheres (IAS) are mostly fly-ash derived from coal-fired
power stations, the spherical carbonaceous particles (SCP) are derived from both coal-fired and oil-fired power plants, but mainly
the latter.
G. Magnetic measurements used as a proxy for industrial particulate at Big Moose Lake in NE USA.
Role of Human Activity 147

A Cs & 134Cs concentration (pCi g-1)
0 5 10 15

Depth (cm)

15 Cs
Total 137Cs

B Cs concentration (pCi g-1)
0 5 10 15
Chernobyl Cs
Depth (cm)


137 -1
C1 Cs concentration (pCi g ) C2 Non-Chernobyl 137Cs
0 5 10 pCi cm-2 a-1
0 0 1.0 2.0
Pre Chernobyl
5 (i.e. weapons
Depth (cm)

10 Am 1980

year AD


0.00 0.12 0.25 1960
Am concentration (pCi g-1)

D kBq kg-1 (1989 cores)

0 20 40 60 80 100


1980 Cs (1985 core - pre Chernobyl)
Cs (1989 core - post Chernobyl)
Varve age

Cs (1989 core - post Chernobyl)

1966 1964

0 150 300 450 600 750

Bq kg (1985 core)

Fig. 7.2. Lake sediment records of direct and indirect atmospheric deposition of artificial radionuclides resulting from weapons testing
and the Chernobyl accident. Plots A to C are from Blelham Tarn in the English Lake District (van der Post et al. 1997). Plot D is from
Nylandssjön, Central Sweden (Crooks 1991). It is thus possible to confirm independently the integrity of the main features of the deposi-
tion record of 137Cs (derived from both weapons testing and Chernobyl), 134Cs (a marker for Chernobyl deposition) and 241Am, which was
not dispersed by the Chernobyl accident. From the constant post-Chernobyl ratio of 134Cs to 137Cs (A) it is possible to calculate the
Chernobyl-derived 137Cs (B) and subtract this from the total trace in A to give a record of pre-Chernobyl 137Cs (C). This is consistent with
independent dating and with the 241Am deposition history - C(i). The record of weapons testing 137Cs calculated in this way can then be
converted into a depositional flux, using the independent dating evidence from both varves and algae – C (ii). Plot D shows Caesium
traces from both immediately pre-Chernobyl (Feb. 1986) and Post-Chernobyl (1989) cores taken from the varved lake sediments of
Nylandssjön, Central Sweden (Crooks 1991).
148 Oldfield and Dearing

on surface water quality. Early evidence for the al. 1989, Allott et al. 1992, Anderson and Rippey
acidification of rain around industrial cities dates 1994, Smol et al. 1998). Recent evidence from
back over 100 years (Smith 1872) and from the some impacted terrestrial catchments and the
1950’s onwards, Gorham (1958, 1975) and Odén streams draining them suggests that recovery may
(1968) were pointing to the likely impact of acidifi- be significantly delayed by the loss of calcium and
cation on soils, vegetation and lake biota. Much of magnesium from soils (Likens et al. 1996).
the acid was derived from sulfur-bearing coal burnt Parallel to research on the history of surface water
by the power generating industry, and more locally acidification have been studies reconstructing the
from the smelting of sulfide ores. Not until the history of eutrophication. These too evolved from a
1980's were such processes seriously considered as need to establish the extent to which recent eutro-
potential contributors to observed changes in both phication was an expression of natural variability or
surface pH and forest health in wide areas of a product of human interference with nutrient sup-
Europe and eastern North America. plies to lake waters (e.g. Likens 1972, Battarbee
Attribution of the observed acidification to 1978). There have now been many convincing
industrial processes required elimination of demonstrations that accelerated eutrophication has
alternative explanations. These included declining been predominantly a consequence of human ac-
upland agriculture and consequent catchment re- tivities. These have included the routing of sewage
colonisation by soil-acidifying conifers or heathland effluents through integrated urban drainage systems
vegetation; commercial afforestation; and natural from the late 19th century onwards, the discharge of
long-term trends in soil development. By adopting a industrial effluent to watercourses, the use of phos-
post hoc experimental strategy designed to test the phate-rich detergents from the 1950’s onwards and
validity of each of these, it was possible to the application of artificial fertilisers to agricultural
eliminate all but industrial deposition as the general land (e.g. Lotter 1998). In many parts of the world,
cause of acidification, though with two caveats. eutrophication is inexorably linked to population
First, the added influence of the other factors was growth in regions where the treatment of effluent
detectable in individual lakes. Second, the degree of rich in human and animal waste is poor or non-
chemical buffering in each lake-catchment system existent. Recent research has begun to provide
emerged as the most important single factor that increasingly quantitative bases for estimating past
determined vulnerability to acidification (Battarbee biologically available phosphate loading from
1990). The following elements were crucial to the sedimentary evidence (e.g. Bennion et al. 1996),
research strategy: thus extending the value of paleolimnological stud-
• paired lake-catchments were used to isolate and ies by providing additional information on the his-
establish the role of each of the proposed torical background to recent eutrophication.
causative mechanisms (e.g. Battarbee 1990, Most of the research summarised above relies on
Whitehead et al. 1990, Birks et al. 1990a). adaptations of classical paleoecological approaches
• robust, quantitative reconstructions of past lake to fine resolution studies of recent time intervals.
water pH were developed using biological Less common are long term studies of past lake
proxy records in the sediment that had been water pH and trophic status. Exceptions include the
calibrated to measured values at the present day reconstruction of trends and variability in lake pH
(Birks et al. 1990b) throughout the Holocene by (Renberg 1990), (Fig-
• the capacity of sediment records to discern ure 7.3), as well as of the impacts of early agricul-
trends against the 'noise' of daily, seasonal and tural societies on water quality in Sweden
inter-annual variability was assessed; and (Anderson et al. 1995) and of the Maya in Guate-
• detailed comparisons were made between re- mala (Deevey et al. 1979, Scarborough 1993, 1994).
cent trends and long term records (Figure 7.3). Acidification and eutrophication are not the only
anthropogenic changes affecting water bodies. Even
Such elements have important wider implications
more dramatic in terms of human consequences in
for paleo-research, the more so as paleolimnological
prehistory are the inferred increases in salinization
research results are increasingly being integrated
linked to cultural demise, notably in Mesopotamia
into predictive models (Jenkins et al. 1990, Ander-
(e.g. Jacobsen et al. 1958).
son et al. 1995, Jenkins et al. 1997) (Figure 7.4), the
identification of critical loads (Battarbee 1997) and By now, paleolimnology is not merely a tool in
the tracking of aquatic ecosystem recovery (Dixit et paleoreconstruction, it has become increasingly
Role of Human Activity 149

A Stream pH, White Laggan Burn - Daily samples


2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
days (December 1986)
B pH of Lake Outflow - Weekly samples


1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987
year AD

C Diatom, Inferred pH and 210Pb chronology - Decadal changes Loch Dee S.W. Scotland


1840 1860 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 1982
year AD

D Diatom groups and inferred pH Lille Öresjön S.W. Sweden

Depth below sediment surface / cm
350 250 150 50 0
Relative frequency (%)




60 Alkaliphilous

12600 BP 7800 BP 2300 BP 1900 AD 1986
(St-12179) (St-12178) 1960


Fig. 7.3. Records of changing surface water pH over different timescales. Plots A and B show, respectively, daily and weekly direct
measurements of pH at Loch Dee, SW Scotland. Plot C shows a diatom-based reconstruction of past pH from the analysis of recent
sediments from Loch Dee dated by 210Pb (Battarbee 1998). The paleolimnological approach complements short term monitoring by
allowing detection of the long-term decline in pH since the late 19th century, despite the fact that the diurnal and weekly variability ex-
ceeds the amplitude of change in the long term trend. In plot D, a similar century-long decline in pH at Lilla Oresjön (Sweden) is set in
the context of a 12600 year long record at sub-decadal resolution. There are clear shifts in past lake water pH during the pre-industrial
part of the Holocene, notable a slow, gradual decline in pH followed by a period during which settlement and farming around the lake led
to enrichment and a reversal of the trend. The magnitude and pace of the 20th century decline resulting from acid deposition is seen to be
unprecedented (Renberg et al. 1990). These examples show the value of the paleolimnological approach both in establishing trends
against a background of short-term variability and in placing these trends in the context of long term natural changes.
150 Oldfield and Dearing

the sediments. Both the increase in Valvulineria

Round Loch of Glenhead pH 1800 - 2050
complanata just before 4000 BP and its subsequent
Diatom - pH Gothenburg (best N) increase alongside Bulimina marginata coincide
6.0 Measured pH Gothenburg (worst N) with the main periods of human impact on vegeta-
MAGIC 7 pH Present day (worst N)
5.8 tion and soils (Oldfield et al. in press). These
changes can best be interpreted as a response to a
more stressed and oxygen-depleted benthic envi-
ronment as a result of the increased deposition of
5.2 terrigenous particulates, and, during the later period,
5.0 organic matter resulting from higher autochthonous
productivity (Asioli 1996).
Changes in organic carbon inputs, sedimentation
rates, benthic foraminifer assemblages, diatom
1815 1845 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 2020 2040
year AD species distributions and sediment chemistry in
Chesapeake Bay closely parallel the history of land
Fig. 7.4. The role of paleodata in substantiating models of tro- clearance and erosion in the region that began on a
phic change in lake ecosystems. The left-hand side of the graph
broad scale in the 17th Century (Karlsen et al. in
compares fossil diatom–inferred pH, modeled pH using MAGIC,
and measured pH for the Round Loch of Glenhead, SW Scot- press). Anoxia in bottom waters of the Bay fol-
land. The right-hand side of the graph shows alternative future lowed in the 20th Century as a consequence mainly
scenarios developed from the MAGIC model under different of increased nutrient inputs (Cooper and Brush
atmospheric deposition scenarios (Battarbee 1998).
1991, 1993, 1995). This response has been recorded
important as a diagnostic methodology for the as- by variations in the molybdenum concentration in
sessment of ecological status and as a basis for the sediments (Adelson and Helz 2001).
setting remediation targets. Such targets are impor- The Baltic, Adriatic and Chesapeake Bay studies
tant in the design of management strategies (Dixit et point to a strong link between human-induced
al. 1996, Battarbee 1998). changes in coastal regions and developments in
An increasing number of recent studies have ap- marine ecosystems. In the case of the Adriatic, this
plied the types of ‘paleolimnological’ approaches linkage is evident from prehistoric times onwards.
outlined above to sediment records from near-shore By contrast, the much wider scale development of
marine environments. Andren et al. (1999, 2000) anoxia recently observed in the northern Gulf of
for example used silicieous microfossils (diatom Mexico can be ascribed to increased nitrogen flux
frustules and chrysophyte cysts) to trace the impact from the drainage basin of the Mississippi from the
of both climate change and human activities on 1960’s onwards (Goolsby 2000).
marine ecosystems in the southern Baltic. They Comparable perspectives to those outlined above
interpret a shift in the balance of diatom productiv- for lakes and near-shore marine environments are
ity from benthic to planktonic communities as a needed in order to assess the status of peatlands.
response to a thinning of the photic layer resulting Such systems are potentially highly sensitive to the
from cultural eutrophication. At sites closest to the combination of increased atmospheric deposition of
densely populated areas on the southern shores of anthropogenically linked contaminants and climate
the Baltic, the shift begins in the mid 19th century change, especially those that have developed to the
and parallels the evidence for cultural eutrophica- stage where they are isolated from surface and
tion in many North European lakes. Moving further ground water influences and are thus entirely de-
north to the Gotland basin, the first clear evidence pendent on atmospheric inputs (Clymo 1991). Al-
of an ecosystem response to increased nutrient though the stratigraphic evidence is not always easy
supply takes place in the mid-20th century, coinci- to interpret, there are strong indications that sulphur
dent with lake sediment evidence also pointing to deposition arising from past coal combustion, pos-
an increase in the rate of eutrophication as a result sibly in combination with climate variability, has
of use of artificial fertilizers and phosphate-rich led to changes in species composition, surface
detergents. structure and erodibility (Lee 1998). When coupled
In the Adriatic (Figure 7.5A) from the Bronze with the role of peatlands in the global budget of
Age onwards, changes in the benthic foraminiferal atmospheric trace gases (Gorham 1990, 1991), such
assemblage show a strong response to evidence for implied vulnerability makes the sustainability of
deforestation furnished by pollen data and, linked to such ecosystems a priority for future research.
this, accelerated delivery of terrigenous material to In the text above, different processes and
Role of Human Activity 151

influences have largely been treated in isolation, but may have served as an important trigger to peat
it is important to increase our understanding of accumulation (e.g. Simmons 1969, Moore 1973,
combined and synergistic effects and how these Casseldine and Hatton 1993). In each of these cases
may interact with climate change in the future. and others elsewhere in the world, the concept of
Research devoted to this end is increasing, as decisive human intervention carries a range of con-
witness studies of lakes where future threats are notations, from immediate environmental responses
likely to arise from the combination of increased to longer term conditioning of the environment that
deposition of nitrogen species, from impacts of may at some future time interact with climate in
ozone depletion and increasing UV flux, from complex, non-linear and often unpredictable ways.
continuing inputs of acid and, in remote, high In many examples of ecosystem degradation
altitude and high latitude areas, from cold through human activities, the key issue is a critical
distillation processes that enhance deposition of shift in the balance between the rate of depletion of
organic contaminants from distant sources (e.g. key functional attributes and the rate of their re-
Schindler 2000). newal within a given system of production. Beyond
The paleorecords described here strongly indicate a certain threshold in the shifting balance, a persis-
that research dealing with recent changes in nutrient tent state of lower productivity may develop that is
and ecological status should set contemporary proc- difficult to reverse. In parts of the New Guinea
ess studies against the longer term context provided Highlands for example, this type of transition has
by well-dated and quantitatively calibrated proxy led to the conversion of a formerly productive for-
records from paleo-archives. Only in this way can est-garden mosaic that reflected a cycle of forest
the true scope of human impacts be compared with clearance, subsistence horticulture and woody re-
variability associated with natural processes. generation into a short grassland ecosystem. This
Themeda australis-dominated grassland, with its
7.5 Past human impacts as a result of low moisture retention, poor soil structure and low
land-use and land-cover changes nutrient content yields a highly unproductive but
persistent and quite extensive open landscape.
Many of the impacts on lake systems outlined Sediment-based evidence for changing catchment
above are mediated by processes taking place on the yields and erosion rates around small upland lakes
land surface. Thus our next focus is on the many in the highlands suggest that accelerated soil loss is
ways in which human activity has modified terres- associated with this process (Oldfield et al. 1980,
trial ecosystems. Evidence for human impact on 1985, Haberle 1994). Pollen evidence in the same
vegetation, derived largely from pollen analysis, region points to the spread of this type of ecosystem
dates back thousands of years in many parts of the during at least the past 6000 years (Powell 1982,
world (Edwards and MacDonald 1991, Walker and Haberle 1998), though too little is known to estab-
Singh 1993) and scientific awareness of its signifi- lish whether or not climate change also played a
cance in prehistoric times dates back for at least 60 role in changing vegetation cover.
years (Iversen 1941). For some widespread non- In areas where swidden (often termed ‘slash and
agricultural ecosystems, there is still uncertainty as burn’) agriculture is the main basis for food pro-
to the extent to which what we see today is a re- duction and intensification of subsistence farming
sponse to prevailing climate and soil conditions, or has led to a shortening of the regeneration cycle, the
a product of human interference and management. injudicious use of fire has often been cited as a
For example, it is likely that the extensive lowland crucial trigger in promoting rapid soil degradation
heaths of Western Europe owe their origin in part to that is difficult to reverse or repair (Pyne 1998,
anthropogenically induced changes in plant cover, Redman 1999). Increasingly, it becomes apparent
soil status and nutrient cycling beginning as much that in order to understand the present day status
as 6000 years ago on the sandy Breckland soils of and future changes in contemporary systems that
East Anglia (Godwin 1944) and during later stages are undergoing this type of pressure it is necessary
of prehistory elsewhere (Bartley and Morgan 1990). to study impact over relatively long time periods
In the British Isles, even biomes as apparently (Sandor and Gesper 1988, Sandor and Eash 1991).
‘natural’ as upland blanket bog include areas where Much uncertainty surrounds the degree of human
Mesolithic artifacts dating from an even earlier impact on subtropical savannah landscapes in Af-
period of hunting and gathering are associated with rica (e.g. Mworia-Maitima 1997, Fairhead and
evidence for burning at the base of the peat profiles. Leach 1998), and on fire-adapted ecosystems in
This has encouraged the view that human activity Australia (Bowman 1998), though there is growing
152 Oldfield and Dearing

evidence for human impact on the vegetation in tion of the relative role of climate change and hu-
African montane areas (Lamb et al. 1991, Taylor et man impact in the evolution of Mediterranean land-
al. 1999). Despite conflicting evidence, one conclu- scapes remains open to debate (cf. Jalut et al. 2000).
sion becomes increasingly difficult to escape. Even In other areas of the world with early records of
in those countries where evidence for pre-colonial agriculture, paleo-ecological evidence for prehis-
agriculture is sparse and where we tend to think of toric human impact from sediment records is virtu-
significant human impact as dating from 'recent' ally universal and takes the form of characteristic
colonisation by Europeans, we should not minimise changes in pollen flora, often with associated in-
the impact of indigenous peoples on vegetation and creases in sediment yields and fire incidence. In
soils (e.g. Bahn and Flenley 1992, Chepstow-Lusty East Africa, there is strong evidence for deforesta-
et al. 1998, Dumont et al. 1998, Elliott et al. 1998, tion, increased fire incidence and accelerated ero-
Behling 2000). Redman’s summary of pre-conquest sion dating to 2.2 kyr BP (Taylor 1990). Signs of
populations and likely environmental impacts in the human impact have been confidently inferred from
Americas (Kohler 1992, Redman 1999, Chapter 1, ca. 4 kyr BP onwards in Central Mexico (Bradbury
Section 1.3) counsels strongly against either as- in press) and for over 2000 years in the Peruvian
suming negligible impact (cf. Fuller et al. 1998) or Andes (Chepstow-Lusty et al. 1998). Archaeologi-
turning uncritically to reconstructions of pre- cal evidence from India gives similar indications,
colonial conditions as templates for future man- (Misra and Wadia 1999) whilst in the other densely
agement designed to reinstate ‘natural’ ecosystems. settled areas of south east Asia, dates for the earliest
This last point is further reinforced once pre- clear signs of human impact on ecosystems are
Columbian impact is set alongside evidence for the never later than 2 kyr BP and often much earlier
ecological importance of past climate variability: (Maloney 1980, Maloney 1981, Stuijts 1993, Van
pre-Columbian ‘templates’ used as goals in future der Kaars and Dam 1995, Kealhofer and Penny
management strategies may reflect climatic condi- 1998). Ren et al. (1998) find strong evidence for
tions that differed significantly from those experi- forest clearance in the middle and lower Yellow
enced at present or predicted for the future (Millar River Valley region from 5000 BP onwards, with
and Woolfenden 1999, McIntosh et al. 2000). In the date for the earliest signs of human impact get-
those parts of the world with a long history of forest ting progressively later to the north and west. Even
clearance and farming, the concept of a natural on the islands of the South Pacific, dates of first
ecosystem has lost its meaning except insofar as inferred impact range from around 3 kyr BP in Fiji
modeling permits the postulation of some kind of and 2.4 kyr BP in the Cook Islands to 1.2 kyr on
potential vegetation or biome. Easter Island and 0.7 – 1.4 kyr BP in New Zealand
Of the long-settled areas of the world, the clearest (Flenley, in press).
evidence for the extended time span of strong hu- Taking a broader perspective, there is evidence
man impact comes from Europe and the Middle that in some environments, the cumulative impact
East, largely because of the much greater attention of human activities over long periods may gradually
devoted to these areas by Quaternary paleoecolo- transform ecosystems and that in others, initial
gists and archeologists. The degraded landscapes impacts can be critical in switching ecosystems into
surrounding the Mediterranean have prompted different functional modes. In yet other cases, the
numerous studies by archaeologists of the effects of pattern of ecosystem response is one of repeated
human activity (e.g. Barker 1995). Geomorpholo- recovery and apparent resilience over millennia.
gists (Vita-Finzi 1969), Quaternary stratigraphers At local to regional scale, the importance of land
(Van Andel et al. 1986, 1990) and palynologists cover feedbacks to the climate system has often
(e.g. Atherden and Hall 1999, Ramrath et al. 2000) been demonstrated (e.g. Couzin 1999). Thus
have contributed similar insights (Figure 7.5). In changes in ecosystems, whether naturally or anthro-
these cases, evidence for a dominant role for human pogenically generated, can have feedbacks via local
intervention over millennia is overwhelming. Re- climate that may reinforce their persistence. In
sults from the Adriatic (Oldfield 1996, Oldfield et addition, inferences derived from models of inter-
al. in press) also point to early human intervention mediate complexity that include such feedbacks
but indicate that the first major phase of prehistoric suggest that their effects may even be significant at
clearance in the Bronze Age coincides with or continental to hemispheric scale (Brovkin et al.
quickly succeeds evidence for a change in sea sur- 1999, Kleidon et al. 2000, Ganopolski and
face temperatures as seen in the alkenone record Rahmstorf 2001, Kabat et al. 2001). There is there-
(Figure 7.5). From this and other studies, the ques- fore a growing likelihood that changes in land cover
Role of Human Activity 153

s ar
itu c a
r t a at
om ub
ga t a an
g r vi na pl
s s e
gi um m
x i de i de la ar d an co
A flu ri no ri no in
a m pa ria )
0- ge ge ul in
a s lin
e 37
s s 30 fl x i i id ni K-
ee er
lx M d- l ob lo
b ss lim el
o lvu (U
Tr H χl IR χf G G Ca Bu M Va T

kyr BP

0 40 80 0 40 4.0 8.0 0 100 0 0.5 0 1.0 0 1.0 0 10 20 30 5 10 0 5 10 0 5 10 12 21

B C BiM-flux Occurrence of Archaeology

(mg cm-2 a-1) Campylodiscus h .
3 7) and charcoal
K- s bs
(U ee er (semi quantitative)
T Tr H 0 40 80 120 1 2 3
0 lllll l l lll l
ll l l 'Modern' settlements in the catchment
llll lll l ll l l
lllll ll l t th
llll l l t Mezzano destroyed, 14 century AD
1 llll tttt
Longobardic settlement Mezzano,
llllll l
founded 900 AD
ll l l
llllllllll l l
ll ll Etruscan-roman settlement at lake
l shore: Lacus Stationiensis
llll l l
3 llllllllllll l ll ll Settlements in the catchment
kyr BP

l ll l l l l l Deforestation
t Middle Bronze age settlement
4 Tephra Avellino at lake shore

BiM l Turbidites
6 MiM l Campylodiscus h.
121518 21 0 40 80 0 40 0 40 80 120 0 5 10 15 20
MiM-flux Turbidites
(mg cm-2 a-1) (thickness cm)

Fig. 7.5. Evidence for human impact and climate change in the Mediterranean region over the last 6000 to 7000 years. Part A shows
pollen, rock-magnetic and benthic foraminifers records and Uk-37-based sea-surface temperature (SST) reconstructions from the mid-
Adriatic (Core RF 93-30) plotted against a timescale derived from a wide range of chronological indicators (Oldfield 1996; Oldfield et al.
in press). Pollen analytical evidence for forest clearance from ca. 3600 cal. BP onwards and from ca AD 1200 coincide with evidence for
an acceleration in erosive input from the land surface (see especially the calculated fluxes of χlf χfd) as well as changes in the benthic
foraminifers morpho-species assemblages indicative of increased stress as a result of higher sediment supply and organic enrichment.
There are, simultaneously, major shifts in inferred SST and these, along with many other lines of evidence (eg. Jalut et al. 2000) point to
climate changes taking place at roughly the same time. Parts B and C set the tree-herb pollen ratio and the Uk-37-based SST reconstruc-
tions from core RF 93-30 alongside several lines of evidence for human impact at the Lago di Mezzano site in C Italy (Ramrath et al.
1998). From the comparison, it can be seen that both of the main periods of forest clearance recorded in the Adriatic are strongly repre-
sented in the more site-specific record from Mezzano, which also correlates closely with the archaeological and historical record from the
region. The data shown here are a small part of the large assemblage of data from the Mediterranean region that point to both climatic and
human influences on late Holocene environmental change, but the nature of the balance and of the interactions between the two remains
an open question.
154 Oldfield and Dearing

may affect climate systemically. The possible con- tary records of recent and well-documented fire
tribution of land cover change to global warming in events by combining charcoal counting with statis-
recent centuries is further considered in chapter 6. tical and other techniques (e.g. Mworia-Maitima
It follows from the above that the climate-versus 1997). Paleoresearch should ultimately be able to
human antithesis represents not a simple dichotomy, provide bases for distinguishing between fire re-
but two complementary parts of a complex, interac- gimes of differing frequency and intensity. This will
tive system. Distinguishing between directly cli- contribute to a better understanding of the role of
mate-induced changes in vegetation and those re- fire in fire-stressed/fire-dependent ecosystems, of
flecting feedbacks to anthropogenic impacts or the impact on and ecological consequences of hu-
delayed adjustments through long-term migration or man modulation of fire regimes and of the likely
succession is an area of palaeoecological research long-term responses of present day ecosystems to
that has received little direct attention, but one that different types of fire management. Failure of forest
is vital to our understanding of natural ecosystem managers to understand until recently the vital role
variability and the limitations of palaeoecological of fire in the regeneration and maintenance of wide-
data as direct proxies of climate. spread forest ecosystems in the western USA led to
As the range of well dated climate reconstructions its injudicious suppression. The consequent build-
based on archives other than biotic response signa- up of combustible material has been one of the main
tures increases, it should become possible to ascribe factors exacerbating the incidence and effects of
with greater confidence changes in extant ecosys- wildfires in recent times.
tems to dominantly climatic or anthropogenic forc- One of the most damaging impacts of human ac-
ing with greater confidence. This will increase our tivity has been the destruction and degradation of
power both to generate models of past ecosystem wetlands as a result of reclamation drainage
transformation and to explore the nature of the (Immirzi and Maltby 1992) and fire. Evidence for
interaction between natural and anthropogenic such activities date back to prehistoric times in
processes. The subtlety of such interactions is well established centres of civilisation. But, as discussed
demonstrated by the mystery of the dramatic and in the following section, and as Mitsch and
widespread European Ulmus (elm) decline some Gosselink (1993) point out, it is only within the
6000 years ago. At least five hypotheses have been present century that the effects have attained global
advanced to explain this feature that is common to significance.
virtually all Holocene pollen diagrams from W
Europe. Peglar and Birks (1993) and Peglar (1993) 7.6 A paleo-perspective on human
use both high resolution pollen analysis and detailed activity and biodiversity
charcoal counts to show that around Diss Mere in
East Anglia, UK, the likeliest combination of causes One of the most controversial questions in Quater-
is disease in forest stands that were already stressed nary research is the possible role of prehistoric
by human impact. Their results suggest that multi- peoples in faunal extinction. Paul Martin’s conten-
ple, including anthropogenic, threats to ecosystems tion (Martin 1984) that human exploitation, through
are not new – they may date back thousands of extensive hunting, was responsible for the extinc-
years. tion of the North American mega-fauna at the end
Fire plays a key role in ecosystem evolution, but of the last glacial period remains difficult either to
like other variables, its frequency and impacts re- prove or to refute, partly because the timing of the
flect both natural climate variability and ecosystem main prehistoric human expansion into the Ameri-
structure as well as human activities. Fire-scars on cas coincides with incontrovertible evidence for
long-lived trees, sedimentary charcoal records major changes of climate. Nevertheless, a signifi-
(Patterson et al. 1987, Clark 1990, Lehtonen and cant role for human exploitation pressure in chang-
Huttunen 1997), fire-related magnetic signatures ing ecosystems and faunal niches during the period
(Gedye et al. 2000, and Figure 7.6) and geochemi- of rapid natural environmental change remains a
cal markers provide a basis for reconstructing past credible inference.
fire frequencies. Quantitative reconstructions of the Many paleoecological studies lack the taxonomic
intensity and spatial extent of past fires are difficult resolution necessary for exploring questions of
to produce. However, recent studies (e.g. Whitlock changing biodiversity at the level of species. Even
and Millspaugh 1996, Clark et al. 1998, Tinner et where identification of higher plant remains can be
al. 1998, Tinner et al. 1999) are improving the basis made to the species level, it is rarely if ever possible
for interpretation through the analysis of sedimen- to regard changing macrofossil assemblages as
Role of Human Activity 155

Lago di Origlio


Calluna Monlete Pteridium Influx χlf χFD χARM χFD / χARM χARM/SIRM B/F Ratios
(%) Spores aquilinium mm2/cm2/yr -5
m kg
(%) 10-8 m3 kg-1 Dimensionless 103 Am-1 %
(%) (%)
0 5 10 15 0 25 50 0 10 20 0 50 100 0 50 100 0 2 4 6 8 0 2000 4000 0.00 0.01 0.02 0 1 2 3 0 20 40 60 80 100


400 C
Depth (cm)

~3.5ka F





Fig. 7.6. A sediment-based reconstruction of fire history at the Lago di Origlio, S Switzerland (Tinner et al. 1998, 1999). The figure
illustrates a multiproxy approach using pollen and spore analysis, charcoal counts and magnetic measurements. The dashed and lettered
horizontal lines are drawn at or close to the depth of peaks in the depositional flux of charcoal. The pollen and spore types plotted repre-
sent taxa that often respond positively to fire. The magnetic measurements plotted may be used to discriminate for fine–grained burnt iron
oxides (Gedye et al. in 2000). Below 400 cm any fire impact on the magnetic measurements is set against a background detrital, magnetic
influx dominated by hard remanence minerals. Thus the charcoal peak ‘H’ is reflected in the magnetic measurements by a sudden, brief
‘softening’ of the reverse field (BF) ratios. Above 400 cm, the background magnetic signature appears to be dominated by bacterial
magnetite which gives rise to high values of χARM/SIRM. The fire ‘spikes’ from D upwards therefore also show up as peaks in the
proportion and concentration of the finest grains which lead to high values for χFD and χFD%/χARM. The high concentrations of fire-
related magnetic minerals are produced mainly by temperatures in excess of 500 – 600oC. Moreover, the minerals are much more likely
to have originated within the catchment of the lake. The magnetic signature can thus give additional information on fire intensity and
location. The pollen and spore record gives some indication of the impact, short- and long-term of individual fires and changing fire
régimes. The fact that not all the indicators respond to each event and that, even when they do, the responses are not always in the same
proportion, points the way toward a better understanding of the role of fire in the ecological history of the site.

being a reliable basis for tracing changes in biodi- current thinking on the preservation of mountain
versity through time. Rarefaction indices derived biodiversity but it does provide a compelling reason
from pollen or diatom records (for example Lotter to understand the survival strategies and micro-
1998, Odgaard 1999), can, however, serve as prox- habitats that allowed the persistence of the present
ies for biodiversity as noted below. Early paleobo- day biota through earlier periods of environmental
tanical literature is rich in studies that demonstrate stress.
the demise of plant taxa in Wurope with each suc- The foregoing observations highlight the
cessive glaciation. This serves as a reminder that important role paleoresearch can play in
what we see in many parts of the world are the reconstructing the history of landscape elements
remains of biota that survived many wrenching and ecological niches crucial for the survival of
environmental shifts. This observation also applies biodiversity. Interestingly, in those cases (mostly
on shorter timescales for many temperate mountain from N.W. Europe) where past biodiversity has
species now seen as threatened by future global been reconstructed from pollen diagrams using
warming. Evidence from temperate and sub-arctic rarefaction indices, human impact has had the effect
environments points to a period in the early-to-mid of increasing taxonomic diversity at landscape scale
Holocene when temperatures and tree lines were through the creation of a greater variety of habitat
higher than they are now. What we currently see as types (Berglund 1991, Lotter 1999, Odgaard 1999).
threatened mountain biota survived this period. This Thus, many areas of high biodiversity or
does not constitute a reason for complacency in conservation value are not, as was previously
156 Oldfield and Dearing

thought, pristine ecosystems where high value has perspectives where there is no other kind of record.
resulted from lack of human impact. This can be The examples shown in Figure 7.8 illustrate the
seen on a wide range of spatial scales. At Blelham range of interactions between anthropogenic and
Bog in northwest England, the habitats responsible climatic forcings and their impacts on river dis-
for the tiny nature reserve's conservation interest are charge and sediment transport during the Holocene.
not a reflection of natural processes, as was Where human activities have had significant and
originally believed, but are the product of human long-term impact, as in much of NW Europe, sedi-
interference in the form of peat cutting and drainage ment records (Figure 7.9 c-e) often show linkages
(Oldfield 1969). On the larger scale, we may cite with the timing of settlement and agricultural
the evidence from the Bwindi Impenetrable Forest changes (Dearing et al. 1990, Zolitschka 1998).
area of Uganda, one of the most species-rich areas Conversely, where human impact is considered to
of montane forest in Africa. The belief that this is a have been either recent or slight (Figure 7.9 a-b),
pristine, undisturbed ecosystem is seriously the effects of climate variability may be seen, espe-
challenged by paleo-ecological evidence that cially in alluvial sequences (e.g. Macklin 1999).
includes signs of disturbance over the last 2000 The interaction between human impact and natural
years (Marchant et al. 1997, Marchant and Taylor variability is particularly obvious in the incidence of
1998). Thus, any strategies designed to preserve extreme climatic-hydrological events such as floods
biodiversity that ignore site, ecosystem or habitat or droughts (e.g. Eden and Page 1998, Thorndycraft
history, past climate variability and human activities et al. 1998, Foster et al. 2000). Not only land cover
– all of which contribute crucially to contemporary change but also modification of surface drainage
patterns - seriously limit their chances of success. through changes in soil structure, ditching and river
This is especially the case where zones of high channelization in combination modulate the expres-
biodiversity span steep physiographic gradients or sion of floods and accelerated sediment yield
ecotones, as for example, in many mountain areas. (Dearing and Jones in press, Foster et al. in press)
The situation is different in the case of many and the human hazards to which they give rise. In
aquatic microorganisms, for example diatoms, many parts of the world, the short period of direct
where the problem of taxonomic resolution is over- observation and monitoring is inadequate to capture
come because fossil remains allow identification to the full interaction of these processes. This is
the species or even sub-species level. This provides clearly seen in the difficulties posed by effective
a promising context within which to explore ques-
tions of endemicity as well as human impact in A Soppensee, Switzerland B Baldeggersee, Switzerland
watersheds. The latter possibility is well illustrated 0 2000
by recent research at Baldeggersee, Switzerland,
(Lotter 1998) in which the close links between 2 1980
eutrophication and diversity are resolved on a near-
annual basis (Figure 7.7B). 4 1960
year AD
kyr BP

7.7. Past human impacts on erosion 6 1940

rates, sediment yields and fluvial
8 1920
10 1900
Transformations of terrestrial ecosystems are ex-
pressed through shifts in rates of erosion (Dearing 12 1880
et al. 1990, Duck and McManus 1990, Van Andel et 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30
Diversity Diversity
al. 1990, Higgitt et al. 1991, Zangger 1992, Foster
1995, Van der Post et al. 1997), sediment yield Fig. 7.7. Evidence for past changes in taxonomic diversity in
(Douglas 1967, Davis 1976, Macklin et al. 2000) both terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems. Both diagrams from
and river channel change (Hooke 1977, Wasson et lake sites in Switzerland use a rarefaction index (Birks et al.
1992) as a record of past changes in taxonomic diversity. Plot A,
al. 1998, Fanning 1999) and are recorded in se- spanning the last 12000 years, illustrates the role of human
quences of lake sediment, alluvium and colluvium activities in increasing diversity through the creation of a wider
(Dearing 1994) stretching back over thousands of range of landscape and habitat types within the pollen source
area of the site over the last 1500 years (Lotter 1999). Plot B
years. Paleo-records are now able to provide a long
spanning only the last 120 years of laminated lake sediment
term perspective for many contemporary fluvial and deposition shows how diatom species diversity declined with the
sediment systems, as well as valuable short term onset of eutrophication around AD 1900 (Lotter 1998).
Role of Human Activity 157

flood prediction within the framework of simple Paleorecords, by improving our understanding of
magnitude-frequency relationships as the boundary the fundamental dynamical behaviour of modern
conditions of hydrological systems change through fluvial and sediment systems, will help form the
time (Knox 2000, Messerli et al. 2000). basis for classifying their sensitivity to future im-
New methods and techniques will improve our pacts. Systems that have evolved into complex self-
analysis of paleorecords. Adoption of a truly inte- organized states under low levels of disturbance
grated lake-catchment framework where estimates may be more susceptible to dramatic shifts in cli-
of sediment yields based on lake deposits are com- mate and land use than systems already conditioned
pared with measurements of floodplain accretion, by long histories of human impact (Dearing and
geomorphic evidence for slope instability and con- Zolitschka 1999). Recent mathematical and cellular
temporary process monitoring (e.g. Dearing and automaton models of long term erosion (Coulthard
Jones in press, Foster et al. in press) is allowing et al. 2000) suggest that sediment delivery over
lake sediment properties to be directly calibrated to timescales of 10 to 100 years is a highly non-linear
sediment sources and fluvial processes. Proxy re- product of land cover change and high-magnitude
cords of sediment loads and flood intensities (eg. rainfall events. Paleorecords can be used to test
sedimentation rate, lamination thickness, particle- these models, thereby providing a framework of
size) can be calibrated by comparison with moni- study across a very wide range of spatial (1-106
tored river discharges (e.g. Wohlfarth et al. 1998), km2) and temporal (1-103 yr) scales in many envi-
rainfall records (e.g. Page et al. 1994) or docu- ronments. In theory such approaches will overcome
mented records of flood events (e.g. Thorndycraft et long-standing barriers to progress in hydro-
al. 1998). Documented records of human and ani- geomorphological investigations and their applica-
mal populations and land use provide independent tion.
evidence for the role of human activities (e.g. Hig-
gitt et al. 1991) on fluvial and sediment processes A 500
Sediment yield
(t km-2 yr-1)

(Figure 7.10). Such approaches when extended to 400

paleorecords enable reconstruction and under- 300
standing of past sediment budgets and process- Introduction of
response mechanisms (e.g. Foster et al. 1988, Was- sweet potato ?
son et al. 1998, Fitzpatrick et al. 1999) that are
comparable with contemporary studies of annual 0
B 1000
Sediment yield

and seasonal changes, but over far longer times- European

cales. As one example, long erosion records are 100
(t yr-1)

already helping to define key properties of envi- 10
ronmental change, such as resistance, resilience and
lag-times between forcings and responses (Table C 500
7.2). Contrasts in system trajectory, such as those Forest clearing
Sediment yield
(t km-2 yr-1)

400 by pioneer
shown in Figure 7.8, are providing a basis for de- settlers,followed
fining the nature of human pressure, its interaction by cropping
with natural variability and the sensitivity of the
system under study.
Table 7.2. Lake sediment and model evidence for erosional
D 40
responses to deforestation (Dearing and Jones, in press)
Sediment yield
(t km-2 yr-1)

Regions Forcing Response yr 30 Intensive

210 cultivation
Within Pb timescale
Papua New Guinea1 19thC clearance x10 >150 20
New Zealand2 19thC farming - 30
Michigan, USA3 19thC settlement x10-70 10 10
Vermont, USA4 18thC settlement x4 100
Tanzania5 19thC clearance x4 10 1750 1800 1850 1900 1950 2000
Holocene year AD
Germany (1050 AD)6 Clearance x10-17 250 Fig. 7.8. Examples of sediment yield responses and subsequent
Sweden (800 BC)7 Clearance x4 200 trajectories of change associated with different kinds of major
Pensylvania, USA8 Landscape human impact over the past 250 years: A) Lake Egari, Papua
evolution model x40 50 New Guinea (Oldfield et al. 1980); B) southeastern Australia
Oldfield et al. 1985, 2Turner 1997, 3Davis 1976, 4Engström et al. (Wasson et al. 1998); C) Frain’s Lake, Michigan, USA (Davis
1985, 5Eriksson and Sandgren 1999, 6Zolitschka 1998, 7 Patter- 1976); D) Seeswood Pool, English Midlands (Dearing and Foster
son et al. unpublished, 8Tucker and Singerland 1997 1987).
158 Oldfield and Dearing

7.8 Environmental sustainability and terns of social organization that increase the vulner-
human vulnerability in the perspective ability of a society (Messerli et al. 2000). A bal-
of the paleorecord anced view requires a collaborative effort by schol-
ars with complementary training and frames of
The thrust of this chapter is towards demonstrating reference. It also calls for studies with the best
that in any evaluation of future sustainability or possible chronological control on all the lines of
human vulnerability to environmental change, a evidence. The value of this approach is self evident
deeper understanding of past interactions of envi- in several recent studies. Nials et al. (1989) linked
ronmental processes and human activities is essen- the demise of the Hohokam culture in S. Arizona
tial. But there can be quite fundamental divergences (Redman 1999) to an annually resolved record of
in perspective across the divide between biological- past stream flow (Figure 7.11). A tephra-based link
physical and social sciences, and this divide must be between the marine sediment record and archaeo-
bridged if the full potential of this area of research logical evidence is cited by (Cullen et al. 2000) as
is to be realized. support for their view that climate change had a
The case of the demise of Anasazi in the semi-arid major role to play in the demise of the Akkadian
southwest USA provides a clear example. Dean et Empire, while Macklin et al. (2000) used excellent
al. (1985) invoked persistent drought as a major chronological control to explore the relationship
causative agent in the decline of that society, while between environmental change and prehistoric
Kohler (1992) instead points to patterns of land use. settlement in Western Scotland. One of the most
These involved intensification and over-exploitation promising and indicative examples of synergy be-
within a social context that favoured the continua- tween environmental and cultural perspectives can
tion of such practices to the ultimate decimation of be seen in the most recent study of the Anasazi by
the resource base. The same contrast may be seen Dean et al. (1999), where a modeling approach was
elsewhere, including the demise of Norse settle- used within a context strongly constrained by both
ments in Greenland (Pringle 1997, Barlow et al. archaeological and palaeoenvironmental evidence,
1998), the collapse of classic pre-Columbian Mayan as well as tight chronological control. Transcending
(Yucatán Peninsula) and Tiwanaku (Bolivian- the biophysical-social divide is also well exempli-
Peruvian Altiplano) civilizations (Rice 1994, Hodell fied by Hassan’s work on cultural and environ-
et al. 1995, Brenner et al. 2001, Nuñez et al. 2001), mental change in Ancient Egypt (Hassan 1994).
the evolution of food production in North Africa Equally important, alongside case studies that
and the Middle East (Hassan 1994) and the collapse embrace the complexity of human-environment
of Mesopotamian civilizations (Jacobsen et al. interactions, are conceptual frameworks and models
1958, Weiss 1997, Redman 1999, Cullen et al. of change for uniting biophysical and cultural per-
2000). Even where the complexity of human- spectives (Crumley 1994, Balee 1998). One of these
environment interactions is acknowledged, views is that of ‘trajectories of vulnerability’ developed by
on the nature of their interaction within the frame- (Messerli et al. 2000), showing how detailed case
work of multi-directional human-environment rela- studies of climate-human interactions in the past
tionships differ widely. Most authors emphasize serve to highlight potential implications for the
one or more of three components: damaging climate future.
extremes such as droughts or cold (e.g. Hodell et al. Over the past century, technological responses to
1995, Benedict 1999), human impact through non- environmental variability have often succeeded in
sustainable resource use/environmental degradation achieving protection against medium to high fre-
(Redman 1999) and dysfunctional patterns of social quency, low to medium amplitude variations but, by
organization not always directly related to resource both raising the thresholds of catastrophic impact
use but nevertheless affecting it indirectly and encouraging false confidence, they have in-
(Rappaport 1978, Crumley 1993). At one extreme, creased vulnerability to high amplitude, low fre-
we have the view that maladaptive social systems quency events. If we view these trends in the con-
are the proximal trigger, against a background of text of past variability and human responses, sharp
environmental degradation (Deleage and Hemery increases in vulnerability for many areas of human
1990) with no reference to the effects of climate settlement appear unavoidable. Human responses
variability. The opposing view is that climate ex- to environmental stress and change that turn out to
tremes of exceptional magnitude or persistence are be inadequate or even destructive, in the long term
the triggers, particularly when they impact fragile run like a common theme through human history
environments and occur within the context of pat- and prehistory right to the present day.
Role of Human Activity 159

A 180
Sediment load (t yr )

B 10.0 300

DCA axis 1 scores (wetness)

Number of dated alluvial

9.0 Alluvial units

units per 100 years




C 1.6
Mean sedimentation rate

1.2 Accelerated sedimentation

due to human activities
(cm yr-1)

Accelerated sedimentation
0.6 due to climate change
Geological sedimentation
D 40
Holocene 1-2 year flood as

a percentagechange of

modern 1-2 year flood

20 l l
l l
l l l
l l l l
l l l
l l l l
l l
ll l l
-20 l l l
ll l
-40 l

100 18
E δ O for N. dutertrei corrected for ice
Accumulation rate (cm kyr-1)

volume effect and normalised to zero

80 Accumulation rate
Present day Amazon River outflow
60 0.0
s δ18O ‰

40 1.0

20 2.0
12 10 8 6 4 2 0
kyr BP

Fig. 7.9. Holocene proxy records of river discharge and sediment yield for landscapes where the forcings of change may range from
solely climate to strongly anthropogenic: A) lake sediment accumulation rates at Holzmaar, Germany (Zolitschka 1998); B) frequency of
dated alluvial units in Britain (Macklin 1999); C) alluvial accumulation rates in the Yellow River basin, China (Xu 1998); D) flood
reconstructions derived from paleochannel cross-sections in southwestern Wisconsin, US (Knox, 2000); E) δ18O measurements and
accumulation rates from the Amazon Fan (from data in Maslin et al. 2000). All timescales are cal. 14C yr BP, except C) which is uncali-
160 Oldfield and Dearing

Magnetic susceptibility (10-8 m3 kg-1)

A 50 70
Mean daily discharge in trap period
Mean daily discharge in trap period 45

Mean daily discharge (m3 s-1)

Magnetic susceptibility of trap material 40
35 50
8 30
(m3 s-1)

20 30
4 15 20
2 10
0 0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Trap period (7th May 98 - 22 October 99)
Smoothed annual discharge


Magnetic susceptibility

(10-8 m3 kg-1)
(m3 s-1)

3000 9
2000 Discharge
Mass specific susceptibility
1000 6
1980 1985 1990 1995 2000
year AD
C 1.0 χ ferri/g
Normalized magnetic parameters


Inhabitants/hectare/livestock nrs.
0.8 Sheep/goats
Floods 1000

Number of floods per 25yr

0.6 800
0.4 16
400 12
0.2 8
0 0 0
1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000
year AD
D 50 8

SOFT20mT %
40 HIRMG %
SOFT20mT %




0 0
700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0
Depth (cm)

3300 BC 1800 BC 800 BC 1000 AD 1500 AD 2000 AD

Provisional chronology

Fig. 7.10. Reconstruction of climate, human activities, river discharge and sediment transport at Lac d’Annecy based on calibrations and
comparisons between sedimentary, instrumental and documentary archives over different timescales: A) magnetic susceptibility (χLF) of
monthly trapped sediment and monitored river discharge (1998-1999) showing winter peak in susceptibility; B) strong association be-
tween lake sediment χLF and river discharge record (1975-1999); C) proxy records of river discharge (normalised χferri ) compared with
documentary records of major floods, human population, animal stocking levels and land use in the upland Montmin commune (1400-
1999); d) long records of lake sediment proxies for lowland surface soil (SOFT20mT %) and upland soil/unweathered substrates (HIRMG
%) over the period 3300 BC – 1996 AD (Dearing et al. 2000; Dearing et al. 2001). Note the complex relationships between recon-
structed discharge levels, historically recorded floods and land use changes (C), the major episodes of surface soil erosion following
Cistercian clearances at ~1000 AD (D) and the trend of upland erosion, rising to the present day indicative of the long term conditioning
of the montane zone by early clearance.
Role of Human Activity 161

A 160


Reconstructed values for stream flow





~1000 ~1075 ~1250 ~1350
year AD
B S content (%) δ O (‰ PDB)
0 5 10 15 2 3 4

1500 Post

year BC / AD

Late Classic

Early Classic

0 Late

500 Middle

0 1 2 3
δ O (‰ PDB)

Dolomite CaCO3 Tell Leilan δ O (‰) Dead Sea level
C (% wt) (% wt) (Soreq Cave, Israel) (m)

0 12 10 40 -6.0 -5.6 -5.2 500 250 0

2 l

l ll

3 llll
ll l l

lll l
kyr BP

lll ll l l l l
4 lll
ll l
ll l
lll l (68-70cm) l lll
5 l
ll l
l l
ll ll
6 l
Wet Dry Wet Dry

Fig. 7. 11. Evidence for the role of climate change in cultural collapse. Graph A shows Nials et al’s (1989) annually resolved record of
past stream flow linked to the demise of the Hohokam culture in S. Arizona (Redman, 1999). The major swings in stream flow after AD
1350 reflect alternating severe flood and drought conditions thought to have been major contributors to sudden cultural change. Graph B
shows sedimentary evidence from the sediments of Lake Chichancanab, Yucatan, Mexico, for a major and prolonged drought culminat-
ing during the period when Classic Mayan civilization collapsed (Hodell et al. 1995). Graph C, from Cullen et al. (2000) shows the close
temporal correspondence between peak eolian mineral concentrations in the Gulf of Oman sediments and evidence for cultural collapse
of the Akkadian Empire at the Tell Leilan site: note that a tephra layer permits precise synchronization of the marine sedimentary se-
quence and the archaeological record. Other lines of evidence for drought at the same time from speleothem stable isotope analyses and
lake level changes are plotted alongside.
162 Oldfield and Dearing

Among these is the tendency for a combination of mental thresholds and nonlinear responses
population pressure, optimistic assumptions, short • adoption of common research protocols and
temporal perspectives and escalating technological comparison of insights from diverse case stud-
fixes to raise the stakes in the interaction between ies (e.g. Wasson 1996) and from those with the
nature and human populations. Setting these in the range and depth exemplified by the cultural and
future context of likely major climate change and environmental histories described for Southern
rapid population growth in the next century poses a Sweden (Berglund 1991);
daunting challenge. • wider adoption of a post-hoc hypothesis testing
approach (Deevey 1967) as illustrated in the
7.9 Some future research priorities acid-deposition section of the chapter, along-
side model-data comparisons;
Palaeo-environmental research has begun to shed • greater reliance on quantitatively calibrated
crucial light on many aspect of present day ecology non-biological proxies of past climate change
and ecosystem management for the future. This is in order that biotic records may be interpreted
confirmed by its role in identifying the origins and as responses (Amman and Oldfield 2000)
growing impacts of freshwater acidification and • the use of all potential archives (e.g. Barber et
eutrophication (Battarbee 1978, Battarbee et al. al. 2000, Hughes et al. in press) and proxies
1990), its contribution to the definition of manage- (Oldfield and Alverson in press) for recon-
ment targets in both aquatic (Anderson et al. 1995, structing climate change and human impact, in-
Battarbee 1997, 1998) and terrestrial ecosystems cluding especially the work of environmental
(Millar 2000), its crucial partnership with modellers historians and historical ecologists who use
testing the long term performance of their simula- documentary and archaeological sources (e.g.
tions against the record from the past (Bradshaw et Egan and Howell 2001).
al. 2000, Bugmann and Pfister 2000), the essential • The compilation of relevant global data bases
contribution it makes to interpreting the dynamics (Klein-Goldewijk in press, Ramankutty and
of ecosystems under long term observation and Foley in press) (Appendix B)
monitoring (Fuller et al. 1998, Foster et al. 2000) • Improvement of quantitative calibration of
and its essential role in deepening our awareness of proxies in terms of environmental processes,
the complex of processes that have combined, conditions and patterns (e.g. Broström et al.
through time, to create the environmental goods 1998) and not only in terms of climate
and services which we value and upon which hu-
man life depends (Messerli et al. 2000). Common to The future research agenda that evolves from the
all these examples is the demonstration that the above should promote a move beyond case-studies
palaeoenvironmental perspective can make an es- toward new theories, models and generalizations
sential contribution to developing strategies for about future environmental responses linking
sustainable development. together the full range of spatial and temporal
Looking to the future, the consequences, both dimensions (e.g. Dearing and Jones in press). The
practical and academic, of discounting either human implications of such an endeavor for conservation
impacts on past environmental processes or climate (Birks 1996), landscape and ecosystem
influences on past human activities (no matter how management (Heyerdahl and Card 2000) and
strong and valid the antipathy to simplistic, old- environmental sustainability (Goodland 1995) are
style determinism may be) are equally damaging; a compelling.
shared enterprise crossing the classic two-cultures 7.10 Acknowledgements
divide is now an urgent requirement. We are particularly grateful to Rick Battarbee, John
Putting this into practice will require: Dodson, John Flenley, Geoff Hope, Guoyu Ren,
• establishment of close links between the con- David Taylor, Peter Crooks, Sharon Gedye and
cepts of ecological dynamics (e.g. Lindblagh et Richard Jones for access to unpublished data and
al. 2000) and ecological modeling (Bugmann for the benefit of their help with sections of the text
1997, Bugmann and Pfister 2000); where our own experience was least adequate and
• a continuing search for unifying frameworks of to Keith Alverson, Ray Bradley, Carole Crumley,
study, whether primarily biophysical (e.g. Old- Vera Markgraf, Bruno Messerli, Tom Pedersen,
field 1977) or more conceptual (Dearing and Bob Wasson and Cathy Whitlock for essential con-
Zolitschka 1999); structive criticism. We also thank Sandra Mather
• better understanding of the nature of environ- for producing most of the figures.
Role of Human Activity 163

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