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§1. Compactness

A class of subsets H = f jg of E is called a cover of a set G of E if we
have S
G j

Example 1
Let H be a class of subsets given by H = f j = [j; j + 1[; j 2 Zg: Then
H is a cover of the real line R because for every point in R there exists an
interval j of H contains this point.

Example 2
Let H be a class of subsets given by H = f j =]j; j + 1[; j 2 Zg: Then
H is not a cover of the real line R because the points j in R do not belong
to any interval j of H:

Open covers
The cover H = f jg of G is called an open cover if each j is open.

Example 3
Let H be a class of open subsets given by H = f j =]j; j + 2[; j 2 Zg:
Then H is an open cover of the real line R because for every point in R there
exists an open interval j of H contains this point.

Finite covers
The cover H = f j1 ; j2 ; :::; jn g of G is called a …nite cover of G if

G j1 [ j2 [ ::: [ jn :

Theorem 1 (Heine-Borel)
Every open cover H = f j g of a closed
S and bounded interval G = [a; b]
has a …nite cover. That is to say , G j2J j involves that there exists a
…nite number of an open subsets j1 ; j2 ; :::; jn such that

G j1 [ j2 [ ::: [ jn :

Compact set


A subset G of a topological space E is called compact if every open cover
H = f j g of G contains a …nite subcover of G: In other words, for every
family f j g; j 2 J; of an open sets with the property
G j;

there exists a …nite subfamily f j(k) g; j(k) 2 J; k = 1; 2; :::; n; such that

G j(k) ;

or still, there exists a …nite number of open subsets j(1) ; j(2) ; :::; j(n) 2H
such that

G j(1) [ j(2) [ ::: [ j(n) :

Remark 1
The idea of the compactness is motived by the Heine-Borel theorem of
a closed and bounded interval.

Theorem 2
Every closed and bounded real interval G = [a; b] is compact.

Remark 2
The open bounded interval ]a; b[; the open closed bounded interval ]a; b]
and the closed open bounded interval [a; b[ are not compact.

Theorem 3
Every …nite subset G = f'1 ; '2 ; ::; 'n g of a topological space E is com-

Theorem 4
A closed subset V of a compact set G is also compact

Let H S
= f j g be an open cover of the closed subset V G: That is to
say, V ; from the relation G = V [ V c and the compactness of G;
j S
we get an open cover of the set G; say G c
j [ V : Hence there exists a
…nite cover of G
G j1 [ j2 [ ::: [ jn [ V ;


or still
V [Vc j1 [ j2 [ ::: [ jn [ V c:
Due to the disjointedly of the sets V and V c ; the subfamily f j1 ; j2 ; :::; jn g
represents a …nite cover of the subset V: In other words

V j1 [ j2 [ ::: [ jn : Hence V is compact.

Remark 4
The subset V must be closed, in order to obtain an open subset V c as
an element of the covers of G:

Sequentially compact set

A subset G of a topological space E is called sequentially compact if
and only if, every sequence of elements of G contains a subsequence which
converges to an element in G:

Remark 5
There is no relation between the compactness and the sequential com-
pactness in the topological space.
Indeed, because the adherent point of a set G in the topological space is
not necessary a limit of convergent subsequence.

Remark 6
An adherent point of a set G in a normed space E is a limit of convergent

Theorem 5
Let G be a subset of a normed space E:Then the following statements
are equivalent

1. G is compact

2. G is sequentially compact

Remark 7
Every bounded sequence (xn ) in the closed bounded interval G = [a; b]
has a convergent subsequence (xnk ) in G:

Totally bounded set


A subset G of a normed space E is called a totally bounded if for each
real positive " > 0; there exists a …nite number of elements '1 ; '2 ; :::'n in
G such that
G B('j ; "):

Net for set

A …nite set of points f'1 ; '2 ; :::'n g of a normed space E is called "-net
for a subset G of E; if for every point in G there exists a 'j such that

'j < "

Remark 7
Each element from a totally bounded set G has a distance less than
" from least one of the elements '1 ; '2 ; :::; 'n : In other words, the totally
bounded set G has a "-net for all " > 0:

Lemma 1
Each sequentially compact set G is totally bounded

Indeed, suppose that G is not totally bounded then there exist a real
positive " > 0 and a point 1 2 G with the property

1 'j " for all j = 1; 2; ::; n:

Then there exists 2 2 G such that

k 1 2k " and 2 'j " for all j = 1; 2; ::; n;

for otherwise f'1 ; '2 ; ::; 'n ; 1 g would be " net for G: Continuing in
this manner, we arrive at a sequence f 1 ; 2 ; ::; n ; ::g with the property
i 'j " for all i 6= j:
Thus, the sequence ( n ) does not contain a convergent subsequence. In
other words G is not sequentially compact.

Remark 8
The compact sets G of a normed space E are bounded, closed and com-

Relatively compact set


A subset G of a normed space E is called relatively compact if its closure
G is compact.

Remark 9
A subset G of a normed space E is relatively compact if and only if
each sequence 'n of elements from G contains a convergent subsequence.
Further, relatively compact sets are totally bounded.

Theorem 6
A bounded and …nite dimensional subset G of a normed space E is rel-
atively compact

This follows from the Belzano-Weirstrass theorem.

Compactness in C(K)
The set C(K) designates the space of continuous real or complex valued
functions de…ned in a compact set K Rn ; furnished with the maximum
k'k1 = max j'(x)j :

Theorem 7 (Arzela-Ascoli)
A set G C(K) is relatively compact if and only if it is bounded and
equicontinuous. Say, if there exists a constant M such that

j'(x)j M for all x 2 K and all ' 2 G:

Further, for every " > 0; there exists > 0 such that, for all ' 2 G; we
j'(x) '(y)j < " for all x; y 2 K with jx yj < :



[1] M. NADIR. Cours d’analyse fonctionnelle, université de Msila

[2] L. SEYMOUR. Theory and problems of general topology, USA

Address. Prof. Dr. Mostefa NADIR

Department of Mathematics
Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics
University of Msila

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