Renewable Energy Notes

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1.1.1 State the reason influencing the generation of electrical power

Influencing the generation of electrical power due to the following reasons:
i. Convenient form- electrical energy is a very convenient form of energy. It can be
converted into other forms of energy. For example: convert electrical energy into
heat (e.g a heater), convert into light (e.g. electrical bulb), convert into mechanical
energy (e.g. electric motor) etc.
ii. Easy Control- the electrically operated machines have simple and convenient
starting, control and operation. For instance an electric motor can be started or
stopped by turning on or off a switch. Similarly, with simple arrangements, the
speed of electric motors can be easily varied over the desired range.
iii. Greater flexibility- it can be easily transported from one place to another with the
help of conductors.
iv. Cheapness- much cheaper than other form of energy. Thus it is overall economical
to use this form of energy for domestic, commercial and industrial purposes.
v. Cleanliness- not associates with smoke, fumes or poisonous gases. Therefore, its
ensure cleanliness and healthy conditions.
vi. High transmission efficiency- the consumers are generally situated quite away from
the centers of its production. The electrical energy can be transmitted conveniently
and efficiently from the centers of generation to the consumers with the help of
overhead conductors known as transmission lines.

1.1.2 List of energy sources for power generation

Since electrical energy is produced from energy available in various forms in nature, it is
desirable to look into the various sources of energy. These sources of energy are:

a. Sun
b. Wind
c. Fuel
d. Nuclear
e. Renewable Energy
a. Sun.

the sun is the primary source of energy, the heat energy by the sun can be focused over a
small area by means of reflectors. This heat can be used to raise steam and electrical
energy can be produced with the help of turbine alternator combination. However, this
method has limited application because:
i. It requires a large area for the generation of even a small amount of electrical
ii. It cannot be used in cloudy days or at night
iii. It is an uneconomical method.
Nevertheless, there are some locations in the world where strong solar radiations is
received very regularly and the sources of mineral fuel are scanty or lacking. Such locations
offer more interest to the solar plant builder.



b. Wind

This method can be used where wind flows for a considerable length of time. The wind
energy is used to run the wind mill which drives a small generator. In order to obtain the
electrical energy from a wind continuously, the generators is arranged to charge the
batteries. These batteries supply the energy when the wind stops. This method has the
advantages that maintenance and generation costs are negligible. However, the drawbacks
of this method are
i. Variable output
ii. Unreliable because of uncertainty about wind pressure
iii. Power generated is quite small

c. Fuel

The main sources of energy are fuels; solid fuel as coal, liquid fuel as oil and gas fuel as
natural gas. The heat energy of these fuels is converted into mechanical energy by suitable
prime movers such as steam engines, steam turbines, internal combustion engines etc. The
prime mover drives the alternator which converts mechanical energy into electrical energy.
Although fuels continue to enjoy the place of chief source for the generation of electrical
energy, yet their reserves are diminishing day by day. Therefore, the present trend is to
harness water power which is more or less a permanent source of power.

d. Nuclear

the heat energy is liberated by the fission of uranium and other fissionable materials. It is
estimated that heat produced by 1 kg of nuclear fuel is equal to that produced by 4500
tonnes of coal. The heat produced due to nuclear fission can be utilized to raise steam with
suitable arrangements. The steam can run the steam turbine which in turn can drive the
alternator to produce electrical energy. However,the are some difficulties in the use of
nuclear energy. The principal one are

i. High cost of nuclear plant

ii. Problem of disposal of radioactive waste and dearth of trained personal to handle the

e. Renewable Energy

Renewable energy is energy generated from natural resources - such as sunlight, wind,
rain, tides, and geothermal heat - which are renewable (naturally replenished). Renewable
energy sources are often marked as sustainable energy sources.



1.1.3 Recognize the types of generation plants based on the energy sources

A power generation plant is a facility designed to produce electric energy from another form of energy,
such as:
 Heat (thermal) energy generated from:
← - fossil fuels; (coal, petroleum, natural gas)

← - solar thermal energy

← - geothermal energy

← - nuclear energy

 Potential energy from falling water in a hydroelectric facility

 Wind energy

 Solar electric from solar (photovoltaic) cells

 Chemical energy from:

← - fuel cells

← - batteries

Figure 1. Power Generation Plant to transmission line



There are many different types of electric power generating plants. The major types generating electric
power today are shown below.

Figure 2. Fossil fuel power plant

Figure 3. Hydroelectric power plant

Figure 4. Solar thermal power plant



Figure 5. Nuclear power plant

Figure 6. Geothermal power plant

Figure 7. Wind power towers

1.1.4 Compare the advantages and disadvantages of all types of power generation plant
mentioned in 1.1.3 based on the following factors:
a. Cost and fuel availability
b. Location
c. Cooling system
d. Environmental pollution

Fossil fuel power plant


Advantages of fossil fuels.
1.  They give a large amount of energy from a small amount of fuel.
2. They are readily available. If you need more energy, you just burn more fuel.
3.  They are relatively cheap.

1.  They are non-renewable.Once you burn them, they are gone.
2.  They cause pollution. Burning a fossil fuel can produce carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide and
smoke. Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas and causes global warming. Sulfur dioxide
causes acid rain.
3.  They use water as a coolant and may return warm water into a river. This decreases the
amount of dissolved oxygen in the river.

Hydroelectric power plant

Advantages of hydroelectric power.
1.  It is renewable.
2. It is readily available. If need more energy, just let out more water through the turbines.
3.  It does not cause pollution.

1.  Flooding the river valley will destroy the local habitat for many of the species which live

Solar thermal power plant

Advantages of a solar photo voltaic power system.
1.  It is renewable.
2.  It does not cause pollution.

1.  It does not work well when the sky is cloudy (less Sun).
It is does not work at night (no Sun).
2.  It is relatively expensive.The future cost is expected to fall with
(i) higher levels of production (make more and they get cheaper)
(ii) improved technology (more electricity from the same amount of sunlight).
(iii) governments pay people to generate their own electricity.

Nuclear power plant

Advantages of Nuclear Power.

1.  A large amount of energy is generated from a very small amount of fuel.
2. The fuel is readily available.If you need more energy, you just use more fuel.
3.  Nuclear Power does not produce carbon dioxide or sulfur dioxide and so does not
contribute to global warming or acid rain.

1.  Poisonous waste is produced, some of which is highly radioactive. Disposal of this
radioactive waste has not been safely achieved. Very long half-lives (thousands of years)
mean that the waste will be a danger "forever". At present the most dangerous waste is
sealed in glass-like blocks which are buried deep within "stable" rocks. Careless disposal of
waste in the past has led to pollution of land, rivers and the ocean.
2.  The power station is potentially dangerous to large areas of the planet. Despite
reassurances from the nuclear industry that nuclear power is safe, serious accidents have
happened and large areas have been contaminated with radioactivity. Many members of the
public have become cynical about promises of the cleanliness and safety of nuclear power.
3.  The power station is very expensive to build and to safely dismantle afterwards (called
decommissioning). When the costs are taken into account, the electricity produced by the
power station is relatively expensive.

Geothermal power plant

Advantages of geothermal power.
1.  It is renewable.
2.  It is reliable.
3.  It does not cause pollution.

1.  It is limited to being used in those parts of the world where hot rocks are near the

Wind power towers

Advantages of wind power.
1.  It is renewable.
2.  It does not cause pollution (except noise).

1.  It is unreliable. When the wind drops, the turbine turns more slowly and less electricity is
2.  An individual wind turbine does not generate very much electricity. You would need a lot
of them to replace one fossil fuel power station.
3.  The natural beauty of an area may be spoiled.


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