Auditing Theory - Day 06

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Auditing theory day 06

151. Indication of Certificate of Registration, doing, may, in its discretion, exempt the applicant
Identification Card and Professional Tax Receipt from taking another examination.
The certified public accountant shall be A new certificate of registration to replace
required to indicate his/her certificate of lost, destroyed, or mutilated certificate/license may
registration number, and date of issuance, the be issued, subject to the rules promulgated by the
duration of validity, including the Professional Tax Board and the Commission, upon payment of the
Receipt number on the documents he/she signs, required fees.
uses or issues in connection with the practice of
his/her profession. 155. Prohibition in the Practice of Accountancy
Vested Rights to CPAs Registered When R.A. 9298
152. Refusal to Issue Certificate of Registration and Was Passed
Professional Identification Card No person shall practice accountancy in this
The Board shall not register and issue a country, or use the title “Certified Public
certificate of registration and professional Accountant”, or use the abbreviated title “CPA” or
identification card to any successful examinee display or use any title, sign, card, advertisement, or
convicted by a court of competent jurisdiction of a other device to indicate such person practices or
criminal offense involving moral turpitude or guilty offers to practice accountancy, or is a certified
of immoral and dishonorable conduct or to any public accountant, unless such person shall have
person of unsound mind In the event of refusal to received from the Board a certificate of
issue certificate for any reason, the Board shall give registration/professional license and be issued a
the applicant a written statement setting forth the professional identification card or a valid
reasons for such action, which statement shall be temporary/special permit duly issued to him/her by
incorporated in the record of the Board. the Board and the Commission.

153. Suspension and Revocation of Certificates of 156. Vested Rights: Certified Public Accountants
Registration and Professional Identification Card Registered When This Law is Passed
and Cancellation of Special Permit All certified public accountants registered at
The Board shall have the power, upon due the time this law takes effect shall automatically be
notice and hearing, to suspend or revoke the registered under the provisions hereof, subject
practitioner’s certificate of registration and however, to the provisions herein set forth as to
professional identification card or suspend him/her future requirements Certificates of
from the practice of his/her profession or cancel registration/professional license held by such
his/her special permit for any of the causes or persons in good standing shall have the same force
grounds mentioned under section 23 of this Act or and effect as though issued after the passage of
for any unprofessional or unethical conduct, this Act.
malpractice, violation of any of the provisions of
this Act, and its implementing rules and regulations, 157. Limitation of the Practice of Public
the Certified Public Accountant’s Code of Ethics and Accountancy
the technical and professional standards of Single practitioners and partnerships for the
practice for certified public accountants. practice of public accountancy shall be registered
certified public accountants in the Philippines:
154. Reinstatement, Reissuance and Replacement Provided, That from the effectivity of this Act, a
of Revoked Loss Certificates certificate of accreditation shall be issued to
The Board may, after the expiration of two certified public accountants in public practice only
(2) years from the date of revocation of a certificate upon showing, in accordance with rules and
of registration and upon application and for reasons regulations promulgated by the Board and
deemed proper and sufficient, reinstate the validity approved by the Commission, that such registrant
of a revoked certificate of registration and in so has acquired a minimum of three (3) years
meaningful experience in any of the areas of public

Auditing theory day 06
practice including taxation: Provided, further, That registration to be renewed every three (3) years:
this requirement shall not apply to those already Provided, That subject to the approval of the
granted a certificate of accreditation prior to the Commission, the Board shall promulgate rules and
effectivity of this Act The Securities and Exchange regulations for the implementation of registration
Commission shall not register any corporation requirements including the fees and penalties for
organized for the practice of public accountancy. violation thereof.

158. Ownership of Working Papers 161. Continuing Professional Education (CPE)

All working papers, schedules and Program
memoranda made by a certified public accountant All certified public accountants shall abide
and his staff in the course of an examination, by the requirements, rules and regulations on
including those prepared and submitted by the continuing professional education to be
client, incident to or in the course of an examination, promulgated by the Board, subject to the approval
by such certified public accountant, except reports of the Commission, in coordination with the
submitted by a certified public accountant to a accredited national professional organization of
client shall be treated confidential and privileged certified public accountants or any duly accredited
and remain the property of such certified public educational institutions For this purpose, a CPE
accountant in the absence of a written agreement Council is hereby created to implement the CPE
between the certified public accountant and the program.
client, to the contrary, unless such documents are
required to be produced through subpoena issued 162. Seal and Use of Seal
by any court, tribunal, or government regulatory or All licensed Certified Public Accountants
administrative body. shall obtain and use a seal of a design prescribed
by the Board bearing the registrant’s name,
159. Accredited Professional Organization registration number and title The auditor’s reports
All registered certified public accountants shall be stamped with said seal, indicating therein
whose names appear in the roster of certified public his/her current Professional Tax Receipt (PTR)
accountants shall be united and integrated through number, date/place of payment when filed with
their membership in a one only registered and government authorities or when used
accredited national professional organization of professionally.
registered and licensed certified public
accountants, which shall be registered with the 163. Foreign Reciprocity
Securities and Exchange Commission as a Subjects or citizens of foreign countries may
nonprofit corporation and recognized by the Board, be allowed to practice accountancy in the
subject to the approval by the Commission The Philippines in accordance with the provisions of
members in the said integrated and accredited existing laws, international treaty obligations
national professional organization shall receive including mutual recognition agreements entered
benefits and privileges appurtenant thereto upon into by the Philippine government with other
payment of a required fees and dues Membership in countries A person who is not a citizen of the
the integrated organization shall not be a bar to Philippines shall not be allowed to practice
membership in any other association of certified accountancy in the Philippines unless he/she can
public accountants. prove, in the manner provided by the Rules of Court
that, by specific provision of law, the country of
160. Accreditation to Practice Public Accountancy which he/she is a citizen, subject or national admits
Certified public accountants, firms and citizens of the Philippines to the practice of the
partnerships of certified public accountants, same profession without restriction.
engaged in the practice of public accountancy,
including partners and staff members thereof, shall
register with the Commission and the Board, such

Auditing theory day 06
164. Coverage of Temporary/Special Permits 167. Management’s Responsibility of Compliance
Special/temporary permit may be issued by with Laws and Regulations
the Board subject to the approval of the It is management’s responsibility to ensure
Commission and payment of the fees the latter, has that the entity’s operations are conducted in
prescribed and charged thereof to the following accordance with laws and regulations. The
persons: responsibility for the prevention and detection of
noncompliance rests with management.
a. A foreign certified public accountant The auditor is no, and cannot be held
called for consultation or for a specific responsible for preventing non-compliance. The
purpose which, in the judgment of the fact that an annual audit is carried out may,
Board, is essential for the development however, act as a deterrent. An audit is subject to
of the country: Provided, That his/her the unavoidable risk that some material
practice shall be limited only for the misstatements of the financial statements will not
particular work that he/she is being be detected, even though the audit is properly
engaged: Provided, further, That there is planned and performed in accordance with PSAs.
no Filipino Certified Public Accountant This risk is higher with regard to material
qualified for such consultation or misstatements resulting from non-compliance with
specific purposes; laws and regulations.
b. A foreign certified public accountant
engaged as professor, lecturer or critic in 168. Procedures When Noncompliance is
fields essential to accountancy Discovered
education in the Philippines and his/her When the auditor believes there may be non-
engagement is confined to teaching compliance, the auditor should document the
only; and findings and discuss them with the following (in
c. A foreign certified public accountant order of priority):
who is an internationally recognized
expert or with specialization in any a. Management
branch of accountancy and his/her b. Entity’s lawyer if the management does
service is essential for the advancement not provide satisfactory information that
of accountancy in the Philippines. it is in fact in compliance.
c. Auditor’s own lawyer if it is not
165. Penal Provisions considered appropriate to consult the
Any person who shall violate any of the entities lawyer or when the auditor is not
provisions of this Act or any of its Implementing satisfied with the opinion.
rules and regulations as promulgated by the Board
subject to the approval of the Commission, shall,
upon conviction, be punished by a fine of not less
than Fifty thousand pesos (P50,000.00) or by 169. Ethics
imprisonment for a period not exceeding two (2) Ethics consist of moral principles and
years or both. standards of conduct. It is a branch of philosophy
that deals with the study of the rightness or
166. CPAs Legal Liability wrongness of human actions.
Audit professionals have a responsibility
under common law to fulfill expressed and implied 170. Unethical Behavior
contracts with clients. They are liable to their clients It refers to a conduct that differs from what
for negligence and/or breach of contracts should people believe would have been appropriate given
they fail to provide services or not exercise due care the circumstances.
in their performance.

Auditing theory day 06
171. Reasons Why People Act Unethically equal treatment of individuals, and tolerance for and
acceptance of diversity; do not overreach or take
a. The person’s ethical standards are undue advantage of another’s mistakes or
different from those of society as a adversities.
whole; or
b. The person chooses to act selfishly. 179. Caring for Others
In many instances, both reasons exist. Be caring, kind, and compassionate; share,
be giving, be of service to others; help those in need
172. Rationalizing Unethical Behavior and avoid harming others.

a. Everybody does it. 180. Respect for Others

b. If it’s legal, it’s ethical. Demonstrate respect for human dignity,
c. Likelihood of discovery and privacy, and the right to self-determination of all
consequences people; be courteous, prompt, and decent; provide
Characteristics and Values Associated with Ethical others with the information they need to make
Behavior informed decisions about their own lives; do not
patronize, embarrass, or demean.
174. Integrity
Be principled, honorable, upright,
courageous and act on convictions; do not be two-
faced, or unscrupulous, or adopt an end-justifies-
the-means philosophy that ignores principle.

175. Honesty
Be truthful, sincere, forthright,
straightforward, frank, candid; do not cheat, steal,
lie, deceive, or act deviously.

176. Promise Keeping

Be worthy of trust, keep promises, full
commitments, abide by the spirit as well as the
letter of an agreement; do not interpret agreements
in an unreasonably technical or legalistic manner in
order to rationalize noncompliance or create
excuses and justifications for breaking

177. Loyalty (Fidelity)

Be faithful and loyal to family, friends,
employers, clients and country; do not use or
disclose information learned in confidence; in a
professional context, safeguard the influences and
conflicts of interest.

178. Fairness
Be fair and open-minded, be willing to admit
error and, where appropriate, change positions and
beliefs, demonstrate a commitment to justice, the

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