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Typolog S. Statement True/False
y No.
U 1 Androecium and gynoecium are fertile and considered as essential True
for reproductive whorls.
U 2 Calyx is the second whorl of floral appendages in a typical flower. False
U 3 Tapetum layer of anthracite help in dehisense of anther to release False
pollen grain.
U 4 A typical angiospermic embryo sac at maturity consists of nuclei True
and seven cells.
U 5 Wheat, rice arecleistogamous flowers. True
R 6 Cucuribita flower shows functionally a type of cross pollination True
but genetically it is similar to autogamy.
A 7 When Pollen tube enters the ovule through chalaza it is called as True
U 8 The most resistant biological material of sporopollen is secreted True
by Pollen tube.
U 9 Resultant offspring by polyembryonygenetical to each other but True
different from their mother.
R 10 Banana is not a true fruit but it parthenocarpic fruit because ovary False
develops into fruit without fertilization.
U 11 Coconut water from tender coconut is nothing but free nuclear True
A 12 Sporopollanin is absent on germ pores of pollen grain. True
A 13 In over 60% of angiosperms pollen grains are shed at this two cell True
U 14 Both layers of pollen grain exam and in time are present in Pollen True
tube no please.
R 15 All pollen grains are rich in nutrients False
R 16 Ploidy of the cells of nucleus nmmc is haploid. False
U 17 Filiform Apparatus plays an important role in guiding the Pollen True
tube into synergid.
U 18 Aquatic plants use water for pollination. False
U 19 Anther sac of flower Has maximum number of haploid cells. True
R 20 most of the flowering plants embryo sac developed only from the False
functional megaspore.
Typolog S. Statement True/False
y No.
U&E 1 Most of the angiospermic plant produces bilobed,dithecous True
U&A 2 Filament and anther the two parts of pollen grain. False
R 3 Pollen grains are also responsible for causing respiratory True
disorders and allergies to some people.
U&E 4 Mostly the entry of pollen tube occurs from the chalazal end. False
R& A 5 Dispersal of seed is known as pollination. False
U&E 6 Transfer of pollen grain from anther to the stigma of another True
flower of the same plant is known as Geitonogamy.
A, E & C 7 The corn cob the tassels are nothing but the stigma and style True
which wave in the wind.
A, E & C 8 Water hyacinth and water lily are insect pollinated flowers. True
U 9 Kernel of coconut is cellular endosperm. True
U 10 Protective covering of sporopollen is present in intine. False
RU&A 11 If we squeeze and orange seeds we can observe many embryos True
of different size and shape.
U 12 Orobanche and striga produces large number of seeds. True
U 13 Viability of seed varies from 30 minutes to 10000 years True
depending on environmental conditions.
A 14 If the seeds of hybrids are collected and then on the characters True
in the progeny will segregate and do not maintain.
A 15 There is no segregation of characters and aporictic hybrid seed True
progeny so farmers can keep on using this process.
R 16 Pea and groundnut seed are the examples of albuminous seeds. False
R 17 Synergids guides the entry of pollen tube to the egg cell in an False
angiosperm embryo sac.
U 18 Primary endosperm consists of three nucleus True
R 19 Vegetative and generative cell of pollen grain contain male False
U 20 Contamination of unwanted can be done by bagging method. True

No Typo Column A Column B
I A 1. tapetum a. dehiscence of anther 1 b
    2. endothecium b. nutrition 2 a
      c. pollen allergy  
      d. pollination  
II R 1. male gametophyte a. 2N 1 c
    2. PEN b. 3N 2 b
      c. N  
III R 1. eichhornia a. anemophily 1 c
    2. vallisneria b. hydrophily 2 b
    3. grass c. entomophily 3 a
      d. chiropterophily  
IV R 1. viola a. xenogamy 1 a
    2. mirabilis b. autogamy 2 b
      c. geitonogamy  
V C 1. out breeding devices a. in breeding depression 1 b
    2. in breeding b. cross pollination 2 a
      c. geitonomy  
VI A 1. pollen grain a. tetrad 1 a
    2. embryo sac b. zygot 2 c
    3. egg cell c. monosporic 3 b
    4. synergid d. nutrition 4 d
      e. endosperm  
VII ?? 1. tube nucleus a. 3N 1 c
    2. tapetum b.2N 2 b
VIII U 1. outer intugument a. pericarp 1 c
    2. inner integument b. tegmen 2 b
      c. testa  
IX R 1. nectar and colourfull a. air 1 b
    2. nectarless and colourless b. insect 2 a
    3. long and sticky stigma c. water 3 c
X R 1. sporopollenin a. intine 1 b
    2. pollen tube b. exine 2 a
      c. integument  
I RU&EA 1. zygote a. endosperm 1 c
    2. PEN b. zygote 2 a
      c. embryo  
      d. seed  
II R,U&A 1. mango,papaya a. a. seedless fruit 1 b
    2. apple,strawberry b. true fruit 2 c
      c. false fruit  
d. parthenocarpic
a. removal of pollen
III U&R 1. microsporogenesis grains 1 c
b. production of
    2. megasporogensis fruits 2 d
c. production of
      pollen grains  
d. production of
      female gametes  
IV R 1. black pepper a. albuminous seed 1 b
    2. ground nut b. perispermic 2 a
c. non albuminous
      d. dormant seed  
V U&R 1.triple fusion a. fertilization 1 b
    2. syngamy b. 2 polar nuclei 2 a
c. pollen tube
      d. gamete formation  
VI R&U 1. pollen tube entry a. thalamus 1 c
    2. antipodal cells b. chalazal end 2 b
      c. micropylar end  
      d. filiform apparatus  
VII E&A 1. vallisenaria a. water as pollinator 1 a
    2. water hycinth b. insect as pollinator 2 b
      c. wind as pollinator  
      d. bird pollinator  
VIII U&A 1. anemophily a. bird pollinator 1 d
    2. entomophily b. water pollinator 2 c
      c. insect pollinator  
      d. wind pollinator  
IX U&EA 1. oxalis a. xenogamy 1 c
    2. sunflower b. autogamy 2 a
c. both
      d. no pollination  
X RU&A 1. ovary a. pulp 1 d
    2. wall of ovary b. seed 2 c
      c. fruit  
      d. pericarp  
Fill in the blanks
Q. Typology
1. The innermost layer of a typical microsporangium is called R
Ans Tapetum
2. The functional haploid megaspore is the first cell of female U
gametophyte, which enlarges in size to form the female gametophyte
called ______________-.
Ans Embryo sac.
3. During double fertilization , the fusion of one male gamete with the R
egg cell to form diploid zygote is called ___________.

Ans Syngamy.
4. The ploidy of endosperm in angiosperms is _____________. U

Ans Triploid
5. Pollen grain exine has prominent apertures called ____________ R
where sporopollenin is absent.
Ans Germ pore.
6. Removal of anther from the flower bud before the anther dehisces is A
called _______________.

Ans Emasculation
7. The residual persistent nucellus is called ____________. R

Ans Perisperm
8. Pollen grains can be stored for years in _______________ chemical U ,A
at __________ temperature.

Liquid nitrogen , -1960 C

9. Enclosed within the integuments is a mass of cells which have U
abundant reserve food material called ______________-.

10. In grass family the cotyledon in the seed is called ____________. R

11. Outbreeding devices that ensure xenogamy are ______________ A
and __________________.

Self incompatability and Diocey.

12. The type of flowers that ensure autogamy are called ___________. U, A

13 Embryos in _______________ seeds can be produced from nucellus, R
unfertilized egg cells or synergids.

14 Apple is a false fruit as it develops from __________ part of a R
15 Pollen tube enters the embryo sac through _________ region of A
ovule where integuments do not enclose the nucellus.

16. In a dicot seed the nourishment to the germinating seedling is R
provided by ________________________.

17. The outer integument and the inner integument of an ovule converts U
into _____________ and _______________ during seed formation.

Testa and tegmen.

18. Water pollinated flowers have pollen grains covered by U
___________ to prevent them from wetting.

Mucilaginous coat

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