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Nhóm mất gốc / Buổi 3 / Video / BTVN


1. You………… come if you are tired.

A. can’t B. don’t have to C. mustn’t D. may not

2. Final-year students………….attend lectures. It is optional.

A. mustn’t B. don’t have to C. shouldn’t D. ought to

3. Carl…………..have been here by now. May be he got stuck in traffic.

A. might B. must C. should D. can’t

4. Jessica looks very tired. She……………..have stayed late to finish her assignment last night.

A. would B. must C. will D. should

5. I warned the boy _____ball near the restricted area.

A. not play B. against playing C. not playing D. to play

6. James didn’t come to see us as planned and he didn’t even phone us. He……….about the

A. can have forgotten B. might have forgotten C. should have forgotten D. must forget

7. You shouldn’t…………to your teacher like that. It was very rude.

A. have talked B. talk C. have be talked D. talked

8. We’re worried ____ the current situation of environment pollution in our country.

A. of B. about C. on

9. We’d better ___if we want to get there in time.

A. take up B. turn down C. speed up D. put down

10. Could you please turn off the stove? The potatoes____for at lest 20 mins.

A. are boiling B. boiling C. were boiling D. have been boiling

Nhóm mất gốc / Buổi 3 / Video / BTVN

11. I will not be here next week. I am going to be ____business in London.

A. about B. in C. on D. at

12. By the end of last March, I ____English for five years.

A. have been studying B. will have been studying

C. had been studying D. will have studied

13. Dane _____ the book we borrowed from the library. It was on the table, but now it has

A. must have returned B. should have returned

C. can’t have returned D.needn’t have returned

14. This is the key. You____forget to take it when you going out.

A. don’t have to B. musn’t C. should D. needn’t

15. Look ! She is laughing. She____funny or happy.

A. must have B. must have had C. could have had D.musn’t

16. I would rather____poor but happy than become rich without happiness.

A.being B. be C. to be D. was

17. There is no____in going to school if you’re not willing to learn.

A. reason B. point C. aim D. purpose

18. You’d better___late next time.

A. don’t B. not be C. not have been D. won’t be

19. We____put the fish in the fridge before it spoils.

A.would B. may C. can D. had better

20. We are now wet. You_____the raincoats with you.

Nhóm mất gốc / Buổi 3 / Video / BTVN

A.should bring B. should have brought C.must bring D. have to bring


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