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The GenkiEnglish Card game

Are the children involved?

1. Can all the children feel involved? Children feel involved by helping them take the fear out
of English and allow them to build their language confidence without worrying about
making mistakes.

2. Is the game clear to understand and use? It is simple and has only few rules.

4. Is the game visually stimulating? There are funny pictures that attract children attention.

Is language development integrated in the game?

5. Can the language content be controlled and focussed? This game is useful for getting the
kids to practice making sentences in the comparative.

6. Do the children practice English all the time? Children are focused on the information they
get and say it out laud.

7. Do they feel challenged by the language? Children feel challenged by saying the numbers
which most students usually struggle to get them right.

8. Can new vocabulary / structures be introduced? First of all you have to review animals and
numbers. Then go through how to say the words on the cards such as "Height", "Length"
etc. Then you can play the game.

9. Can new language be linked with old language during the game? Children have to review
animals and numbers and basic structures too.

Does it encourage active learning?

10. How much initiative do the children have? That's it, very simple but fiendishly addictive!! I
used to play this game as a kid and loved it! It takes a bit of time, but once you get the kids
going they'll be playing it in their lunch breaks.

11. To what extend does the teacher have to explain or demonstrate? It takes a bit of time but
children quickly get the idea.

12. How much does the teacher have to do during the game? The teacher becomes a facilitator
of those problems related to turn taking, communication problem solving and so on .

13. Could the children do any of this? Children can create their own rules

14. Do the children have opportunities to ask questions? Children have the opportunity to ask
questions in turn taking for example.

15. Is new language discovered by the children? Playing this games there are other new
language involved.

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