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The incident of Soempah Pemoeda or Sumpah Pemuda is an acknowledgment
from young Indonesian youth who pledged one homeland, one nation, and one
language. The Youth Pledge was read on October 28, 1928, the result of the
formulation of the Second Youth Congress which was commemorated as Youth
Pledge Day.

Congress II was a continuation of Congress I which was held 2 years earlier. The
Youth Congress I was held in Batavia [now Jakarta] on 30 April to 2 May 1926 by
the Jong Indonesia Congress Committee led by Tabrani. But the congress has not
achieved the desired results.
A few months after that, there was an increase in youth organizations so that it
was motivated to establish the Indonesian Student Students Association [PPPI]
which took over to carry out the Youth Congress II. On 27-28 October 1928, the II
Youth Congress held three sessions in three different places by PPPI consisting of
students from all regions of Indonesia.
The main issue discussed at the congress was the way to get a form of unity
among Indonesian youths that had long been dreamed of. The Youth Congress II
discussed a number of things, especially regarding "Indonesian Unity and
Nationality" by Muh. Yamin, "Education" by Ms. Purnomowulan, Darwono and S.
Mangunsarkoro, "Scouting" by Ramelan, and Mr. Suaryo.
The meeting on Sunday night Monday resulted in three decisions which are now
called "Youth Pledge":
We are Poetera and Poeteri Indonesia, Mengakoe Bertoempah Darah Jang Satoe,
Tanah Indonesia. [We are sons and daughters of Indonesia, claiming to be one
blood spear, the land of Indonesia].
We are Poetera and Poeteri Indonesia, Mengoeoe Berbangsa Jang Satoe,
Indonesian Nation. [We are Indonesian sons and daughters, claiming to be one
nation, the Indonesian nation].
We are Poetera and Poeteri Indonesia, Mendjoendjoeng Persatoean, Indonesian.
[We are sons and daughters of Indonesia, uphold the language of unity,
It was during the youth congress that the national anthem "Indonesia Raya" was
created by W.R. Soepratman was heard and published for the first time in the Sin
Po newspaper by stating the text which confirmed that the song was the national
anthem. The song was banned by the Dutch East Indies colonial government, but
the youth continued to sing it.

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