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-executive summary is a customer centric company. They put more effort in improving their
system to make the experience of customer more comfortable so that he keeps on
returning to the website. Jeffery Bezos who is the founder of the started this
company after seeing the use of internet increasing rapidly.

-vision/ mission
 Our vision is to be earth's most customer-centric company; to build a place where
people can come to find and discover anything they might want to buy online.
 The mission statement of has always centered around its primary
focus—the online Amazon.

-core competency / sustainable competitive advantage of company

In order to stand out, companies look to promote unique aspects of their business that
make them better than the competition and more attractive to consumers

- goals -> (nonfinancial goals/ financial goals)

Company's objective is to become the best place to buy, find and discover any product or
service available online.


 Strengths
Strong brand name
Customer Oriented
Differentiation and Innovation
Largest Merchandise Selection
Large number of third part sellers
Large number of acquisitions

 Weaknesses
Easily imitable business model
Losing Margins in Few Areas
Product Flops and Failures
Tax Avoidance Controversy
Limited brick-and-mortar presence

 Opportunities
Expand physical online stores
Penetrate or expand its operations
Backward Integration
More acquisitions

 Threats
Employee treatment & workplace conditions
Aggressive competition

-company analysis is a transnational electronic commerce organization founded in 1994 by an
American named Jeff Bezos. The company is the largest online retailer in America
dealing with a wide range of consumer products such as books and other products (“Your,” 2010). Since the time it was established, has acquired five
different businesses.

-customer analysis
Customer analytics are the tools and processes used by developers and marketers to
understand how your users are engaging with your application.

-marketing and product objectives

Not to discount a small number of products for a limited period of time, but to offer low
prices every day and apply them broadly across our entire product range.’

- target markets
 Shoppers
 Late Majority and Laggard Internet Shoppers
 Early Majority Internet shoppers
 College Students
 Price conscious shoppers
 Early adopters (kindle) Sellers
 Current Low Performing
 Sellers
Third party retailers
Online sellers
 Developers
Web developers

- the 4P (products,place,promotion,pricing)
Amazon sells all its products online where the users login to Amazon through website or
App and place orders. These are then delivered to the consumers through its distribution
Amazon has got a market leader and competition-based pricing strategy in its marketing
Amazon is a global brand and has its presence all across the world. All the consumers
buy products and services from the website and Apps of to buy.
Amazon uses strong marketing campaigns to boost its brand. It advertises on TV, on all
communication sites and in magazines.

-implementation plan
o They were adding products to fast what also had an impact on company's loss

The organizational structure of Amazon can be classified as hierarchical. The senior
management team includes two senior executives, three vice presidents and one global
observer. Seven sectors like IT, Human Resources, Legal Operations and Sector Heads
also report to Amazon CEO

Amazon.nEt can be a general public firm produced in 4 seasons 94' through
chief executive officer and also Chairman shaun Bezos. It started out just as
one online book store but after varied it's goods to include software, digital
video disks , VHS, cds , games, gadgets, apparels , meals and also furniture
and the like.

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