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TE- mr TERM EXAM, APREL age (online Through Create classroom) A. Robt Non: 16 ECEEE OOF + NAME of STUDENT: MaHMmoHRH MEENA BRANCH § ELECTAICAL ENGINEERING , Tech, Bth Semesiear SuGTECT NAME: YTILEZATIOM Of ELECTRICAL POWER suege ; RIECT COVE; BEES G.PRPER SET No A “E. DAY & DATE OF ExAms Trea Thusniouy, 1b Rpt, toto TEME! 2pm 4o.3:us Pleste write from heme GAJ discuss epeciric Braking in traction motes? How reqenesative braking tn De locomotive 7 Answer, Im trettion work both electrical and mechanieal braking asce employed fer bringing the vehicle. to Tess, Electrical braking tan mat ds ausay with ‘mechanical brakes since a Vehicle Cah net held statlonasy by its “Uaes, fe Newentheless forms a Veru important Past Of draedion Syste % Tm " electaic braking" the braking en i is convesited fate elect Instead of Converting it ea Into” heat eheogy at the bake shoes and efthesy dissipated in the resistances, mounted on fhe Vehicle or Tefusined co the supply Systeuy , ¥ Advantages and disadvantages oF Electrical braking over Mechenicett Braking # Advantages: 4. Electrical brake bs smooth. Electrica) braking is more economical than tmechanical braking (2h mechanical braking due te exceyive wea oy, brake drum , line ete. it Wendl Frequent and costly —‘Teplacement), mechanical brakin oduceg metal dust which Can damage beast ave Ne such Vel iteans in electrical braking » . i ae Fn mechanice) braking the Moise produced 18 Veo high Dh Tepenestative braking electrical enesgy Can be Tehusined back to supsl oe by not Credit hh apes braking . J Th mecheurica} Iraking the heat js produced at rake Vana lines or rake drum, which May be a Sousite of failure of the bnake 1 @ ty leetrical braking Hoe heat 4 protuced ag Convenient Place. ushich 6 no uy fs hasten aaa braking System, Disadvantages [iiitarions ‘i 4. Since reeter the motor hasde Fimectten a8 a ue dustin braking peciiod , Husefore , ie must have suitable braking chastactestisttes « 1, Th electrical bracing , the driving moter opesiates as A genermtor dusiing the pesiind of bracing , and tmeter Ceasey do opesiate as a GJevesiitor ac Hundstill So Het altheuyh an electate ae Can Almost Stop a Wathine or load , but ft Can ‘et hela te starionarey , Fhemefore , a friction brake is Tequired ty addition. 3. Additional Complications , high initial cost , special rmoters Capable of genesiating elecbical energy , make efectte brateng Cats, yrs vf Electte braking ~ Plugging Rheostatic ow dye braking Regenerative Irating oS » Electro maynetic braking Eddy cusvrent Ioralcing He Regenestative Braking iy ae locomelve Th reyenesative fucking , Mote ts net disconnected from the supply bet f mate te un a a ecador by Uti TIS the Kees ee dies Meat frain~ Electrical energy ts” fed back de the. Supply » The maynestic drag Produced om actount *F — genertator action offesis the Iraakiog forque- Lt Ve mest efficient methed of braletine fm @ sesiiy taster Cae meter) regenerative lewaking ta ned possibie witheur modification because reversal of La ewoujd, also of the field aud. hence of Ey This Method , however is used wit, special cove *~ Regenesative braking WH, Dec. Sess Motors + French Methed $+ for Obtaining ‘Tegenes|ative leaking Ut Sante, te Yethod 3 used «This meta is discussed below :- » ate ts a sing] Seat ry . Trolley bus it te Sabres a a on i‘ ae fleced. ih pasicley with, fre aunitlaany "frit tindoges Me Shows ' ; mth Figasee pn fhe ext pres Mean wevessal “ements ty traction tnoters . Scanned wth CamScanner 2 role sire Axil Fie i. wlding jPuttiory feta cslindiinga Prrvratere aa ¥ eet Sig. Yepenesjative braking th ’ a & iy > dusing -regenestive. Inaking the cuit feta windings acre ae Sani with each ofhey nd Switched OveH tn pawallel OCross ammatune and the man seater field » The machine. cts as & Compound geneader with slight diffesental Compounding « ashen Aheste- oh a io jn fhe Ine voltage , the Shunt excitation being Sensitive. do such — charges jmmediatery Causes the @tnf. of the genesuter 40 Increase or decrese thus Providing the mecessastie balance - a sketch speed time cuswe for Usban , Subusiban and mein fond Seavicss « , fines: Speed “Time Cusives fox train movement: - Tre movement of drains and their enesgy Consumption Com €»be Conventendis shu died, by menus of Speed - Hime ind speed distance cuowes, As thelr fame Sugatst » formes! gives speed of the train ct Vasiious thes aftes, fhe staat of the TUM Cind axes gives Speed cat ymatious distances ieee the stasittng poinbs i ‘ dut of the two syeed-Hme Cuswe 18 More Importany because of Fhe veagrns 1 (Lis Slope gives accelentation os Tebesdation as fre cane be (i) fren befuween tt and herizental (fesdine) ards” repens the distance travelled ane (iii) Enesgy required fox propulsion Can be Caleutater {fF Wistance dy the Motion of .the tain te Knowy , e Scanned wth CamSeanner a Speed-time cuswe t Coasting ox a A awning si TWypiced speod-aime cuswe for feceegan bay peed eat tay on 2 Llectric reine opesiating on cute " i Patenges; Seowles , Dt ‘rey i Horomia j Grakin Consists of fhe | tising five ‘ j ees 7 q i ' ee = Lt Mheostatic ‘ 1 Aceetasaton ! ' J. Constant iceelerration period (oto 4y) = ‘ i 2. Accelesati ow on speed Curwe (tytoda) “ are ic : Beers. wowing esis (2 dos) a Typical speed-ctime. Cuswe for mainline, My Coasting or running with (Powe Cutoff J d ¢ se fig he. Ss Graking (4y Jets.) iS hy (0 sto dy) 1+ Dusiing this pestiod the fraction moder acceltiats aaa Fre Carnet Haken by fhe Motors and the fractive eh cute preecicall tons dant + ; + This ts also Catied | know as fretthing up postiod- ' Sa ty represented by portion of GU yteta) Atte, tre stasiting —opesiation of the motors Ts. over) , dhe drain stil) Contyues Sto accelesiate along the Cuswe LM+ Dustin fois posited the moter Cuserent and dorgue decreases as frain Speed — (oreases + Hence, accelesicctor ayraduclty decreases 4§)) forque developed by the motes exactly” balancer that due. do netiviance te the Tratln Pretlon- - + he Slope LM of tre peed ~Hme Cdwe depends primaiily on Ae rage —speed chasactesitstics of the deans Fraction modora, i) (do do ds): Ab the @hL of time Ar the frat adttaiing the maxtnutn Speak “Dusting tuts pestioa the Fredy Tung eb Conatamy. Speed attend © at sh and Constant powey is draw, edb is represented Ly the portion tM, ¥) (Astody) i At the end of es running peste (Te. at ty) foe poe supply is Ger Cut-off “ant” the draly bs allowed to Bie rn Undey = 4s ou omentiuy 4 due drain Stasite decreagng on ACCount of ee the tortion ef train, The wate of decrease oF speed dusting Conating— Wed ts kno an Coastin: fois Coasting jg desirable since PE UAT IIzes Some of the kimedic® eheoigy of the train which Would dtheawise , be Wasted dusting braking. Hen, Ub helps to yeduce the ehesigy Consumption oF | the drain . | t Tt fg vepresented Ly portion NP S. (ay dp ty) ts using Jig pesiod hake bnaker asic applied and the Frain is brough do a stop: + Td is Tepresentey by dhe portion po, Typical! speed-Hme cases for UPPesient - seswicess \ 1 fo fe a le ite feyiaes : 1 q Coasting = re Freprannin, tty re at f ain = oy Sar ar NGG y- w) | Je ing >) 3 i Pics EEL Cacceiverin | Ete| Arccemtin _ age) y i . ‘Time 5 sec, > Time y§ > Thwe, s—> Bring i i () subusiban serwice — area (a) city or Urban seoivice ubusiban ©) main fine seayyice Aistante between stops Uistance. between Stops i about 0+ 57 kin 3 do sky Ta veprerents city searvice whedce —> Hee sub-vonben Services ag i Teprtsent, yelative values of accelesiation and ane represented. fh whid, main line sesjuice. deceleration [retardation aise in theote is ne free Haste these asee highes) Th orden do achieve Tunviing _pesiied bap Jeng poral 6 moodenately high auesiage speed ‘ea u oe eee Dehueen © Mops segey Caeating pani” cab high ee, B because °f loves Aistunces between Mops , The Alec eleatioy > Enihis case aleo and retadation Telatively high values of Coe Boe welt ra due de short dituncer beter the stoma, these is ro possibilty of Free — running pesitod thou, Coanting postiod fs included to Save oy eens Ae CelesecHow He Yeh dade Cotna wry ption axe Yequired jn ordedy de Ve85 jraperteuyy, MAKE te seaivice an Attractive aa posse, OO ——— ea) what de you mean by electrification 2 Expat fr desai)- Anas Electrification, Haste the drive. ts by means of electric ynvdovs which ase fed from ovesthead distribution Syste + Tess The drive of this Aye is most waded used » Advantages 5 AMET has ro Smoke , eleetric fraction fs most Suited for the Umdesigrount and fube wailwarys 2. The tnohrs used tm ofethic traction have & Very high stasting congue Hence, it ts posible to achieve highey accelerations of Irs te 25 Kmfh|sec as agains 0-6 do ed kimi, [sec th Steoun fraction. Consequently we have fhe following Advantages. W) High Schedule speed. i) Sneremsed — traffic hedling Caypatity- ac An electric locomotive ts Yeady cto Stasth aut moments rolice « 4 The maintenance Cort of cn electric locomotive. is So). Ob that | of Steam Jocomotive fis Mmaintence Ame Ts ttch hes Compassiattivel ly Ss. Th an electric fraction the adhesion Coefficient [5 More ,due to tre absence of Unbalanced forces produced by reciprocating mass By “4 wae of eleatte fraction hi grade Coal Cus be Swed q. Im electric haction system it ig postible do use vregenenative, bracing © athe Vivwaton in electalally openated Vehicles asie less a tre Jonge exented by the electric moter is Gmtinuows 9. The electric equipment tan withstand lange feporasiy ovesttoads uy . ¥y ait Coy dra relatively fooge, poe, Baw the Fdleltig Syste Shel es } 4. High Initia] Cort of laytny out eveojnend efectric 2, Power, fallusce a few “min wie ed E ee fer utes Coun Comse Prakkic dis ho catloy 3, he electric Fraation 5 Is th “s e System ts Hed Up do only elects fey 4 Communt cation [)' Posey oy Iines Which rauett ant supply Nines le | nang Vows 3 fron tyeapflay tn ces Scanned wth CamSeanner S: Additional equipments ase required 7 TepeneSieS Ia ea Case of Dee+ seasiier ‘Mobs regenesiation is net a “Simple process « For railway electrification fou Ayres of track electrifietion Syptevs Presently available + L- D.e Systeng bev , FV , (SV ,hevn V DH Single-phase A System --., IF de ds kV (MWR p25 and Sule. Ss Three —phase Ac fusion... 33 4obkv ot 10% He Ur Composite Syptein Tonatvineg tonvayyion tf Angle phase Arce Info B-phase AC or Bice 1. De Septem | 5 Th Oe system fhe electric motors ase employed for getting fhe rnecespoay, ‘motive power gure Unualiy 9 Seats Motor , altheush Compound Mmoters are Coming — into Favous, fos tramways And. roltey Lure where regenesuttive braking is desires. Divert cusvient at Goo to FOV is Univers salty emplyyed er Aramusnye th Ushio aasiens And fer roany Ssubuitbay railways thie, “Isto V to gov V Orc. is used fer ostt Inaiin line velit, sane ee — Substations ind these. substerfong fhemselver ‘receive — pousesy from Wo/ls2 ky, a-phase netuerk ae “this high -vsltage J phase Supply , at thee Substations , fs Comvesyted tte Jous- voltage 4- phase suptly with the help ef Scott — Connected or Ve tooneited A-phase transtormeys » “Then , tris low Arc Velie is Converted fnto the required 9 Oc. Voltage by Using suitable vectifiase or tonvesttoin «The D+ Supply Se" ohiained ts fed via sullebrer tontact Syste to the facto mrofere whith ame Cithesy De Ses tes a Fac Ieenuetive — 5 Compound tofers for Prtvnn leq Busey woh ere. Teaemestattine Pralet bs Tred Fa! oben “opearating Under; HMilasy Conditions, d¢ fretin Consumes % Single ~phuse Ac tral, J Ne Indearfeen ce with — ovesihecd Communi catfon [ines . Equipment of de brain ty lightesy les Goly And more cieng Hea Shrior Arts equipment. The oly dsadveurtage of Ac. Eatery Ts the hecensity of focethe Ac & ; dstedcey a roe page et ot vetadivelly short ess enegy OO % Sigle-phase Arcs Sysitin | B+ Bo Pomse, AC _Syshean, AC testier motors ase Used En this sysien the required motive. for Getting the necesnsiy powesy is obteulned by the use of mative “powea. 4 induction mofors opestting aut The Voltage used for 4BkV fo 36 ky / 16% He Sypply, distribution network ts Isovo to > Substatlore receive powty| aba veruy JemmV at WA or Arte seohcg high voltage From a O-phare transmission : Hines ob doe sus) Prdurtrla Prequenc i 3 Stepped dew on the locomotive Sete tak ae ertae ¢ sto a fow voltae of dev dv Yrov gn lees hs aaa suifabie fo apt ing to a do BA Gir Bo |e Pe i , A shyle prege Arce Ape Whereas Tequired Peqenuy is reduced om soliz do Ik Hz aussie by recs of a step-down convessieiye installed aut fe een dransbermesy, Caseried ty the sComotive. + 5 The distribution Systery Consists of Ushen the extent of electrification fo ovesihead whey Ard practe ts withiy @ radius ofabout jokin vail for fhe third phage and Fine, the genenating statioy , Fhe veeehes fe powey othe. disbiburion, are eat fea Sa From | fhe Guesrating raed fetta oe tug Be framatemey Urecty at high “voltage from BrStabioug. a yesiting station, For low : hs ness the CConowmic. voltage rue arte Rag ees fre powers Transmission Syste Sapien awe. quite Simple and highes| they Pray desivabie for vohust and give froubte free traction systery and thesieFore, te 1 They possers mess 0 ae aa atta ase of high eFficlenty and of Quipleyed ding Pre Operating ta a “ gen EMR chan © a g Denote. when Synchronous seed» Ys, COMPpsite FyBte » Tiso Coupe site — Sytteury 1, I$ Fo 3-4 Syston QW] rh 40 DC Syston, {ekv, soHz SE Cou verter] Jed AS 1 PCnIy iy ure asics GYY Usrite short note en Ba =leo Methed. 6 for speed Controls. Mrs, 5 Wasil Leonasid method of spect Contro| fs Used Controlling fe ypeed oF ac motor , Sb 1s a basic Cu¥moactusie Control Method * This Comte! Systern Ms consisting of a OC Motor My and powesrea> a dC genesetor “hs Ln this method the ae of the ac motor (om) 1 Comtolied by applying vastiable- Voltage aurea, tds Armatiesre. This vastiable Yeltage- is obtained. lor Set which consists eF a moter M2 it the. genesiator Os control of DC usin a motrr— geneiat (etn ac er OBineter) directly Coupled oi > ft tk a very unidely used meted of speed mater: Principle of Wasid Leonasd Method : Connection diagram 4 Fila tis wage te Generator [ Meta LA 4 > m Nawfabie, Speed Figes wasid Leonasid Systeun of speed, Contra} > The speedof moter fy fs to be Controlled which Is powesred. by Ane genteuter G. The shuns field of the. Motor My Ts Conmectey acres the DC Spply lines» Now 1 penesicter hs. 1 Ye. rotor Ma, The speed of ober Ma 8 Constant. “ta | Urhen the eadput voltage of dhe genestator 8 eapuneeene 1 Maen Wnottr stadt, co Totate, wh of the enestector vasiis tena Mensrest ae vestien. > Now Contrliing dhe output vol of the speed oF EE cine ate Ba Aol ne ie eed the output Voltage ,q ffela ee Mected acres fhe — gemesyatey with the o esl A Frew cect the diveca} ets, Aon Wace be reversed’ by cxsie wat ae pate Con be done ut Heal be ame Scanned wth CamSeanner Teves’ ; “Siting swite RS Bub dhe Yrotor geneouor Sek MUS THM inthe Some. direction « Aivauntuoe s 1. Sb ts veowy sropth Speed Control Sys ange C4rovn Peal, normal speed a 2. “The speed Cay be Comblted jn both the direction he Yaetor easily ith, eee @ The metry Cay van with & Ys speed Veplation of De moter fy this wood Leomacrd. dysteur tem ered & Very wide dre motor) » of Yodedtion of bh Vesiy geod = Ft hos — Inhesieret regenerative braking propestty. 4. The Sper is veey Costly because, ured « 2, Oveswll efFicienry. id te Nighy — foaded » ‘ 3, Lousqesy Size. and weight requ 4, Pr fred nfenance. s. Fee eps ore nofse. fuse extra machines re of dhe Syste Nat sufficient eapeciatly if re mere flea avcea- th Araution . as) How and where. ase Induction motor used ; Sate Me mesilte and demeaiite of fnduetion Motors for traction duties. Gy Maree prase Ae. traction Syste, the vequived motive Anas, i : ousesy 18 Obtained. by fro Used of 3-b induction moore opewating act 3 ky to 36 KV 7 Ibi He Suyty. is substahons wR COAVE power ab a vesiy high voltane frow, a phase fransrnission Teg Gd Foe Usual trdustelal frequency of SeH2: 5 ene el high Veltege S4epped dowy to 2Ikv or So franafermesx whexeas foquoney Ts Yeduced From Sd Hate ie He ky Frequeney Convenfese — Installed ab pte Stb-saay a> This’ distribution system Coneises of two oreyhend Wires and frac, vei] fer He, thre Prose curd vecelves fhe, etinwsy rectly Frey tet peur ating sae Hirerug, Hee Xbney — sub-statiou, ; >. -_-———=——— Bean ess i quite HP Srinesfo, motors einployed fh this travtiey Systeun ie. Tees Bh rata ct give, route. rot opescton. They elouat™ Mess of high eFficieney amd of opectating. a8 af When driven at Heeda above the tga Synchremass speeds ane © Constant — Speed Chasactsristios vf induction motes «, tibabie fy Hreuttley Werk RMS hes Spent Jorque Chasactenistics of induction Similay do ’ ac. shunt Motors , phesietere , hey a Suitable for pasidlte) opesration » motors Ute we. not

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