Skill of Speaking: Teacher's Role in The Development of Speaking Skill Among The Students

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Skill of Speaking

Teacher's role in the

development of speaking skill
among the students

Assistant Professor
B4 EL CS –
1. To make student teachers understand the
concept and theories of communication.
2. To develop the various skills of listening that are
useful in the classroom.
3. To train the student teachers in the skill of
speaking and the components of this skill.
4. To make them familiar with the skill of reading,
its method of teaching and evaluation.
5. To make them develop the skill of writing and
evaluation techniques of writing skill.
Unit – 3 :
Skill of Speaking
3.1 Speaking as a productive skill.
3.2 Characteristics of effective speaking.
3.3 Components of the skill of speaking.
3.4 Evaluation of speaking - Hitchman Rating Scale,
Role play Technique – Walter Bartz scale for role
play - Schulz communicative competence scale –
Oral interview or Live conversation.
3.5 Teacher's role in the development of speaking
skill among the students.
Unit – 3 :
Skill of Speaking

3.5 Teacher's role in the development

of speaking skill among the students.
• English is a language, not a subject
• Students not used to speaking
• Students used to writing and
studying grammar.
• Students unwilling to participate.
• Students afraid of talking.
• Students are aware of the problem.
Speech is primary, original,
underived and the only one of
the skills that can be self-
sufficient in practice
Speaking means
conveying the
message through
the words of
mouth. This skill is
also called ‘Oral
Skill’ or
• Success in training oral skills: breaking the
• Objective: communication, not perfection.
• Participation in small groups: students feel
• Oral collaborative activity: they share the
• Mistakes are necessary to learn.
• Teacher as collaborator and observer.
• Involve all the students not only the good ones.
• Useful activities for their future profession.
• Avoid intimidation facing classmates.
The Speaking Skills
A person who can speak English can:

Produce the characteristic English speech sounds and sound

patterns both in isolation and combination.
Use appropriate stress and intonation patterns.
Use appropriate words and structures to express the
intended meanings.
Recall words and structures.
Organize thoughts and ideas into logical sequence.
Adjust speech according to audience.
Techniques of teaching speech skill

Matching games.
Oral guessing games.
Simple repetition drill.
Substitution drill.
Question answer drill.
Stage 2: Communicative Practice


How To Develop Speaking Skills?

To develop this skill, the students need

intensive practice. Speaking practice is
usually done in pair & group work.
Class Activities For Developing
Speaking Skills
Types Of Class Activities
Language experts have
organized oral skills into
four distinctive types.
i. Drills or Linguistically
Structured Activities
ii. Performance Activities
iii. Participation Activities
iv. Observation Activities
Drills or Linguistically Structured
Teacher provide a particular
structure and the students
practice it by repeating it.

For Example,
Student 1 to Student 2:
I’m Noureen. What’s your
Student 2 to Student 3:
I’m Anam. What’s your
…….. So on………..
Performance Activities

Students prepare
himself beforehand
and delivers a message
to a group.
Student’s Speech
Participation Activities

Students participates in
some communicative
activity in a “natural
Discussions on some
Observation Activities
Students observe something, writes a brief
summary and present his finding to the
Some Most Commonly Used
 Short Speeches
 Gap Activities
 Role Play
 Discussions
Short Speeches
• Students may be given some easy topics
• Prepare them in verbal or written form
• Come to stage or deliver a lecture or speech for given
time frame before the class.
Gap Activity
It is a form of a
• One person has some
information which the
other person does not
• An interview or self
introduction is an
activity of this kind.
Gap Activity

• In this way information gap is fill.

• This activity will remove the students
Role Play

This is also a form of

• Students may be
asked to play
different roles in the
form of a drama.
Students play
different roles.
Role Play

One student act like Shopkeeper and the
other as the customer in a Shopping
Role Play

This exercise will encourage the

students to speak in real life situation.
• Teacher will give
some topics or
• Give them
instructions how
to proceed
• Students will discusses
the topic

• Then the teacher or

leader of group ask
the questions and
discussions are carried
Suggestions for developing spoken english

 Practice in early stages of learning should

be limited.

 Practice in isolated periods, or of

meaninglessness words or sounds deadens
the interest in the new language learning.

 By hearing teacher’s sentences, pupil can get

initial contact with the flow of speech.
Key activities to learn correct pronunciation
and intonation are:


Sound differences could be carefully

Teacher needs to keep control over learning
process by correcting pupil’s mistake and needs
to arrange correct practice exercise indirectly.

Use the words in right place at the right moment.

It helps in acquiring a sound language habit.
Teaching English Pronunciation
Those illiterate people who mispronounce their words
should make an effort to learn the correct
pronunciation. Educationists who holds that absolutely
correct pronunciation should not demanded in the
beginning because it is difficult for the young learners.

There are two types of pronunciation:


Problems of English Pronunciation
Sometimes the words pronounced are alike but they are
spelled differently and vise versa.

• There are difficulties with:

 New vowel and consonant sounds: English has certain

vowels and consonants sounds which do not occur in the mother
or national tongue. these sounds presents difficulty for students.

 Stress: The stress system in is different in English than mother

The stress in English carries meaning e.g. ‘rebel, re’bel. If we
stress 1st syllable, it is noun, but if we tress 2nd syllable it
becomes a verb.
The intonation of English is also different than that of
mother language.
It is rightly said that it is easy to master sounds but it is very
difficult to master the stress, rhythm and intonation pattern.

• Rhythm:
It is very difficult for the learners to master the rhythms of English
as his own language is syllable-timed.

English is not a phonetic language, that is, the pronunciation of a
word is not a combination of various letters. For ex: the words
knife, enough. the spellings are not a sure guide to its
Methods to remove difficulties

1. Importance of teacher’s model

2. Model of pronunciation to be followed
3. Emphasis on pronunciation
4. Using audio-visual aids
5. Teaching difficult sounds
the difficult sounds for students are those that do not occur in his
mother language e.g. vowels, diphthong and consonant sounds.

• Step 1-Production of the new sound by the teacher:

The teacher speaks a number of words containing the new sound. The
sounds are also told the position of various speech organs in producing the
sounds e.g. in producing /w/, lips are closely rounded as in whistling in
producing /v/, the lower lip is pressed against the upper teeth.

o Step 2-Production of the new sound by the students:

Students are asked to speak the words containing the new sounds after the teacher.
• Step 3-Presentation of minimal pair:
As some sounds are confusing they should be
presented in minimal pairs.
MINIMAL PAIR - a pair of words which differ from each other in
one sound only, the position of the sound remaining the same, e.g.
bed, bad, good, god.
• Step 4-Testing:
The teacher speaks a word from one column and asks the students to
speak out the corresponding word from the column.

Speech is one of primary skills. Modern

educationists are of the view that because
of speaking skills we can learn reading and
writing skills easily.
Sources are taken from

• Web sources

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