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Idioms that You Should Memorize

Now that we’ve covered the part where we learn how to memorize
idioms, it’s time to look into phrases and idioms that you can learn
for your TOEFL exam.

Look at the table below. There are at least 20 idioms listed. See
which ones you can use in a sentence.

1. 24/7:This implies that something is going on 24 hours in a day, and

7 days a week. My brother annoys me 24/7!
2. A short fuse:Quick temper, quick to get angry. Sarah is known for
her short fuse. Yesterday, she yelled at Jane for not getting her ice
3. A taste of your own medicine:Bad treatment, especially one that
is deserved after doing someone wrong. Jennifer got a taste of her own
medicine for stealing Fred’s lunch, when her car got towed.
4. Butterflies in my stomach:Nervousness; to feel skittish. Lizzie felt
butterflies in her stomach when she approached her teacher  to
confess her mistake.   
5. By the skin of your teeth:  To barely make it. Sarah passed her
TOEFL exam by the skin of her teeth; you could tell she hadn’t prepared
6. Cat got your tongue? Used to ask someone (in order to embarrass
them) if they don’t have a reply/comeback. I just saw you steal my
sandwich from the fridge. What’s the matter? Cat got your tongue?
7. Crying wolf:To seek attention/ask for help when one doesn’t need
it. The Boy Who Cried Wolf is a popular story that teaches us not to lie,
so that others believe us when we really need help.
8. Cut someone some slack: To give someone a break and not
judge them harshly. Can’t you cut me some slack? I’ve been stressed
out all week!
9. Down for the count:When someone is exhausted and can’t go
on.  Sorry, but I can’t go to the wedding. I’m down for the count after
working all day.
10. Draw the line:To stop something or someone from going too
far. When my beliefs are compromised, this is where I draw the line. 
11. Easier said than done:Not as easy as it seems. Some things are
easier said than done. 
12. Every cloud has a silver lining:Finding the good in bad
situations. Even though she got mugged, she remembered she still had
her health, so every cloud has a silver lining!
13. Finding a needle in a haystack:Something is impossible to
find. Trying to find a stable job in this city is like finding a needle in a
14. Fish out of water:Alienation; being out of place; an outcast. Jane
felt like a fish out of water at her new workplace.
15. Get something off your chest:To vent; to rant about something
to feel lighter. If I don’t get this off my chest, I feel like I’m going to
16. Give it a whirl:To try something. I’ve never gone kite-boarding, but
I’m prepared to give it a whirl!
17. Go down in flames: To fail miserably and suddenly. The politician
got caught in a scandal, and before he knew it, his career went down in
18. Go the extra mile:To push past limits and make an extra effort; to
work harder. The football player always goes the extra mile by
coaching his teammates.
19. Hang in there: To be patient; to wait and bear with things. I know
things are difficult right now but hang in there, it’ll get better.
20. In the fast lane:A life full of adventure and excitement. Christina
quit her job as a psychiatrist because she wanted to live in the fast lane
and travel.
21. In the nick of time:Almost too late. When Ashley found out about
the old lady’s home being set up for auction, she bought it for her. She
made it in the nick of time!
22. Let the cat out of the bag:Tell a secret. We can get through this
if you keep it a secret and don’t let the cat out of the bag!
23. You rock: Telling someone they are great.You’re awesome! You
rock! Thanks for letting me borrow your car!
24. Lose your marbles:To go insane; get really angry. When Dad
bought another ticket to the baseball game, Mom lost her marbles and
tore it apart.
25. Once in a blue moon:It snows in our city, once in a blue moon. 
26. Plain as day:Obvious; clear. It’s plain as day that you haven’t
prepared for the TOEFL exam, so why don’t you just admit it?
27. Tip of the iceberg:A small visible part of the problem. Jane
throwing a tantrum is just the tip of the iceberg. She gets aggressive as

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