Course Planning: Preparation For Academic English Test

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Course Planning

Course Name : Preparation for Academic English Test (Listening Comprehension)

Description : This course is designed to prepare students’ ability for TOEFL test focusing on Listening Section. During the course, students will be provided by listening material and exercise each week. At the end of the
course, students are expected to have knowledge and to be ready to take TOEFL Test.
Level : Beginner to Advanced
General objective : - Students will be able to have basic understanding of Listening Section in standard spoken English;
- Students will be able to use appropriate skills and strategies to answer the listening comprehension section in TOEFL ITP;
- Students will be prepared for TOEFL ITP

Meeting Unit Unit Objective Specific Objectives Content

 Students are able to explain the general overview
of listening comprehension section on the TOEFL
 Students are able to comprehend the TOEFL definition, listening  TOEFL definition
ITP test;
1 General Overview comprehension, and general strategies for listening  Listening Comprehension
 Students are able to explain the TOEFL definition,
 General strategies for listening
listening comprehension, and general strategies
for listening
 Students are able to recognize the dialogues in  Students are able to comprehend the types of listening, dialogues, and
2 General Overview  Types of listening, dialogues, and questions
Part A of the listening comprehension section questions.
 Students are able to describe the types of
 Students are able to comprehend the types of answer choices, and  Types of answer choices
3 General Overview questions and answer choices, and tips for the
tips for the short dialogues  Tips for the short dialogues
short dialogues
 Students are able to identify different strategies for
the short dialogues in the listening comprehension  Focus on the last line
Listening strategies  Students are able to comprehend how to focus on the last line, choose
4 section  Choose answer with synonym
for short dialogues answer with synonym, and avoid similar sounds
 Students are able to implement the strategies  Avoid similar sounds

 Students are able to comprehend who, what, where, and passive and  Who, what, where
5 Who, what, where
 Students are able to distinguish type of questions active sentence  Passive and active sentence
who, what, and where in TOEFL listening section  Students are able to comprehend conclusions about who, what, and  Conclusions about who, what, where
6 Who, what, where
 Students are able to comprehend negative expression, and double  Negative expression
7 Negative
 Students are able to differentiate types of negative negative expression  Double negative expression
expression  Students are able to comprehend almost negative, and negatives with  Listen for almost negative
8 Negative
comparatives  Listen for negatives with comparatives
 Students are able to be familiar with functions  Students are able to comprehend expressions of agreement and  Listen for expressions of agreement and disagreement
9 Functions
 Students are able to distinguish the expressions in disagreement, expressions of uncertainty and suggestion  Listen for expressions of uncertainty and suggestion
10 Functions functions  Students are able to comprehend emphatic expressions of surprise  Listen for emphatic expressions of surprise
Midterm Test (13-14 April 2019)

11 Contrary Meanings  Students are able to identify expressions with  Students are able to comprehend wishes  Listen for wishes
12 Contrary Meanings contrary meanings  Students are able to comprehend untrue conditions  Listen for untrue condition
 Students are able to recognize and reproduce the
13 Idiomatic Language  Students are able to comprehend idiomatic Language  Idiomatic language
idiomatic language
 Students are able to explain the general overview  Students are able to comprehendthe general overview of the long
14 Long conversations  Long conversation
of the long conversations conversations
Listening strategies for Before listening
 Students are able to comprehend and anticipate the topic and the
15 long conversation  Anticipate the topic
 Students are able to comprehend listening questions before listening
 Anticipate the questions
strategies for Part B
While listening
Listening strategies for  Students are able to implement the strategies
 Determine the topic
16 long conversation  Students are able to comprehend while listening strategies
 Draw conclusion about who,what,when,where
 Listen for answer in order
 Students are able to explain the general overview
17 Long talks  Students are able to comprehendthe general overview of the long talks  Long talks
of the long talks
Before listening
Strategies for long  Students are able to comprehend and anticipate the topic and the
18  Anticipate the topics
talks  Students are able to comprehend listening questions before listening
 Anticipate the questions
strategies for Part C
While listening
 Students are able to implement the strategies
Strategies for long  Determine the topic
19  Students are able to comprehend while listening strategies
talks  Draw conclusions about who, what,when, where
 Listen for answers in order
Answering main idea/
main topic questions  Students are able to know how to answer main
 Students are able to comprehend answering main idea/ main topic  Answering main idea/ main topic questions about
20 about extended idea/ main topic questions about extended
questions about extended conversation or long talks extended conversation or long talks
conversations or long conversation or long talks

Final Test (25-26 May 2019)

Cirebon, Februari 2019

Kepala UPT PPB,

Dr. H. Edy Setyawan, Lc., MA.

NIP. 197704052005011003
Course Planning

Course name : Preparation for Academic English Test (Structure and written expression)
Description : This course is designed to prepare students’ ability for TOEFL test focusing on structure and written expressions. During the course, students will be provided by structure and written expressions material and
exercise each week. At the end of the course, students are expected to have knowledge and to be ready to take TOEFL Test.
Level : Beginner to Advanced
General objectives : - Students will be able to comprehend basic knowledge of structure and written expressionsin standard written English;
- Students will be able to use appropriate skills and strategies to recognize the selected structural and grammatical points in the structure and written expressions section in the TOEFL ITP;
- Students will be prepared for TOEFL ITP
- Students will be able to answer the structure and written expression questions correctly
- Students will be able to expand their knowledge about the structure/written expression used in academic contexts

Meeting Unit Unit Objective Specific Objectives Content

Introduction to
 Students are able to know the general overview of  Students are able to explain the general overview of structure and
1 structure and written  Introduction to structure and written expression
structure and written expression; written expression
 Students are able to make the correct sentence by using appositives,  Appositives
 Students are able to identify simple sentence
2 Sentence participle, and object of preposition form.  Object of preposition
 Students are able to make simple sentence
 Participle
 Students are able to get familiar with compound sentence
3 Compound sentence  Students are able to identify compound sentence  Students are able to identify coordinate conjunctions and correlative  Coordinate conjuctions
 Students are able to makecompound sentence conjunctions
4 Compound sentence  Students are able to identify correlative conjunction  Correlative conjuctions
 Students are able to get familiar with Adjective clause
5 Complex sentence  Students are able to apply the rules when solving the questions  Adjective Clause
regarding Adjective clause
 Students are able to get familiar with Noun clause
6 Complex sentence  Students are able to apply the rules when solving the questions  Noun Clause
 Students are able to identify complex sentence regarding Noun clause
 Students are able to makecomplex sentence  Students are able to get familiar with Adverb clause
7 Complex sentence  Students are able to apply the rules when solving the questions  Adverb clause
regarding Adverb clause
 Students are able to get familiar with sentences with reduced clauses
in adjective clauses and adverb clauses
8 Complex sentence  Sentences with reduced clauses
 Students are able to apply the rules when solving the questions
regarding sentences with reduced clauses
Subject verb  Students are able to recognizeSubject verb
9  Students are able to comprehend subject verb agreement  Subject verb agreement
agreement agreement
 Students are able to makecorrect sentence
Subject verb  Students are able to implement the rules to solve the questions
10  Students are able to apply the rules when solving  Subject verb agreement
agreement regarding subject/verb agreement
the questions regarding subject/verb agreement

Midterm Test (13-14 April 2019)

 Students are able to comprehend :

Sentences with  Students are able to identify Sentences with  Inverted with question words
- Inverted with question words
11 inverted subject and inverted subject and verb  Inverted after some place expression
- Inverted after some place expression
verb  Students are able to produce sentences with  Inverted after negative expression
- Inverted after negative expression
inverted subject and verb
Sentences with  Students are able to comprehend :
 Students are able to use the rules when solving  Inverted in some condition
12 inverted subject and - Inverted in some condition
problems in the questions  Inverted after some comparisons
verb - Inverted after some comparisons
 Students are able to comprehend the rules and the
 Students are able to get familiar with parallel structure
usage of parallel structure
13 Parallel structure  Students are able to use the rules when solving problems in the  Parallel structure
 Students are able to use the rules when solving
problems in the questions
 Students are able to differentiate comparative and  Students are able to differentiate comparative and superlative
 Form the comparative and superlative
Comparative and superlative  Students are able to form and use the comparative and superlative
14  Use the comparative and superlative
superlative  Students are able to form and use the comparative correctly
 Use the irregular comparative
and superlative correctly  Students are able to get familiar with irregular form of –er and more
 Students are able to get familiar with the form of
 Students are able to get familiar with the form of passive verb
passive verb
15 Passive verb  Students are able to apply the rules when solving the problem in the  The form of passive
 Students are able to apply the rules when solving
the problem in the questions

 Students are able to get familiar with suffixes in noun, verb, adjective,
16 Word form  Students are able to reproduce word form  Suffixes in noun, verb, adjective, and adverb
and adverb.

 Adjective/ participles + preposition

 Verb + preposition
17 Preposition  Students are able to classify the use of preposition  Students are able to comprehend the use of the preposition
 Noun + preposition
 Phrasal preposition

 Students are able to get familiar with the usage of make and do and  Distinguish make and do
18 Word choice
another and other  Distinguish another and other
 Students are able to get familiar with the usage of
the word choice
 Students are able to get familiar with the usage of like, alike, unlike,  Distinguish like, alike, unlike, and dislike
19 Word choice
dislike and much, many, and similar expressions  Distinguish much, many, and similar expressions
 Students are able to comprehend general rule and
 Students are able to comprehend general rule and usage of articles
usage of articles
20 Article  Students are able to apply the rules when solving the problem in the  General rule and usage
 Students are able to apply the rules when solving
the problem in the questions

Final Test (12 & 13 May 2019)

Cirebon, Februari 2019

Kepala UPT PPB,

Dr. H. Edy Setyawan, Lc., MA.

NIP. 197704052005011003
Course Planning

Course Name : Preparation for Academic English Test (Reading Comprehension)

Description : This course is designed to prepare students’ ability for TOEFL test focusing on Reading Section. During the course, students will be provided by reading material and exercise each week. At the end of the
course, students are expected to have knowledge and to be ready to take TOEFL Test.
Level : Beginner to Advanced
General objective : - Students will be able to have basic understanding of Readingsection in TOEFL;
- Students will be able to use appropriate skills and strategies to answer the Reading comprehension section in TOEFL ITP;
- Students will be prepared for TOEFL ITP.

Meeting Unit Unit Objective Specific Objectives Content

 General Overview
 Sample Items
Introduction to
 Students are able to comprehend general overview, sample items, the  The Passages
1 reading
passages, questions and answer choices in reading section.  The Questions
 The Answer Choices

Introduction to  Students are able to explain the general overview  Students are able to identify the approach to the passages
 The best way to approach the passages
2 reading of reading section on the TOEFL ITP test.  Students are able to comprehend the best way to answer the
 The best way to answer the questions
comprehension questions
Introduction to
3 reading  Students are able to distinguish Some important factors in scoring high  Some important factors in scoring high on this section
Introduction to
 Students are able to comprehendStrategies for reading
4 reading  Strategies for Section 3 ( Reading Comprehension )
 Students are able to identify main idea, main topic, and main purpose
 Students are able to differentiate overview questions
5 Overview questions questions  Main idea questions
 Students are able to answer questions about main idea/main
 Students are able to apply the strategies to answer topic/main purpose questions
overview questions
 Students are able to identify other overview questions
6 Overview questions  Other overview questions
 Students are able to answer questions about other overview questions
Factual, negative, and  Students are able to distinguish Factual, negative,  Students are able to differentiate factual questions and negative  Factual Questions
scanning questions and scanning questions questions  Negative Questions
Factual, negative, and  Students are able to apply the strategies to answer  Students are able to answer by locating answers for scanning
8 scanning questions  Scanning Questions
overview questions questions
Inference and
9  Students are able to differentiateInference and  Students are able to comprehend and answer inference questions  Inference Questions
purpose questions
purpose questions
Inference and  Students are able to apply the strategies to answer
10 purpose questions Inference and purpose questions  Students are able to comprehend and answer purpose questions  Purpose Questions

Midterm Test (13-14 April 2019)

Vocabulary in context  Students are able to recognize Vocabulary in  Students are able to comprehend answer vocabulary-in-context
11  Vocabulary-in-context questions
questions context questions questions using context clues
Vocabulary in context  Students are able to apply strategies to answer  Students are able to answer vocabulary-in-context questions about
12 vocabulary-in-context questions.  Vocabulary-in-context questions
questions words or phrases

13 Transition questions  Students are able to identify transition questions  Students are able to comprehend transition questions  Transition questions
 Students are able to apply strategies to answer
14 Transition questions transition questions  Students are able to answertransition questions  Transition questions

 Students are able to comprehend and answer reference questions by

15 Reference questions  Students are able to recognize reference questions  Reference questions
identifying the referents
 Students are able to apply strategies to answer
16 Reference questions reference questions  Students are able to answer reference questions  Reference questions

 Students are able to review all skills that has been

17 Review  Students are able to comprehend skills that has been learnt

Final Test (25-26 May 2019)

Cirebon, Februari 2019

Kepala UPT PPB,

Dr. H. Edy Setyawan, Lc., MA.

NIP. 197704052005011003
Course Planning

Course name : Speaking

Description : This course is designed to prepare students’ ability for English skill focusing on Speaking. During the course, students will be provided by speaking material and exercise each week. At the end of the course,
students are expected to have knowledge and to be ready to take Speaking Test.
Level : Beginner to Advanced
General objective : - Students will be able to have basic understanding of Speaking;
- Students will be able to use appropriate expressions in speaking;
- Students will be prepared for speaking test.

Meeting Unit Unit Objective Specific Objectives Content

 Students will be able to answer the questions and talk in few  Mention their studying
1 Favorite Subject minutes about their favorite subject  Students will be able to talk about their favorite subject  Talk about favorite subject

Favorite Teacher  Students will be able to answer the questions and talk in few  Students will able to describe about their favorite teacher  Mention their studying
2 minutes about their favorite teacher  Describing favorite teacher

Time Management  Students will be able to answer the questions and talk in few  Students will able to discuss about their time management  Mention their past experience
3 minutes about management time  Giving opinion

Future Job  Students will be able to answer the questions and talk in few  Students will able to make prediction of their future job  Mention the future job
4 minutes about future job  Giving prediction of future job

Friends  Students will be able to answer the questions and talk in few  Students will able to give opinion about friendship  Describing a true friend
minutes about friends  Giving opinion about choosing
a roomate

Midterm Test (13-14 April 2019)

6 University  Students will be able to answer the questions and talk in  Students will able to describe about spatial place  Describing faculty and major
few minutes about university program
Assignment  Students will be able to answer the questions and talk in  Students will able to ask for and give advices or suggestion  Giving advices and suggestion
7 few minutes about assignment

Free Time  Students will be able to answer the questions and talk in  Students will able to talk about their free time  Describing free time activities
8 few minutes about free time

Campus Activity  Students will be able to answer the questions and talk in  Students will able to explain their learning activity at campus  Describing campus activities
(Organization, few minutes about campus activity
9 Learning Activity)

Unforgettable  Students will be able to answer the questions and talk in  Students will able to express and tell their unforgettable  Describing an forgettable
Moment few minutes about unforgettable moment (relating past moments moments
10 (Relating Past events)

Final Test (25-26 May 2019)

Cirebon, Februari 2019

Kepala UPT PPB,

Dr. H. Edy Setyawan, Lc., MA.

NIP. 197704052005011003

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