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Objective : This study aims to determine the comparison
Early Childhood number of colonies of bacteria of saliva and pH on the toddler
Caries, Non Early early childhood caries (ECC) and non-early childhood caries
Childhood Caries, (non ECC) after consuming milk formula using a bottle (dot).
Bacterial Colonies,
pH. Method : This laboratory experimental (is it correct? ) study
used cross sectional approach. The subjects in this study was
the disciple of 2-4 year old PAUD Padang West Sumatera,
consist 15 children and the children of non ECC who consume
formula milk by using bottle (dot).(unclear sentence, the
grammar should be rewrite) From the 30 subjects were asked to
collect saliva into a sterile container provided. Statistical
analysis is using independent sample t-test.

Results : The results showed that there was difference of pH

and number of salivary bacterial colonies in under fives? early
childhood caries and non-early childhood caries after
consuming milk formula by using bottle (dot) significantly (p
<0,05). Significantly i.e. amount on toddler early childhood
caries higher with an average of 407.2 x 10- 4/ml whereas in
toddlers early childhood caries non lower average? 125.5 x 10-
/ml. Whereas pH saliva on toddlers early childhood caries acid
? with an average 6.2 and pH on toddlers early childhood caries
non normally with an average of 6.9.

Conclusion: There is a difference in the number of colonies of

bacteria of saliva on the toddler early childhood caries and non-
early childhood caries after consuming infant formula using the
bottle (dot).

Keywords: Early childhood caries, Non early childhood caries,

Bacterial Colonies, pH

INTRODUCTION liquids containing many carbohydrates, time
Dental and oral health problems in drank milk bottles, the composition of the
Indonesia are health problems that exist in addition of sugar in milk, the amount of
the community, especially among children food and beverage frequencies that cause
who until now still need to get special caries as well as the degree of acidity saliva
attention. The profile of dental and oral related to the time of drinking milk.5
health in Indonesia shows that dental and The high frequency, amount, and
oral diseases are included in the 10 ranks of time consumed foods and beverages
the most diseases suffered by people in containing carbohydrates or sugars
Indonesia.1 Dental and oral diseases especially sucrose. Based on some research
especially dental caries are still one of the that has been done is known that there is a
most problems often occurs in Indonesians, very strong relationship between the
not only in adults but also in children. 2 frequency of consuming sugar and the
Dental health in infants should be noticed by increase in the prevalence of caries, but the
the elderly to avoid disorders or tooth amount/quantity of sugar consumption does
disorders and make teeth healthy, orderly, not have a strong relationship to Increased
neat, The beautiful. In fact, not all children's prevalence of caries. Children with ECC
teeth are healthy, especially during the first- usually prefer to consume sugar, such as
time tooth, there are many caries at the age eating mainly in the form of fruit juices, and
of preschool.3 other sweet foods.6
Factors causing the caries Saliva plays an important role in the
themselves consist of host factors or hosts, process of caries, an important Saliva
agents or microorganisms, substrates or function in defense against caries.7 Saliva
dieters and coupled with time factors. The itself is a protective fluid in the oral cavity,
first bacteria inhabiting the salivary pellicle when the secretion of saliva and buffer
are mainly coccus-shaped and the most capacity is low, it can cause decrease in
widely-Streptococcus. These food scraping ability, acid neutralization
microorganisms number more in the mouth ability, and the ability to generate email
of the active caries than in the mouth of a demineralization. A decrease in the speed of
caries-free person.4 ECC is often associated saliva secretion can be followed by an
with a bad dietary habit when babies, but in increase in the number of Streptococcus
reality the mechanisms of incidence of this mutans and Lactobacillus.8 The occurrence
disease are more complex because of the role of bacteria microorganisms such
apparently not all children who drink bottled as Streptococcus mutans, Streptococcus
milk will suffer from ECC.4 In the caries sanguis, Streptococcus mitis, Streptococcus
that often attack children of toddlers, there salivarius, Lactobacillus, as well as some
are several factors that worsened caries, other strains.9
including factors in the mouth that are In general, the pattern of feeding the
directly related to the technique of brushing milk using bottles (dot) is often done by
teeth, using bottles while drinking milk with parents, especially in the elderly who have a

busy so that the child is not fussy. bottles (dot) implemented throughout
Sometimes the feeding of the formula using PAUD In Padang and in the laboratory of
the bottle (dot) is a habit until the child is microbiology of Baiturrahmah University,
asleep causing the formation of more acid Padang. From the results of the saliva
saliva that can damage the first tooth gathering on both ECC and non-ECC
because the formula milk in the bottle (dot) toddlers, the number of saliva colony-based
is longer contact With the teeth. This pattern colonies listed in table 1.
of feeding of milk is what can lead to
progressive caries such as ECC.

The type of research used in this
study is experimental laboratories with a
crosssectional approach. The research was
conducted throughout the PAUD in North Table 1. Comparison of the average number of
Padang sub-district and in the Microbiology salivary bacterial colony in infants ECC and non
Laboratory of Baiturrahmah University ECC after consuming formula milk using a
Padang, West Sumatera, and was held in bottle (dot).
December 2017. The subject of this study is Number of bacterial colonies
a student of PAUD aged 2-4 years and 15 Non Early
Early Childhood
Childhood Caries
children of ECC and 15 children of Non -4
Caries (10 /ml)
ECC who consume formula milk using a 992 80
bottle (dot). Out of the 30 subjects were 352 186
asked to collect saliva into a sterile 278 164
390 170
container provided.
335 13
Saliva that has been accumulated 305 229
each of them carried out 10-3 dilution and 126 108
planted in the media to the blood by using 315 54
626 134
the 10-1 calibration ose, then the media
355 136
incubated for 24 hours at the temperature of 335 118
37oC then done counting the number of 454 109
bacteria colonies With manual calculations. 440 95
362 143
To find out if there is a The difference in the 443 144
number of saliva colonies in infants ECC ** Expression is
and non ECC after consuming formula milk ** Expression is faulty ** x 10-
-4 4
using a bottle (dot) is used t-test with a level faulty ** x 10 /ml /ml
of 0.05.
In table 3, it can be seen that the
RESULTS number of bacterial colonies that can be
Research has been done regarding the isolated from infant saliva early childhood
number of bacterial colony comparisons and caries and non-early childhood caries
the pH difference of saliva in early consecutively higher number of bacterial
childhood caries and non-early childhood colonies in early childhood caries toddlers
caries after consuming formula milk using with an average of 407.2 x 10-4/ML while

on balita non early childhood caries are
lower with an average of 125.5 x 10-4/ml.
The result of table 3 can be concluded that
the total number of bacterial colonies is on a
group of early childhood caries toddlers.

Table 2. pH saliva toddlers early childhood Table 3. Test normality tests normality
caries and non early childhood caries after number of infant bacteria colony Early
consuming formula milk using bottles (dot). Childhood Caries and Non Early Childhood
Caries after consuming Formula milk using
Toddler Saliva pH
bottles (dot).
Early Group Statistic df Sig.
No Childhood
Caries Early
1 6 7.5 caries 0,781 15 0,002
2 6.5 7
3 7 7 Non early 0,988 15 0,998
4 6 7 childhood
5 7 7 caries
6 6 6
7 5.5 7.5
8 7 6.5 In table 5 can be concluded that on
9 5.5 5.5 the number of bacterial colonies in early
10 6 7 childhood caries obtained an abnormal
11 5.5 7.5 distribution of data due to the value (p =
12 6 7 0.002 p < 0.05) so as to see if there is a
13 5.5 6.5 difference in the number of bacterial
14 7 7 colonies in early infants childhood caries
15 6 7 and non-early childhood caries used test
Average 6,2 6,9 Mann-Whitney.

In table 2 visible difference of pH Table 4. Results of test Mann-Whitney

saliva toddler early childhood caries and differences in number of bacterial colonies
in infants early childhood caries and non
non early childhood caries after consuming
early childhood caries after consuming
formula milk by using a bottle (dot). In formula milk using bottles (dot).
early childhood caries group toddlers gained Colony
11 people with pH acid (pH < 6.8) and as
much as 4 people with a normal pH (pH
6.8-7.2). In infants group non early Mann-whitney U 8,000
Childhood caries only 3 people with pH
Z -4,335
acid (pH < 6.8) and as many as 12 people
with normal pH (pH 6.8-7.2). Thus in table Asymp. Sig. (2-
2 It can be concluded that the pH of saliva tailed)
in early childhood caries group toddlers is
more acidic than the pH saliva in infants
group non early childhood caries. From the Mann-Whitney test results
Results of the research data on the number of bacterial colonies acquired
obtained, here in after tested normality. significance value 0.000 (p < 0.05) means
there is a difference in the number of
bacterial colonies in early childhood caries
and non early childhood caries after
consuming formula milk with Using bottles

(dot) significantly with the most number of strong in the pH, where the pH and the
bacterial colonies found in early childhood saliva buffer affect the existence of caries in
caries. the oral cavity. The lower of the pH saliva,
the caries tend to be higher. According to
DISCUSSION research conducted by Soesilo (2005), the
The study aims to determine the degree of acidity (pH) of optimum saliva to
number of bacterial colony comparisons and inhibit bacterial growth between 6.5 – 7.5
pH saliva differences in infants early and if its pH oral cavity low between 4.5 –
childhood caries and non early childhood 5.5 would facilitate the growth of
caries after consuming formula milk by acidophilic germs such as Streptococcus
using a bottle (dot). This research is an
mutans and Lactobacillus. In addition,
experimental research laboratory with a
cross sectional approach to PAUD students decreased pH in the oral cavity can cause
in North Padang sub-district who consume quick demineralization of tooth elements.10
formula milk using bottles consisting of Early childhood caries often occur in infants
men and women With a large sample of 15 or children who are still very young. At first
toddler saliva early childhood caries and 15 the affected are 4 upper maxillary teeth,
saliva toddlers non early childhood caries. then extending into the molar teeth of the
In the results of the research upper jaw and the lower jaw then caninus
obtained the results of counting bacteria, the eldest. This is due to the habit of
obtained the number of higher bacterial drinking formula milk using bottles until the
colonies in early childhood caries with an child sleeps.11
average of 407.2 x 10-4/ml while the balita The results of this study showed that
non early childhood caries lower with an
the increasing number of bacterial colonies
average of 125.5 x 10-4/ ML, so it can be
concluded that the number of bacteria in resulted in saliva pH being acidic in early
early childhood caries toddlers more than childhood caries. This is caused by when the
the non-early childhood caries. While the child is sucking his milk bottle during his
pH measurement results of saliva showed sleep, then the front teeth will be flooded so
that in toddlers early childhood caries that it will be faster to experience caries
acquired 11 people with pH acid (pH < 6.8). (perforated teeth). Liquids containing sugar
In a toddler group non early Childhood
such as milk, syrup, sweet tea, fruit juices
caries only 3 people with a pH acid (pH <
6.8) so that it can be concluded that there is with additional sugar can provide a good
a difference in pH saliva in infants early environment for the development of caries
childhood caries and non early childhood causing microorganisms. In addition, the
caries after consuming formula milk with reduction of saliva flow during sleep also
Using a bottle (dot) significantly where the enhances the process of caries.12 Prolonged
pH of saliva in early childhood caries group use of the dot has a strong correlation to the
toddlers is more acidic than the pH saliva in
toddlers group non early childhood caries. onset of caries. Several studies, reported that
Each normal child has 6-9 million there has been a correlation between
total bacterial colonies in the saliva. The prolonged use of the dot (2 years or more)
result of counting the number of saliva with the onset of caries. This condition is
colony above indicates that there are 4 exacting when the use of the dot is done
million saliva colonies in the children of while sleeping (night feeding).13 The use of
ECC. The results of this calculation are very milk bottles causes a large hours of milk
around the teeth of infants and children,

then the fluid is in contact with the dental Streptococcus mutans in dental plaque are
email and joins the Bacteria such as also able to make the acid from the
Streptococcus mutans.14 Research on 150 carbohydrates that can be made.
children aged 18-36 months by Peressini Furthermore, the acid produced by the
(2003), concluded that there was a bacterial activity will progressively destroy
significant correlation between the habit of the inorganic part of the tooth so that the
drinking bottled milk while sleeping with dental caries eventually occur.15
the onset of caries and tooth decay.13 CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS
Dental caries are a process of Based on the results of research and
damage that starts from enamel to dentin, discussion can be concluded that there is a
caused by certain bacteria such as difference in the number of saliva colony in
Streptococcus streptococcus and early childhood caries and non-early
Lactobacillus which can ferment childhood caries after consuming formula
carbohydrates such as sucrose and glucose, milk using a bottle (dot) When the number
forming acids, lowering the pH to < 5 and of infants in early childhood caries was
resulting in demineralization of the higher with an average of 407.2 x 10-4/ml,
susceptible tooth surface. The saliva colony while the early childhood caries were lower
can be isolated to early childhood caries and with an average of 125.5 x 10- 4/ml. While
non-early childhood caries after consuming the pH saliva in infants early childhood
fomula milk using bottles (dot) on this caries are acidic with an average of 6.2 and
research are Streptococcus sp and Nieserria pH in infants non early childhood caries
sp, Klebsiella sp and Staphylococcus sp. normal with an average of 6.9.
The bacteria that can be identified In relation to preventing ECC in
macroscopic and microscopically is children, parents are expected to pay
Streptococcus sp-smactic blood, Nieserria attention and further reduce the frequency of
sp shaped slimy and clear colonies, white- consuming formula milk by using bottles
colored Klebsiella sp and yellow, while (dot) because there proved to be a difference
Staphylococcus sp is a large colony-shaped, in the number of significant saliva bacteria
clear and slimy. While the features of in children The ECC and non ECC, so that
observation on microscopic bacteria of they can prevent ECC.
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