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1 Evidencia_3_Workshop_Customer_satisfaction_tools



Tecnólogo en Gestión Logística

Ficha 1792945

Actividad de aprendizaje 14

Evidencia 3: Workshop “Customer satisfaction tools”

Presentado por

Juan carlos ramirez guerra

Presentado al instructor

diana rubin

Cartagena 29 de agosto del 2019

2 Evidencia_3_Workshop_Customer_satisfaction_tools


INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................1

objetivos generales....................................................................................2

objetivos especificos .................................................................................3

Evidencia 3: Workshop “Customer satisfaction tools ……………………4

verbos regulars e irregular’s pasado


orations’ con verbos regulares e irregulars ………………………………..…….…6

conclusion ……………………………………………………………………………….7

bibliografia ……………………………………………………………………….……..8

3 Evidencia_3_Workshop_Customer_satisfaction_tools


the simple past is a verbal time that is used to

express actions that had placed in the past . we

find two types of simple past: regular or irregular. to

form the simple past of regular verbos we have to

add the suffix "ed" to the infinitive. to form the

simple past of irregular verb no following rules. it

was an activity that i carried out in the past and

already finished

4 Evidencia_3_Workshop_Customer_satisfaction_tools


the simple past is a verbal time that is used express actions that

had placed in the past

evaluate skills and abilities to develop sentences in the past simple

identify the structure and form of regular and inregular verbs

5 Evidencia_3_Workshop_Customer_satisfaction_tools


that the student applies and understands the usefulness of the

simple past in the different context of his professional vocation

that the student understands the value and meaning of the use of the

past simple in the English language and its functionality

Improve your knowledge of the foreign language from the

incorporation of vocabulary,

6 Evidencia_3_Workshop_Customer_satisfaction_tools

Actividad de aprendizaje 14 Evidencia 3: Workshop “Customer

satisfaction tools”

Expresar de manera escrita y oral cualquier tipo de documento en inglés, requiere

de un uso adecuado de los verbos y aún más de su correcta conjugación, ya sea
en pasado o presente. Por eso, se necesita practicar el uso de los verbos en este
idioma para elaborar documentos que midan la satisfacción de un cliente de habla
inglesa que consume los productos de una empresa.

Partiendo de lo anterior, se le sugiere desarrolle los puntos planteados a


1. Lea el siguiente texto:

What is customer satisfaction?

Business leaders must realize that pursuing customer satisfaction is a

critical and strategic decision. It’s not something an organization does
simply to satisfy a standard or win an award: It’s something an organization
does to stay in business. Top management must embrace this reality by
acknowledging, communicating and acting upon three basic truths:

 Customer satisfaction is the ultimate goal. There’s no higher

achievement than satisfying the customers an organization has
committed itself to serving. This doesn’t mean that the organization
should abandon its competitive business sense and become a nonprofit
institution. Financial control is needed, along with accountability and
sound decision making. But customer satisfaction is the ball everybody
must keep his or her eyes on. Revenues and profits are nothing more
than the results fulfilling customer needs and expectations.

 Customer satisfaction is an investment. This is important because

customer satisfaction processes often don’t produce results in the very
short term. Payoffs more often are realized in the medium or long term.

Resources must be applied to understanding customer requirements,
collecting data on customer perceptions, and analyzing it.

 Everyone must be involved in customer satisfaction. All the

personnel have the capability to influence customer at some level. Top
management must communicate exactly how personnel will be expected
to contribute because it’s often not intuitively obvious how this is
possible. (Cochran, 2003)

2. Conteste las siguientes preguntas de verdadero/falso sobre el texto:

a. Customer satisfaction is something an organization does simply to satisfy a

standard or win an award.


b. Customer satisfaction is something an organization does to stay in business.


c. Satisfying the customers is the most important achievement an organization

has committed itself to serving.


d. Payoffs more often are realized in the short term.


e. Not all the personnel have the capability to influence customer at some level.


Cochran, C. (2003). Customer Satisfaction: Tools, Techniques, and Formulas for Success. Chico,
California: Paton Professional.
3. Teniendo en cuenta la lectura anterior escoja 7 verbos regulares y 7 verbos
irregulares y complete el siguiente cuadro:
Sugerencia: Consulte qué diferencia hay entre un verbo regular y un verbo irregular en la
conjugación en el pasado.

Verbo Significad en Pasado Tipo de
o Verbo
Need necesitar Needed Regular
Have tener Had Irregular.
1 admired admirar admired Regular
2 advise aconsejar Advised Regular
3 answer responder answered Regular
4 ask preguntar asked Regular
5 balance balancear balanced Regular
6 Belong pertenecer belonged Regular
7 hurry apurarce hurrieed Regular
8 observe observar observed Regular
9 cry llorar Cried Regular
1 play jugar played Regular
1 Make Hacer done irregular
1 draw Dibujar drawn irregular
1 Come Venir Come irregular
1 Choose Elegir Chosen irregular
1 buy Comprar Bought irregular
1 Dream Soñar Dreamt irregular
1 build Construir built irregular
1 drive Coducir driven irregular
1 drink beber drunk irregular
2 Feel Sentir Felt irregular
4. Escoja 5 verbos y realice una frase en pasado simple en inglés teniendo
coherencia con el contexto de la lectura. (resalte el verbo que usó de la lista)
 Customer satisfaction processes produced good results

1. most important investment that realized the companys is about the satisfacción the
your customers.
2. . The main activity expected of the company was satisfy your client
3. The company these Meant to customer

4. the Resources were applied to understanding customer requirements,

5 the company needed to meet the needs of its customer

Nota: para el desarrollo de esta evidencia se deben tener en cuenta el material de
formación “Using regular and irregular verbs”.

Realice el taller teniendo en cuenta las normas APA y envíe el archivo al

instructor a través de la plataforma virtual de aprendizaje.

Pasos para enviar la evidencia:

1. Clic en el título de esta evidencia.

2. Clic en Examinar mi equipo y buscar el archivo previamente guardado.
3. Dejar un comentario al instructor (opcional).
4. Clic en Enviar.

Nota: esta evidencia es a través de los grupos de trabajo ya establecidos, tenga

en cuenta de enviar la evidencia al tiempo todos los miembros del grupo.

Recuerde revisar la guía de aprendizaje con el fin de verificar que ha realizado

todas las actividades propuestas, saber cómo desarrollarlas y entregarlas

Criterios de evaluación
 Puede realizar actividades de verdadero o falso, basados en una conversación
que ha escuchado o en un texto que ha leído.

 Proporciona explicaciones, argumentos y explicaciones lógicas sobre aspectos

técnicos de su profesión en un debate.

regulatory as inregular verbos fulfill a specific function which is to make

sense of the sentence as its grammatical structure changes, so you have to
have a theoretical and technical knowledge for the use of translation and
verbal expression

material de formación “Using regular and irregular verbs”.

sofia plus

programa de formacion tegnologo en gestion logistica

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