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oe FIITIEE PHYSICS PHASE - I (2012 - 14) Vectors (CBSE BOARD) DOD OOOOOOOODOOOor er Boe im ml A eco PINNACLE. CBSE VECTORS CONTENTS Vectors Laws of addition of vectors Subtraction of vectors Resolution of vectors Multiplication of vectors Cross product Moment of Force About a Line Summary Answer to Exercise Miscellaneous exercise Answers to miscellaneous exercises Solved problems Assignment problems VV VYVVV¥VVVVV Vv vv Answers to assignment problems ea RRA 10 ul 16 7 18 20 ond 3 40 SYLLABUS For ITJEE & CBSE Board: Scalar and vector quantities; Position and displacement vectors, general vectors and notation; Equality of vectors, multiplication of vectors by a real number; Addition and subtraction of vectors; Unit vector, Resolution of a vector in a plane Rectangular components, Multiplication of vectors-sealar and vector products; vectors in three dimensions (elementary idea only). Price Rs. 300/- | Syllabus: Scalar and vector quantities; Position and displacement vectors, general vectors and notation; Equality of vectors, multiplication of vectors by a real number; Addition and subtraction of vectors; Unit vector, Resolution of a vector in a plane Rectangular components, Multiplication of vectors-scalar and vector products; vectors in three dimensions (elementary idea only). VECTORS Definition: The physical quantities specified completely by their magnitude as well as direction are called vector quantities. The magnitude and direction alone cannot decide whether a physical quantity is a vector. In addition to the above characteristics, a physical quantity, which is a vector, should follow laws of vector addition. For example, electric current has magnitude as well as direction, but does not follow laws of vector addition. Hence, itis not a vector. A vector is represented by putting an arrow over it, The length of the line drawn in a convenient scale represents the magnitude of the vector. The direction of the vector quantity is depicted by placing an arrow at the end of the line. For example, if 1 cm length is equal to 20 knvhr, then vector AB represents = 60 kiwhr due east, roa The point A is called initial point or tail and point B is called terminal point or w e head. s If two vectors have the same direction, they are parallel, Two vectors are said to be equal when their magnitudes and directions, both are same, ¢.g. if a = 6 then |a|=|b| and the directions of vectors are same. Thus, a vector is not altered by shifting it parallel to itself in the space. The vector having same magnitude as of a , but the opposite direction is defined as the negative or opposite of @ and is denoted by -a. Unit vector A vector having magnitude equal to unity. To find the unit vector in the direction of 4 , we divide the given vector by its magnitude. For example, 4=4/|a), or a=[olé or a =a, where Unit vector is basically used to indicate the direction. or ais the magnitude of the vector a Null vector or zero vector A vector having zero magnitude and indeterminate direction is called Zero or Null Vector. Concept of zero vector is helpful in addition of two equal magnitude vectors in opposite direction and ‘vector product of two parallel vectors. ‘The concept of null vector is hypothetical but we introduce it only to explain some mathematical results. (IVEE Lic, PITIEE House, 7°8, Kaba Sarat, Sarvapriga War, New Dail 110016, Ph 4105000, 2OBSO4DS, Pax BEET SOT website: wane fijencom P-1214-P1-CBSE-PH-V-2 Pinnacle Study Package Invariancy of the vector ‘Any vector is invariant so it can be taken anywhere in the space keeping its magnitude and direction same. In other words, the vector remains invariant under translation, Laws of Addition of Vectors ‘Two or more vectors can be added to give another vector, which is called the resultant of the vectors. The resultant would produce the same effect as that of the original vectors together. (D Geometrical method: 2 z AiO z To find 4 +6, shift b such that its initial point coincides with the terminal point of 4. Now, the vector ‘whose initial point coincides with the initial point of @ , and terminal point coincides with the terminal point of B represents (4 +6) as shown in the above figure, ? To find (5+), shift such that its initial point coincides with the terminal point of. A vector. whose initial point coincides with the initial point of b and terminal point coincides with the terminal point of & represents (6 +4). a oy a Mlustration 1. _ If the position vector of point A and B are @ and B respectively, Find the position vector of ‘middle point of AB. Solution: {Il) Paratlelogram law of addition of vectors: If two vectors are represented in magnitude and direction by the two adjacent sides of a parallelogram drawn from a point, their resultant will be represented in magnitude and direction by the diagonal of the parallelogram drawn from that point. 710016, Pr 46105000, SOSGOOS, Fax D6STIOAD Tweet wie Pinnacle Study Package P-1214-P1-CBSE-PH-V-3 We get, R?=P?+Q? +24 fe get, + oan 4= tan" | D4 Qc0s0, where > is the angle that the resultant makes with P @ o=0" B and @ are in the same 1 IRI=1P1+/O1&9= (i) @ = 180°, P and Q are in opposite direction ie. they are antiparallel cos180° |= 1Q] and R is in the direction of the larger vector. (iii) 0 = 90°, cos 90°= 0 P and @ are perpendicular to each other ARI= BP + QP)? & ¢= tan'(QP) (IID Polygon law of addition of vectors: R=A+B+6+56 Vectors obey commutative law ie, A+B A Mlustration 2, Two forces of 60N and 80N acting at an angle of 60° with each other, pull an object. What single pull would replace the given forces? Solution: ‘Two forces are drawn from a common origin O, ‘making an angle of 60°. OA and OC represent the forces GON and 80N respectively. The diagonal OB represents the resultant R. 60" + 80? + 2.60.80 cos 60” = 3600 + 6400 + 4800 = 14800 80sin60" A tap = ate gis given by amt = FO s0c0s 60" Which gives, $= 34.7° AR R=121.7N Mlustration 3. The resultant of two vectors 3P and 2P is R. If the frst vector is doubled, the resultant vector also becomes double, Find the angle between the vectors. Solution: Let 0 be the angle between vectors, then R? = GP) +(2P)? +2GP)(2P)cos8 = 13P? + 12P? cos -) Also (2R)? = (6)? + (2P)' + 2(6P) (2P) cos 0 R?= 10P* + GP? cos 6 (2) From (1) and (2) cos 8 = Wanbee Ld, FITTER Hause, 55% Ras Saray Sarcapriga Whar, Naw Ded-1 T0016, Ph 4GT05000, BOSSDIDD, Pax OSTIOAD web wun cle Study Pack P.1214-P1-CBSE-PH-V-6 Resolution of Vectors If P+G=R, the resultant, then conversely R=P+@Q i.e. the vector R can be split up so that the vector sum of the split parts equals the original vector R . If the split parts are mutually perpendicular then they are known as components of R and this process is known as resolution, The orthogonal component of any vector along another direction which is at an angular separation @ is the product of the magnitude of the ‘vector and cosine of the angle between them (0). Therefore the component of A. is A cos0. Note: In physics, resolution gives unique and mutually independent components only if the resolved components are mutually perpendicular to each other. Such a resolution is known as rectangular or orthogonal resolution and the components are called rectangular or orthogonal components, O ~the origin, OP - the given vector V PP, ~ perpendicular to X axis. PP, — Perpendicular to ¥ axis. Veoose & V, = V sind Unit vector along the direction of A is A=A/A, Where A is magnitude of A. i, j,k, are the unit ‘vectors along positive direction of X, Y and Z axis respectively, then the rectangular resolution of vector K can be represented, K= A,i+Alj+A,k where Ax, Ay, Az are the magnitudes of X, Y and Z components of A. The magnitude of vector A is given by|A|= Al +A} +A? Mlustration 8, A force of 30 N is acting at an angle of 60° with the y-axis. Determine the components of the forces along x and yeares Solution : F, = F sin60° r ewe ane =15V3N frFea!es0a «136 Mlustration 9, Four forces act along the sides of a smooth square frame ABCD in the order A -> B, BOC, CD andD +A. If the magnitude of the forces are Fy, Fz Fs and Fy respectively, find the resultant force acting on the frame. Assume Fy = 1 N, F; ~ 2N, FF; = 3N and F, = 4N. Solution : Let us consider x —y coordinate system. The resultant of all the forces isP=R +8, +8, +8; After bringing the tails of all the vectors to a point O and substituting F, = iN, F, = 2} NF, -3iN and F, =-4jN ‘We have, F=-20+jN TATIEE Led, PTTIBE House, 2°, Kak Sara, Saroapriga Vihar, Now Dob-1 10016, 46100000, 2OS6OIDS, Fax DOSTGDI2 Twebsie fii com Pinnacle Study Package P-1214-P1-CBSE-PH-V-7 Hence |F| = 2.2 is directed in 3" quardrant as shown in the figure. Direction cosines: Ifvector A makes angle x, i and y with x, y and z axes respectively, then where cos a,, cos B and cos y are called direction cosines of the vector A. The unit vector in the direction of A is A_Aj+Aj+ak . f= cosa. + cos} + cosyk (Note: cosa + cos?B + c¢ » Mlustration 10. If 3 = 31 + 4} andb = Ti + 243, {ind the vector having the same magnitude as 6 and parallel toa Solution: Magnitude of And magnitude of ‘Now a unit vector parallel to a = 4 =—~“4 ©. The vector having the same magnitude as b and parallel to a 5254 = 151420) Mlustration 11. What is the displacement of a point ‘on a wheel initially in contact with the ground when the wheel rolls froward through half a revolution Given radius of wheel is R. Solution: Displacement = AC = mRi+2Rj ‘AIIGE Te, PITIBS Howse, 2°R, Kah Sarl, Sarcapriga Vnar, Now Dolhi-1 10016, Pe AGTOSODD, 26860905, Fax DOSTSOD teeta: wane P-1214-P1-CBSE-PH-V-10 Pinnacle Study Pack: Solution: Mustration 15. Solution: ‘Where 0 is the angle between 4 and B Now 4. B= ab, tab, tab, A 2x43 x3 442-25 Also, a= fa? +a3 +a? = (449416 = 29 bo fbrvbe ret = Vieso44 = 25 4 (25 Th == = 00s (2B wus cosO=5= or O=c0s (55) (ll) Cross product: The cross product of two vectors A and B inclined to each other by an angle @ is given by A x B = C,a vector. where € =|A|.|B|sin@i, where fi is the Beret) ‘unit vector along a direction which is perpendicular to plane containing A xB A &B. Its direction is given by the right hand thumb rule, or right is A B hand screw rule. |G | gives the area of the parallelogram, formed by A _ and 6 having adjacent sides. . If the vectors A and B lie in the x-y plane then the product is perpendicular to the plane i.e. is parallel to z-axis. The vector product is not commutative ie. AxB #BxA and AxB In terms of orthogonal vectors ixi=jxj=kxk=0 BxA if A=A,i+A,j+A,k, B= Then, AxB = (A,i+A,}+A,8) x(B,1+B,)+B,6) = (AyB, ~A:By)i+(AsBy~AxBz)i+(AsBy ~AyBy Ji In determinant form we have, ijk Then, AxB=|A, A, A, B, By B, Cross Product of two parallel or anti parallel vectors is zero. Note: Division ofa vector by a vector is not defined. TWARIGE La, IRIE House, 90-8, Rats Sarat Rarcapriga Vinay, Now Deii-110016, Ph 46105000, 26568490, Pax DOSISO12 tied wae fee com Pinnacle Study Package P-1214-P1-CBSE-PH-V-11 Mlustration 16. Find the cross product of two vectors A and B which are Solutio @ parallel and equal (ii) antiparallel and negative 1f A is parallel (or equal) to , 0 = 0°. A Hence |A x B|= AB sino”. 1 A is antiparallel (or negative toB , 0 = 180°. Hence 1A x B= AB sin180° If A is perpendicular toB , 6 = 90° ‘Then |€| =|A x B|= AB sin90°= AB and C (Ax B) is directed atong outward normal obeying right hand thumb rule, Ax B must be perpendicular to the plane containing, A andB Mlustration 17. If the magnitudes of the dot product and cross product of two vectors are equal, find the Solution: angle between the two vectors. [AxBHA-B] AB sind = A.B cos0 => tan0 = 1 == 45°, Moment of a force (i.e., Torque) about a point Consider a force F=F,i+F,j+F,& acting at point A whose position vector is # = xi+yj+2k, then moment of force (i.e, torque) about point O is given by FxP F,-28)i + @Pe-xF)) + OR, -yRDE Physically % represents the tendency of the force F to rotate the body E (on which it acts) about an axis which passes through O and formal to plane perpendicular to the plane containing the force F and position vector 7 Ww Plane inwhich vector 7 and F ie. ‘ARIE Lid, PITUBE House, 2A, Kaha Sara, Sarwapria Vhar, New Dahi~110016, Ph 46106000, 26560499, Fax 26513012 ‘website: wine fjec com P-1214-P1-CBSE-PH-V-12 Pinnacle Study Package Moment of Force About a Line Consider a force F=Fi+Rj+Rk acting ata point a whose position vector is xi+yj+zk . Then moment of F about point O is given by %y =txF Then the component of % in the direction of vector OL (ie. OB) is called the moment of force about a line and is given by 4, =08 where OL is unit vector along OL . In particular if line OL coincides with the x-axis, then LOR aA but this is the component of 7, along x-axis ‘Mlustration 18. A force vector Wi+25}+35k passes through a point (2, 5, 7). Prove that force passes through the origin. Solution: If the force passes through the origin, its moment about the origin will be zero. ijk Moment of force (Torque)=|2 5 7|=0 ho 25 3: Mlustration 19. Determine the torque of the 20 N force (in XY- lane) about point O as shown in figure. Solution: Cy@nyoay = ) (20) (5 cos 30°) =-86.6 KNm Mllustration 20. Find the perpendicular distance from the point (1, 2, 3) to the line joining from the origin to the point (2, 10, 5) Solution: i42}+3k 6 =2i+10}+5k perpendicular distance = AB jlsino FIRE Tad, FITTER House, 2A, Rams Sara, Sarapriga Var, Rew Ded 110016, Pr ¥OTO8000, 255059 twebawe wu fee com Pinnacle Study Package P-121 ‘Mlustration 21. Solution: Mlustration 22. P1-CBSE-PH-V-13 (30-10) - (6-5) + (4-10) = wi-j-6k [baa [|= 425 AB = 1.84 units Determine the resultant of the four forces tangent to the circle of radius 3 m as shown in the figure. What will be its location with respect to the centre eon of the circle. 460n aon 100 Resolve forces along x and y axis ZF, = 150 ~ 100 cos 45° = 150 - 70.7 = +79.3N \ EF, = 50 ~ 80 ~ 100 cos 45° = 50 ~ 80 - 70.7 = -100.7 N Resultant force F = (79.31 ~100.7)N F=128N ‘The torque of F about O is 7x F and it equals the sum of the torque of all the given, forces about O. Hence 128r= $0) - 150(3) + 80) - 100) 360 r= 2.81 m Hence the resultant force of 128 N acts ata distance of 2.81 m form O causing ~ve torque. tv A cube of side a 1s acted upon by a force P as shown. Find the moment of F (a) about point A (b) about the diagonal AG of the cube. "IEE Lid, PUTIEE House, 2A, Kaha Sara, Sarvapriga Whar New Dahi-110016, Fh Ta100000, 26SEO4GS, Fax DOSISOID "wet: win fijeecom, P-1214-P1- Mlustration 23. Solution: Mlustration 24. Solution: Mlustration 25. Solution: CBSE-PH-V-14 Pinnacle Study Package unit vector along AG = AG = Moment of F about line AG is @, -AG)AG = no Fae pat ib Two vectors in which one has magnitude twice that of the other, act on a particle. Find the angle between them, if their resultant is perpendicular to the first vector. Let the vector B has magnitude twice that of A ;|B|=2|A| SinceR LA, = 90°, 1 __|Blsiné [A] +|B{cos0 we have |A|+|B| cos @=0. This gives Al BI + substituting | A | = os substituting = 90° in 6 = tan’ o=cos"| ~ we have @ = 120° Iffive consecutive sides of a regular hexagon represent five unit vectors acting in the ‘same sense, find their resultant vector. It is relevant from the vector diagram that each > vector deviates from its neighbour by an angle of 60°. We bring the tails of each vector to a point (origin) and observe that A, and A, are equal and ‘opposite; and A, and Ag are equal and opposite. 60° » tg R A,+A,=0 and A, +A, =0 > Hence R=A,+A, +A, +A, +A; AL =A, =((A, |cos60°)i +A, |sin60°)} z i 2 substituting] A,, |=1, we have, x 4 aie Ay=) ‘Vector addition is A+B=B+A (Commutative) (A+B)+C=A+(B+6) (Associative law) A vector with zero magnitude is called null vector and A+O=A 06=6 Subtraction of vectors A-B=A+(-B) Unit vectors describe directions in space. A unit vector has a magnitude of one. The unit vectors 1,3, k are vectors of unit magnitude and points in the direction of the x, y and z axes, respectively, ina right ~ handed coordinate system. ‘Vector A can be expressed as A= A,i+A,} having magnitude = A? +A,* and angle @ with A, the x ~ axis Scalar product of two vectors, C = A-B = AB cos}, where ¢ is the angle between two vectors and scalar product of two vectors is a scalar quantity. Scalar products obey the commutative and the Aistributive laws Cross - product of two vectors A and B is a vector quantity, C= Ax direction is given by right hand rule, Ax B + BxA (non - commutative) ABsing fiandits tosbate: we fit com Pinnacle Study Package P-1214-P1-CBSE-PH-V-17 ANSWER TO EXERCISES 1 (i) Yes (take angle between vectors as 120°) Gi Yes Gil) No, yes a(t 2 oce-(j) ii) 1000 dyne i 35" 35’ 35 (oy) V4 (v) 443 oy Stdick P-1214-P1-CBSE-PH-V-18 Pinnacle Study Package MISCELLANEOUS EXERCISE 1. Find the magnitude and direction of resultant vectors as shown in the figures below. @ R=10N nen #,=20N 5 es havo (ce) e7N @ 4N 0-60" = 10N1 2. Resultant of two vectors of equal magnitude makes an angle 60° with one of the vectors. Find the angle between the vectors. 3. @) In the adjacent figure, find the magnitude = 100 and direction of the resultant vector. (©) In the adjacent figure, find the value of F and 0 so that the sum of the vectors will be 2010. 4, Two vectors are given byA=31+2)+4k and B=4i+2j+k. Find the magnitude and direction cosines of A+B 5, If A= 3i-2}-K and B =2i+4}+2K, find]Al, |B] and|A +B]. Also find the direction of A+B with the xanis. Check wheter [+8 is equal to +5] jk find the value ofa-b and axb. Also find the angle between 6 @ andd 3i+2} and 6 7. Show that the vectors A =121-10}+2K and 6 = 41+8]+16K are perpendicular to each other. 8, Check whether the two vectors, A=-31-7}+9% and B=-2i~21}+6k are parallel to each other. 9, The components of a vector A along x-axis and y-axis are 4 unit and 6 unit respectively. If the ‘components of vector A +B along x-axis and y-axis are 10 unit and 14 unit respectively, find the vector B and its direction with the x-axis, 10. (@) Find the unit vector which is parallel to the vector A = 2i+35-K (b) Find the unit vector which is perpendicular to both of the vectors FaRNEE Ted, PUTER Houses 9h, Rahs Gara, Sarvapriga Vihar, Hew Des-1 10016, Fh 40100000, 20568495, Pax DOSTODI? hee wu ftioe com Pinnacle Study Package P-1214-P1-CBSE-PH-V-19 11. Find the-angle between A. and B if the resultant vector is numerically equal to the either vector. 12. What is the maximum length of a rod that can be kept inside a closed box of dimensions 10 m x Sm x 3m? Find the angle of orientation of the rod 13. Find the magnitude of area of a parallelogram whose diagonals are _represcnted by3i+j+k andi-j-k 14, Find the dot product of two (i) equal vectors (ii) negative vectors, each of magnitude A (iii) perpendicular vectors (iv) unit vectors. 15. By vector method prove that, if the diagonals of a parallelogram intersect perpendicularly, then the parallelogram is a rhombus. ‘iaee Lid, FURIES House, 298, Kaka Sara, Sarvapriga Vina, New Det twsbate: we 70016, Ph 40106000, 2ESEDIS, Pax DSTIOR P-1214-P1-CBSE-PH-V-20 Pinnacle Study Pack: 10. ML 12, 3B. 4 ANSWERS TO MISCELLANEOUS EXERCISE @ 10 N (towards F, ) (b) 60 N (towards F, ) (©) 25N, at an angle tan”) 2) from F, towards F, (4) 10V3 at an angle 30° from F, towards F, 120° 5 (2) 130 N, tant (3) (from®, towards, ) (b) 50 N, @ = 53° 7 4 5 %. ee B8" Toe Ail, 26 and Jiineoe'{ 8} m 0, 4(2i-3)), 90° No 6i+8jand 0 = 53° cos" (-B/2A) or cos"(-A/2B) i34m,a.= costo, mane Ta B= cos" Ti3q Ya Where «, B and y are the angle made by the rod with the sides of length of 10 m, Sm, 3m respectively. wr wa Gi) -a? ii) zer0 (ivabcos® (-7a= b= 1) where -1 BIA. Prob 13.Provethi(a -6)x(a +8) =2(@ x6) Sol. Prob 14.1f a particle of mass m is moving with a constant velocity ¥ Sol, (4 -b)x(a +6) parallel to the x-axis in x-y plane as shown in the figure, calculate its angular momentum w.r.t origin at any time t.lf angular momentum of a particle © about a point O = ¢ xP, where # is position vector of particle with respect to point O and P is the linear momentum vector of the particle. ijk ixp-|x yz Pe Py Ps As the motion is in x-y plane, z = 0 and p,=0 ; T= Rop,—-ypo Hence C= k(t x 0-bmv) = -mvbk TWINGE Led, FIETIEE Fiouse, 25°, Rake Sara, Sarvapriga Vtar, Was DeD-TT0016, Pe 610000, D6SGDDS, Fax TOSISOD Twabate: we Pinnacle Study Package P.1214-P1-CBSE-PH-V-25 Object Prob I. ABCD is a quadrilateral. Force BA,BC,CD and ie & Sol. Prob 2. Consider the two vectors A and B. The magnitude Sol. DA act at a point. Their resultant is (A) 2B (®) 2DA (©) 2BC (0) 2BA The resultant is BA+BC+CD+DA BA+(BC+CD+DA) : BA+BA BA Hence (D) is correct. of their sumi.e., | +8, i A) is equal to [A +{B] (B) cannot be tess than |Al +|B] (©) cannot be greater than |A\+| (D) must be equal to |A| -[B| since 0 <0 = 45° ‘Again given C=A+B IC] = (A? +B? + 2ABoos45°) = (A? +B? + V2AB)!? Hence (D) is correct. (IIEE Ta, FITTUBE House, 9-A, Rahs Sarak Sarwapriga hay, Nao Debi-110016, Ph 40100000, ES0D4G, Fax BESTE webate wuno fijencom P-1214-P1-CBSE-PH-V-30 Pinnacle Study Package Prob 20. Given: Four forces F,, F,, F, and F, such that, =3i-J+9k, F, F, =91 +} +18K andi, =i +2)-18k. [fall the forces simultaneously act on a particle at rest at the origin of the co-ordinate system, then the particle would begin to move in a plane. Identify that plane. (A) x-y plane (B) y—z plane (C)x~zplane (D) none of these Sol Resultant force, F =151+0j+25k ‘Clearly, the particle shall move in X-Z plane. Hence (C) is correct. True False Prob 21. A physical quantity having a direction must be a vector. Sol ° False Prob 22. Iftwo vectors are parallel then their crossproduct is zero, Sol True Eee TEE Haas 3A Rata Barat Barapriza Vihar New Dab 110016, Ph 46105000, 26SG049S, Fax DOSTSOAD website: wwe Pinnacle Study Package P-1214-P1-CBSE-PH-V-31 ASSIGNMENT PROBLEMS ————>————————— Subjective: — eee Level -0 1, What should be the angle @ between two vectors A and B for their resultant R to be maximum ? 2, Two forces whose magnitudes are in ratio of 3 : 5 give a resultant of 35 N. If the angle of inclination bbe 60°, calculate the magnitude of each force, 3. Two vectors of magnitudes A and /3 A ar perpendicular to each other, What is the angle which their resultant makes with A ? 4. Find the direction cosines of Si +2}+ 4k 5. Find the unit vector in the direction of vector 31+4)-K 6. Prove that the vectors 21-3j—& and -61+9}+3k are parallel. 7. What is the angle between (i+}) and (i-j)? 8 Given A=2i+3] andB=i+], What is the vector component of A in the direction of B ? 9. Given A 2)-3k andB = 4i-2}+6k. Calcualte the angle made by (A+B) with x-axis. 10. Calculate the area of the parallelogram when adjacent sides are given by the vectors A=i+2j+3k and B= 21-3}+% 11. Under what condition |A + B|=|A | -|B| holds good? 12. Whatis the angle made by i + j with the x-axis? 13. What is the angle between Px Q and QxB ? 14. What is the magnitude of the component of 91 - 7 j + 13.9 k along x-axis. 15, A quantity has both magnitude and direction, Is it necessarily a vector? ‘WIRE Lid, FIIEE Huse, 2A, Kaka Saray Saraprya Vihar New Babi 110076, Ph 4610000, website: wuto fijec com P-1214-P1-CBSE-PH-V-32 etn) Study Pack. Level -1 10, ‘The maximum and minimum magnitudes of the resultant of two forces are 16 N and 4 N. Calculate the magnitude of individual forces. In the given figure two numerically equal forces are $00 N acting at a point A. Find the magnitude of the resultant force. co? a 100N Find the angle between the vectors A and 6 if A man moves 200 km towards North-East direction. Taking i and j as unit vectors along cast and north directions, respectively, find the displacememt of the man along north and cast directions. Find the displacement of a particle if its position vector changes from f = 21+3]+5k to & =41+5]+2k. Also find the distances travelled by the particle along X, Y and Z axes respectively. All distances are in metre. 1fP =6i+8) and 3], then calculate @ 1F 1, @ 11, Gid1P +), and Gv) |P-@] ‘Three forcesF,, F, and F, are acting on a particle such that the particle remains in equilibrium. If F, = Qi +3})Nand F,=(2] +2K)N, find, A particle suffers a displacement from r, (1, 2, 3) to 12 (4, 3, 2) due to application of a force of magnitude |F |= 20 N. The force acts along a vector A = 4] +3K.. If a quantity is defined as W=Fas, find W, \ Find the angle between P = 2144) and Q = 4i-: In the above question find (i) Unit vector along P + 2Q (ii) B-Q, and Git) PQ Td, FITIES House, DA, Rats Sar Sarsapriga Var, Rew Dali-1 TOOTS, PR 46100000, 2OS6OIDD, Fax DOSISOR? woot: wu fits com: Pinnacle Study Package P-1214-P1-CBSE-PH-V-33 Level =I 1. a+b =< anda+b~c, Whatis the angle between @ and 6 2. Can two forces of magnitude 6 kg and 10 kg respectively have a resultant of (a) 12 kg (b) 18 kg 10, The sum of two unit vectors is a unit vector. What is the magnitude of their difference? A man was sitting 2 m east of Shyam, went V2 m north-east and then 3.m north to meet Ram, Find the distance travelled by man and displacement in this process. Find the magnitude of resultant of i> e OA,OB and OC 2) el, ‘A deep sea diver swan 30 m due east then 120 m deep down and finally 40 m due to south to reach a wrecked ship. How far is the wrecked ship from the diver’s starting point. If = 41+33 and 6 are two vectors perpendicular to each other in the xy-plane. Find all vectors in the same plane having projection I and 2 along a and 6 respectively Find the value(s) of x for which the angle between the vectors is obtuse i-3j-Kk and 6 =2xi+xj-k If d=i+j+k and b= 2i-j+3k then find ( component of 6 along (ii) component of 6 perpendicular to Let A Az As As As Ae Ac Ar be a regular hexagon. Write the x-components of the vectors represented by the six sides taken in order. Use the fact theat the resultant of these six vectors is. zero, to prove that cos 0 + cos 7/3 + cos 2n/3 + cos 3n/3 + cos 42/3 + cos Sm/3 = 0, Use the know ‘cosine values to verify the result. TENE Led, FUTIEE Huse, 2A, Rahs Sara, Sarvapriga Via, ew Ded 1 10076 Ph 40100000, DOSEODD, Pax DOSTIF? tebe: wane fijee com. P-1214-P1-CBSE-PH-V-34 Pinnacle Study Package Objective: Level 4 1. If the magnitudes of A, B and © are 12, 5 and 13 units, respectively, and A+ between A and Bis (A) zero. ®x © a2 ) ws then the angle 2. A particle is acted upon by two forces of 3 N and 4 N simultaneously. Which of the following is most correct? (A) The resultant of these forces is 7 N. (B) The resultant of these forces is 1 N. (C) The resultant of these forces in 4 N. (D) The resultant of these forres lies between 1 N and 7N 3. Minimum number of forces having equal magnitudes, which can give a resultant zero, is. (Ay2 4 ©3 @1 4, If A= B +C, and the magnitude of A, B and C are 5, 4 and 3 units respectively, the angle between A and Cis (A) cos"'(3/5) (B) cos"(4/5) © m2 (©) sina) 5. Given that A+B+C=0. Out of three vectorsA, B and C two are equal in magnitude and the magnitude of the third vector is /2 times that of either vector having equal magnitudes. Then, the angle between the vectors is (A) 30°, 60°, 90° (B) 45°, 45°, 90° (©) 45°, 60°, 90° (D) 90°, 135°, 135° 6. Atwhat angle two forces 2F and V2 F should act, so that the resultant force is F Vi0 ? (A) 45° (8) 60° © 120° (D) 90° 7. The vector sum of N coplanar forces, each of magnitude F, when each force is making an angle of 2m N with the preceding one is (A) NF (B) NE/2 © F2 (D) zero 8, The magnitude of a given vector with end points (4, ~4, 0) and (~2, ~2, 0) must be A) 6 B) 56 4 ; ©) 2vi0 9, Find the value of c if A = 0.41 +0.3j +ck isa unit vector. (A) 0.5 ®B) v0.75 ©. (D) none of these. Wie Lid, FUTIEE louse, 2A, Kas Sara Sanapriga Via, Wow Dei-110016, Ph #6106000, B6SED4G9, Fax B6STI04 taebte wu ffs com. Pinnacle Study Package P-1214-P1-CBSE-PH-V-35 10. A particle moves under a force F = 21+ 4] witha velocity ¥ = 41-2], then the power delivered by the force is (@ 16W osw (®) zero ) 82 W 11, if A=2i +33+ & and B= 31 -23, then their dot product will be @o ©8 ®2 ©) 16 12. Three vectorsA, B and C satisfy the relationA .B =0 andA..€ = 0. The vector A is parallel to (AB © B.C 13. 1A B+ T+k 59° Ai+k C3) oO vis 14, ixGx bis (ay Te jee (© zero vector 15. Which of the following statement is correct? 143 and @é () Bx € +43 +k, then the unit vector along (A +B) is ®) ©) unit vector. (A) A vector having zero length can have a unique direction. (®) AxB (© UAB (D) The vector | + j and i , then either A= 0 or B= 0 or both A and Bare zero. A =0or B=0orboth A and Bare zero. jare mutually perpendicular. 16. Innone of the vectors A,B and © are zero and if A x B =O and Bx G =0, the value of A x € is (A) unity OB TRIBE House, 297, Rake Sara Sarcapriga Var Rew Dot 110016 Ph FOTOS bate wuny fijce com (B) zer0 (D) AC cos 6 P-1214-P1-CBSE-PH-V-36 Level -1 1. Which of the following statements are correct. If M is the mid point of AB and O is any point, then (4) OM =0A-MA (© Oi=5.@OK-OB) Itis given that 4+b+¢+d =0 then which of the following statement(s) are true (A) The magnitude of +c equals the magnitude of 6 +d (B) Each of 4,6,¢,d must be a unit vector (©) B+é must lie in the plane of & and d if 4 and d are not collinear and in the line of a and 4, if they are collinear. (D) The magnitude of 4 can never be greater than the sum of the magnitudes of 6,¢ and d ‘The angle made by vector A = 4i +3] with y-axis is we mm om om Avector A has magnitude A and A is unit vector in the direction of A, then which of the following are correct @AA=A (© A-A=A? Which of the following relations are not commutative () A-B ® © AxB ®) BxC=A and CxA=B then (A) A, BS are coplanar (B) A+B+6 cannot be equal to zero (C) angle between A and B maybe less than 90° (D) A, B,C are orthogonal to each other Which of the following expression is equal to zero. (A) Ax& (B) A-Ax (© BxfAx(AxB) @) ixGxi) A vector will not change when (A) Vector is translated parallel to‘itself (B) The frame of reference is translated (O the frame of reference is rotated (D) vector is rotated tf A.B =0and A .€ =0, then A canbe parallel to WB Bc (© Bxe @) B+C "RADE Lid, PITIBE House, 9A, Ra Sava, Sarvapriga Var, Naw Dad 1 10016, Ph 46100000, 2OSGDADS, Fax DOSTSAD vwebate wun foe com. Pinnacle Study Package P-1214-P1-CBSE-PH-V-37 10, Theresultant of A x B makes angle a with A and p withB . Then Aa

B ()a@ B>() C>@) D>@»s) 1. A 6 OB 7 € A yp B 20. A Numerical based type 1 2 2 6 3 5 4 3 Patsee Td FUTIEE House, 9A, Kal Sara, Saronpriga Whar, Rew Deit~1 TOOTS, Ph 46105000, 26559900, Pax DOSTODID eh wn fit com. Notes aS EL su Delhi (South) FIITJEE House, 29 - A, Kalu Sara, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi - 110 016 O11 ~46106000 /10 /13 /15 Dethi (Punjabi Bagh) 31, 32, 33, Central Market, West Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi - 110.026 011 - 45634000, 45634003 011 - 43002500, 42448484, Delhi (East) Sth Floor, Roots Tower, District Centre, Laxmi Nagar, Delhi - 110092 acme B-1, 623, 2nd Floor, At District Centre Crossing, Opp. Metro Pillar No. 574, Janak Puri, New Delhi - 110 058 011 - 45616600, 45616601 Dethi anak Puri) 367, Kohat Enclave, 2nd & 3rd Floor, Near Kohat Metro Station, Ptampura, Delhi (Rohini) Sey DEESTIOGea 011 - 47064000, 47064009 Ist Floor, Pankaj Galaxy - 2, LSC, Plot No. 9, Sector-I2, Dwarka, Delhi (Dwarka) ee Dee TOTS O11 - 45769405 Ghaziabad 0120-2820004, eRe NCR] Inspiration Plaza, Plot D-6 & 7, Raj Nagar District Centre (RDC), Ghaziabad (UP) Sg71'7775340, 09717775379 0124 - 4628400, Gurgaon (Delhi NCR) Building No. 128, Institutional Area, Sector 44, Gurgaon -122,001 Gurionere Noida (Delhi NCR) _B-4, Near AXIS Bank, Sector - 16, Noida - 201 301 120 «310800: 754000. 09871091470 labad Sector - 15 - A Market, Near Vidya Mandir School, Ajrounda Chowk, 0129 - 4174582, (Dethi NCR) Faridabad - 121007 (09910059641 Allahabad 9A, Edmonston Road (oppsite NIP), Civil Lines, Allahabad (09792712323 3rd Floor, SCO: 31, District Shopping Centre, B - Block, Ranjit Avenue, Amritsar 0183 - 2501686, 5014645 ita = 143 engine 1131143 Floor, HTR Chambers, $,C. Rad, Opp, Hoya Hote Bangalk Seshadripuram, Bangalore - 560 020 eee shitat Ayushan, 579, rari Partar (st), Opp Supla Thana 768 - 3203000, 4035204, GE Rend ahi 490023 omer Bhopal 48-A, 3rd Floor, Guru Kripa Plaza, Zone ll, M.P. Nagar, Bhopal - 462 011 (0755 - 4253355, 4253455 Bhubaneswar Bharat Scout & Guides Complex, Scouts Bhawan, 2nd Floor, C= X/8 0674-23920, Unt-, Bhibanerwar- 751022 ssseo0- 17 saa - 32551120 Bokaro 2nd Floor, Bl, Chy Care, Sector, Solara Stal Cy, Bokaro 627004 SESAD= MISSI DO, Chandigarh SCO: 221-322, Fist & Second Foor, Sector 35-8, Chandigarh - 160022 0172 201004, 2010044 Chennal | TIE Towa, No.2 st Lane, Nrgambaam High Red, Chemsl-600084 0444937100 chennai 44 42999701, ena 175. Poonam High Road, pp gn There Kipauk Chennai - 600010 Mabil/ SMS 09677177717 118/19 i FIITJEE Centres ag Orr ues ' (044 - 43950450, ‘Chennai (Adyar) New Number I, 29th Cross Street, Indira Nagar, Adyar, Chennai - 600.020 Hobie sss: coarri77ita Chen: ‘Courtesy: Maharishi International Residential School, Santhavelur, Sunguvar 044 -37107400/01, (Griperumbudur) CChatiram (Kancheepuram Dist.) Sriperumbudur - 602 106 09677177712 FIITJEE Towers, No:51, Dr. Ramaswamy Salsi, Near PSBB School, KK Nagar, 044 - 64609557 /58, (Chennai - 600 078 109500043608 Coimbatore ‘Suguna PIP School Campus, Nehru Nagar, Kalapatty Road, Coimbatore - 641014 08754485348 / 49 Dhanbad Tara Apartment , Plot No 2311-2313, Mouza Saraidhela, Dhanbad -826 004 9326. 6550857, 2225284, 6451408 0343 - 2542643, 6450238, Durgapur ‘A-3, Nandalal Bithi, City Centre, Durgapur - 713 216 ocean Gwalior Rama Plaza, 12-C, Kailash Vihar, Cty Centre, Gwalior (08817340001 Hiydersbed 5.9-14/B, Safabad (Opp. Secretariat), Hyderabad - 500 004 (040 - 66777000 /01 102 /03 (Saifabad) " ie A Hyderabad D No : 16-11-477/6/2/2, Sahadeva Reddy Buildings, Lane Beside Sahadevareddy 040 - 64569509, (Disuhnaga) ‘Sweets, Difsukhnagar - 500 036 66757890 /91 Hyderabad H. No. 22.97, Plot No. |, Opp. Patel Kunta, Huda Park, Vijaynagar Colony, (Kukatpally) Kukatpally -500 072 ee indore 27, 2nd Flor, Scheme No. -4, U3, Opp. Orbital, Commercial Bhamor, 0731 - 4274702 (63, . AB, Road Indore 452.001. 4044447, 09981764461 » Jaipur 3-A,DL Tower, Behind Parishad Bhawan, Opp. Vidya Ashram Schoo, LN. 0141 - 5198183, 5181883, LN. Marg) Marg, jaipur - 302.018 08875555802 Jaipur Ist Foor, Valbhay Multiplex, C-I,C’ Block, Amrapa Cirle, Vaishali Nagar, (Waishaip Jaipur - 302 021 eee eee 0512- 3010901 /11, Kanpur 16/16, Karmin Arado, Cl Lines, Kanpur-208001 nana 09752929287 Kochi Lakshmi Bai Towers, TD Road, North End, Kochi 08129074698 Kolkata 3rd Flor, The Milennum (besides Hotel Hindustan lt), (033 - 30537576 /77 /78/ (Rebindra Sadan) 235/2A, A. J.C. Bose Road, Kolkata ~700020_ 79 (80 Kolkata {Utada i ae VIP Towers, Ground Floor, 80, Golaghata, VIP Road, Ultadanga, Kolkata -700 048 033 - 40221300 Lucknow Vipul Khand - 3, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow - 226 010 (0522 - 3067183, 3067185, 2nd Floor, Radhakrshna Apartments, Opp. Ideal Book Depot, Vachnalaya Marg Dadar (West), Mumbai - 400 028 (022 - 32666214, 3291 1892 Mumbai (Da-ar) ‘i Courtesy : Thakur Vidya Mandir High School & junior College, Thakur Complex, Mumbai (Kandival) Koval (east, Montel 400 101 (022 - 32683438 i Uiagar Complex, Opposite Deonar Bus Depot, Off Sion Trombay Road, Mumbai (Chembur) ae ere eee 100 088 (022 -42704000 Ground Floor, Baba House, Andheri Kurla Road, Off Western Express Highway, yo _ 47379109 Mumbai (Andheri) inert (E), Mumbal - 400 093 PPL eatery : Mumbai 8 - 500, Second Floor, Vashi Plaza Plot No, 89-81, Sector - 17, Vashi (avi Mumbai) Navi Mba 400 703 ane : Mumbai (thane) 284 Foor vershine Mal Prabhat Paz), Opp M H High Schoo Cee Station Road, Thane (W) - 400 601 FIITJEE Tower, 210, Opp. Children’s Traffic Park, Dharampeth, Nagpur Ree AGIO (0712 - 6600802, 6600504 2nd Floor, Saday Bhawan, Marwari Awas Complex, Fraser Road, Patna passa oat 0612 - 3299798, 2205552 Pune 4rd Floor, A-Wing, Vega Centre, Shankarsheth Road, Swargate, Pune -411 037 02041418686 ne Courtesy : Shankar Nagar Vidya Mandir, Near Vidya Hospital, Shankar Nagar, (0788 - 3205808, 4035204, ips Raipur - 492 007 (09329733322 Ranchi (Lalpur) Teh Floor, Hari Om Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi - 834 001 (0651 - 2563188 89 /90 Ranchi Samriddhi Complex, Ground Floor, Near St. Xavier's School, South Office Para, (SOP, Doranda) oranda, Ranchi - 834 002 Ce erenee ‘Courtesy : Employee Development Centre, Hostel No.3, Shaktinagar NTPC, Distt: Sonebhadra (UP) - 231 222 2nd & 3rd Floor, Gauri House, (Near Manisha Chokri), Old Padra Road, Shaktinagar NTPC (05446 - 232366, 232372 Vadodara aces ssotal (0265 - 6597011 /12/13 /14 j (0542 - 6550103 /04 05 /06 Varanasi 8-38/ | K, Mahmoor Garj, Varanasi - 221 010 Niners D. No. 38-8-45 (Hotel Mideity Building), Opp. All India Radio Station, MG. Road, 07207627011, Vijayawada 0866 - 6669100, 6669200 (0891 - 2555501 /02. Visakhapatnam —_47-7-47, Plot No. 87, Opp. Nehru Bazaar, Dwarkanagar, Visakhapatnam - 530016 Mobile / SMS: 09010153330, (09010173330, 09010183330 re ka eas eee en ee ee eee ees eee ee ORO REED Gorakhpur ‘Araji No -'18, Prabha Complex, Main Kasya Road, Gorakhpur Meerut Property No. 80, Scheme No. |, Mangal Pandey Nagar, University Road, Meerut Jodhpur Soon to be fiaizee Udaipur Seon tobe finalized e ie ke La a Courtesy : DPS New Millennium School, Zinj Campus, Al Ahi Club Complex Premises, PO Box - 26271, Bahrain Opp - Al Jazeera Super Market, Zinj, Kingdom of Bahrain Phone : +973. 1727270¢ 336543868, Courtesy : DPS Modern Indian School, PO Box - 14868, Doha, Qatar Doha: Qstar Ph. +974. 44660366, 77958700 \ FIITJEE School Network ‘etn (South) ‘etn (Punjabi Bagh) ‘etn (East) ‘Noida (Detn-NCR) Gurgaon (DeIn.2cR) Faridabad (Demh-NoA) ‘heriabed (Dein) Chandigarh Varanast ‘Mumbo! (Chembur) Pune ——— | FITUEE Junior Cotegee \ Hyderabad (Satabaa) -— Pri yderabed (Ou Raipor ysaratad (cukatpaty) FITJEE Worl Schools Hyderabed (ameerpe) sanguore FITSEE Jor Cotege yserabad (Oteuknnager) Viesinapstnam Hyderabad Qarayanquds) a Hysertod (Secunderabad) CChennal (Advan) “ O% ‘chenna (tipauk) och CCheanal (Siperumbudur) (Cheanal (KK Nagar) MB Frr73e world schools MM FIrssee Associate Schools MME F173 aunior colleges FIITJEE Centre Network = Doth (South) . CChanaigerh Delhi (Punjobt Bagh) Det (Rohm) Delhi (East) Dott (Jenakpue) Doth (Dwarka) Node (Osth/-NCR) , ‘Amitear Gurgeon (Deini-ncR) Feridabed (DoIhi-NCR) Ghaziabad (Deli-NCR) atpur (LN Marg) Satpur (Vaishali Jeanpur Gwalior Indore Vadodara ‘Nagpur Kolkata (Rabindra Sadan) otkata(Utadange-Salt Lake) Mumbal (Dader) Mumbel (Chembur (anata (anh) (avi Mumba) Mumbl (Thane) neh! 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