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14-13 How do you think United Airlines should have handled the recent string of incidents?

Do you think that United Airlines was within its power to have removed these people from
the flights? Why or why not?
For the first incident, the travel agent could have explained the program in details and tried to
persuade the two teenagers to change their leggings after boarding the flight. For the second
incident, the airline staff should have provided the corresponding solutions for people who
volunteered to give up the seats for the United employees. For example, these people could be
transferred to another flight, or could enjoy a discount in later travelling rather than be forcibly
removed from the plane. Besides, the United Airlines should have sent a sincere apology to the
doctor after he was injured by the flight police. For the third incident, the flight attendant should
have sorted out the reasons why the couples took wrong seats and arranged them for the right
I suppose that United Airlines did not have the power to removed these people from the flights.
Firstly, they had paid the tickets before boarding the flight. Secondly, they did not cause big
trouble to the flight. For the first case, it was the teenagers’ right to choose what they wanted to
wear. For the second case, the doctor needn’t have to be one of those four people who had to give
up the seats. For the third case, the couple took the wrong seats because their seats had been taken
by other people.
It can be seen from the case that such behavior by United Airlines violated their passengers’ rights
and even cause trouble to the doctor’s safety. Therefore, United Airlines did not have that power.

14-14 What are the pros and cons of having a bureaucratic organizational structure for an
airline? Do you think the pros and cons are justified for United Airlines and that they should
keep the structure they have? Why or why not?
First, bureaucratic organizational structure has strong boundaries. Airlines with this structure has
explicit laws and regulations, which contributes to standardized activities in daily operation.
Second, bureaucratic organizational structure is a “top-down” structure, which emphasizes
compliance. Airlines with this structure tend to demonstrate high efficiency.
First, bureaucratic organizational structure lacks flexibility. When an incident happens, solutions
taken by airlines with this structure are usually be divorced from reality. The reason is that the
airlines just consider the regulations, but ignore the incident itself.
Second, bureaucratic organizational structure can sometimes cause disputes between staff and
passengers. As we can see from the case, lack of flexibility in flight service is highly possible to
cause scandal for an airline.
I think the pros and cons are justified for United Airlines and they should keep the structure they
have. On the one hand, bureaucratic organizational structure still plays a decisive part in an airline.
It ensures that an airline can behave in an efficient way. On the other hand, what United Airlines
should do now is to improve the cons in the structure, such as the imperfect laws and regulations,
and build up passenger-centered idea when in administration of the regulations.

14-15 What do you think United Airlines should do in the future? Do you have any
suggestions for enhancements or improvements to the United Airlines organizational
structure? Would you consider reconstructing? Why or why not?
I think United Airlines needn’t reconstructing itself. It just needs to make some adjustments in its
First, the organizational structure should be based on the passenger-based value because of the
characteristic of the airline company. United Airlines can enjoy more popularity when it tries to
provide best service.
Second, laws and regulations should be improved, which focus more on the details of flight
service and accident management.
Third, the airline staff members should improve their ability of handling an incident in flight and
cover different factors in consideration.

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