MEIL 121 Continuation

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MEIL 121

MODULE 1 *Factors to consider in Media Literacy

Introduction to Media and Information Literacy (According to Vivian, 2009)
1. Factual Foundation
2. Media Dynamics
*According to Vivian (2009), the following are 3. Media Effects
the things we usually need media for: 4. Media Issues
1. Personal dependence *Hobbs (2006) described the nature of
2. Information information literacy as education that
3. Entertainment emphasizes “critical thinking, meta-cognitive,
4. Persuasion and procedural knowledge used to locate
information in specific domains, fields and
*Literacy-ability to read and write
-knowledge that relates to a specified subject *According to Lau (2013), information literacy
*Media Literacy-possession of knowledge to be focuses on the “objectivity and rational of
competent in assessing messages carried by information and to a great extent on the research
mass media value of finding the truth in documents.”
*Aufderheide(1992) has defined media literacy *Shaphiro and Hughes (1996) defined
as “a movement which is designed to help to technology literacy as “the ability to ongoingly
understand, to produce, and negotiate meanings adapt to, understand, evaluate, and make use of
in a culture of images, words and sounds.” the continually emerging innovations in
Qualities of Media information technology so as not to be a prisoner
of prior tools and resources and to make
1. Media are constructed and construct
intelligent decisions about the adoption of new
reality ones.”
2. Media have commercial implications Some of the most distinct technologies used
3. Media have ideological and political nowadays
implications 1. Printing Technology
4. Form and content are related in each 2. Chemical Technology
medium, each of which has a unique 3. Electronic Technology
4. Digital Technology
aesthetic, codes, and conventions;
5. Receivers negotiate meaning in media.
*The European Commission (2007), on the
other hand, gave the following definition:
“Media Literacy is generally defined as the
ability to access media and media contents and
to create communications in a variety of
Various Levels of Media Literacy
-Feeling comfortable with the existence of
media and active use of media for
entertainment , access to culture, intercultural
dialogue, learning and daily life applications.
-Having a critical approach to media with
regards to quality and accuracy of content.
-Using media creatively.
-Undertanding the economy of media
-Being aware of copyright issues
Philo Taylor Farnsworth-designed and
MEIL 121 demonstrated the use of first electronic
MODULE 2 television (1927)
Evolution of Traditional to New Media *Information (New Media) Age
1969-internet was first created to aid the US
*Prehistoric Age military in disseminating information
Egyptians-first to use symbols as form of 1998-telephone evolved into cellular fone
written communication Social Networking Sites (SNS)
Sumerians-used cuneiform to jot down details *History of Media in the Philippines
and write relevant literature-Epic of Gilgamesh. Baybayin-writing system of Filipinos during
Phoenicians-formed the alphabet which was pre-colonial times particularly for documents
adopted by the Greeks, who further developed it and receipts
by adding vowels. Doctrina Cristiana-published in 17th century
Philippines Umalokohan or town crier served Succesos Felices-published by Tomas Pinpin in
as the messenger to the people, making them 1637
aware of new laws or policies implemented by La Solidaridad-most influential media in the
the datu. Philippine History (newspaper)
Rome Acta-daily handwritten news sheets *Traditional and New Media
China Tipao-government-produced news sheets Traditional Media-refers to the forms of mass
circulated among officials during the Han communication that people utilized before the
dynasty. advent of new media
*Medieval Age -newspapers, magazines,televisions,radio,books
Johannes Gutenburg- German metallurgist -folk media
movable metal type-relevant invention that New Media-uses technology to spread
helped in the development of mass information through more interactive means.
communication. -websites, social media and digital videos
Mid-1440’s-Europe’s first mass production of *Functions of Media in the Society
words -development
1500’s-40,000 books were published all over -uphold its duty as Fourth Estate in a democratic
Europe country
*Industrial Age *Learning Theories on Information and Media
-begun around 18th century in Great Britain Literacy
-remarkable shift from agriculture and handcraft Three Theoretical Perspectives on Information
to machine and machine manufacturing Literacy
-brilliant stage for numerous inventions: 1. Phenomenographic perspective
(1880) phonograph-Thomas Edison -variation of people’s experiences of a
Motion picture camera-William Dickinson certain phenomena
(1836)electrical telegraph system 2. Socio-cultural perspective
-Samuel F. B. Morse, Joseph Henry and Alfred -communication in social practices
Vail 3. Discourse Analysis perspective
Morse code-transmit messages by means of on- -how people in practice perform specific
off tones information tasks.
*Electronic Age
Guglielmo Marconi
-transmitted the first radio waves in 1895
-by 1901 he was able to perfect a radio system
which transmitted the Morse Code System
across the Atlantic Ocean
Alexander Graham Bell-Scottish-born
American scientist; granted the first official
patent for the telephone (1876)
MEIL 121 To avoid plagiarism:
MODULE 3 1.Citing-Citation is needed for the
Information Literacy and Types of Media acknowledgement of the original source
-provides evidence to support research
*Information Literacy -gives reliability and credibility
6 Quality Information Principles 2.Quoting-putting an exact or word-by-word
(Conceptual Relationship of Information copy of the original author’s words
Literacy and Media Literacy) -preserve the intended context of a
1.Relevance statement
2.Validity 3.Paraphrasing-rewriting the original statement
3.Realibility from a source in your own words.
4.Timeless\ *Types of Media
5.Accuracy Print Media
6.Completeness 1.Books-long-form,word-driven-media
Criteria of selecting the best information content(Vivian,2009)
sources: Two Categories of Books
(Carroll Community College) a.Trade Books-widely distributed, general-
1.An information literate individual knows that interest titles that are either fiction or non-fiction
not all sources of information are the same. In -high-risk proposition (Vivian,2009)
selecting the best sources for a particular topic, b.Texts and Reference Books-less profitable but
there might be various places where you can get has longer life than trade books
it. -reference and professional books;
2.Selecting the best information source is part of college textbooks, elementary and high school
the evaluation of information. textbooks and learning materials
3.The internet is not always the best source for -dictionaries, encyclopedia and atlases.
information, although it may contain a lot. 2.Newspapers-one edition contains various
4.It is best to know your topic first by its contents such as news, advice, comics, opinions,
overview or background before you delve into puzzles and data.
any other resource material to understand what Two main formats of newspaper
kind of specific information you are looking for. a.Broadsheets-comparatively larger and plentiful
5.No type of media source is better than other b.Tabliods-contain eye-catching and
types. For example, electronic sources are not sensationalized headlines
always the better source than print. The most 3.Magazines-typically cater to a huge amount of
important thing is the relevance, the audience
timelessness, validity and accuracy of its Two Major Types of Magazine
content. Format does not really account for a.Consumer magazine-newsmagazine; women’s
everything. magazine; men’s magazine; Intellegentsia
Basic Information Sources and Characteristics b.Non-newstrack magazine-own publish of
1.Books-most realiable;present additional organizations
sources of information -Sponsored magazines(university magazines ,in-
2.Scholarly articles-professional literature; peer- house publications)
reviewed; focused on one topic only; references -Trade journals(members of profession or trade)
to additional sources -Newsletters(pure journalistic form)
3.Other periodicals-magazines, newspapers; Broadcast Media
typically shorter than books and scholarly 1.Radio and Sound Recording
articles; evaluation is less necessary 2.Television and Motion Pictures
4.Internet-self-publishing medium; not New Media
reviewed; evaluation may take time World Wide Web-addressing system that would
*Ethical Use of Information connect a computer to the world; invented by
Plagiarism-using a source without credit English Engineer Tim Berners-Lee
Components of World Wide Web
(Vivian, 2009) MEIL 121
a.Universal resource locators(URL) MODULE 4
-unique identifier that allows computers to Media, Information Sources, and Information
connect to a network and exchange Languages
messages;foundation of WWW
b.Hypertext transfer protocol(HTTP) *Four Main Types of Sources of Media
-the coding that would allow computers to read 1. Primary Source-original manuscripts,
internet files documents or records that are used in preparing
c.Hypertext markup language(HTML) for a published or unpublished work.
-computer language which is used to create 2. Secondary Source-published and unpublished
messages through the internet which the user works that heavily rely on a primary source
can click and be redirected to a related 3. Tertiary Source-works that were used as
image/article secondary sources as reference
Media Convergence 4. Gray Literature-sources that are not usually
-phenomenon involving the interconnection of made available for distribution .
information and communications technologies, *Codes and Conventions
computer networks and media content (Flew) Rhetorical Analysis-construction and
Technological Convergence- most basic element manipulation of language by the creator of a text
of media convergence; depicts the easy access of for affective purposes
billions of people to media content Codes-system of signs wherein when put
Industrial Convergence-connected to together, create meaning.
technological convergence wherein big media Different types of codes in media
companies use a diverse number of media 1. Technical Codes-show the techniques using
platforms to widen their reach the equipment to present the media output
Social Convergence-brought about by social 2. Symbolic Codes-shown visually(codes used
media; enables users from parts of the world to in objects, setting, body language, clothing and
engage in discussions globally color)
3. Written Codes-codes in text
Conventions-genre specific
Genre-came from the French word type or class
-determined through its common
distinguishing features
*Audience, Producers and Stakeholders
Audience and Stakeholders:Knowing the
Difference is Critical to Reputation Management
(Steininger, 2014):
Audiences-typically meant to receive the
messages without returning feedback
Stakeholders-groups or individuals who are
directly impacted by the decision and actions of
an organization and company
Media Producers-main sources of messages
-make use of available media languages
within their reach for expression and to
spread information
8.Advertisements, maps and technical drawings
MEIL 121 Two Types of Copyright Law
MODULE 5 1.Economic Rights- derive financial reward
Legal, Ethical and Social Issues in Media and 2.Moral Rights- claim ownership of the work
Information - Right to Paternity
*Requirements for Copyright Registration
*Article III, Section 4 of 1987 Constitution (Copyright, National Library of the Philippines
“No law shall be passed abridging the freedom website, 2011)
of speech, of expression and of the press, or the 1.application-in duplicate; typewritten
right of people peaceably to assemble and -affidavit at back w/ 15pesos doc. stamp
petition the government for redress of -another 15pesos doc. stamp stapled to
grievances.” the application form
*First Amendment of the US Constitution 2.Two copies of work;200pesos-registration fee
“The Congress shall make no law respecting an (If through mail, registration fee should be in
establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free postal moneyorder addressed to the Director,
exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of The National Library.)
speech, or of the press.” 3.If original ornamental design-should be
*Media Law-legal field that relates to legal accompanied by a technical description of the
regulation of the telecommunications industry, design
information technology, broadcasting, 4.If published work- two printed copies with
advertising, the entertainment industry, copyright notice printed in front or at the back of
censorship and the internet and online services the title page if it is a book and on any clear
among others(,2017) space thereof if non-book material
*RA 8293 Intellectual Property Code of the 5.If unpublished work-two manuscript and/or
Philippines Xerox copies of the work without the copyright
Intellectual Property Rights notice
1.Copyright and Related Rights 6.If applicant is non-resident foreigner, appoint a
2.Trademarks and Service Marks local authorized agent by a special power of
3.Geographic Indications attorney to complete the copyright application
4.Industrial Designs 7.If claimant is not the author-document
5.Patents supporting the claim such as deed of assignment
6.Layout-Designs(Topographies) or or waiver of copyright ownership.
Integrated Circuits 8.If applicant is proprietor or corporation,
7.Protection of Undisclosed Information photocopy of business name or SEC certificate
*Copyright-a form of intellectual property *Plagiarism-passing off someone else’s creative
which protects the rights of authors and creators work as your own without permission(Vivian,
of artistic works; refers to the main act in which, 2009)
in respect of literary and artistic creation, may be (Meriam-Webster online dictionary)
made only by the author or with his -to steal and pass off (ideas or words of another)
authorization (Copyright, National Library of as one’s own;
the Philippines website, 2011) -to use (another’s production) without crediting
*In Philippines, works covered by copyright the source;
include but are not limited to: -to commit literary theft; and
1.Literary works such as novels, poems & plays -to present as new an original an idea or product
2.Newspaper articles derived from an existing source
3.Films and Television Programs *Fair Use
5.Artistic works
7.Computer programs

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