Nursing Mangement in Hypotension

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Nursing management in hypotension:

Hypotension: low blood pressure “People with a reading of around 90/60, or less.


 light-headedness,

 blurred vision,

 palpitations,

 confusion,

 nausea,

 general weakness, and

 a temporary loss of consciousness


1 – orthostatic or postural hypotension:  when you sit up from a lying position, or stand up from a sitting

2- post prandial low pressure: Dizziness, light-headedness, faintness and falls are symptoms
that can sometimes occur after eating, as a result of low blood pressure. 

3- neural hypotension: caused by stress or sadness

4-choc status: anaphylactic, hypovolemia, cardiogenic…….

Causes: medication, pregnancy, serious illness. ages …

Nursing management:

1- elevated lesg
2- if conscious at home can we give him water with salad
3- head few elevated to avoid aspiration
4- if necessary lateral position of security if risk for inhalation ‘
5- iv access
6- checking for singe of dehydration or heart failure
7- administer fluid like serum (normal saline or mixt or ringers or voluben hypertonic solution as
ordered by the e physicians
8- be attention to the overload if heart failure
9- using the vasopressor medication like dopamine and dobutrex, ephedrine
10- treatment of the causes
11- keep monitoring the patient repeat the vital signs every 10 minutes
12- maintain level of conscious and the A-B-C

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