Gathering Elements

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Job element method is the work oriented job analysis approach. It was originally developed by
Earnest Primoff. The JEM of job analysis is focuses on the human attributes necessary for
superior performance on the job. It is used to match what applicants can do against what the
work calls for and particularly useful in developing work sample tests for selection. It focuses on
work behaviors and the results of these behaviors. JEM uses more work-related wording than
psychology-related wording.

Element = combination of behaviors and associated evidences

Content of element
 Cognitive elements = i.e. recognizing tools, reading blueprints, computing means
 Psychomotor elements = ability to sense and perceive
 Work habits = collections of behaviors that are more motivational in character (i.e.
willingness to take on extra work)
 Using work habits as elements = a pro

Steps in JEM
1. Gather elements from SMEs
2. Have experts rate on 4 scales (B, S, T, P)
3. Derive scale values from ratings
4. Share ratings with experts (TV, IT, TR)
5. Use results in application (i.e. developing tests)

1. Gathering elements
 Conducted by professional analyst & 6 SMEs (incumbents and supervisors)
 Two 3-5 hour sessions (first=collecting data, second=applying findings to testing,
training, etc.)
 Analyst encourages SMEs to be exhaustive in list of elements (and then to provide sub

2. Have experts rate

 KSAOs defined in terms SME understands
 B=barely acceptable (do barely acceptable workers need to have this to perform the job-
must possess the most basic skills)
 S=superior (to distinguish the superior workers)
 T=trouble likely if not considered (i.e. ability to use scalpel as a surgeon)
 P=practical (asks whether job applicants are likely to possess element)
 0=scale has minimum value; check mark= scale applies somewhat; + = item is highly

3. Derive scale
 In preparation for second session
 Six SMEs=possible 12 pts (0=0; check=1; +=2)
 TV (total value)=value of element in differentiating abilities of applicants for a job
Maximum value of 150; 100+=significant and are called elements in JEM results
 IT (item index)=extent to which a sub element is important in content of test (values
greater than 50% can rank applicants)
 TR (training value)= value of the element in training (75 or greater)

4. Share derived rating

 Screen outs (SC) determined- minimum requirements
 B&P=75+; T=50+
 Rankable screen outs (RS) = sub element meets values for S and SC

5. Use results
 Job coefficient is very mathematical
 J-coefficient=estimate of the validity coefficient that would result if a validation study
were conducted, but is derived from human judgment rather than empirical comparisons
of test scores
 To calculate, we need: (1) correlations of job elements with performance (2) correlation
of test with job elements (3) correlations of job elements among themselves
 Job elements cause overall job performance

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