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Question 1

Technology in the modern world has the capacity to save the lives of individuals and also the
natural planet. The following are the examples of old technology that can save the world:

1. Medic Mobile- A research of a bioethics student regarding HIV and its treatment was the
inspiration among the rural Malawi and inspired to start FrontlineSMSMedic. In this regard $10
mobile phones are provided to community health workers in order to formulate ‘SMS patient
coordination network’ and to sum up these phones helped medical workers to have greater
efficiency on their follow up of health related data with patients (Drell, 2018). Within a span of
six months there were lives saved of the clinical staff and also once patients completed their
follow-ups there were SMS alerts provided which helped to save money, time and transportation
charges. Medic Mobile is used by 4.5 million people especially in 11 countries such as Nepal,
Africa, Honduras and Colombia. Medic Mobile successfully helped and was effective outcome
of Haiti earthquake. The coordination by Medic Mobile formed 4636 database which had around
80,000 incoming texts that promoted rescue effort to save the world (Drell, 2018).

2. Ocean Pumps- Ocean pumps s suggested by Britain’s environmental thinkers is the

technology that can help to save the world. These pumps can be used to get deep cold water from
the ocean which is regarded to have more life forms and is vital for absorption of CO2. The help
of special valves can actually result cold water to flow up in floating pipes and enter in ocean
surface that will bring in increase in number of life forms that are in contact with carbon dioxide
and atmosphere. These new life forms shall absorb carbon dioxide and even eventually die and
sink on the ocean floor for ages (McKie et al, 2018).

3. Drones- Previously drones were used for various purposes and gained popularity for diving
purposes. Recently drones are used to take photographs and deliver packages that help to find
source information by ensuring there is no harmful effect on the environment and these drones
are effective to track wild life and observe whether any wildlife crime is present in order to avoid
endangering of wildlife and prevent animals from killing. This use of technology is still new and
has opportunity to protect species that are subjected to risk of getting endangered
(, 2018).
Question 2

Bellingcat initiative is probably a good one since the group is engaged in knowing the unknown
realities which are sometimes not brought on professional front for certain unavoidable reasons.
However, the team is concerned with investigation and focuses more on the ways that will help
to get closer to the case and their initiative is a valuable help to solve many cases which are
either a mystery or are unsolved by majority of groups. In this regard, the initiative of Bellingcat
volunteers resolves many cases which are of sensitive topic and sometimes the disclosure on
public front is not regarded to be ethically appropriate and such times the Bellingcat initiative is
favorable since it breaks the silence and helps to raise their voices in order to solve the different
cases worldwide (Duan et al, 2008).

Internet helps bellingcat initiative since it is effective source to track down the information and
also to conduct searches which requires a very experienced team of professionals. This happens
at times when there are criminals involved in case and also there should be team of cyber
investigators and forensic investigators in order to understand and witness the specialists
following the former professional law (Ye et al, 2011). Internet assists effectively to resolve such
cases when there are complex civil and criminal cases found and technical expertise is always
required by team of bellingcat in order to implement higher degree of intelligence. The use of
internet has brought a revolution since majority of reporters prefer to check fast information and
when investigations are online then by internet it is made accessible to larger community with

The use of internet by bellingcat is quite engaging with readers and avoids limitation on ground
of product rather it helps to follow-up and use of blogging and tweeting creates new possibilities
for journalists and makes them allow not only to publish the investigated article but also it opens
room for new public conversation on the global front. Internet helps bellingcat to pick up new
ideas and also stay aware of the turning points in any type of case or scenario that is under
investigation. These ideas from diverse sources tend to set the ground for investigation and
internet brings in major change in views, thoughts and ideas of particular case that is intended to
be investigated (Carpenter, 2010).
Question 3

The future of personal hygiene will be dependent on technology since individuals in order to stay
updated as observed in the example of tooth brush that creates awareness about brushing habits
by its connectivity with mobile phone. People will be more reliant on technology and wait for it
to provide response regarding their personal hygiene (Allen, 1996). This idea is quite complex
because personal hygiene is a factor which is equally important for every individual who intends
to be successful in life and the use of technology for hygiene purposes shall make individuals
more reliant on the use of technology for personal hygiene and future of individuals will show
the lack of sense of personal responsibility rather they will only be more inclined towards the
responses provided by technology regarding their personal hygiene.

Personal hygiene will be based on technological responses in the near future which has the
advantage of being quick and responsive but there is a major disadvantage that people will start
to leave on their personal hygiene and depend more on technology and another disadvantage
regarding this idea that since the toothbrush example shows that it has Bluetooth for connectivity
which eventually has brought major change but the harmful Bluetooth rays are regarded to have
negative effect on the health of individuals. This shows that in one aspect technology is
convenient source of usage for effective personal health conditions but on the other hand there
are negative health problems related with technology to be involved in hygiene factors.

Overall, the future seems to be bright for personal hygiene to use technology since it is
progressing at a rapid pace and is regarded to facilitate the modern challenges which requires
fostering of community-based independence among individuals. There is wide range of
technologies and the development has direct effect on the use of health care facilities which is an
ideal state for the future conditions. There are positive signs that technology will help majority of
individuals to stay updated with their health and they will be more open to share personal data
about hygiene with their doctors by the use of technology. This shows that personal hygiene will
have a bright future ahead incorporating the technological aspects as the new opportunities can
be carefully adopted and completely reviewed by modern technology.
Question 4

1. 3D TV- The 3D TV makes use of the theme which has ‘Dancing with the Stars’ concept and
3D technology is used commonly in TV sets and also there are standard TV or even HDTV
which makes use of image which has selected two dimensions and this 3D technology benefits
the dimensions and height. The 3-D usage has broadcasting views and also this uses active liquid
crystal shutter glasses which helps to actually manage the scene and makes brain to include the
pictures in dimension that have selected the pictures. The 3D TV makes view in such a way that
left eye sees one side while the right one sees the other. The brain then combines the image and
this provides a third dimension which is why 3D’s are not cheap (Garden et al, 2018).

2. Hydrofloor- The hydrofloor is something which raises the amount of usable space and makes
use of property and swimming pool which have much estate and also to ensure the architect uses
the highest level of desired work. The hydrofloor completely blends with the pool and patio
which has brought in safe side and also the energy can be changed by covering the pool and
avoid it when no person is swimming. The hydrofloor has the capacity to save money on the
floor and technically it covers different other factors.

3. Starry Night Bed- This is another technological innovation and a new dimension. This comes
in with major electric components that have connection with bed and other electronic items in
bedroom and throughout the house. The bed is programmed in such a way that it can control
lights, security system, and thermostat and media system. The main part is that there are specific
settings to be implemented and automation which eventually raises the bed and turns on the lamp
making relaxation to be simpler and better for people to get massage while the lower light feature
also helps people display and change their room temperature and play their favorite music which
can be problem and a solution to get up in easy manner (Garden et al, 2018).
Question 5

The guy got his computer stolen and he tried his best to recover it from the person who stole his
PC. The obvious options were not available to get the PC recover back. He tried to get back to
the person who has stolen his PC by the help of DNS network software which reveals that the
machine was in operation since 2 years and the guy figured it out only due to his connectivity
with network. The speaker reveals all the personal details of the person who stole the PC which
itself is not right because the PC within 2 years’ time can be sold to numerous people and this
can be a coincidence that while he connected to a network he got within the range of the speaker.
There is one more possibility that the guy who speaker says has stolen the PC might be looking
for any cheap PC available online and have purchased it since stolen stuff is always sold at lesser
price. As personally, without evidence the speaker should not disclose all of his personal details
unless confrontation is made with the person who he thinks stole his laptop.

Overall, the guy stole the speaker’s computer and he should be confronted but yet it seems that
the speaker is being too much sure that the person using the PC was only the thief. It should be
noted that professional thief immediately format the IP addresses and ensure that there are no
chances of betting hacked or there are no cookies found similar to the ones while this case is
totally opposite since there are no possibilities that the guy really stole the PC or it can be
purchased by the guy from any cheap source.
Question 6

Chat applications like WhatsApp make use of encryption services keeping in account its
different benefits. There can be different reasons behind this and some states that it is available
easily on Android, iPhone and Windows Phone and also has the capacity to send unlimited
amount of messages. The encryption in chat apps and messaging services like WhatsApp provide
a grey and blue tick even single tick and double tick each with different indication and also it has
the capacity to easily send the contacts with all available information which is provided.
Moreover, the files can be documented easily and people can send their location easily which
makes chat applications to use encryption policies. However, there are certain disadvantages of
the encryption services provided in chat applications and messaging apps.

The disadvantages of encryption in messaging applications like WhatsApp are common and
among these a major one is that once a known/unknown message is sent it is not able to be
deleted. The participant size of group in whatsapp or messaging apps is only 256 persons and
there are times when storing/retrieving the chat will be messy and takes time. The changing
policy of new device makes use of same number which should be retrieved within new device
and also the constant/unwanted messages and videos or images set in devices will be made
automatically changed perception of preferences.

The example of Telegram app indicates clearly the disadvantage of encryption since we are not
able to know contact status and also we will not be able to know if opposite person is offline or
online. There is need to open the app in order to receive messages that make no sense for the app
to be ‘Instant messaging app’ and also there are no voice messages. There are also no proper
video or voce chat feature in Telegram and lacks option for chatting by audio/video and service
providers lack customer support and misses the multiple selection of file option which are the
demerits of encryptions. In encryption the messages cannot be accessed easily by smartphone
and when a person logs in by multiple devices and responds to messages without smartphone
then this is not possible by end-to-end encryption.
Question 6

CRM Developments

1. Social CRM

Social CRM is used currently by many companies especially ones which took the use of Twitter
that make it easy for customer interaction and confirms the use of power of social CRM. The
aspect of social media marketing is the current trend in companies which helps to manage the
brand image or product and perception. The customer service or business has expectation to
potentially reach the feedback and manage the CRM needs which helps to get attention from the
social media optimization and have traction of marketing strategies and keep customers stay
connected with the company (, 2018).

2. CRM for Customer Record

The practical example of CRM is found in Munchery which is a food delivery business and
offers quality meals. The customers are supplied with standard meals and this made the company
to introduce CRM solution in order to track record of the customers who are on new and ones
who are regular. This has been possible to implement happy customer solution and provides
better returns. The goal implemented in CRM to record the changes for customers and review
better returns has actually made the customer satisfaction process effective to share the
procedure and feedback with the chefs by CRM.

3. Manage Customer Data

The implementation of CRM as observed in a smaller organization like Bespoke indicates that
the CRM solutions assisted to grow the customers and also to pay special kind of attention to the
organization. These are the CRM solutions which offer long term benefit to the customers and
have actually helped companies to build relationship-based sales and avoid transaction based
reviews which are required to order the value and have better degree of customer satisfaction and
retention (, 2018).
Question 7

The following are the reasons that companies make decision to upgrade software and also for
Saxion to invest money and upgrade to latest MsOffice version.

1. Improve Security- This is a reason since Saxion will have improved security and additional
protection benefits by the new system and it offers defensive solution and protects against the
threat by hackers. The IT securities and industries should manage the attacking of users and also
to benefit from new security tools that will be beneficial for them to the business market

2. Get Customers- Saxion will get more customers since update introduces new features and
also staying updated will make services to be beneficial and offer value to the company. The new
latest solutions will have productivity and engage more customers in the operational process by
ensuring there is efficiency (LSA systems, 2018).

3. Generate Profit- It is evident that updates make the computer latest and to run for a longer
duration. Customers avoid bugs and do not prefer PC which are annoying for users and drain the
level of productivity. This makes upgrades of software to be source to generate profit since this
is demand of users in market for new releases of products.

4. Receive support of vendor- The business can achieve software versions support and get new
product features to be involved by vendor support. This makes companies to focus on new
releases and draw more attention for the better solutions since vendor can withdraw from old
versions and want to progress ahead.

5. Stay ahead of competition- The availability of upgrading option is necessary and Saxion
invested lot of money to be ahead of competitors and to offer newest version. This is for
productivity of business since software update can help to progress ahead in market competition
(LSA systems, 2018).
Question 8

Technology will bring in the change in real life of our individuals and also it will be able to make
the thinking of people to be innovative. The future seems to be unpredictable because evolution
of technology over time just explores answered to many questions over time. The mysteries of
the world are being solved by technology incorporation and also this has actually made people to
think and review the global situation from a different perspective. Technology will realistically
bring hope in our lives since it has been a source of getting things better day by day for good of
mankind and it brings in the derive among us to expect change at every step in our lives. It
fosters the spirit of indulging in something which effectively is innovative and is a source to have
better future ahead (McClellan, 2015).

The next 50 years are clear that technology will change our lives since we will be more desirable
and unable to control technology. The emerging names of technologies and readiness, cost and
technical changes have made more enterprises for small and medium sizes and also there are
better quality and speed in every object. New technologies will make future to be more focused
on economic growth and create better jobs and low-skilled jobs will be replaced by robots and
people will be involved in mindful and upgraded skilled jobs.

Technology will bring me more innovative features, comfort in home and ease in living, better
job opportunities. I can also get more facilitated lifestyle and technology will be a source for me
to get close to virtual reality and explore the technological benefits which I seem will help me in
my educational field. I am hoping technology will work in favor of improving and getting my
life better in future.

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Carpenter, S., 2010. A study of content diversity in online citizen journalism and online
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