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Role of Adult Education in Human Resource


Dr. Radhika Kapur


The management of human resources is regarded as one of the aspects that is of

utmost significance in the implementation of various tasks and activities, in generating the
desired outcomes and in leading to developments. In upgrading human resource management,
the important factors are, to hone their knowledge and competencies and generate awareness
in terms of various aspects. The main objective of this research paper is to understand the role
of adult education in promoting human resource management. Through adult education, the
individuals generate information in terms of various aspects that are needed to upgrade
human resource management. When the human resources hone their skills, they are able to
not only enhance their livelihoods opportunities, but also promote welfare of the communities
and nation. The main aspects that have been taken into account in this research paper include,
relationship between adult education and empowerment, measures to promote human
resource management, the contribution of adult education in community living, and role of
adult education in training of human resources.

Keywords: Adult Education, Community Living, Empowerment, Human Resource

Management, Transformations

Human Resource Management is the strategy or the effort to promote developments

in the minds and skills of the individuals. Within organizations and educational institutions, it
is crucial to focus upon human resource management. There needs to be organization of
training and development programs, which impart knowledge and enhance the competencies
and abilities of the individuals. Adult education is regarded as a fundamental aspect in
promoting human resource management. Adult education leads to development of the
individuals and community. It is called a force for social development, which brings about
improvement in every aspect of the society (Kumar, 2018). It is a systematic process, through
which the child or an adult acquires knowledge, experience, competencies and a sound mind-
set. Through adult education, individuals are able to differentiate between appropriate and
inappropriate and inculcate the traits of diligence, resourcefulness and conscientiousness in
the implementation of tasks and activities.

In adult education, learners make selection of various topics and concepts, mainly in
accordance to their needs and requirements. It influences what students learn, how they learn
and how they would be able to enrich their lives through education. For instance, individuals,
who are not educated nor aware are usually dependent upon others in the implementation of
tasks and activities. Through adult education, individuals are able to enhance the basic
literacy skills of reading, writing and numeracy and even augment their understanding in
terms of various aspects, such as, health care and well-being, diet and nutrition, child
development, computer literacy, preservation of the environment and so forth. Furthermore,
through the acquisition of good quality adult education, the individuals are able to augment
their capabilities, economic productivity, development of sustainable livelihoods, promotion
of peaceful and democratic societies, promotion of well-being and enrichment of the overall
quality of lives of the individuals (Kumar, 2018). Optimum instruments like structural
changes need to be brought about in the system of adult education, primarily when it has to
focus on human resource management.

Relationship between Adult Education and Empowerment

There is a close relationship between adult education and empowerment. Research has
indicated that due to lack of education and unawareness, women and girls have been
subordinates to men. This has been prevalent in rural communities. They have been subjected
to discriminatory treatment, were not allowed to have a say in the decision making matters,
were prohibited from expressing their viewpoints and perspectives, remain within homes and
carried out household chores, were discouraged from acquisition of education, were not given
equal rights and opportunities as their male counterparts, and were subjected to criminal and
violent acts. In some cases, women and girls were even discouraged from participation in
social, cultural, economic, political and religious activities. Hence, the prevalence of these
factors led to deprived state of women and girls and proved to be major barriers within the
course of attainment of empowerment opportunities.

In the present existence, there have been transformations in the viewpoints of

individuals and status of women. Women and girls are provided with equal rights and
opportunities and encouraged towards acquisition of education and empowerment
opportunities. Women, who have not received the opportunities to acquire education earlier
are getting enrolled in adult education centres to acquire education and enhance their skills.
Adult education within the framework of empowerment is an instrument of great potency, as
it provides experience, access to innovative ideas, improvements in way of thinking and led
to changes. Due to lack of education, women experience problems in obtaining good
employment opportunities, and promoting enhanced livelihoods and well-being of their
families and communities. Therefore, it is of utmost significance of women and girls to
recognize the significance of education and develop motivation and interest.

Educated women would be able to generate awareness and put into practice various
approaches that are needed to promote well-being of themselves, their families and
communities. They would be able to acquire employment opportunities and generate a source
of income; they would be able to raise their voice against any kind of injustice or criminal
acts that are taking place against women or girls; they would encourage other individuals to
acquire education and open up educational institutions and literacy centres; they would also
be able to bring about improvements in infrastructural facilities, promote civic amenities,
which are needed to live an efficient and satisfied living; they would develop decision
making skills, make effective use of resources, would participate in social, political,
economic, religious and cultural activities, and are able to develop effective communication
skills, which are required to bring about improvements in their overall quality of lives.
Hence, it can be stated that adult education is the key for sustainable growth and
employment. It is the single most consistent indicator of family size, as it raises social
aspirations and motivates the individuals to make use of their knowledge and skills to enrich
their living conditions (Kumar, 2018).

Measures to Promote Human Resource Management

The measures that are formulated in the field of adult education to promote human
resource management have been stated as follows:

Workshops and Seminars – In universities, there are adult education departments. In

these departments, masters and doctoral programs are offered. When the heads and the
educators need to augment their understanding or acquire information in terms of certain
topics, they organise a workshop or a seminar. In workshops and seminars, individuals from
other educational institutions are also invited. They give speeches, presentations, regarding
the areas, related to the major topic and impart knowledge to the members of the department.
The workshops and seminars are attended by educators, researchers, students and staff
members of the department. The professors, researchers and students are also provided with
the opportunities to present their papers. Hence, through participating in workshops and
seminars, individuals are able to augment their understanding in terms various aspects, which
promote their enrichment and enable them to achieve desired goals and objectives in an
efficient manner.

Training and Development Programs – The organization of training and development

programs are vital in educational institutions. In some universities, in the department of adult
education, there are organization of training and development programs regarding various
aspects. Acquisition of knowledge and information in terms of these aspects is vital for
enriching one’s personality and improving the overall quality of lives. The various aspects in
terms of which training and development programs are organized are, English speaking skills,
personality development, travel and tourism, research methodology, counselling and
guidance and communications. The individuals make selection of the programs in accordance
to their skills, abilities and requirements. For instance, it is essential for individuals to
generate information in terms of English speaking skills, hence, there is an increase in the
rate of enrolment of learners in this program. Hence, organization of training and
development programs is effectual in promoting human resource management.

Field-Work – Field-work is an essential aspect of a program of study in higher

education. It is regarded indispensable in not only adult education, but also in other fields.
When the learners implement field-work, they are able to acquire practical knowledge in
terms of the area of study. For instance, when a researcher is undertaking a research study on
how conditions of poverty influence the lives of the individuals. Then their visits to the fields,
help them to augment their understanding and observe practically, how poverty effects
individuals. When the individuals are working on research projects in masters or doctoral
programs, field-work is regarded as an integral part. The main objective of field-work in
research is to collect data from the respondents on the basis of area of study. In the
implementation of field-work, the researchers need to put into practice, appropriate data
collection methods in accordance to the requirements of the research study. On the other
hand, when there are organization of seminars and workshops in the department for one or
two weeks or one month, then too the participants are exposed to field-work. Field-work is
essential to acquire practical knowledge.
Instructional Strategies – The educators, who are teaching masters or doctoral level
students need to put into practice effective instructional strategies. When putting into
practice, instructional strategies, it needs to be ensured that students benefit and are able to
achieve their academic goals and objectives. The various instructional strategies that enrich
the role of adult education in promoting human resource management are, making use of
textbooks, articles and other reading materials, and providing explanation of the concepts;
allowing the learners to share their experiences and bring in knowledge within the classroom
setting; making use of internet to generate awareness in terms of various concepts; making
use of technology to give presentations; providing class and homework assignments to the
students and conducting tests. In order to implement instructional strategies in an appropriate
manner, it is essential for the educators to possess adequate knowledge and abilities.

Knowledge and Information – It is essential for the individuals to possess adequate

knowledge and information, particularly in terms of their job requirements. In adult education
departments, individuals are working in various positions. They are professors, administrative
staff members, researchers, technical assistants, teaching assistants and students. They need
to possess information in terms of the workings of the department and the innovative
strategies that they need to put into operation to augment their performance. When the
students are pursuing masters or doctoral programs, they are imparted adequate knowledge
and information by their instructors and supervisors. In order to promote human resource
management, it is not only essential for the educators to provide efficient and meaningful
knowledge and information, but it is essential on the part of learners as well to make use of
that knowledge and information to bring about improvements in their overall quality of lives.

Evaluation Methods – Evaluation methods are regarded to be of utmost significance

in identifying the limitations and bringing about improvements. In the field of adult
education, when educators have imparted knowledge to the students in terms of lesson plans
or concepts, they need to find out, how much the students have learned and whether their
teaching methods and instructional strategies have proven to be beneficial to the students.
Hence, for this purpose, they need to put into practice appropriate evaluation methods. The
commonly used evaluation methods are, class assignments, homework assignments,
presentations, and tests. When the students perform well, the educators understand that their
teaching-learning methods are effectual and worthwhile. On the other hand, when the
students are unable to perform well, then improvements need to be brought about in the
teaching-learning methods and instructional strategies.
Counselling and Guidance – In adult education, the individuals are different from
each other in terms of various aspects, such as, caste, creed, race, religion, ethnicity, gender,
occupation, and socio-economic background. Adult learners usually are overwhelmed by
number of responsibilities. Apart from pursuing academic programs or other courses, they
need to take care of household responsibilities, family responsibilities etc. In some cases, they
are engaged in full-time or part-time jobs, hence, they need to meet the job requirements as
well. Hence, when the individuals are overwhelmed by number of responsibilities and due to
which they experience setbacks in their academic performance or have other personal
problems, which are causing barriers within the course of achievement of desired academic
goals and objectives, they obtain counselling and guidance from either their professors or
supervisors or professional counsellors. Hence, counselling and guidance facilities have the
primary objective of supporting and helping the individuals to provide solutions to their
problems. When the individuals follow guidance, they are able to provide solutions to their
problems. Therefore, counselling and guidance are important aspects in promoting human
resource management.

Skills Development – Apart from acquisition of academic knowledge, the individuals

need to develop their skills. Communication skills are regarded to be of utmost significance.
For instance, adults, belonging to marginalized and economically weaker sections of the
society feel reluctant in communicating with the other individuals. Hence, they need to work
towards development of communication skills. Other skills, which individuals need to take
into account are, conflict resolution skills, time management skills, decision making skills,
rational thinking skills and cognitive skills. These skills are crucial in not only promoting
human resource management, but the individuals are able to render a significant contribution
in performing their tasks and activities satisfactorily. These tasks and activities may be
related to acquisition of education or employment or household management. When the
individuals have number of job responsibilities, they need to implement proper time
management skills. In this manner, they are able to take out sufficient time for all tasks.
Whereas, decision making is regarded as an integral part of one’s life. Hence, decision
making skills would help the individuals to make wise and meaningful decisions.

Group Work – In adult education, whether it is university, training centres, continuing

education centres or other schools and educational institutions, group work is common.
Research has indicated that in university departments, supervisors and professors have busy
schedules. They have number of job responsibilities. Hence, due to this, they are unable to
take out sufficient time even to guide doctoral students. Therefore, they encourage group
work. The individuals are encouraged to work on their projects in groups. When the
individuals are working in groups, they are able to generate information in terms of various
aspects from colleagues or fellow students. In addition, they feel more comfortable in
communicating with the fellow students, especially regarding their problems and challenges.
When the researchers are writing research papers, then too they may work individually or in
groups. In some cases, individuals may even work on a research paper in a group of six.
Hence, group work renders a significant contribution in augmenting skills and promoting
human resource management.

Social Inclusion – The phenomenon of social inclusion in adult education through

institutional engagement, when parents are keen in providing elementary, secondary and
college education to their children needs to be encouraged. Apart from various levels of
education, the individuals need to work towards development of their skills and abilities. One
of the aspects that is of utmost significance is, individuals need to generate awareness in
terms of practices that would promote social inclusion. As, it is apparent that when the
individuals are residing in the state of seclusion, they not only remain unaware, but
experience barriers within the course of enriching the overall quality of lives. To promote
social inclusion, there has been expansion of communication technology infrastructure in
educational institutions in backward and remote regions. Hence, improvements in
infrastructural facilities, teaching-learning methods and overall environmental conditions are
crucial aspects in promoting social inclusion and human resource management.

The Contribution of Adult Education in Community Living

India is a democratic republic. Democracy rests on the power of the people. The
contribution of adult education in democracy is to provide every citizen with the opportunity
for education. All individuals have the right to education, irrespective of caste, creed, race,
religion, ethnicity, gender, age, occupation, category, and socio-economic background. In
order to acquire education and make effective use of it in augmenting one’s living conditions,
it is vital to take into consideration three main factors. These are, personal enrichment,
professional advancement and effectual participation in social and political life (Chapter – V,
n.d.). When the individuals possess information in terms of these aspects, they are not only
able to acquire education, but are able to put into practice various essential traits that are
required to promote community well-being.
According to the Secondary Education Commission (1952-1953), the scope of adult
education in India is as comprehensive as life itself. The requirements of adult education
differ from the system of formal schooling. In order to enrich adult education programs and
to ensure they prove to be beneficial to the individuals in achieving their personal and
professional goals and augmenting the community living standards, the universities, public
institutions and libraries are the ones that play an important role. The major aspects that have
been taken into consideration by the Secondary Education Commission to promote
community living have been stated as follows: (Chapter – V, n.d.).

Liquidation of Illiteracy

To eradicate illiteracy, there have been recommendation of two approaches, i.e.

selective approach and mass approach. The selective approach is useful in the case of groups,
which can be identified, motivated and controlled for the literacy work. The preparation of
literacy programs is in accordance to the needs and requirements of the group members. The
individuals are able to augment their understanding, which would help them to obtain
employment opportunities. The selective literacy programs can be introduced in major firms
or large commercial establishments. Whereas, mass approach involves the mobilization of all
educated men and women within the country to constitute a force for eradicating illiteracy.
This is to be organized as a well-planned literacy campaign. Some of the universities in India
are engaged in research regarding various methods of adult learning. These include,
traditional method, alphabetical method, known to unknown method, integrated literacy
method and each one teach one method. Furthermore, the educators and learners need to
develop mutual understanding and work in harmony. The learners need to pay attention and
be regular in attending classes and augmenting literacy skills.

Continuing Education

When the adult learners are unaware of various concepts, they get enrolled in
Continuing Education Centres (CEC). Continuing education makes provision of knowledge
and information to the individuals that education does not end with schooling, but they need
to get engaged in learning throughout their lives. Through continuing education, individuals
generate awareness in terms of aspects, necessary in enriching their lives. In continuing
education, there are organization of state level and national level seminars, symposia,
workshops and training programs (Bhatia, 2013). These have the main objective of
eliminating impediments that are encountered by the disadvantaged sections of the society.
The impediments may take place on the basis of number of factors. These include, family
responsibilities, financial problems, employment, lack of interest in learning, transportation
problems, lack of infrastructure and facilities in educational institutions, and inadequate
teaching-learning methods.

But it is essential, particularly for the individuals, belonging to deprived, marginalized

and vulnerable sections of the society to recognize the significance of education. In the
present existence, research has indicated, there have been transformations taking place in the
viewpoints of these individuals and they are getting their children enrolled in schools. When
adults, do not obtain the opportunities to acquire education earlier, they get enrolled in
educational institutions, training centres and continuing education centres to augment their
understanding. It is essential for the individuals to acquire knowledge and enhance their
understanding in terms of various areas, such as, child development, personality
development, health and well-being, computer education, and so forth. Hence, they pursue
educational courses to acquire information in terms of various aspects, based on their
interests and abilities. In rural communities, agriculture is the main occupation of the
individuals. The agricultural labourers also get enrolled in training centres to acquire
knowledge regarding modern and innovative methods that are required to enhance

Correspondence Courses

When the individuals are unable to get enrolled in regular educational programs, they
pursue their studies through correspondence courses. In correspondence, the students receive
instructional materials through email or mail. They make the decisions regarding their
learning on their own. Communication with the instructors is not regular. When the
individuals are engaged in other tasks and activities, they pursue correspondence courses.
Normally, when the individuals are to get engaged in full-time jobs, after completion of high
school or graduation, they may pursue higher studies through correspondence. On the other
hand, when the individuals aspire to pursue two degrees simultaneously, then too they take up
courses through correspondence. In these courses, major advantages are, individuals obtain
the learning materials and prepare for the tests and they can get engaged in other tasks and
activities as well. Pursuing education through correspondence is manageable for the students
and they are allowed to make selection of the field, they want to pursue.

Universities and Libraries

In universities, not only in India, but in other countries of the world as well, there
have been establishment of adult education departments. In these departments, there are
masters and doctoral programs. In masters programs, classes are organized once a week for
subjects. In addition, there are organization of fieldwork activities, which enable the students
to augment their understanding in terms of practical world. When the students get enrolled in
doctoral programs, they are required to work on their research thesis, under the supervision of
the supervisor. The masters programs are usually of two years and doctoral programs are of
five years. Apart from pursuing educational programs, students are encouraged to render an
effective participation in the organization of workshops and seminars. Hence, in universities,
there have been implementation of activities that render an effective contribution in
facilitating the achievement of desired goals and objectives.

Libraries are important aspects that are essential to enrich the system of education and
provide assistance to the educators as well as the learners in accessing learning materials.
Improvements can be brought about in the libraries by making provision of new books,
articles, documents, and other reading materials. In addition, it is vital to have computers and
other technologies, such as, photo-copiers and printers. Furthermore, it is necessary to make
provision of proper sitting arrangement, furniture, equipment, and infrastructure, which
would enable the individuals to work comfortably. Hence, library facilities have been
effectual in enabling the individuals to achieve their academic goals.

Organization and Administration of Adult Education

Organization and administration are comprehensive terms. When conducting research

on organization and administration of adult education, there are number of aspects, which
need to be taken into consideration. These include, implementation of programs and courses,
proper utilization of teaching-learning methods and instructional strategies, organization of
workshops and seminars, formulating measures and policies, and inculcation of skills and
abilities that are necessary for carrying out the administrative functions in an appropriate
manner. The administrative staff members within the adult education department possess the
main job duties of preparing the paperwork and documentation. They make use of
technologies and carry out tasks and activities that are related to the functioning of the
department. In addition, they provide assistance to the heads and professors, especially when
they are to work on organization of workshops, seminars or discussion meetings.
In the organization and administration of adult education, the individuals need to pay
attention towards the managerial functions of planning, organizing, directing, staffing,
leading, co-ordinating and controlling. When the individuals are assigned leadership
functions, they need to ensure that they provide sufficient guidance and lead the individuals
in the right direction towards the achievement of desired goals and objectives. Furthermore, it
is essential for the members to develop mutual understanding and work in co-ordination and
integration with each other. In case of occurrence of conflicts and disagreements, they need to
put into practice peaceful conflict resolution methods. In addition, the individuals should be
well-aware regarding making effective use of financial resources. Hence, when the
individuals are knowledgeable, qualified and competent, when they are well-quipped with
usage of technology and well-aware in terms of their job duties, they would be able to carry
out the functions of organization and administration in an appropriate manner.

Role of Adult Education in Training of Human Resources

Through adult education, individuals, belonging to all categories and backgrounds are
able to understand that to carry out their tasks and functions satisfactorily, to achieve personal
and professional goals and to bring about improvements in their overall quality of lives, they
need to pursue education and get engaged in learning throughout their lives (Jinna, &
Maikano, 2014). When acquiring an understanding of the role of adult education in the
training of human resources, functional literacy education has been provided to the adults,
who have not had schooling before; functional and remedial education has been provided to
young individuals, who have dropped out of schools, prematurely; to make provision of
education for different categories of completers of formal education system to upgrade their
competencies and abilities; to provide in-service and on-the-job vocational and professional
training for different category of workers and professionals, to bring about improvements in
the implementation of job duties and to give adult citizens of the country, aesthetic, cultural
and civic education for public enlightenment.

Human resources are recruited with the organizations and educational institutions for
the performance of roles that require learning and change (Chapter 7, n.d.). When adult
education is putting into practice the methods and approaches to promote human resource
management, it is necessary to ensure, they possess efficient financial resources. When there
will be availability of sufficient financial resources, improvements can be brought about in
instructional strategies, teaching-learning methods, infrastructural facilities, technologies,
equipment, programs and the overall learning environment. It is vital for the individuals to
possess the required skills to manage the financial resources satisfactorily. When training
programs are to be organized effectually and to generate the desired outcomes, it is necessary
to ensure that financial resources are utilized satisfactorily and individuals make use of their
educational qualifications, competencies, skills and abilities.

The management of human resources will take place in an appropriate manner, when
the human resources will be efficiently trained. For the successful implementation of various
tasks and activities within the organization or educational institutions or agriculture or
production and manufacturing processes within the industries, it is necessary for the human
resources to possess adequate skills and abilities. Through adult education, individuals are
able to acquire information and augment their understanding in terms of various aspects.
With advancements taking place and with the advent of modernization and globalization,
there have been use of innovative, scientific, field methods and approaches to provide
training to human resources, particularly in terms of the fields, in which they are engaged.

Training programs are impactful, when they influence the practical behaviours of the
educationists. Evaluation of training programs helps in identification of discrepancies
between what the program has achieved and its objectives. Assessing these impacts involves
looking at the long-term goals of the learners; changes in knowledge, attitudes, skills and
aspirations of the learners; the reaction of extension agents to the training, while considering
the number and characteristics of learners; the training activities that are put into practice and
the resources dedicated to the program. Evaluation of extension personnel against training
objectives can also motivate trainees to put into practice, what they have learned, thereby,
bringing about improvements in their job performance. Changes in the job performance can
be evaluated, making use of indicators, such as objectives and target dates, quality of work,
knowledge and skills, co-operating regarding team activities, ability to work with minimum
supervision, self-discipline, dedication, creativity, flexibility, communication skills, vision
and strategy, motivation and initiative, future potential, confidence, and commitment towards
the achievement of goals and objectives (Kante, Moore, Akeredolu, Edwards, Annor-
Frempong, & Moriba, 2016).
Pre-service training provides individuals with the knowledge and skills, before their
employment with the extension organizations. In the developing worlds, many extension
personnel receive pre-service education at the secondary level, receiving the certificates in
agriculture and related fields, needed to qualify for entry level employment in extension. A
typical curriculum might include, lesson plans with the concepts, in terms of which, it is
necessary for the individuals to acquire knowledge. In the present existence, most of the
extension personnel, who possess only secondary education are senior and close to the
retirement age. Pre-service training at the tertiary or post-secondary level is offered by
agricultural universities, colleges, polytechnics and vocational training institutes (Kante,
Moore, Akeredolu, Edwards, Annor-Frempong, & Moriba, 2016).
In-service training is an on-the-job process of capacity building that provides
opportunity to the extension personnel to update their knowledge and skills. Five types of in-
service training have been identified. These include, induction or orientation, foundation
training, maintenance or refresher training, on-the-job training and career and development
training. Apart from these different types of training, the organization of seminars,
conferences and workshops are crucial. These events help in the raising of issues affecting
best practices, promote learning, facilitate discussion and set challenges in the field. The
sharing of knowledge, experience and expertise during these events render a significant
contribution in the management of human resources (Kante, Moore, Akeredolu, Edwards,
Annor-Frempong, & Moriba, 2016). When the individuals acquire knowledge and augment
their understanding, they are able to bring about progressions in not only in their knowledge
and competencies, but also in the implementation of tasks and functions.
It is apparent and is comprehensively understood that acquisition of education leads to
development of knowledge, skills and abilities among individuals. Possession of adequate
knowledge, and information on the part of the human resources render a significant
contribution in the management of human resources. When they make effective use of their
education and skills in carrying out their tasks and activities, particularly in augmenting their
career prospects, it is stated that education has led to human resource management. Role of
adult education in human resource management is significant. Through adult education,
individuals are able to acquire an efficient understanding of the concepts and acknowledge
the fact that they need to learn throughout their lives. Learning not just takes place in a
certain period of time, but throughout the lives of the individuals, they need to generate
information in terms of various aspects.
In adult education, the main aspects that are important in promoting human resource
management are, workshops and seminars, training and development programs, field-work,
instructional strategies, knowledge and information, evaluation methods, counselling and
guidance, skills development, group work and social inclusion. Adult education also renders
a significant contribution in community development. In this case, the main aspects, which
are taken into consideration are, liquidation of illiteracy, continuing education,
correspondence courses, universities and libraries and organization and administration of
adult education. Another concept, which has been taken into account is, adult education
performs an important role in training of human resources. Whether the individuals pursue
masters programs, doctorate programs or short-term courses, the main objective of all the
educational programs is to impart knowledge and understanding of the concepts that are
necessary to achieve the desired goals and objectives. Finally, it can be stated that to make
use of adult education in promoting human resource management, it is necessary to make
effective use of financial resources, implement modern and innovative strategies and
approaches and human resources should inculcate the traits of diligence, resourcefulness and

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