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Title page

The title page should include:

1. A clear, concise and informative title that reflects the content of the manuscript.

2. Authors‟ names.

Are those who have made substantial contributions to the research work. Authors are
required to obtain the consent of all their coauthors prior to submitting a manuscript
for publication. In case of multiple authorship, one author must be designated as the
“Corresponding Author” with an asterisk. The submitting or Corresponding Author is
the person to whom correspondence should be addressed. All authors must provide
his/her full name, institutional affiliation and mailing address. The Corresponding
Author should also provide his/her contact information like telephone/mobile number
and email address.

3. Names and addresses of the institution of the authors.

4. A running title (an abbreviated form of the title) not longer than 35 letters and

5. E-mail address of the corresponding author.


The abstract must not exceed 300 words and should be concise and include only the
most important aspects of the study. It should summarize very briefly the
rationale/purpose, materials and methods, major findings, and conclusions.


List single word, compound or phrases that indicate major subjects, concepts or ideas.
Five keywords should be given below the abstract.

This should contain an overview of the field of concern, the specific subject of the
study and the description of the research problem which are all to be supported by
citations from literature.

Materials and Methods

Must specify the materials as these were used in the procedure that is detailed enough
for probable replication or adoption for future studies. Simply cite a procedure if it has
been published elsewhere, but provide more details to the modification, if any.

Results and Discussion

Findings should be consistent with the objectives of the study. Sub-captions should be
same if not similar with those used in the Materials and Method. Discussion should be
done for integration purposes, i.e., within other results of the study or with reference
to earlier studies.


These should include the summary and implications of findings of the study.
Recommendations can be included in the Results and Discussion section.
illustrations should be placed in the text and numbered sequentially using Arabic
numerals. Like tables, figures must be cited within the text. Figures and tables must
be placed close to the point where they are discussed within the text.

Other points to consider include: 1. Table and Figure captions should be written
Figure 1. Text. 2. The graphics must be submitted as *.jpg or *.tiff files.

3. They must have a minimum resolution of 600 dpi for good reproduction.

4. Images from other authors‟ work must be properly referenced.

5. Manuscript should be spell-checked and grammar-checked before submission to

get away with trivial errors.

6. Papers should be written in English.

7. Abbreviations and acronyms should be used consistently and are defined when they
first appear in the text.

Ex. HYV for high yielding variety, ANOVA for analysis of variance

8. For scientific names, shorten the generic name to the first capital letter followed by
the species by the second they are mentioned in the text. 9. Use recommended SI
units and symbols. Use exponents instead of slash (ex. m s-1). All scientific units must
be preceded by a space, for example: „... for 2.5 h at 50 °C‟ not „... for 2.5h at 50°C‟.

10. Use tab stops for indents not the space bar.

11. Use the table function of Microsoft Word and not spreadsheets to create tables.

12. Use the Microsoft equation editor or an equivalent for equations.


Acknowledgements of people, grants, funding agencies, scholarships, etc. should be

included in this section just before the references.

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