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2/17/2019 Manipulation with Decibels

  10. Manipulation with Decibels

In the study of acoustics, calculations are mainly performed in
decibels, e.g. addition, averaging, and subtraction.
(a) Adding Decibels
For n numbers of sound power levels acting together, the ith sound
power, Wi, is given by :

Total sound power,

So total sound power level,

(17) 1/6
2/17/2019 Manipulation with Decibels

Similarly, for sound pressure levels,


Example 1
For the addition of 3 sound pressure levels : 90dB, 95dB and 88dB,
the total sound pressure level :

Lpt = 10 log10 [log-1(90/10) + log-1(95/10) + log-1(88/10)]

= 10 log10 (109 + 109.5 + 108.8)

= 96.8dB

It can be seen that addition of decibels in this way is quite tedious. In

practice, graphs are designed to give the sum of two decibel values
(see Fig. 6). Values obtained by using these graphs are less accurate,
but are generally sufficient.
(b) Averaging Decibels
It follows from Equation (18) that the time average decibel level, Lp,
is given by :

(19) 2/6
2/17/2019 Manipulation with Decibels

and similarly,


Figure 6 Graph for Adding Decibels

Example 2
Suppose that the 4 different measurements of the sound pressure
level at a particular location are 96dB, l00dB, 90dB, and 97dB, then
the average sound pressure level is given by :

Lp = 10 log10 [(1/4) (109.6 + 1010 + 109 + 109.7)]

= 97dB
When the fluctuation in sound level is small, Equations (19) and (20)
can be approximated by simplified forms :

(i) If 3/6
2/17/2019 Manipulation with Decibels



(ii) If



(c) Subtracting Decibels

In certain instances, it is desirable to subtract an ambient or
background sound pressure level from a total measured level. This
allows one to determine the sound pressure level produced by a
particular source. In general, it is not possible to make meaningful
measurements of sound pressure level unless the background sound
pressure level is at least 3 dB below the level of the source under
Let the subscripts t, b, and s represent the total, background, and the
source, respectively. Then,

and, 4/6
2/17/2019 Manipulation with Decibels


Re-arrange Equation (25),



Example 3
The sound pressure level at a point is 85dB and 94dB with a
particular machine 'off' and 'on' respectively, i.e.
Lp,b = 85dB
Lp,t = 94dB

The sound pressure level due to the machine is :

Lp,s = 10 log10 [log-1(94/10) - log-1(85/10)]
= 10 log10 (2.196 x 10)
= 93.4dB

Once again, graphs are devised to help the subtraction of decibel

values (see Fig. 7).
In case the background noise level is close to or even greater than the
sound level of the source, more advanced methods which measure
sound intensity have to be used for analysis of sound power. 5/6
2/17/2019 Manipulation with Decibels

Figure 7 Graph for Subtracting Decibels 6/6

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