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Expression of interest to become a AAPT Wholesale Partner

Please be aware that AAPT incorporates minimum spend, security criteria
along with your business plan into assessing new Partner applications. Refer
to the following link for further information

Once completed please save this document and email it to

General Business Information

Company name:

Company ABN:      

Name of General Manager
Name of Network Director      
Name of Sales Director

Company web address:      

Is your company publically listed? Y /N

If not, how is your company funded? Please select from drop-down list


Do you have access to additional capital if required? Y /N

Main business address:

Select State

Other business addresses by state: Select State

Year founded:

Why is reselling AAPT Products of interest to your business?


Select the category that best describes your business Please select from drop-
down list

What is the main focus of your business?

     %      %
Residential Business

How many residential customers do you currently have?

How many business customers do you currently have?

Are you currently a reseller/ associate of an existing AAPT Partner?

Y /N
If yes, who is the AAPT Partner?
Which product or service does your business focus on? State percentage of
each focus area.
Voice Reseller %
Fixed %
Mobile %
Internet Service Provider %
Application Service Provider %
Service Provider %
Systems Integrator %
Other (please specify) %


Staffing Information:

If staff are multi-tasked, please only list them once in the list below

Total number of staff today:

Number of full time direct sales staff:

Number of part time direct sales staff:

Number of telemarketing staff:
Number of support/ operational staff:
Number of technical staff:
Number of administrative and other staff:

Wholesale Spend:

Who is your current major telecommunication supplier? Please select from

drop down list

What is your current annual wholesale spend as per the product spilt below
DSL2+ $
Wholesale/Transit IP $
Voice - Fixed $
Voice - Voip $
Voice - Mobile $
Other $
What do you estimate your monthly wholesale spend to be in the first 3
months with AAPT? Please select from drop down list

What do you estimate your monthly wholesale spend to be 6 – 12 months into

your contract with AAPT? Please select from drop down list

Marketing and Promotions:

Who is your businesses main target market?

Does your business have a geographical focus? Please select from drop down

Does your business have a vertical market focus? Please select from drop
down list

What are your businesses plans for expansion over the next 6 months?

What marketing activities, in specific reference to AAPT products, will you

initiate over the next 6 months to acquire new clients?

Do you currently offer a reseller/ associate program? Y /N

If yes, how many resellers do you currently support? Please select from the
drop down list


Do you manage your own billing platform? Y /N

If no, please state who manages this? Please select from the drop down list

What payment terms do you offer to your clients? Please select from drop
down list

Do you bill your clients in advance or in arrears? Advance / Arrears

Technical Support:

Do you manage your own level 1 technical support desk? Y /N

If you outsource your level 1 technical support please state who manages this

What levels of after-sales technical support do you offer to your customers?

Please select from drop-down box
Main Contact Details

In submitting this application form to AAPT Partners, you have acknowledged

that the information you have provided is accurate and relevant. If you
provide us with incomplete or inaccurate information, you may not be able to
participate in the AAPT Partners Program.

Name and title:


Phone no:

Please ensure you have attached and completed the AAPT Non Disclosure
Agreement (NDA) and a copy of your 12 month business plan.

Once completed please save this document and email it to as a Word attachment.
For Completion by AAPT Partners

AAPT Partner Manager


Signature and date

General Manager, Wholesale, AAPT


Signature and date
Credit Check Completed Y /N

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