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Course Outline

Subject: Eco. BBA -1207

Subject: (Basic Mathematics I)
Semester: BBA 1st
Despite the technological changes in the business world, there is a critical need for basic business
math skills.  When workers do not have the ability to perform the basic computations required in
business, both the workers and business suffer.  Math is a perishable skill.  Once learned, it must
be used constantly in order for a high rate of proficiency to be maintained. This course reviews
basic mathematical operations and presents typical business applications while offering
instruction and practice in the proper use of electronic calculating equipment. The course serves
as a good foundation for further study in management, accounting and finance.
Course Objectives
Business Mathematics presents math skills and knowledge that you can apply to solve financial
problems. Finance plays a major role in our lives--car loans, mortgage payments, retirement
plans, real estate investment--and knowing how to calculate the cost of borrowing or the return
on investment is important to us. The course provides step-by-step guidance through sample
problems and solutions related to banking, credit, basic finance and investment. You will also
gain an understanding of financial instruments and terminology used in business finance such as
compound interest, annuities and promissory notes.
The learning process will be a blend of interactive sessions, spreadsheet handling,
presentations, case studies, group discussions and assignments.
Recommended Text Books:
 Business Mathematics by Mirza and Mirza
 Fundamental of Business Mathematics by Graham Eaton
 Business Mathematics by Mary Jane Sterling
Course Duration: 16 weeks
Evaluation System
Attendance Assignment & Class Quiz Mid-Term Final-Term Total

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5 10 5 20 60 100

Weeks Chapter Name Reading Material

 Number System
o Discrete Number
 Natural Number
 Whole Number
 Integer Number
o Continuous Number
 Real Number
Number System,
1, 2, 3  Rational
L.C.M, H.C.F  Irrational
 Factor
o Prime Factor
o Composite Factor
 L.C.M
 H.C.F

 Variables
 Constants
 Exponents
 Like and unlike terms
 Polynomial
 Monomials, Binomial ,Trinomials,Multi
 Operation on polynomial
Basic Algebra
4&5  Addition
 Subtraction
 Multiplication
 Division
 Fraction
 Types of fraction
 Operation on fraction

6, 7 & 8 Matrix  Introduction to Matrix
introduction  Types of matrix
 Order of matrix
 Operations on Matrix
 Addition of matrix
 Subtraction of matrix
 Multiplication of matrix
 Determinant
 Inverse
 Inverse method

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 Cramer rules
 Echelon Form and reduce echelon form
 Application of Matrix

 Introduction to Equation
 Linear Equation
 Different method of solving L.E
 L.E with one variable
 L.E with two variable
9, 10 &  L.E with three variable
Equation  Solving Linear Equation with different
 Elimination Method
 Substitution Method
 Application

 Introduction to Quadratic equation
 Solving Quadratic Equation by taking
 Solving quadratic Equation by taking square
12 & 13 root method
Equation  Quadratic Equation solver
 Factorization
 Completing square
 Quadratic Formula (Mohammad Bin-e-Musa)
 Definition of Logarithm
 Rules for characteristics and mantissa
Logarithm  Use of log tables
 Method of interpolation
 Laws of logarithm
 Application
 Definitions of Sequence
 Different types of Sequences
 Arithmetic Sequence
 Geometric Sequence
 Harmonic sequence
 Definition of Series
Sequence and  Arithmetic Series
15 & 16
Series  Geometric Series
 Harmonic series
 Sum of Arithmetic series.
 Sum of Geometric Series
 sum of HS
 Applications of Sequence and Series in

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