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Group 2 : Social Issues (Women Abuse)

Role : President of Perak Women Society

: Famous Criminal Lawyer
: Teacher (in the progress of doing PhD programme for 3 years)
: Psycholgy Professor
Additional Role : Friend of teacher
: Narrator

 Maha Veera Prasad (Abimanyu) = Husband @

Famous Criminal Lawyer

 Cynthia (Emy) = Wife @ Teacher

 Jaamuna (Sree) = Proffesor@ Good Friend of Tanesh

 Taneshwary (Tanesh) = President@ Goood Friend of Sree@ Narrator

 Athavan (Arjun) = Friend@ Classmate of Emy


 Social Issues: Women Abuse

The role play is about the women abuse that happen frequently in the society. Four of us will
be carrying out some important characters in the role play. Jaamuna as Sree will be the
personal professor for Cynthia called ‘Emy’ who is doing her PhD on psychology for 3 years
time. Maha Veera Prasad called ‘Abimanyu’ will be holding the character of a husband and
also a well-known criminal lawyer. Taneshwary as the ‘President of the Perak Women
Society’ and also Jaamuna’s best friend. The story is about Abimanyu was actually a love
failure person who agreed to marry Emy for the sake of his mother. After some times, Emy
also got pregnant and was suffering from her husband’s abuse daily. Emy was also keep
tolerating her husband just because of her child’s future and her pure love on him. At last,
this issue have got to know by Emy’s lecturer. To proceed further regarding this, Jaamuna
contact with Tanesh. Then, Abimanyu will be having caunseling with Taneshwary for a better
solutions towards their problem. After all, Abimanyu and Emy will compromise and will be
signing some agreement to live a better live after this. In the end, the couple live happily ever

As we all frequently getting to know about women abuse in the society nowdays. So that, as
emphasising the cause, effect and prevention of thgis social issue. We are carrying out a role
play entitle ‘Women Abuse’. The story would be like this. Eventhough, Abimanyu can’t
reminisce from his past (love failure) but he still married Emy for the sake of his mother. Yet,
he can’t forget his first love and get frustrated beyond that he would abuse Emy by hitting or
hurting her, although she is pregnant. To lose his stress and all his tensions he would be
doing this daily without taking a single moment to think about her. When goes to Emy, she
will be just accepting all this just for her fate of life and for the sake of her child. So, audions
this is how the story is going to be…

Abimanyu just back from his court case which he couldn’t find an end for the judgement.
Obviously, it adding up more burden in his life. He settled down on the sofa and put his eyes
on the dining table to fill up his grumbling stomach, but the dinner was missing. The hungry
man is the angry man as well. So… let’s watch
Abi: Errrrr…Emy!!!!
Emy: Started, Yes!!! What’s that???
Abi: Have you gone mad? Till while you have been torturing me by giving me your annoying
appearance in this house. But now you are not eligible and responsible anymore to complete
the house chores.
Emy: Ohhhh really!!! Thank you reminding me again that I’m your wife.
Abi: Where’s my dinner???
Emy: OMG!!! I’m extremely sorry for that…
Abi: hit!!! Slap!!! You think your sorry is good enough??? I’m tired of it.
Emy: And I’m tired of you as well
Abi: Slap!!!
Emy: Please…please…I actually forget about the dinner. Because, I was busy preparing first
part of my tesis that has to be present tomorrow. I didn’t do it purposely. Even, myself I
haven’t take my dinner till now.
Abi: Do I look like care??? If you can’t be a perfect wife for me, you may get out this house,
and I have my way towards my future. You get me? You better understand!!!
Emy: Okay. Forgive me. Just wait for few minutes. I’ll just prepare something for you.
Abi: Enjoy your dinner!!! (bang the door and went out)

On the next day, Emy went University to present her first part of thesis to her personal
Professor Sree. For the world outside, they seems to be the perfect couple and succeeding
in their profesion. Moreover, this is the way how Emy also attend the classes.
Sree: Hello, good morning Emy.
Emy: Morning…Prof
Sree: So how you doing?
Emy: mmm…good actually, Prof I would like to present work and researches so far on this.
Sree: Yeah! Okay.
( after half an hour )
Sree: So far your researches are good on this. But you have some starting problems on your
thesis it seems to know. One for most, I came to know that, you are running out focus on
this. Maybe you have to take enough rest to spend more time on this. Okay…
Emy: Oh, okay Prof. I’ll take look on it and get a better want. Than you Prof.
Sree: Yeah welcome. Take care Emy. Bye.

After presenting her thesis, Emy will have a sudden entry with Arjun her classmate.
Arjun: Hey…Emy
Emy: Hi, good to see you, Arjun.
Arjun: What’s Prof’s comment?
Emy: Haishh… need more focus … (slipped)
Arjun: Hey careful!!! If you don’t mind can we have lunch together at the nearby restaurant?
Emy: Sorry next time buddy. I have some works. Catch you later. Bye.
Arjun: No problem. Careful Okay. Miss you. Bye.

The next day morning, Emy and Abi had a big quarrel for losting Abi’s case file that need to
bring for the hearing on that day. While finding the file…
Emy: I was cleaning the house yesterday. I’m sorry, I have left it somewhere. Be patient! I’ll
get it for you.
Abi: I told you what, you are no more doing the work properly. As your thoughts are flying
somewhere else!!!
(shouting) Faster!!! I want the file…
Emy: (with tears) Abi hope you mind your words. I’m not such girl and I’m just helping you all
the time as I could.
Abi: Hah!!! There you are intelligent. You get me actually ah!!! Do you think I’m an idiot till I
don’t know anything about your ‘Arjun Rampal’??? TRAITOR!!!
Emy: Stop!!! Just stop it I said!!! Nothing doing. His is just my classmate and friend to me.
What you are thinking is wrong Abi. There is nothing between us.
Abi: Is that so?? My file. Try for a better story next time. Bye.

Days are passing. Emy attend classes in University. After sometimes, Proffessor, Sree and
Arjun started to recognise Emy’s body condition and her focus in class. From this, Arjun
started to take advantages on Emy. How it’s going to be???
Sree: Emy…are you okay my dear??? You looking so down.
Emy: Ya, I’m okay Prof. I’m just a liitle bit tired.
Arjun: The class also over. Can I drop you home Emy? You looking bad.
Emy: That’s okay. Thank you.
Arjun: Why nowdays you avoiding me, Emy??? What’s wrong with you???
Emy: I’m not actually. I’m just quiet busy, that’s why. Nothing else, Arjun.
Arjun: Yes you are Emy. Please be straight to me!!! That’s better.
Emy: My husband and my family are the first liberty. Please don’t disturb me, Arjun. I’m sorry
to say all this. But for our own I must do it.
Arjun: But Emy… I can feel that you are having too much obstacles in your personal life. Just
that I don’t show what I feel and I’m just caring for you.
Emy: Why should you?
Arjun: Why can’t I?
Emy: Who are you?
Arjun: Maybe your better life partner after this!!!
Emy: Stop there Arjun!!! This is the limit… Let’s end this here.
Arjun: Emy…..
(Emy walked away without a word while Abimanyu bumped into Eny accidentally when on
his way to the shoip nearby Emy’s Institude. Somewhere Arjun is just behind some steps
calling out her name loudly till Abi realise and look at Emy)
Abi: (slapped Emy and pulled her to the car back)
Sree: Ohh my goodness!!! What is going on between them. I must do something for a better
solution for them.

Professor Sree contact with her friend Taneshwary who is the President of Perak Women
Society to solve the problem. They have discussed and had a decision to make a meeting
with Abimanyu, Emy and Arjun. On the day…
Tanesh: So, nice to meeting you Mr. Abimanyu and Mr. Arjun and Mrs. Emy. I get know all
your problems through my friend, Sree.
Arjun: Abimanyu is abusing Emy and I can’t accept it. I want to lead a better life for Emy.
Hope you understand mam!!!
Tanesh: Yeah I understand that you shouldn’t be interesting their life. You have also no
rights to lead a better life either to Emy or Abi. It’s their life and it’s their responsibility to lead
their life. For your kind information Mr. Arjun, you are just a person called friend that came
across in Emy’s life fot little while. And that’s it your distance. So, hope you understand all
this rules and with respect you may leave now, sir.
Emy: After all this, as Arjun said Abi have been abusing and neglecting me with all his way.
He didn’t ever take a single second to think about me and the child at all. I’m actually
speechless and I’m exhausted because of him. So, who is answerable for me.
Tanesh: Abimanyu you should answewr4 and talk now. Both of you are the succeeding
profesionals that should not be handling your problems by court cases or police ancuaries.
There is a status for both of you people. In that case, I’m here to solve your problems by two
agreements. Neither you sign the agreement to not to abuse her anymore and accepting her
as your wife with full of heart or divorce. The choice is yours.
Abi: Okay. I apologise for everything I done. I want to live a better life with Emy mam. I
realise everything and I regrade for everything. I’m really sorry.
Emy: Eventhough, the sorry doesn’t mean everything but this would be thegood starting for
us Abi. I’m convinced. Hope you will be the perfect husband after this as you said. I need
your moral supports for my carrier and for a good future of our child.
Tanesh: Well, so now my job is easy. But Abimanyu you must sign on the agreements as the
proof according to the law. Againsting the law is not the good want. Alright, Mr. Abi and Mrs.
Emy, good luck and let’s hope for the best. This is my wish as the personal wellwisher. Have
a good life!!!


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