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Camilo Jimenez

Evidence: A scholarship for me.

Name of the program: Máster Oficial - Economía y Administración

de Empresas / Economics and Business
Content: Fundamentals of Economics and
15 OB
Business I
Fundamentals of Economics and
15 OB
Business II
Master Thesis 10 OB
Finance I 10 OT*
Finance II 10 OT*
Industrial Organization I 10 OT*
Industrial Organization II 10 OT*
Public Policies I 10 OT*
Public Policies II 10 OT
Place: Centro: Facultad de Economía y Empresa, Universidad
autónoma de Barcelona.
Duration: One year.
Requirements: Pregrade in any economic science.
Deadlines: 10/01/2020

As a professional in business and administration, I have a great interest in an

Economics and Business Administration master in order to improve my
competence in the job market, which is deeply related to my career
objectives, mainly because of the content similarities and the main objectives
of the administration and business. The program is structured by credits, 60
in total; there are nine academic subjects in one year. The requirements to
apply are to be a graduate of a grade of economic sciences, a presentation
letter that includes reasons why you deserve the scholarship, what are you
going to do around your community, etc...
I have completed the presentations letter and the proposal of a social impact
around my community, I need to complete my grade in business and I really
hope to be able to get the scholarship

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