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Cuando la alta technología se encuentra con la baja technología : dinámicas de eco-

innovación y estrategia corporativa en el sector de la construccíon

Andersen, Maj Munch

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Citation (APA):
Andersen, M. M. (2010). Cuando la alta technología se encuentra con la baja technología : dinámicas de eco-
innovación y estrategia corporativa en el sector de la construccíon. Ekonomiaz, (75), 112-139.

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When High-tech meets Low-tech:
Eco-innovation Dynamics and Corporate
Strategizing in the Construction Sector

In recent years green innovation or “eco-innovation” has grown increasingly to become one of the
main drivers of economic development. This is a major change with regard to earlier times, when the
environment in general was considered as a burden for businesses. This paper presents an empirical
and theoretical analysis of the dynamics of the “greening” of industry in an effort to learn more about
the competitive conditions for eco-innovation against a background of continuous change and in
various economic contexts. We study the case of the corporate strategies of firms involved in the
chain of production of paper in Denmark in regard to environment-related nanotechnology, using an
“evolutionary capabilities” approach. Nanotechnology is of interest because it is at the early stages
of development, because of its envisaged environmental potential and because of the environmental
risks associated with it. It is also an example of the most high-tech side of eco-innovation and
therefore of the absorption capacity of the construction sector.

Azken urteetan berrikuntza berdea edo «eko-berrikuntza» gero eta gehiago bihurtzen ari da garapen
ekonomikoaren bultzatzaile nagusienetako bat. Aldaketa garrantzitsua da aurreko garaiekin aldera-
tuz, oro har ingurumena zamatzat hartzen baitzen negozioetarako. Artikulu honek industriaren «eko-
logizazio» dinamiken azterketa enpiriko eta teorikoa biltzen du, hobeto uler daitezen eko-berrikun-
tzaren lehia-baldintzak, etengabe aldatuz doazela eta testuinguru ekonomiko ezberdinak dituztela.
Danimarkako paper-katean nanoteknologia ekologikoaren alorrean esku-hartzen duten enpresen
korporazio-estrategiaren kasua aztertu dugu, «gaitasun ebolutiboen» ikuspegia aplikatuz. Nanotek-
nologia interesgarria da lehenengo garapen-fasean dagoelako, ahalera ekologikoa aurreikusi zaio-
lako eta ingurumen-arriskuak dituelako lotuta. Era berean, eko-berrikuntzaren alderdi teknologikoe-
naren adibidea da eta, beraz, eraikuntza-sektorearen absortzio-gaitasunaren adibidea ere bada.

A lo largo de los últimos años, la innovación verde o «eco-innovación» se ha ido convirtiendo cada
vez más en uno de los principales impulsores del desarrollo económico. Es un cambio importante
respecto a épocas anteriores, cuando en general el medio ambiente era considerado una carga
para los negocios. Este artículo recoge un análisis empírico y teórico de las dinámicas de «ecolo-
gización» de la industria para comprender mejor las condiciones competitivas de la eco-innova-
ción, en continuo cambio y en distintos contextos económicos. Estudiamos el caso de la estra-
tegia corporativa de las empresas que intervienen en la cadena de papel danesa respecto de la
nanotecnología ecológica, aplicando el enfoque de las «capacidades evolutivas». La nanotecno-
logía es interesante por encontrarse en la primera fase de desarrollo, por su potencial ecológico
previsto y los riesgos medioambientales asociados a ella. También es un ejemplo de la vertiente
más tecnológica de la eco-innovación, y por lo tanto de la capacidad de absorción del sector de la

Ekonomiaz N.o 75, cuatrimestre, 2010

Maj Munch Andersen
Technical University of Denmark


1. Introduction
2. Selection, organization and eco-innovation 59
3. Innovation in the danish window chain
4.-Green nano-innovation in the danish window chain
5. Conclusions

Keywords: Eco-innovation, windows, glass manufacture, nanotechnology, green nanotechnology.

JEL classification: L11, L22, L61, L74.

1. INTRODUCTION 2006; Andersen and Foxon, 2009, OECD,

2009). Eco-innovation is by now seen as
Climate change mitigation has over
a core driver of economic development
the last few years come to present one
and even as a means to ‘green recovery’
of the most important global policy goals,
in the current serious global financial crisis
increasingly shared across policy domains
(Milliband, 2007; Barroso, 2007; Andersen
and regions. Associated with this strong
and Foxon, 2009; OECD, 2009).
climate agenda, there is a new global
race to become leaders in what leading This new attention to eco-innovation,
politicians term “the green industrial particularly marked in the period 2007-2010,
revolution” or the “New green deal” represents a dramatic shift from earlier.
(Obama, 2009; Brown, 2009). There is Only a few years ago the environmental
a new focus on innovation as a means agenda had a much lower standing and
to solving environmental problems. This the expectations as to the effects on the
tendency is caught by the novel concept economy were moderate if not negative.
of ‘eco-innovation’ which is increasingly Generally speaking, environmental issues
consolidated at the international (EU and were considered a burden to most
OECD) policy level (EC, 2009; OECD, businesses and overall competitiveness
2009). Eco-innovation concept is closely by both business and policy makers
connected to green growth policies, (Kemp and Andersen, 2004). Accordingly,
symbolizing an rising synergy between innovation policy and environmental policy
environmental and innovation policies used to be opposites (Andersen, 2006,
(Kemp and Andersen, 2004; Andersen, 2009).

Ekonomiaz N.o 75, cuatrimestre, 2010

Maj Munch Andersen

This paper seeks to contribute to our the economic organization resulting from
understanding of the industrial dynamics the economic process; that is how firms
of the ‘greening’ of industry and how this organize and coordinate their production
has been changing over time. Applying and learning in dynamic markets (Teece,
an evolutionary economic perspective this 1986, 1996; Liebermann and Montgomery,
paper posits to interpret the rise of eco- 1988, 1998; Langlois and Robertson, 1995;
innovation and the ‘green market’ as a Langlois, 1992, 2003, 2004). By looking
specific historic phase (Andersen, 2010a, into corporate strategizing of firms along a
2010b). We know little about the changing value chain, the analysis seeks to capture
dynamics of this green economic evolution how interdependent but heterogenous firms
over time and how it affects different at different places in the chain respond to
parts of the economy, both theoretically the new profit opportunities.
and empirically. A core reason for this is
In contrast much environmental
that orthodox neoclassical economics has
analysis of firm or value chains tends to be
dominated environmental research and
managerial and of a prescriptive nature. Also
policy making and have, with their static
the more evolutionary economic analysis
notion of rationality and focus on short run
have so far tended to focus strongly on the
allocation, failed to realize that markets are
effects of environmental regulation on eco-
greening (Andersen, 2010a, 2010b).
innovation (Rennings, 2000, 2003; Hübner
The evolutionary economic perspective et al., 2000; Markusson, 2001; Kemp,
is quite different focusing on the role of 2000; Foxon, 2005, 2007; van den Bergh
innovation for long run economic and social et al., 2006, 2007; Reid and Miedzinski,
development. As a starting point competitive 2008; Carrillo-Hermosilla et al., 2009).
conditions are presumed to be constantly Overall, there has been limited analysis into
changing (Nelson and Winther, 1982). A the industrial dynamics of the greening of
core interest within this field is to analyze the industry per sé. As data and statistics on
rate and direction of technological change eco-innovation is poor (Kemp and Pearson,
(Dosi, 1982). Interpreting eco-innovation 2007; Andersen, 2007; OECD, 2009) we
from this perspective means inquiring into overall know very little about trends in the
what makes the economy move in a green greening of different industries and less
direction (Andersen, 1999, 2002, 2010b). about the greening dynamics in value
This paper seeks to feed into this
discussion by an empirical analysis of The empirical case chosen is the
corporate eco-innovation strategizing uptake of green nanotechnology in the
along a value chain. This paper posits construction sector. More specifically, the
that applying an ‘evolutionary capabilities’ paper is based on a qualitative study of
perspective to a value chain analysis corporate strategizing in the Danish window
may provide valuable insights into the chain. The construction sector has been
dynamics of the ‘greening’ of industry. chosen because it is a very traditional, fairly
This perspective has only been very little low-tech and conservative sector (Gann,
applied to the environmental area (see 2003). It is also a sector with a very high
Andersen, 1999, 2002). The evolutionary environmental impact both in the form of
capabilities literature analyses changes in waste production and energy consumption.

Ekonomiaz N.o 75, cuatrimestre, 2010

When High-tech meets Low-tech: Eco-innovation Dynamics and Corporate Strategizing in the Construction Sector

As buildings account for 40 pct. of the Elvin, 2007; Schmidt, 2007). The green
global energy consumption the sector nanopotentials in the construction sector
is increasingly influenced by the climate have been emphasized, but still we know
change mitigation agenda (Elvin, 2007; more about the potentialities than real
Andersen et al., 2010). Energy efficiency trends in commercialization (Elvin, 2007;
has become one out of three main climate Schmidt, 2007, Andersen and Molin, 2007;
policy targets, the two other being CO 2 Andersen et al., 2010).
reductions and growth in renewable energy
technologies. Also eco-innovation in Nanotechnology is an interesting case
of eco-innovation because of these very 61
construction is more generally seen as an
important means to develop more resource high expectations to the green profit
efficient lifestyles, as buildings to a high opportunities mixed with the concerns for
degree influence on energy and resource the environmental and health risks. The
use in the user phase. question is how will firms react to these
mixed signals? Further, nanotechnology is
Nanotechnology is interesting as a a case of a high-tech emerging technology,
case because of the high expectations whereas the construction sector is fairly
to the environmental opportunities. low-tech. This raises general questions as to
Nanotechnology is the ability to analyze the absorptive capacity of the construction
and manipulate matter at the nanoscale, sector towards nanotechnology. Nanotech
where the chemical properties are very in the construction sector has only been
different. The technology, though still at little studied but there seems to be a slow
a very infant stage of development, is uptake of nanotechnology in the sector
perceived as a general purpose technology (Gann, 2003; Crisp/SPRU, 2003; Bartos
expected to become an important driver of et al., 2004; Zhu et al., 2004; Fellenberg
global economic and societal development and Hoffschulz, 2006; Andersen and Molin,
possibly representing the next industrial 2007; Geiker and Andersen, 2009).
revolution (Laredo et al., 2010; Shapira Also, much eco-innovation in the
et al., 2010). Nanotechnology is a priority construction sector used to be quite low-
area in most countries attracting huge tech, i.e. unburned clay houses, straw
investments globally (Nanoforum, 2003, houses ect. which formed part of ‘eco-
2004; BMPF, 2004; Royal Society, 2004; villlages’ often initiated by green NGOs.
Aitken et al., 2006; National Research Attention to high-tech eco-innovation in the
Council, 2006; Lux, 2007; NSET, 2009). construction sector is relatively novel.
The technology has from the start been
associated with much hype, i.e. science The empirical analysis investigates
fiction like speculations on reshaping a) the strategies and innovative activities
the world atom by atom and grand of different types of firms in the Danish
expectations as to the problems it may window chain towards nanotechnology
solve, e.g. environmental problems, health, and eco-innovation. And b) the level of
starvation, but also fear of risks to health market development, i.e. the emergence
and the environment (see EC, 2004; Royal of respectively eco-innovation and
Society, 2004; Andersen and Rasmussen, nanotechnology as a selection criteria on
2005; Friends of the Earth Germany, 2007; the market, i.e. when and how producers

Ekonomiaz N.o 75, cuatrimestre, 2010

Maj Munch Andersen

and users use respectively the ‘green’ and an overview of the companies analyzed.
the ‘nano’ term on the market. The question Section 4 analyses the corporate
raised is if eco-innovation functions as a strategizing in the Danish window chain.
driver for nanotech uptake. Emphasis in Section 5 concludes.
the empirical analysis is mainly on the two
middle steps of the value chain, the core
glass and window producers, drawing in
their relevant (nano-innovative) suppliers
while further customers and trends in
demand are covered more indirectly (as
The evolutionary economic perspective
perceived by the mentioned actors).
focuses on the role of innovation for long
The focus and ambition of the paper is run economic and social development.
to illustrate how the evolutionary capabilities As a starting point competitive conditions
perspective may be applied to the analysis are presumed to be constantly changing
of the greening of industry, in this case (Nelson and Winther, 1982). Also, negative
the window chain within the construction externalities, such as environmental
sector. 1 The paper does not attempt to degradation, are not given but subject
discuss the specificities of eco-innovation to change, as innovation and framework
as opposed to other innovations, as this conditions are shifting over time causing
entails are more in-depth conceptual new externalities to occur and the formation
discussion (see Andersen, 1999, 2006; for of new institutional structures to deal with
early thoughts on this). these (Nelson and Winther, 1982). Such a
view on the economic process opens up
The paper identifies a major shift in firm
for the possibility that externalities may be
eco-innovation strategizing the latter years
internalized into the economic process and
is apparent,. Not only is eco-innovation
that the market can go green (Andersen,
becoming a much more important issue
1999, 2009, 2010).
for many firms in the window chain, it is
influencing the innovative activities and Eco-innovation has hitherto been defined
strategies in several ways also towards in technical terms focusing on which kind
nanotechnology. of environmental impacts the technologies
remedy, also by evolutionary economists
The structure of the paper is as follows:
(Kemp and Pearson, 2007). An evolutionary
Section two discusses the theoretical economic interpretation should define
considerations and hypotheses linking up the concept in economic terms. Eco-
selection processes, and organizational innovations are innovations which are
dynamics to eco-innovation and able to attract green rents on the market
nanotechnology. Section three shortly (see also Andersen, 1999, 2002, 2006,
introduces the window chain and brings 2008a, 2008b, 2010a, 2010b). They are
innovations which (appear to) reduce net
environmental impacts while creating value
1 See Andersen, 1999, 2002 for an analysis of eco-
on the market. Eco-innovation is a measure
innovation dynamics in the paper chain, and Andersen
2010 for a comparison of the window chain and the
of the degree to which environmental
paper chain). issues are becoming integrated into the

Ekonomiaz N.o 75, cuatrimestre, 2010

When High-tech meets Low-tech: Eco-innovation Dynamics and Corporate Strategizing in the Construction Sector

economic process. It is not decisive how innovation systems framework (Lundvall,

green an innovation is but to what degree 1992, 2007; Nelson, 1993) but with a
the environmental parameter has become stronger micro-theoretical foundation. While
a selection parameter on the market. The the Langlois framework primarily has been
concept is hereby inherently linked to green developed to study major structural shifts
competitiveness and green economic in economic organization, i.e. the changing
evolution. The eco-innovations may, as other role of the large (Chandlerian) versus small
innovations, be technical, organizational firm for innovation under different (historic)
or marketing innovations as long as they conditions more generally, it could well be 63
improve the “green competitiveness” of applied for the study of green economic
a company (Kemp and Andersen, 2004; evolution and nanotech evolution. The
Andersen, 2006, 2008b). There are basically current paper seeks to apply this framework
two ways a firm may attract green rents on to the analysis of green nanotech
the market: Either by acquiring a premium development in the window chain.
price for its green reputation or product, or
The three pillars are (text only slightly
to reduce production costs by achieving
modified)2 :
greater resource efficiency or reducing the
costs of handling costly wastes. Different 1. The distribution of existing capabilities
empirical studies have shown that incentives in firm and market. Are the existing
for engaging in eco-innovation vary widely capabilities distributed widely or
for different types of firms and sectors contained importantly within the
but we still need to know more about this boundaries of large firms?
(Malaman, 1996; Ulhøi, 2000; Horbach (ed.),
2. The systemic/autonomous nature
2005; Kemp and Pearson, 2007).
of the economic change. Does the
seizing of new profit opportunities
The research question arising from the
require systemic reorganization of
evolutionary capabilities perspective related
capabilities, including the learning
to eco-innovation is how firm’s organize
of new capabilities, or can change
their innovation in the greening market.
proceed in an autonomous way?
According to the theories of economic
organization the firm’s capabilities are the 3. The level of development of the
most significant factors in determining market. To what extent can the
what will be done by the firm or the market needed capabilities be tapped readily
(Penrose, 1959; Richardson, 1972). Starting from the market and to what extent
from this assumption the current paper must they be created from scratch?
suggests to apply a three pillar framework To what extent are relevant market-
developed by Langlois and Robertson supporting institutions in place?
(1995) and Langlois (1992, 2003, 2004).
These three factors are highly time and
The framework links up micro-foundations
space dependent. Noticeably as firms learn
(capabilities and technological parameters)
unevenly the relative strength of firm and
with aggregate market and institutional
developments for analyzing long run
economic change. The framework hence 2 The framework in modified from Langlois 2003

has some similarities with the (national) p. 360.

Ekonomiaz N.o 75, cuatrimestre, 2010

Maj Munch Andersen

market capabilities continuously change interviews during 2009 and early 2010 but
giving rise to new coordination needs also web based information, secondary data
between interdependent firms. These and a national survey3, mapping the nano
lead to strategic considerations on vertical innovation activities and their relevance for
integration or disintegration depending on construction in Denmark, as well as related
the ‘dynamic transact costs’ (Langlois, earlier studies by the author in the nanotech,
1992). ‘Dynamic transaction costs’ are the green nanotech and nano-construction
interfirm coordination costs which arise area (see Andersen and Rasmussen, 2006;
when a firm does not have the capabilities it Andersen and Molin, 2007; Andersen, 2006;
needs when it needs them (Langlois, 1992, Geiker and Andersen, 2009; Andersen and
2004). They are the costs of persuading Geiker, 2009).
or teaching actors with relational assets
The vertical specialization in the window
(suppliers or customers) issues necessary
chain is characterized by a few very
for a given innovation. They are, in other
large technically advanced multinational
words, the costs of bringing interdependent
glass manufacturers, many small mostly
firms on the same ‘wavelength’ to secure
traditional glass processing and window
coordinated, efficient innovation (Langlois,
manufacturers and a range of diverse
1992). The strategic consideration for the
project oriented construction companies
firm is how to deal with these costs. They
(Andersen et al., 2010). This creates a
may lead to vertical integration or, more
difficult environment for innovation, none
neglected, they may force firms to engage in
the least high tech ventures. The Danish
coordination activities (persuasion, teaching)
innovation system is further an example of
or creating varies market-supporting
a small innovation system, with only few
institutions, including formal and informal
big multinational players, relatively small
communicative or technical standards.
universities, a relatively low level of R&D but
still a high overall innovative performance.
What kind and extent of eco-innovation
and nanotech innovation strategies may we
then expect in the Danish window chain?
And how are they related?
With the Danish window chain is meant
the firms active on the Danish market for Below table 1 brings an overview of the
windows as well as their suppliers and main companies in the Danish window
customers ; most of these are based chain of relevance for nanotechnology
in Denmark but there are naturally also development. I.e. these are the companies
international players involved. Emphasis is that we shall return to in the rest of the
mainly placed on the middle of the value
chain, the core glass and window producers,
drawing in their relevant (nano-active) 3 The analysis draws on findings from the project

suppliers and customers (whole and retailers) “Green Nanotechnology in Nordic Construction - Eco-
innovation Strategies and Dynamics in Nordic Window
while end customers and overall trends Chains”, see (Andersen, Sanden and Palmberg, 2010)
in demand are covered more indirectly for a further account of the methodology and sources
used. The nano-innovative companies referred to are
(as perceived by the mentioned actors). partly identified via the mentioned survey, partly from
The data are quite new, based mainly on the core window companies interviewed.

Ekonomiaz N.o 75, cuatrimestre, 2010

When High-tech meets Low-tech: Eco-innovation Dynamics and Corporate Strategizing in the Construction Sector

Table 1
Core case companies in the Danish window chain

Companies Affiliation and country Product area Age

Fiberline Composite materials for buil-

DK Year 1979
Composites dings and windmills
Dyrop DK Paint Year 1928 65
Accoat DK Coatings Year 1969
Year 2002
Superwood VKR Group (DK) Wood (nano) preservation
(VKR 2006)
Nano photocatalytic materials for
Photocat DK Year 2009
glass and floors
Year 1935,
DK under Saint-Go-
ScanGlass Glass processing, wholesale, (Saint-Gobain
bain Glass (Fr)
Pilkington DK under Pilkington glass wholesale and minor pro-
Year 1978
Denmark NSG Group (UK) cessing,
(nano-) sheet glass for solar co-
DK llectors, PV-modules, green- Year 2000
VELUX VKR Group (DK) Roof windows and skylights Year 1941
Dovista 2004
made up
VKR Group (DK) Vertical windows and doors Velfac 1961
of Velfac
Rationel 1954
and Rationel
DK Vertical windows Year 1993
Source: Based on company webpages and interviews. Data in italics refer to the mother organization.
Company names in bold are those mostly analyzed in this case.

paper; the companies dealt with in more of companies involved in the window chain.
detail are in bold. The companies are listed In all seven companies form the main basis
according to their position in the value of the current analysis, which represent both
chain. the big multinational incumbents (1), the
medium sized incumbents and (3) medium
The analysis in the following sections
to early start ups (3).
covers most but not all the identified nano-
innovative companies in the Danish window The overall findings are that despite the
chain but includes the main different types generally low uptake of nanotechnology in

Ekonomiaz N.o 75, cuatrimestre, 2010

Maj Munch Andersen

the construction sector we do find quite sector; as mentioned the sector accounts
a high number of nanotech applications for approximately 40 pct of overall energy
in the Danish window chain, and these consumption. With the rising attention to
are predominantly green. But all the energy efficiency as a policy goal following
major eco-innovations are not nano. the topical climate agenda, energy
Both start-ups, the really big multinational efficiency has the later years become the
companies and perhaps more surpricingly, most important driver of innovation in
the medium to small sized incumbents, the Danish window chain. There are by
have shown to play important but different now widespread expectations among all
roles in the development and uptake of the companies in the window chain that
(green) nanotechnology in the window stricter policies for energy efficiency will be
chain. But while eco-innovation is on the introduced and that energy efficiency is a
uphill, becoming an increasingly important key and lasting profit opportunity.
driver for innovation in the construction
In the Danish window industry the role
sector, nano-innovation seems to be on
of windows for energy efficiency have
the downhill. [The search for green profit
changed dramatically from being part of
opportunities is intense by all actors in
the problem in the 1980s and 1990s to
the window chain, also influencing on the
becoming part of the solution in the zeroes.
nanoinnovation activities. The pursuit of
Much product innovation into low E and
nano profit opportunities, on the other hand,
energy control glass 4 has taking place
seems to be lessening or at least becoming
meaning that the best of the windows now
more discreet. Firms in the window chain
contribute to ‘zero emission buildings’ or
market themselves strongly as eco-
even ‘plus energy buildings’. And lately,
innovative while there is currently hardly
also the window frame and the positioning
any nano marketing even among the nano
and use of the window is beginning to be
innovative firms. Hence eco-innovation is
taken into consideration. The most energy
very much becoming a selection property
efficient windows are now more energy
while nano is not at the current stage of
efficient than well insulated walls, and
development. It also means that there is a
hence glass facades may compete with
lot of nanotechnology in the window chain
other buildings materials, at least on energy
that is little known.] Below we will expand
issues.[ Much of this eco-innovation has
on the details of these strategies and
been undertaking by the large multinational
innovative activities.
glass companies, to some degree as a
spillover from the more innovative car
industry, the second biggest customer of
flat glass.]
The opposite condition was the case
4.1. Developments in the eco- up till the 1980s. The extensive policy
innovation strategizing measures to improve the energy efficiency

Unquestionable, energy efficiency

4 Low E = low emissivity glass, energy control
is the most important environmental glass reduces overheating and the need for ventilation
parameter in the Danish construction which is a big energy consumer.

Ekonomiaz N.o 75, cuatrimestre, 2010

When High-tech meets Low-tech: Eco-innovation Dynamics and Corporate Strategizing in the Construction Sector

of buildings had started in the 1950s, Lately we see an interesting strategic

and over the years the energy emissivity change among the largest Danish window
of the window glass was restricted still companies, who are shifting from focusing
more. Environmental regulation at the on developing windows to acting as
national and increasingly EU level, was developers of green buildings. They are
and still is a core and very direct driver increasingly engaged in advanced quite
of innovation in the glass and window high-tech systemic eco-innovations. These
industries. The window frame was not taken companies have developed pro-active eco-
into consideration. But in the 1980s the innovation strategies aiming to prove that 67
Danish authorities introduced limitations it is possible to develop energy efficient
in the amount (area) of windows that were buildings with a large amount of windows.
allowed in new buildings since these were Seemingly with success.
considered energy losers. Accordingly,
Below we will look more closely into the
windows were a none-green product and
eco-innovative activities among the core
the glass and window producers had a
actors in the Danish window chain, with a
negative environmental profile at that time.
focus on those involving nanotechnology.
The big glass multinational companies were
First focusing on the glass industry and
already heavily engaged in R&D to improve
succeddingly on the window industry.
the energy performance of the glass.
The window industry, on the other hand,
were less active at this time. Design and
4.2. Green nano-innovation
maintenance were and still is an important
product criteria and elegant and low The glass industry
maintenance wood-alu windows became
The main entry of nanotechnology to
popular among Danish window producers
the Danish window chain has taken
in the 1990s and zeroes despite the fact
place through the big multinational glass
that they are little energy efficient.
companies. The multinationals Pilkington
While the glass had become quite and Saint Gobain have dominated the
green the window frame had not, and Danish and Nordic glass markets through
policymakers and users have been late in their national offices or subsidiaries within
realizing that the window frames function as glass processing and distribution since
a thermal bridge. the 1970s, but there are also some 29
mainly small companies dealing with glass
In the late zeroes we see a marked shift
processing or whole sale In Denmark. There
in the eco-innovation strategizing. There
is no float glass production left in Denmark.
is by now an intense search for new
green profit opportunities by seemingly all Nanoscience has dominated glass
actors in the window chain, at least those coatings the last 30 years, long before
participating in the current analysis. This the rise of the nanotechnology buzz word.
is none the least the case for the window All modern flat glass coatings are based
industry. But many of these represent the on nanotechnology. The multinational
larger players in the chain, particularly in the glass companies have taken the lead in
window industry. For the smaller players the developing these advanced glass coatings.
situation may be different. According to Pilkington Denmark, the

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Maj Munch Andersen

competition on glass is hard and very ‘soft coatings’. Danish and Nordic markets
technology oriented. Modern glass are considered advanced markets for glass
production is continuous, large scale mass products. But there are still many areas,
production and highly capital intensive. e.g. in Eastern Europe but also the US,
Concentration in the sector is very high. In which are way behind in insulating glass
2004 it is estimated that the four largest and still primarily have one-layer standard
global players, the companies NSG (since glass in the current building stock. The ‘hard
2006 including the large Pilkington Group), coating’ technology is particularly interesting
Saint Gobain Glass, Asahi and Guardian in the area of glass for solar technologies
Industries alone held a combined share where the market is booming due to the
of at least 80% of the flat glass market in strong climate agenda, despite the severe
Europe.5 economic crisis in construction. Green
demo houses in Denmark and elsewhere
Product innovation the last 30 years has
are seen as playing an important role for
focused on developing glass meeting a
advancing radical product innovations in
growing range of functionalities, none the
glass and windows. Radical innovations
least to achieve energy efficiency. Apart
may be tested and more money is available
from light and panorama, functionalities
in these projects.
such as low emissivity (thermal insulation),
solar control (to control heating and All the big glass players have extensive
reduce ventilation), safety (breakage R&D activities and a varied product portfolio
resistance), security (resistance to burglary), in flat glass production directed at their
fire resistance, noise reduction, anti- two main quite different customers: The
reflective, self-cleaning, anti-scratching and traditional, low R&D construction sector is
decoration. These high-value products are the main customer with 80% to 85% of the
made from processing the basic float glass total output, whereas the highly innovative
by laminating, toughening and none the and R&D intensive automotive and transport
least coating, as well as assembling the sector is the other, accounting for the main
glass into insulating glass units (double or of the remaining applications. Several of the
triple glazing). Today’s coatings are multi- parent companies have extensive activities
layer, up to 7 or more layers, to achieve in other parts of the construction sector, and
multifunctional glass. Research and relevant for nanotech development, also in
development into these continuous to be materials and chemicals. Pilkington spends
intense. around £33 million a year on research &
development, which is undertaken by two
According to Pilkington Denmark energy
globally, managed organizations within the
efficiency has been a core and still rising
two business lines, Building Products and
driver within glass innovation, driven very
Automotive Products.
much by policy initiatives, which have
been substantial over the last 20 years. Pilkington launched in 2001 the first self-
Low emissivity and solar control glass are cleaning window, which became world
standard in today’s markets, achieved via famous as one of the first well-known
nano-consumer products. This product
5 Source: has though been a big flop despite a good, 2007. functionality. Despite the nano-fame from

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When High-tech meets Low-tech: Eco-innovation Dynamics and Corporate Strategizing in the Construction Sector

the self- cleaning glass product, Pilkington Sunarc’s products are an example of a
officially does not use the terminology fairly simple nanotech production process
“nanotechnology” but rather refers to where the nanostructure becomes part
“coatings”. Pilkington generally obtains a of the glass itself rather than by adding a
low profile related to nanotechnology and coating. After a slow start there has been
there is no information on nanotechnology a steady increase in the sale which the
in their information materials or web page. last years have exploded with the boom
The other big glass producers follow in solar technologies. 99 pct. of deliveries
a similar low- profile strategy towards from the Danish factory are exported to 69
nanotechnology, with the exception of Europe. In 2006 the company moved to
PPG, no. six in size. According to Pilkington new production facilities and the same year
Denmark, the low profile is partly due to the company received Børsen’s Gazelle
the unsettled debate on nano-risk issues, award for being the second fastest growing
partly due to the considerable uncertainty company in Denmark. A new production
as to what is nanotechnology and what is line is planned and Sunarc is also in the
not. Examples of products which turned out process of setting up new plants in other
to be nano-fake have created a negative regions of the world.
reaction from customers. The company
sees currently no profit opportunities in The capabilities underlying the production
nano-marketing but markets itself strongly are mainly tacit and rests among core
as a green company. employees. The critical elements lie in the
fine adjustment of the production process
The other two examples of of nano which is essential to achieve a uniform high
entry into the Danish glass market are product quality. The company has chosen
both Danish up-start companies. Sunarc not to patent its technology. Many, also the
started its commercial operation in year big glass companies, have tried to copy
2000 specializing in the production of nano- what they are doing, but although lab scale
structured antireflective surfaces on large production is easy, commercial up scaling
size glass sheets. The glass is aimed for is very difficult. Sunarc is still the leading full
the niche market within solar collectors scale producer with this technology globally.
and PV-modules and to a minor degree Sunarc is considering moving into
greenhouses. The idea is to minimize the low-E glass for general architectural use
light reflected by the glass to improve but hitherto they have had no interaction
light transmission, especially important for with construction actors. They see new
solar technologies. The technology used profit opportunities in the rapidly growing
is, according to the company webpage, market for very energy efficient windows.
unique in the world. Passing several bathes They particularly see potentialities in
the glass is submitted to a special etching improving the currently not very good light
process in a fully automated process. The transmittance in 3-layer insulating windows.
resulting AR-surface is a nano porous
structure of approx. 100 nm thicknesses on A third example of green nano innovation
both sides of the glass. The glass surface in the window chain is the Danish upstart
releases six to eight percent more sunlight company, Photocat A/S. Photocat is a
in depending on the glass slope. Hence newly established Danish company (from

Ekonomiaz N.o 75, cuatrimestre, 2010

Maj Munch Andersen

July, 2009) which develops and markets marketed to professional customers among
advanced nano-structured materials and glaziers and renovation companies.
coatings with photocatalytic properties,
e.g. self- cleaning functions. The company As SCF Technologies increased
markets itself as a clean-tech nano-based their interest in the bio-energy field,
company. considerations of spinning off the
photocatalytic work began. The people
Photocat has one product directed at working with the self-cleaning glass
the glass market, ShineOn® Pro which is had made contact with a Swedish floor
an aftermarket treatment to make window company, Välinge Innovation in 2007, and
glass self-cleaning. Increasingly though the new ideas emerged within the group to
company is focusing more on developing produce depolluting floors to improve the
floors with self-cleaning properties to indoor climate. Together with Välinge they
improve the indoor climate. The companies developed a new patented composite
sees new profit opportunities in the floor, ActiFloor, where photocatalytic
rising indoor climate problems from the nanoparticles are integrated in the matrix
increasingly tight energy efficient houses. of the upper layer, the first of its kind in the
Their self-cleaning nano-floors are targeted world. In the summer of 2009 the product
to remedy this. was presented to the first three customers
The company is a spin out from the which formed the basis for founding the
likewise young nanodedicated Danish company Photocat in July 2009.
company SCF Technologies A/S from 2003 ShineOn is by now being marketed by
specializing on the so called “supercritical license to whole sale companies in the UK
technology”. SCF experimented with a and the US so far with moderate success.
range of applications but focused relatively In Denmark marketing activities have been
quickly on bio-oil from organic waste and limited and no license partner has been
on self-cleaning glass. Their first product found. During the development stage
launched in 2006 was based on imported contact was taken to Dovista which tested
nano-material from China but the product the first version of the product, but they
quickly encountered a number of technical did not find it satisfactory. Because of this
challenges. As the problems became less successful event no further contact
clearer the advanced material group of SCF to Danish glass and window industries
began work to develop their own product has been tried. A meeting was sought
the new ShineOn®. This work was not established with the Danish Glazier Guild
based on supercritical technology but rather but it was never carried out due to lacking
on basic nanoscientific insights in photo interest from the SCF company at that time.
catalysis. The basic technology developed
consists of making and configuring Documentation is an important element
sets of nanoparticles. Photocat has five in Photocat’s strategy; the product’s self-
patent applications in process. The new cleaning properties have been independently
product consists of two fluids as well as verified and the cleaning capacity equals the
a set of recommended spray containers one of the well-known Pilkington and Saint-
and education to ensure safe and correct Gobain brands. Also health and risk issues
handling. The product is only being related to nanoparticles are documentet; all

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When High-tech meets Low-tech: Eco-innovation Dynamics and Corporate Strategizing in the Construction Sector

their products have full material data safety VELUX, the dominating company within
sheets made in cooperation with experts in VKR, specializes in roof windows where
the area and in compliance with regulation they hold a well-known international brand.
in the area. Nanotechnology has long been an aspect
of interest to VELUX because it plays an
Since Photocat’s core business focus
important role among a number of their
increasingly is in the upcoming floor
suppliers and in the components of their
product area, the glass product area is
products. VELUX relies on internal R&D
currently receiving somewhat less attention.
as well as dialogues with their suppliers 71
Together with the Swedish floor company
in building their nano capabilities.
the two companies have formed a new IP
They are interested in keeping track of
company which will be starting up-scaling
developments in the area. They want to
the floors to industrial production in its new
have the necessary capabilities to be able
production facilities in Sweden in 2010.
to select the right products at the right
The window industry
Most of Velux’s nanoactivities are
There are around 300 small window supplier oriented. They have participated
companies in Denmark. The Danish window in only one nano R&D project with
industry is dominated by one large Group, knowledge institutes, , the Danish
the VKR Group which has quite a high level “NanoPaint” project from 2005 to 2009,
of R&D. The VKR Holding Group, more which involved some Danish paint,
specifically their two main companies coating and chemical suppliers as well
Dovista and Velux who have a close R&D as knowledge institutions. Velux were
collaboration, is the locus of most of the interested in the development of more
nano activities in the Danish window durable paint for wood as well as more
industry. environmentally friendly metal coatings,
seeking to find alternatives to the toxic
Dovista is the mother group of the main
‘Chrom 6. The outcome was limited.
Danish producers of vertical windows,
According to VELUX their main sources
Velfac and Rationel, and undertakes the
of know-how on coatings remain their
R&D for these. The firm is so far little
big international suppliers who VELUX
involved in nanotechnology but the interest
sees as being in front of the technological
is rising. They are continuously scanning
development, also on nano coatings.
their suppliers for new advanced solutions
to their problems which include nano The Velux R&D does not only focus on
solutions, but there is no targeted search frame production but also contains a glass
into nanotech innovations. Dovista began section as the selection of the best glass
in 2009 their first nano R&D project aimed is a key competitive factor. Nano scientific
at reducing condensation problems of insights are important in the glass R&D
windows together with a Danish university. section where they have a close dialogue
Condensation problems have been a with the big glass producers on nano-
major problem for many Danish window coatings which they know of in detail. Nano-
producers, but is rising because of the more coated multifunctional glass is standard
tight energy efficient buildings. in the product portfolio of Velux. Self-

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cleaning glass, for example, is interesting water repellent effect. The results are so far
since roof windows are difficult to clean; it very promising and they hope to be able to
is the standard in some countries, while in start large scale production of the modified
other countries it is an optional choice on superwood frames in a foreseeable future.
special types of VELUX windows. They see Such a production will be unique in window
demands for high energy performance as production in the world.
the core driver for glass product innovation
As mentioned energy efficiency in
the last 20 years but intensifying the last five
window frames has traditionally not been
to ten years. Today Low-E and solar control
a core innovation driver among Danish
glass are standard on the markets VELUX
window producers. However, the growing
sells to.
green demand following the hot climate
But the VKR Group is also recently agenda and more strict but flexible and
engaged in quite a radical nano-enabled systemic policy measures directed at
eco-innovation in wood conservation. In the energy balance of the entire window,
2006 they bought up the young small has lately created incentives for more
Danish upstart company Superwood which radical green product innovations, in fact
had developed a new environmentally two examples of window frames based
friendly method for wood preservation on composites. While many composite
based on nanotechnology (the ‘supercritical materials are nano-enhanced, these are
technology’). With a patent from 2001 however not.
Superwood made the world’s first complete
One of the smaller Danish incumbent
preserved spruce protected all the way into
window producers, Protec, recently
the kernel. Also, the lifespan is longer ,the
engaged in a radical product innovation
method enables the impregnation of wood
shifting from alu-wood production into
species such as spruce that cannot be
window frames made from composite
impregnated using traditional methods; and
materials, a much more energy efficient
the wood may be used immediately after
material seeking to develop a green
the impregnation.The ‘superwood’ is unique
product. The innovation has been
in the world and is commercially available
quite difficult demanding a range of
for consumer use since 2006; the market
complementary innovations, in e.g. handles,
for this green product is expanding rapidly.
closing systems ect. Protec cooperated
Superwood markets their products as green
closely with their composite supplier, the
products rather than nanoproducts.
Danish well-established high-tech company
Since 2008 Dovista and Velux are Fiberline, which is a leading producer of
engaged in a joint R&D project with glass fibre reinforced composites for use
Superwood; partly testing the superwood in buildings and building components
in the windows in their green demo house (including windows) as well as windmills.
projects; partly engaging in a further They supply to several other foreign window
development of the product to serve the producers, also before the uptake on the
specific needs of wind production. The idea Danish market, and are active advocates
is to use the supercritical technology not for radical innovations in the construction
only to obtain durability due to anti-fungus sector, none the least green ones, arguing
treatment of the wood but also to obtain a and demonstrating that their material is

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When High-tech meets Low-tech: Eco-innovation Dynamics and Corporate Strategizing in the Construction Sector

light, strong and energy efficient and can are shifting from focusing on developing
be used in novel ways within construction, building components to develop green
e.g. via advanced self-developed demo- buildings. Velux and Dovista now function as
products in their large show room. It was, the main actors in several advanced green
in other words, relatively easy for Protec to demo house projects. The green demo
tap into Fiberlines’ capabilities which were houses, build by many municipalities, are
already directed at the window market. seen as important sources of experimental
Fiberline, though quite high-tech, is not product innovation where prices matter
active in nanotechnology development less. Via these projects they are engaged in 73
and the company only possesses minor developing systemic smart eco-innovation
nano insights and interests, despite the at the building level. E.g. they are integrating
fact that nano composites is a fairly big windows with advanced electronic systems
theme. The company has considered three and engaged in optimizing the design of
minor nanotech issues (coatings), but no green houses to achieve a better utilization
innovation has taken place so far. So far, of daylight (the position of windows in a
Protec competes successfully attracting building matters greatly for the energy
a minor premium price for their energy performance), artificial light (nano-based
efficient products, arguing that the buyer LEDs) and natural ventilation, thereby
will save energy costs in the long run. saving energy in the user phase. Via these
measures the VKR Group is seeking to
The other producer which has begun
prove that it is possible and attractive to
to look into the development of composite
make advanced green buildings with a
window frames is Dovista, also with the
large share of windows. Hereby they may
purpose of producing more energy efficient
threaten existing construction companies,
windows. They are seeking to develop new
taking on a new role as system integrators
composites specifically targeted for window
on the rising market for green buildings.
production engaging in a demanding R&D
project in a collaboration with foreign Both Velux and Dovista has long had
suppliers. So far their composite frames an advanced environmental management
are still under development, and are only systems and green search rules seem to
being applied in their green demo houses be integrated at the R&D level, considering
so far. The expectations to the new material not only energy efficiency but the toxicity,
are high and they hope to be able to waste handling and waste minimization
scale up within a foreseeable future. In the of associated with their production and
meantime, the production of wood and products routinely. For the most nano-
alu-wood frames continues to be the main active company VELUX their engagement
standard in the VKR Group which needs in nanotechnology is weighed carefully
to be able to supply large quantities in a with the possible negative implications of
verified quality. nanotechnology for the environment and
health, an issue they keep a very close eye
The most radical eco-innovation in
the window chain is of a more strategic
character than technical. We see an The rest of the mainly small window
interesting strategic change among the VKR producers continue to rely on wood and
Group in the end zeroes as they increasingly wood-alu window frames for the time

Ekonomiaz N.o 75, cuatrimestre, 2010

Maj Munch Andersen

being6 and may phase a difficult competitive complicated because it mixes necessarily
environment in the future given the the dynamics of eco-innovation with the
advanced eco-innovations emerging lately dynamics of nanotech evolution. But a
in the window frame area, as far as the core point of this paper has exactly been
green demand continues to be high. to illustrate the multifaceted nature of the
economic process. While eco-innovation
often is treated in isolation in environmental
5. CONCLUSIONS research, it is important to emphasize how
it forms part of and competes with many
An overall empirical conclusion is other trends and technological trajectories
that eco-innovation seems to be a very on the market at a given time; these
important driver of nanotechnology, since influence each other and change in their
all the identified nanotech applications in relative importance in the overall economy
the window chain were green. However, over time. The multifacetness is a core
not all the main eco-innovations were nano challenge to corporate strategizing.
but many were. There is a surprisingly high
degree of nanotech applied in the window
chain; surprising because of an expected 5.1. The distribution of capabilities
low absorptive capacity of the relatively in firm and market
low R&D construction sector towards
the high-tech nanotechnology, but also Unquestionable, the very large
because much of the nanotech applied integrated organization in the form of
in the window chain is little known. Also the large glass companies act as core
surprising because only a few years ago technology developers in the window
green buildings were not considered to chain; this seems none the least to be the
be very high tech but more reinventing case when it comes to the highly science
traditional building techniques, some indeed based nanotechnology, where their big
very eco-efficient. labs and large scale opportunities for
experimentation make a decisive factors in
In seeking to look more closely into the
the technology development. Also the big
industrial dynamics behind this trends, the
chemical and metal material suppliers are
findings will be discussed below under the
important as nanotech developers, where
three themes in the framework of Langlois
as it seems smaller local (Danish) suppliers
and Robertson (1996), but reshuffling the
and knowledge institutions have been less
order a bit. We start with discussing the
important. The large integrated organization
distribution of capabilities in firm and market,
seems overall to contain nano capabilities
move on to address the level of market
in important ways, and have done so for a
development and end with the nature of
surprisingy long time, which function as the
the economic change. The discussion is
main source for firms further downstream
to tap into. These organizations seem
6 There are a couple of the other smaller window early to have pursued effective proactive
producers who are trying to develop other types eco-innovation strategies and built green
of energy efficient windows (the so-called “Russian
window” with an advanced air circulation system) not
capabilities, contributing significantly to
entailing nanotechnology. the fact that the glass (the pane) became

Ekonomiaz N.o 75, cuatrimestre, 2010

When High-tech meets Low-tech: Eco-innovation Dynamics and Corporate Strategizing in the Construction Sector

green (at least measured by the central towards nanotechnology with widespread
energy efficiency parameter) before the nanocapabilities, but also play a surprisingly
frame in Danish window production. None active role in actual nanotech development
the least the advanced nano-coatings for in the frame area. The vertical specialization
thermal insulation and solar control are by in the window chain with a few very large
now commercial successes and already advanced international glass manufacturers,
a market standard in many economies. A many small mostly traditional glass
more global distribution of these, which is processing and window manufacturers and
expected with the global chimate change a range of project oriented construction 75
attention, will have a major impact on companies seem possibly not to be such a
carbon reductions. difficult environment for high-tech nanotech
ventures as expected. The combination
The very large and semi-large integrated
of the large and small firms as nanotech
organization seems also to be an important
developers and the relatively technology
means of knowledge migration and
advanced system integrating medium
coordination; not only within the value chain,
players as key users and further developers
e.g. between the flat glass manufacturers
seem to provide quite a high absorptive
and the glass processing and -distribution
capacity for nanotechnology. The window
actors, but also between different sectors
industry seems to be able to pull in a variety
and markets. I.e. the spillover from
of nanotechnologies and seem to be key for
nano glass innovation for cars into the
the commerzialisation of nanotechnology in
construction sector within the same large
the window chain more broadly.
glass Group, or the transfer of knowledge
from one company in the VKR Group to It is therefore interesting that the bigger
the others, e.g. operating on respectively window players are increasing their roles
the market for roof windows and vertical as system integrators with the recent
windows. Still, we also see discrepancies in strategic shift from windows to building
the level of nano strategies and -capabilities providers, a shift which is clearly driven
within even medium sized organizations, like by the eco-innovation trend. It seems
the differences between Velux and Dovista that the more systemic eco-innovations
within the VKR Group despite quite a close emerging also are becoming increasingly
R&D collaboration. high-tech (smart/intelligent systems). This
may influence significantly on the industrial
The big players are, however,
dynamics of the greening of industry, giving
complemented in important ways by the
an advantage towards the companies and
dedicated upstart companies who, as
sectors with a certain level of R&D.
expected, develop important niches within
both radical and less radical high- tech We see all the actors in the window chain
eco-innovations. This picture suggests (at least those studied) on an intensive
that both the large and the small firms search for new green profit opportunities,
play significant roles for green nanotech but it is the window industry who is
development at the current stage. changing their economic organization
Additionally, however, the main medium redistributing their capabilities the most,
big players in the Danish window industry with their rising roles as system integrators
show a considerable absorptive capacity of smart green buildings. There is not

Ekonomiaz N.o 75, cuatrimestre, 2010

Maj Munch Andersen

the same intense search for nano profit distribution of eco-innovation strategies
opportunities but still the nano interests and and capabilities among the actors further
activities are there and nano capabilities are downstream, including the end users. We
growing at least in the upstream and middle need particular to know more about how
part of the chain . the small and medium to small incumbent
companies are reacting to the rising green
Interestingly, also the medium incumbents
profit opportunities, such as the many
such as Protec and Fiberline are showing to
smaller window and glass process and
be quite innovative and in fact responsible
distributions companies in Denmark.
for some of the most radical eco-
innovations, in fact possibly more radical
than those of the start ups, who are often
5.2. The level of market development
seen as the initiators of radical green niches.

This may be seen as a sign of generally Overall, we see growing green

widespread green strategies and capabilities selection properties on the Danish
in the chain. construction market as part of an overall
green economic evolution. It is clear that
Firms, it seems, are increasingly on a environmental regulation has played a
similar ‘green wavelength’(see also Andersen, major and very direct impact on the eco-
1999, 2002, 2010b). At the fundamental innovation activities, and has led to quite
R&D level we see the emergence of green reactive strategies among the companies
search rules and green capabilities which in the chain, where innovation only took
become increasingly widespread, feeding place in anticipation of new regulations until
into a growing green underlying knowledge the mid zeroes. The original conditions for
base. pro-active eco-innovation strategies were
difficult in the early years when windows
This overall intensifying greening of the
were energy losers and the industry had a
economic process does not mean that all
negative environmental reputation on the
firms, or even the quite greens firms, are
market and generally the green market was
pursuing a very advanced green competitive
not that developed. Window companies
strategizing. Other competitive concerns
competed on other parameters than the
may well over rule the green ones. E.g. we
green ones, design having always been a
see examples in the window industry where
key competitive factor in the construction
wood-alu frames continue to dominate the
sector. This has changed dramatically,
market despite the fact that they function
particularly in the last few years, as windows
as thermal bridges, while the market for the
via innovation are beginning to contribute
more energy efficient composite frames still
positively to the energy performance of
is a small niche.
buildings. This shift illustrates a central
The core point is that we see a marked element in corporate strategizing for eco-
rise in the level of proactive corporate innovation. The degree of green reputation
strategizing for eco-innovation particularly in on the market is decisive for the firm’s
the late zeroes and the formation of strong incentive to develop strategies for green
green expectations among the firms in the competitiveness. Firms must have some
chain. We need to know more about the expectation that it is possible and attractive

Ekonomiaz N.o 75, cuatrimestre, 2010

When High-tech meets Low-tech: Eco-innovation Dynamics and Corporate Strategizing in the Construction Sector

to attract green rents. These expectations selection of suppliers and customers,

may change due to both internal and (who are often important as green learning
external factors, but the extent of the green partners), employees, financial and
market matters. insurance institutes etc. With the growing
green market there are sunk costs to eco-
The rapid recent greening of the window
innovation and it has become still easier to
chain extending into the wider construction
engage in eco-innovations for late comers,
sector, illustrates the more consolidated
but the economic returns may also be
stage of the green market in the zeroes.
lesser as many more actors are seeking to 77
The green market is by now quite well-
attract green rents.
functioning; market supporting institutions
are largely in place or can quickly be The green wave is strongly felt on the
established, and there are rising shared construction market and is currently quite
green expectations and visions among loud (active marketing), while the much
the companies in the window chain. newer and more immature nano wave
Interdependent firms are generally moving seems to be somewhat on the downhill
in the same green direction though not at least compared to the high attention
necessarily at the same pace. Accordingly, to nano issues in the beginning of the
the interfirm coordination needs and millemium. Currently the nano marketing
dynamic transaction costs are drastically is quite silent (passive if not evasive
reduced compared to the situation in the marketing). The uncertainties related to the
1980s and 1990s when the green market risk issues related to nanotechnology play a
was in an early, slow and uneven stage of significant role for the market formation.
development. Green capabilities are now
The green wave in the economy
fairly easy to tap into and environmental
influences heavily and quite directly on the
practices are well-established.
uptake of nanotechnology in the window
The case show quite dramatic changes chain. This may simply be due to the fact
in the green economic evolution the last that climate change issues currently is a
20 years, which is the period of the main rising driver of economic development,
emergence of the green market in the richer none the least in the energy consuming
economies such as the Danish one. The construction sector. But a hypothesis could
case illustrates clearly green economic be that nanotech is moving into socially
evolution entailing qualitative changes beneficial areas such as environmental
in the economic system. We see how problems, health, food and energy supply to
environmental issues come to act as a new a high degree, because of an extraordinary
selection property and companies move in need to outweigh possible nano-risk issues
to utilize the new green profit opportunities. with societal benefits. Particularly in the early
Increasingly the market acts as a still more stage of technology evolution characterizing
effective green selection device. Green current nanotechnology development when
competitiveness becomes increasingly the uncertainty as to the scope and effects
important and influences on the selection of the technology is large, there is a strong
of products, but very much, and for many need to legitimize the new technology and
companies and sectors more important create a positive reputation. Hence it seems
for their green competitiveness, on the nanotechnology is born not only with a

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Maj Munch Andersen

strong attention to risk issues but also with none-green strategies, search rules and
strong moral concerns. The initial grand capabilities.
expectations to varies societal benefits seem
to translate into economic trends. This may It is important to remember though that
cause a high degree of nanotechnology the case takes place in a chain which is
to be green. This hypothesis needs to be currently strongly affected by the hot climate
tested further though. agenda due to the high level of energy
consumption in the construction sector. It is
Overall, the case illustrates how the also a chain where core actors, (technology
competitive conditions for eco-innovation developers, integrators and distributors),
have undergone considerable change within have the potentiality to contribute positively
a short time span in the end zeroes. to green solutions. Other sectors and
chains are affected differently, experiencing
either less pressure on their eco-innovative
5.3. The nature of the economic change behavior or having a worse environmental
reputation top deal with (e.g. the highly
The nature of the green economic pollution industries or industries with a high
change seem lately to have obtained degree of environmental scandals.
quite a transformative effect on the
construction market. We see companies Nanotechnology does currently not
moving into new roles and reconfiguring have nearly the same transformative power
their capabilities in the search for novel on the economy despite the huge global
green profit opportunities. The green wave investments in the area; it is still at a too
seems pervasive influencing widely on firms early stage of economic evolution. It seems
strategies, search rules and capabilities. though as if the commercialization process
is entering a more serious phase currently.
The process of green economic
evolution seems to be strongly affected At the technological level we see a rising
by history. The previous lock in into none- trend towards more high tech radical and
green strategies, practices, and capabilities systemic eco-innovations; both in the form
which has lasted for 30-40 years seem to of the radical materials innovation, the rise
have been broken to quite a high degree, of composite materials, which is not nano
which should mean that eco-innovations but still quite high tech, but especially in
are likely to accelerate further in the the more innovative window companies’
coming years. The case hence indicate stronger focus on systemic green
that a revolutionary change has occurred innovations for houses. It seems that future
in the end zeroes where green growth green houses will be increasingly smart/
experienced a market breakthrough which intelligent, allowing for flexible uses of energy
seems to be of a considerable scope. and resources. High tech innovations are
The durability of this market breakthough likely to become increasingly important
remains to be seen though, but it seems which also creates new opportunities for
that lasting structural changes are nanotechnology in green construction. At the
occurring, with the creative accumulation moment there are as yet few signs of nano-
of new greener strategies, search rules and enabled systemic eco-innovations which
capabilities and the creative destruction of require complementary innovations. On the

Ekonomiaz N.o 75, cuatrimestre, 2010

When High-tech meets Low-tech: Eco-innovation Dynamics and Corporate Strategizing in the Construction Sector

contrary, the nano-coating technologies, While there are some specificities related
which possibly are the most widely known to the evolution of both the green market
elements of nanotechnology, are often and the nano market, which go beyond
interesting to business because they can this paper to discuss in detail, there are
solve problems without interfering on also interesting similarities, such as the
existing products and production processes. mission oriented nature of the innovation,
A possibly exception is the nano-enabled the pervasiveness, flexibility in the use of
LED lighting systems which are rapidly in the respectively the green term and the nano
process of replacing incandescent lighting term in the marketing ect., issues to be 79
systems mainly because of their higher further analyzed.
energy efficiency, an innovation with highly
We need more studies into green
systemic and disruptive effects. The new
nanotechnology development to know more
opportunities for integrating energy efficient
of its scope and dynamics. The current
LEDs in building materials may well come to
analysis of the window chain should be
influence on the use of windows in the future
supplemented by further analyses into the
just as nano-enabled transparent building
green industrial dynamics of different value
materials may 7. These issues present a
chains and by analyses in different regional
strategic challenge to the glass and window
industry which some of the more innovative
players seem to be attentive to.
The current analysis has illustrated Acknowledgements
the need for applying an evolutionary
capabilities perspective to the analysis of The current analysis is based on
the greening of industry, in order to create the Danish part of the project “Green
a better understanding of the competitive Nanotechnology in Nordic Construction –
conditions for eco-innovation in different Eco-innovation strategies and Dynamics in
economic contexts. These have been Nordic Window Chains”, a project running
changing considerably over time, lately quite from 2007-2009 financed by the Nordic
dramatically. Innovation Centre.


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