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Scientific Writing

Name: Valdo Varelleo Zulla

Student Number : 1501050003


 Paragraph 1:Background of the Study

 Paragraph 2:Identification of the Problems

 Paragraph 3:Limitation of the Problems

 Paragraph 4:Formulation of the Problems

 Paragraph 5:Objectives of the Research

 Paragraph 6:Significance of the Research

A. Background

English is the International language used in the world. Now, the

use of English is not only happen in the school or the place where students

learn about English. Currently, English used as a qolloquial language

among students. Therefore, students can learn English inside and outside

the class. Students can learn English individually without assistance from

their teacher. Further, technology can help students to learn English easily.

The use of technology give many benefits for us, and also for students.

Technology can be implemented in learning of English. By using

technology, students can learn English easily.

English is not a simple subject to learn for many students.

Sometimes they find many difficulties in learning English process. Not

infrequently some of them choose to stop learning English. Worse again,

students always think that English is difficult to learn. Even though, the

diffulty can be overcome in many ways. The easier way is by practicing of

learning English in daily life. Because pratice means that students can use

it continuously not only for that time. Then, the easiest ways are by doing

something what students like to do. These ways can reduce students’s

assumption that English is difficult to learn. With the following

conveniences, students are expected to learn English easily even without

the help of their teacher. The ways to learn English is also supported by

Suwartono (2007) who stated that :

“Actually there are many ways that can be taken to improve the foreign language that will be
mastered. It all comes down to its own learning. The inappropriateness of setting or the nature of
learning and learning can be covered or at least lessened by motivation and learning strategies.
Certain ways, such as listening to conversations often and reciting them over and over again, writing
newly discovered vocabulary or phrases and developing them into longer phrases and practicing
them, and never tired of dealing with dictionaries are a practice and a good attempt at maintaining
relationships with foreign languages, which often leads foreign language learners to achieve the
ability, especially reciting to be similar to the native-speaker .

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